July 2016 Moms

Feeding Your Baby


Re: Feeding Your Baby

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    @Heathereaddy My older was like that. This guy is too tired and he usually nurses only 5-10 minutes, so he often wants to eat again in not too long (if he can manage to wake up). When he is awake, he eats back to back. I learned last time how to tell if they're really eating and pulled her off when she wasn't because my nipples were so abused. She would stay on the boob all day long if she had any say. My LO now is thankfully pretty easy and so far doesn't care if I pull him off when he isn't really eating (although he's typically asleep).
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    @rakel88 That's a good point. We've tried the one the hospital sent home with us (the one you can stick your finger into) and either the Avent or the Nuk, I can't remember which, as well as a wubanub (?) With the lovey attached. I'm sure I have a couple more brands to try as they were really popular shower gifts. Thanks! 
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    @jennyleigh16 no problem :) Ari likes the Nuk best, the hospital one (sounds like the same as yours) second, and the fancy Natursutten not at all! 
    @Heathereaddy have you tried any of these?
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    Camille doesn't like the avent, mam or Chicco one. I have the wubbanub one but I haven't tried it yet. I'm going to try a nuk to see if she responds better to that one. Thanks @rakel88
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    I found this website very informational. Great read if you are breastfeeding or planning on it! 
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    STM and breasts not engorged? I successfully BF DD for 13 months not too long ago (she's under 2). LO is 4 days old, nursing mostly around the clock — probably 15+ times a day. Lots of wet and dirty diapers and I can hear big gulps when he's eating. I feel my let down and sometimes I think it's even too fast because he pulls off and it runs down me. All signs point to my milk bring in and him getting plenty, but it seems weird that I never got engorged this time. Did my body just figure it out better second time around or cause for concern?
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    @whataboutscience FTM but mine were engorged for like 5 minutes the day my milk came in,  day 4. Then once he started feeding frequently that day,  they did not get engorged again.  I think LO's frequent feedings keep them that way which my LC said is normal! 
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    Anybody know the longest breastfed babies can go during the day between feedings once they're older? I haven't been able to find a consistent answer.
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    @schaze my daughter reverse nursed while I worked (starting at 3 months) which basically meant she ate only a few ozs all day but then was up all night feeding (every two hours). So I'd say it totally depends on the baby! My kids refuse bottles...after trying everything!
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    @schaze I was just talking about this with a friend. When she returned to work her baby would go throughout the day eating only 2oz because he hates a bottle and want to stay up all throughout the night nursing!! It was a short lived phase. He eventually started taking the bottle for regular feedings. But she said even her pediatrician told her, they won't starve themselves. Eventually, they'll do it if they absolutely need it. 
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    I'm having a really hard time with breastfeeding. The other day we were told by the baby's doctor that he's not gaining any weight and it's because I'm not producing enough milk. We went to a lactation consultant who confirmed that Mikey tore up my nips so badly that it has stalled my supply. I need to pump exclusively until my nipples heal and he and I are able to work on our latch. Since my milk production is low, I have to supplement with formula.  I know a fed baby is the best and I don't feel bad about giving him formula but I feel terrible that he's been going hungry. We have his 2 week appt tomorrow and I'm afraid he will not be at his birth weight. Feeling allllll kinds of mom guilt. 
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    Do what you gotta do!!  If it helps, I was in the same place a few weeks ago. Did anyone suggest using a nipple shield?  That helped my lil guy latch and provided a barrier so my nipples wouldn't stay so sore.  Now at almost 5 weeks, I'm back to nursing, mostly without the nipple shield.  He also gets a bottle or two a day so I get a little break.  Breastfeeding has not been easy but each week gets better and I hope the same happens for you.  You're doing a great job @Kellyj103
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    @Kellyj103 breastfeeding is so freaking hard!!! You are doing an awesome job persevering. It's been really difficult for me too. J lost more than the normal weight at first and my nips were all chewed up too. A good LC does work wonders.  The latch is mostly better but I'm still sore, I'm counting on things getting better little by little!
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    @Kellyj103 sorry to hear you're having mom guilt! It sounds like you are doing everything you can to make sure that your baby is fed and happy, so I don't see anything to be guilty over! You are doing a great job! Hang in there :smile:
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    @Kellyj103 breastfeeding is ridiculously hard. I wish people were more open about how hard it is at first! No mommy guilt, though-as long as your baby is fed, it doesn't matter how that happens. You are doing a great job, and it does get easier. Lots of hugs to you!
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    setoshsetosh member
    @kellyj103 I am right there with you! My supply hasn't come in and Jaxon's blood sugar was low so I asked for him to be supplemented. Thankfully he doesn't have nipple confusion and seems to be latching well. I'm going to see 2 different consultants next week for help. After we try to feed on the breast I usually give him the bottle and then pump. He has messed one of my nips up with a bruise. I broke down and cried because I feel like a failure, but all of you wonderful ladies encourage me so much!
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    Thanks everyone! @austinjl yes I had a nipple shield but nursing still hurt so much. I'm seeing a lactation consultant today so hopefully I'll have some clarity. I am very determined to make this work! 
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    July16 JULY siggy challenge

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    @Kellyj103 Don't beat yourself up about it. You addressed the issue right away which is awesome!! Now you know what's going on and where to go with it. That's really great!! 
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    hugs @Kellyj103! We had similar issues with DS1 and he didn't regain his birth weight until 3 weeks. We went on to have success nursing with a shield. Breastfeeding is hard! You're doing a great job!
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    So this is random but has anyone tried collecting the milk from the opposite breast while nursing (not pumping, just collecting leaked milk)? My right side is an over-producer and leaks like crazy, so I put a cup under it and got just under 3 oz without manually expressing at all. 
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    @AB34- look up Milkies milk savers. That is awesome to get that much milk!  However, I imagine it makes it hard to nurse in public. 
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    setoshsetosh member
    AB34 said:
    So this is random but has anyone tried collecting the milk from the opposite breast while nursing (not pumping, just collecting leaked milk)? My right side is an over-producer and leaks like crazy, so I put a cup under it and got just under 3 oz without manually expressing at all. 
    I wish!! I'm jealous. You go momma!
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    @ab34 That is amazing!! I hope you find a great solution. I leak a little, not as much as you, but I also want to try the milk savers. I hope they help.

    Does anyone have any pumping tips? I know I am producing milk, but I can't seem to pump more than a few drops. It looks like I will be going back to work part time and I really want to keep her on breast milk. I know it won't be the end of the world if she has to have formula, but I would like to try and pump if I can. 
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    I'm a little later to the party, but finally a mom. I was just told she has slight jaundice and would need supplement formula until my supply comes in. Has anyone ever had to do this? Did they have any issues accepting the breastmilk? Im so scared shes going to get stuck with formula. 
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    We needed to supplement with formula for a few days before my milk came in. We used the cup method as the nurses said it wouldn't confuse her on the nipple. We also did tube at breast and once my supply came in she was fine latching and taking in breast milk.
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    @AshGee18 Ill be sure to ask about tjat. Thank you so much. Total ftm here and nothing wemt as expected and now Im being bombarded with this. Thank you. 
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    We did formula for two or three days.  I'd recommend getting dr.browns premie nipples/bottles and look up paced bottle feeding.  My baby has gone back to breast now ,good luck 
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    @babycakesday my LO was jaundiced and had to be supplemented for about 5 days. I would feed then have my husband give him a bottle. I didn't want to be associated with the bottle at all! I'm the boob not the bottle! He did get lazy at the Brest fighting it and not wanting to work very hard for the milk because he was getting a bottle after every feed, but I stuck with it and now he nurses like a champ! If you do you use a bottle, ask for low flow nipples so your LO has to work like he is at the breast. This helped us a lot! 

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    @austinjl @arhodes6 thank you. Ill see about those. It makes sense. 
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    @babycakesday We had to supplement as well. We just used those pre-made Enfamil bottles with the nipples that came with them, no tricks or anything. We stopped supplementing 2 weeks ago and we're EBF now with no latch problems. 
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    setoshsetosh member
    I'm having some issues with my left breast. The right one is fine on the pump and producing, but the left seems to be clogged? I tried hand expression, warm compress and massage. It seems like nothing is helping. Yesterday was fine but over night it appears that I got my supply because my bra doesn't even fit anymore. Help!
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    setosh said:
    I'm having some issues with my left breast. The right one is fine on the pump and producing, but the left seems to be clogged? I tried hand expression, warm compress and massage. It seems like nothing is helping. Yesterday was fine but over night it appears that I got my supply because my bra doesn't even fit anymore. Help!
    I had this issue too. It took me a good two days of doing what you're doing to relieve the ducts and I was pumping, massaging, and extra hot showers! I also noticed I had a "film" of skin over parts of my nipple that was blocking milk from coming out and that really helped the issue. 
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
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    I think my milk is now too fast for DS. All day he's been taking a few super quick, loud gulps and then pulling off screaming. He goes on and off until he's miserable crying and finally passes out. He is definitely still getting some, but it is so hard to not be able to comfort/feed him properly. I've cried a lot today and can't fall asleep.
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    @whataboutscience So sorry!!  I'm an emotional case too, but it's getting better little by little.  I've heard that for fast flowing milk, it can help to recline back in a chair when feeding, that way the milk has to flow against gravity.
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    I tried using the search & didn't find anything so I'll ask. Is anyone having trouble with overly fussy babies maybe from what you drank? I had caffeine for the first time today & baby has been extremely fussy & gassy since we fed at 8pm. We're feeding again now & I'm worried about having a fussy baby for the next 3 hours again. 
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    @HoneyBear40 you know I was about to say the same thing but with carbonation. I had a coke today and E has been nonstop pissed for two hours. I thought back to a few other fussy nights and realized I had a pop then too. I know friends whose babies were really affected by their caffeine as well. I don't know what science says on the topic but I definitely personally see it.  
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