July 2016 Moms

Feeding Your Baby


Re: Feeding Your Baby

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    thanks @thepen15ismighty she finally pooped last night and it was quite the celebration. I've never been so happy to see poop lol. Hopefully she starts pooping more but I'm going to discuss it with her doctor this week. 

    Thanks @Singingmama10 what form of flax seed do you recommend? 

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    @Heathereaddy I just got the whole seeds and would put them in yogurt or oatmeal.  They were pretty tasteless to me.  

    @winnie1122 I definitely would limit pumping.  My LC told me I could pump maybe 10 sec to relieve pressure but no more (I also have an oversupply, going on 2 weeks and still getting engorged too).  I would call up a LC and get more advice on the oversupply, because like you said you've already dealt with mastitis.  Sorry you're going through this :(  
    Anniversary: 10/10/09
    DS: 11/21/14
    DD: 7/5/16

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    @Singingmama10 Good to know, I thought I remembered the hospital LC cautioning against pumping for that reason so I was a bit worried about it, but I was desperate! I'll have to get in touch with her again and see what she suggests, it's really frustrating!! 
    Married 6/1/13
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    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @Puddles03 that's helpful since my little lady is 6 week! Didn't realize the timing was "right" .... thanks!!
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    I second what @Puddles03 said above! Breastmilk is formulated exactly for your baby needs so at times there is zero waste! Don't fret, its normal!
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    So I'm asking here based on the convo for pooping. E usually has one good poop every day and then a few little poops throughout the day. He was super constipated yesterday, all night and this morning. He finally pooped but it was tough. We did baby yoga and gas drops and gripe water along the way and nothing. Anyone experience what seems to be constipation? Any remedies?
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    @theshannondee If you are BFing, not popping for a few days or more as they get older can be very normal. Some young babies find pooping uncomfortable, but it does not mean they are necessarily constipated. Did his poop look normal when he did go?
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    @whataboutscience yep I've heard that and the poop is normal looking. He just seemed really unhappy and in pain until he finally pooped... :( poor little guy. 
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    A friend of mine had this problem and she said her pediatrician advised her to put a warm washcloth/towel on he baby's bottom to encourage the poop to come and she says it works for her!  @theshannondee
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    For those who are breastfeeding, are you switching sides or just doing one? I was switching sides, but lately I can't get her to wake up enough to move to the other side for an effective feeding. I tried making her eat on both sides, but then she started spitting up. So today I have just been doing one side per feeding. Only problem is the other side after a feeding is so engorged and is just leaking milk like crazy. I'm not sure what is best for her! 
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    @shaylair - I only nurse on one side at a time. It took my breasts a couple of days to get used to it and not be engorged. 
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    carolynpetitecarolynpetite member
    edited July 2016
    @shaylalr I have always only nursed on one side per feeding session (switching off every feeding). Your body will get used to it, just give it
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    @shaylalr I mostly nurse one side unless she is ravenous! You can also pump the other side a little to relieve the pressure. 
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @shaylalr I typically just do one side per feeding. If he's awake and seems like he could eat more, sticking his tongue out or putting his hands in his mouth or something, I'll offer the other one, but rarely he takes it or he will for like a minute and then be done. 
    I'd imagine your breasts would adjust after some time of doing that.
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    eymieymi member
    I'm having the hardest time getting Baby J to burp after he eats. We saw an LC today and she showed me her technique and of course he burped for her immediately, but now we're home and I'm doing my best to do what she did - plus every position I've ever heard of - and no luck. He eats great, latches well.. but if I can't figure this out, we're in for another long night of spitting up and crying. 
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    jennyleigh16jennyleigh16 member
    edited July 2016
    @eymi gah the app ate my post. I was going to say I'm in the same boat. I can't seem to master burping so we end up with lots of fussy nights and spit up and a disgruntled little dude. Everyone else seems able to burp him so I know it's not him, it's me. 
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    Another question... skewed for BFing mamas I think but all are welcome to weigh in! Are you guys feeding on demand or working off a feeding schedule of some sort? E is on his way to 6 weeks old and I'm wondering if there is a point I should be trying to really create a schedule/routine for him with eating. Am I behind in doing this? I've been feeding on demand so far which has gone well but would like to see what others are doing. 
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    I'm feeding on demand which the past few days has been every two hours.  It is exhausting!  I was at the pediatrician yesterday and he said babies naturally feed better and sleep longer as they grow...I hope this is true. There's also info on kellymom.com about night weaning but my baby is 3.5 weeks and I think way too early to start that.  Good luck to you!
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    @theshannondee M is almost 3 weeks and I'm still just feeding on demand, which is basically 90 percent of the time he's awake. I'm curious what other people are doing. I was intending to pretty much continue this way through the "fourth trimester" and then I don't know! 
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    I have been following BabyWise which has a structured schedule, but also says if they are hungry feed them. It is a combination of on demand and timed feeds.

    The key to babywise is the feed-wake-sleep routine, meaning feed them immediately after waking (before even changing a diaper) to make sure they have the most energy while feeding. And it stresses making sure they get a full feed, don't let them fall asleep at the breast! If they do, was them up and keep them feeding until they are completely full. This has been working so well for me and Q. He is 2 weeks old and has surpassed his birth weight by 1lb and is eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day. At night, he goes 4 hour stretches from 1030pm to 230am to 630 am. Our pediatrician is actually one of the authors of babywise and he is super supportive of what we have been doing. it has worked out so great for us so far and I can't wait to see how well Q does with it as he gets older. 

    *i want to stress that I am not saying this will work for everyone or every baby. My DH and I thrive on schedules so it has worked great for us and our little guy has taken to it really well. But every baby and every family is different. I just wanted to share my situation with you all. 
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    @arhodes6 when did you start that?  Immediately after birth?  After a couple days?  I'm hoping to follow a similar pattern, but I'm having a hard time knowing when to implement that structure.
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    @megstervt we started it 1 week in, but it can be done at any point I think. As long as you work hard to get a full feed in, they should last 2.5-3 hours before they are hungry again. BabyWise says that you shouldn't let them go longer than 3 hours at first, so I have to wake Q up a lot. But it also says that if he wakes up before the 3 hour mark and is showing hunger cues then to feed him. It's a balance of on demand and watching the clock. The book has a bunch of sample schedules to follow and we have adapted them to make it work for us. 
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    Thanks!  I've been doing a little research and it seems like the approach is the best match for our family and lifestyle.  Fingers crossed LO agrees when he arrives haha
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    I do a mix of scheduled eating and on demand. Typically during the day, E is really good about eating every 2, 2 1/2 hours. If she's sleeping, I'll wake her up at the 3 hour mark. If she's hungry before the 2 hours, I'll still feed her. We had a few days at the end of last week where she was eating (almost) every hour and a half, which was killer on my nips! But I think we're past that finally.
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    We are following a baby wise/on demand schedule as well - every 3 hours during the day and now trying for every 4 at night, but will feed if Kate wakes early and is hungry. We love schedules in this house so it works for us!
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    @theshannondee I've been feeding Ari on demand 100% but I've been wondering about a schedule too. 
    I like the sound of what you're doing @megstervt is it a book you have or? Where can I find more info? 
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    @rakel88 I'm pretty sure there is a book (@arhodes6 do you have it?) but most of my research has been Google and Pinterest based.  Looking at sample schedules and just trying to get an idea of the general tips and tricks.  I actually didn't start out looking at babywise, but was more looking for strategies to avoid nursing to sleep and stumbled upon babywise from that avenue.  It seems to be kind of what my gut is telling me to do so I've honed in a bit on researching it specifically. 
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    @rakel88 yeah it is a book called "On Becoming BabyWise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam. I loved the book and refer to it whenever I have questions or don't know what I should be doing at a certain moment. 
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    There is lots of controversy around the Babywise method. I believe it is only around the older version of the book and that later versions have a less strict schedule. I don't know much about it but I remember there was a big discussion about it in DD's Bump board 3 years ago. 
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    holly142 said:
    There is lots of controversy around the Babywise method. I believe it is only around the older version of the book and that later versions have a less strict schedule. I don't know much about it but I remember there was a big discussion about it in DD's Bump board 3 years ago. 
    I does have connections to "cry it out" and sleep training since one of the ideas is putting baby down to sleep before they're completely sleeping.  I think people have varying reactions to CIO/sleep training so that may be where some of the controversy comes from.
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    I also don't do the cio method. I let Kate soothe herself with her wubbanub or I step in and hold/rock her until she is calm.
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    eymieymi member
    @eymi gah the app ate my post. I was going to say I'm in the same boat. I can't seem to master burping so we end up with lots of fussy nights and spit up and a disgruntled little dude. Everyone else seems able to burp him so I know it's not him, it's me. 
    The LC showed me to pat him much harder than I had been, which has helped a lot. I've been leaving him upright a lot longer and that seems to help too. But he's (or I'm) still just not the best at this burping thing!
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    @erin7264 @schaze I got my pump to work on both sides! It was a membrane issue: I had to use one of the extra ones that came with the pump because the original one was slightly curled.
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @joleri23 I'll give that a try today! Thanks for the update :)
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    How long are your babies eating for when breastfeeding? I was originally just letting her unlatch and then putting her down asleep. She would wake up after an hour to an hour and a half. After reading some of your comments I have been waking her up/keeping her awake and then putting her back on. She is sleeping longer but her feeding times are really erratic. 
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    @shaylalr it really depends, if he's really hungry (hasn't eaten in at least three hours) he will feed for 30 - 45 minutes, if it hadn't been as long he might feed for 10 - 30 minutes. It also depends on how efficient he's being, sometimes it takes longer if he's being a little lazy. 

    Question: what are everyone's thoughts on the timing of adding in a pumped bottle feed here and there? I am exclusively breastfeeding but I know I will want to be able to give him a pumped bottle eventually for date nights etc and I know it can be hard to introduce it too late (my sister never took a bottle and they think its because they waited too long). But I don't want to introduce it too soon and encourage a laziness with feeding at the breast. I plan on asking the pediatrician at his next appt but I thought I'd ask here too. 
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    @stellaluna14 I'm ebf except a pumped bottle about 3x a week that my husband gives to him. We started at about 2 weeks and have had no problems with nipple confusion or any changes in nursing. He's 4.5 weeks now. My husband will give it so I can go to sleep early a few days a week. We've also noticed he sleeps longer after the bottle feeding which is nice! 
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    I'm mostly nursing but baby gets 1-2 bottles per day.  It's super nice because then my husband can participate in feedings.  So far baby takes both bottle and breast with no problem.  Hope it stays this way!
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