July 2016 Moms

Feeding Your Baby


Re: Feeding Your Baby

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    megstervtmegstervt member
    edited July 2016

    There's lots of great YouTube videos of pace feeding as well for those of us who may be visual learners!

    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
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    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    @theshannondee we hadn't even introduced bottles yet, but when E was having issues eating when we first got home from the hospital, we would get a little formula in a bottle (I hadn't started pumping yet) and start her with that while I was holding her. Then we'd take the bottle away quickly and offer the boob instead. Usually she'd take it almost right away and keep on chugging. This didn't work every time so we'd have to keep giving her formula, but it worked enough that I'd try it again if we ever have issues going forward!
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    Those that are EP'ing or have in the past, how much milk do you like to have in the fridge before you start freezing? 
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    erin7264 said:
    Those that are EP'ing or have in the past, how much milk do you like to have in the fridge before you start freezing? 
    I keep about 4-7 bags in the fridge (they have anywhere from 4-7 ounces in each). Once I feel I have a decent amount in the fridge I start putting the bags in the freezer. I have a decent stash in the freezer already and tend to have just enough for all of Aubreys bottles for the day plus a little extra in the fridge. 
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    Thanks everyone. We're doing pace feeding and using a slow flow nipple. Of course after posting then E had no problem BFing all night! I think it's just going to take some work. Here is a short quick video on pace feeding for anyone interested, the LC does a great job explaining it for newbies like me. 
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    I still haven't been able to freeze anything I so wish I could have a stash!! The positive reframe is that baby is eating a lot... I started drinking the Earth Mom's Milkmaid tea to see if it could help increase my supply... 

    @samantha1206 I'm also pumping and using formula, and only once in a while nursing at the breast; it's so much work to make it work that I'm not feeling so guilty anymore because it's not like it feels "easy" or "easier" in anyway - it's just what's working! 

    @theshannondee I saw a special nipple system at the store the other day that might be of interest to you... It's Medela "Calma" that is meant to mimic breastfeeding... Could be a good thing to use when you have to use the bottle... I didn't get it because my LO is so used to the bottle already I don't think it would make sense. 

    On our end she's continuing to feed well, but she is having a lot of gas that makes her uncomfortable and fussy, and she didn't poop at all for 3 days... until yesterday's nighttime explosion! We were quite relieved... Apparently it becomes more common for them not to poop for extended periods of time after a little while (she's 6 weeks already, can't believe it). So just in case anyone finds themselves in a similar situation... 

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    Ladies pumping-do you keep a couple days worth of breastmilk in the fridge before transferring to the freezer? I have been terrible at finding a set time to pump, but I need to start building a supply for when I go back to work. Usually I only pump maybe an ounce or two every few days.

    Also does anyone else's LOs "choke" when they're eating? It scares me every time! Usually I can just blow on her face and she'll suck in a deep breath and calm down. This tends to happen about 10 minutes into a feeding.
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    @schaze I do. I build up a stash and then when there's too much in the fridge I put it in the freezer.
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    @theshannondee we have had to supplement both of my sons but we used preemie nipples which have a much slower flow that is closer to breastfeeding, the 0-3 month nipples that come with most bottles might be so fast that he starts to prefer them to the work of breastfeeding. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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    Elise had been on a pretty clear schedule that she set for us. Eating every 2 hours during the day and every 3-4 at night. Today has been a little sporadic! She screeches when I get her to feed her and she won't stop farting. She burps well after I feed her. My theory is something I am eating is bothering her?? Does that sound right/anyone with a similar experience?
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    BFing is so hard but I'm determined to make it work for both of us. I have a difficult time getting Lily to latch as she has super strong neck muscles and constantly wants her hands in her mouth. Last night sucked and I cried a bunch from being tired but I'm thinking I need to try to extend my feeding sessions. 

    does anyone else have a LO that falls asleep 5-10 minutes in ? I think I'm going to just have to keep burping and waiting for her to wake up and keep feeding versus your sleeping so I'll put you back in the pack n play and the 10 minutes later up crying hungry again. 
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    @Backbypopulardemand- DD2 loves to have her hands by her mouth too. I need 4 hands to hold her, help her head latch and to move her hands! However, it is easier now.  Last night I fed her, changed her and then she ate lots more. 
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    I had to nurse my daughter with her clothes off and tickle her feet to keep her awake during feedings. Might be worth a shot @Backbypopulardemand
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    Yea Elijah was super sleepy the first week to 10 days.  Eventually he became more interested in eating and is now more alert.  So I imagine the same will happen for your daughter.  In the meantime, maybe undress her and blow on her face to keep her awake.  That helped me.  @Backbypopulardemand
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    @Backbypopulardemand my guy was falling asleep within a few minutes a lot in the beginning. I found that changing his diaper first would wake him up and he would focus longer. 

    You can do it! It is frustrating but it gets easier! 
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    @schaze I want to try pumping twice a day in addition to BFing so I have milk to supplement, and milk available when I leave the house, and a decent work stash. Milk volume is highest in the morning so I plan on pumping after the first morning feed. I'm not sure when the second session should be though...milk volume is lowest during the late afternoon/early evening and typically LO will be cluster feeding during that time anyway. Perhaps later at night then? Anybody else have a suggestion for when to add in pumping sessions?
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    @Backbypopulardemand E was the same way with his hands. Drove me nuts! It helped having hubby hold/move them as he started to latch. I agree with others, feet tickling, diaper changes, even a lukewarm washcloth to naked skin all will help keep Lily awake. 
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    @Backbypopulardemand You can do it! Ari's hands were flailing everywhere in the beginning too, and I had to have my husband help me by holding them down so I could get him latched. Now Ari finds the nipple and latches on his own so the hands are less of an issue cause he knows to move them out of the way. 
    When I feel like he's getting lazy, I kinda tickle his cheek and that seems to wake him up a bit and he remembers he's got a job to do and he continues suckling. Maybe try that? Also like someone else said, undressing beforehand and tickling his feet has helped.
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    Still pregnant, just lurking. @rnyland1 with my dd she ate every four hours and only from one side. So I would hand pump the opposite side while she nursed. This got me a decent stash for work when my supply dropped from less nursing and helped us add an extra month when I was completely out.
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    @Backbypopulardemand it is tough but keep at it! You've got this. E falls asleep quite a bit, especially at night. Usually what helps us is breaking her latch and changing her diaper, or if I stroke back by her ear or back of her neck she'll stir and keep eating. It's a different trick that works for us each time, so try lots of different things!
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    HeathereaddyHeathereaddy member
    edited July 2016
    Camille hasn't pooped since Monday and she gets super tired after each feeding and falls asleep pretty early in.  The pediatrician told us to supplement with formula to kick start her system into pooping again. my husband also stood on the scale with her and it doesn't seem like she's gaining weight.  I don't think she's getting enough milk. For those who EP how often are you pumping? Is it every 2-3 hours? Also, is anyone pumping and using formula? I'm just so frustrated and feel like I'm starving my daughter. 
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    @Heathereaddy keep in mind she would be slowly gaining ounces right now, might not even show up on a home scale. I think a lot of us can share that panicked feeling of worrying we're starving our babies. Hang in there. No advice on supplementing formula but I would trust your doctor or lactation consultant if you have one. I think with EP you should be following the 2-3 hour rule so it mimics what baby would need if she was on the breast. Don't be too hard on yourself! 
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    @heathereaddy I supplemented with formula for one day bc I didn't have my pump yet. It did help her poop once she was able to finally get food in her system. As for pumping, I do every 3-4 hours (that's Aubreys eating schedule). I sometimes run longer if we are out longer than expected, but for the most part I stick to her schedule to keep up my supply.
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    @Heathereaddy sorry, I don't remember how old she is? My 10 day old is a sleepy eater, if I was BF'ing instead of EPing I'd say she comfort nurses a lot, she will take the bottle and pass back out after a minute or so of sucking (does the same thing on the boob). I'd say as long as you are feeding her when she is hungry and aren't going more than a couple hours between feedings that you don't have anything to worry about. I try to pump every ~3-4 hours during the day but I can only manage to drag myself out of bed once in the middle of the night, so I tend to pump every 3-4 hours starting at 4am and the last around 11-midnight. My supply has been more than adequate and I'm producing about 2x what she is eating, sometimes more, so we haven't had to supplement with formula. 
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    Thanks ladies. She's 12 days old and I just don't see how I can produce enough to EP. How long are your pumping sessions? Right now I produce 2 oz in about 15 mins for both breasts. My milk came in a week ago. Right now I'm praying for her to poop so I know she's getting enough. She has plenty of wet diapers just no poop diapers. Ugh!
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    @heathereaddy power pumping sessions may help boost your supply.  Also even though you aren't BF, skin to skin will help stimulate more milk production, if you aren't already doing that.
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    @Heathereaddy I pump and supplement, and two ounces is really good for it coming in a week ago. I get almost 4ozs in the morning from just my right breast and that's pumping at 3am for the first pump of the day. I'm on week 2 of pumping so prob why I get more. Left breast I'll be lucky to get 1-1.5 ounces l, doesn't upset me because it's normal to have one produce more than the other. I haven't had to do power pumping. I pump after Ronan eats and then every 2-3 hours. I was worried about the same thing with diapers, had no poops and min wet ones and that's what made me go to pumping. Don't get frustrated.

    DH 30 Me 29
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    EDD July 1st 2016
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    Thanks @thepen15ismighty

    how long are your pumping sessions? I've been only pumping twice a day bc I wasn't planning on EPing but I'll start increasing since it looks like I might have to. We've been getting 6 wet diapers but no poops so she's apparently getting something. Also her gas is so deadly I don't understand how she's not pooping. 

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    I'm having trouble pumping both breasts at once. I think it's a problem with my pump. Any ideas? I know both valves work, and both breasts! If I can't figure it out I'll have to call the lactation consultant. 
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    What kind of pump is it,  @joleri23
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    @Heathereaddy Oatmeal and flax seed should help with your supply.  Also, I believe, if you're feeding off the breast and pumping you'll get less with the pumping session.  If you EP only you should find that you end up getting more.   
    Anniversary: 10/10/09
    DS: 11/21/14
    DD: 7/5/16

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    @erin7264 it's a Medela Pump In Style.
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @joleri23 I know this is no help, but I have the same pump with the same issue. I can only do one side at a time, and I can't really be doing anything else while I pump. 
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    erin7264erin7264 member
    edited July 2016
    Have you checked to make sure the Valve seals? The little white flap needs to sit flat on the yellow piece or you won't get any suction (I had that problem in the hospital). I've read they can be switched out for duck bill valves which are supposed to be better anyway - I have them on my Ameda but have primarily been using the PISA. 

    There are a couple other things that could be causing lack of suction, but if it's only one side and the pump sounds normal and it's not the valve seal, maybe check the tube for holes? If you disconnect the tube from the valve assembly and put your finger over the hole do you get suction on the other boob? 
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    Thanks @thepen15ismighty

    how long are your pumping sessions? I've been only pumping twice a day bc I wasn't planning on EPing but I'll start increasing since it looks like I might have to. We've been getting 6 wet diapers but no poops so she's apparently getting something. Also her gas is so deadly I don't understand how she's not pooping. 

    20 mins ish depending on what book I'm reading at the same time and I go twice on each side. Depending on how old your baby is also depends on how many poop diapers you're going to get as well. 

    DH 30 Me 29
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    EDD July 1st 2016
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    July BMB June Siggy 

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    @erin7264 Thank you! I've been playing with the valves and they both work, just seemingly not in tandem. The membranes are flat too. I'll keep playing with it and if I can't figure it out, I'll bring it to the lactation consultant. @schaze if I figure it out I'll let you know!
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    How can I tell if I'm overproducing vs baby not eating enough at each session? I usually only do one side each session because he acts full, and I had been doing 10 min each side per his peds recommendation but I felt like he was only getting foremilk that way so I switched to one boob at a time. Right now I'm using my pump for the first time because even after feeding him an hour ago, my boob was so painfully full I felt like I needed to and he wasn't hungry yet. I've only been pumping this side for 10 min and have 4 oz already. I thought by just BFing by baby's schedule my supply would regulate, but it's been over 2 weeks and I'm starting to feel like I'm just making too much. I've already had a case of mastisis and I really don't want another one, and it just hurts being so full when baby isn't ready to eat! Will pumping just contribute to an oversupply?
    Married 6/1/13
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    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @joleri23 when that happens I usually increase the volume on the pump until both nipples catch on and start pumping, then I can lower it down again a bit especially once the 2nd phase of pumping starts with the slower rhythm (hopefully that makes sense)

    @winnie1122 So don't quote me on this because I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that if you don't want to risk building your supply further I think you can still pump but just don't pump for too long (just to relieve your engorgement basically) so your breasts won't be completely drained, and not too often either? Someone else might know better though... 

    @Heathereaddy I'm pumping 3-4x per day (so about every four hours) and once at night... I'm making just exactly what she needs. I think I need to pump more often in order to build up my supply and some storage, but it's hard and so far when I do pump more often I don't make more, but I guess I need to invest the time so it eventually pays off... 
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