1 thread dedicated to getting and giving support and sharing helpful tips and tricks. At this point the consensus seems to be to have 1 thread for all types of feeding (BF, FF, pumping) and potentially branch out later on if needed.
Please remember that everyone is doing the best they can for their LOs. Judgement and criticism of feeding decisions that may differ from your personal philosophy will not be tolerated here. A fed baby is best!
Me: 29 & Husband: 36
Married: October 2014
NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
M/C: June 2015
TTC #1 since September 2015
BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
Re: Feeding Your Baby
-Milk can take a few days to come in and they will feel like the longest few days ever.
-The Brest Friend pillow is the best nursing pillow I have tried.
-A good lactation consultant is worth her weight in gold. I cried and hugged mine when I didn't need her anymore. Our hospital LC was terrible. If you can, keep trying until you find one you like.
-Kelly Mom and LLL forums are great for questions and answers. They are real pros at BFing. I have found many tips there at 3am when I needed help.
-Remember that a baby needs to be fed and loved, it doesn't need your actual boobs for that. Do what keeps your baby nourished and you mentally sane. You will spend A LOT of time feeding your baby so make it a positive experience.
1. Don't let anyone make you feel pressured or bad about feeding choices! Whether it's exclusive breast feeding, pumping, formula or a mixture of these, us mamas need to do whatever works for us to keep our sanity so we can be the best moms we can be! With ds I supplemented formula, pumped and bf. This time I'm mostly bf and pumping about once a day to try to start a freezer stash.
2. Have a comfortable place set up for pumping and feeding. I have my pump in the nursery with my storage bags, hands free pumping bra and my iPad to watch Netflix which is where I do most feedings.
3. Drink a ton of water. If your supply starts to decrease fenugreek and milk thistle can help as well as power pumping and cluster feeding.
4. Bf LO in different positions to prevent clogged ducts. And mamas try to get the hang of side lying nursing ASAP! Lol it is a wonderful thing to feed baby in bed laying down in the middle of the night!
5. I have found few products this time that has made life simpler that I wish I had had with ds.
The Wellmom breast pillow by upspring. It's for bigger breasted woman to help support boobies while feeding so you can do so hands free witho ugh having to hold your boob the whole time. I'm normally a c cup, now probably a d and this works awesome!
Milkies milk saver- a silicone plastic thing with a hole for your nipple that you place on you non nursing side to collect milk when you let down. With each feeding I collect 1/2 to 1 oz and I put it in a storage bag throughout the day to freeze!
Also by the same company is the "breast pad ever " I have tried so many different disposable and reusable breast pads and this is by far the best I've found!!
Having a newborn is hard and I'm very happy to have a supportive community like all you ladies! Keep up the good work mamas!
lo cold.
@Schmooie730 I wasn't an exclusive pumper but to try and answer about night pumping: if you are doing well during the day, two sessions at night seems quite good. Early on you want to aim do every 3 hours, but if not I don't think it means things won't go well with pumping.
Soon enough baby should be waking to eat less frequently so you wouldn't need to pump as many times a night. I would keep at it (if you want to) and if you need more ounces then add another daytime sesh and/or supplement, whatever you are comfortable with.
I also second the not needing to wash pump parts every time. I actually keep everything in a cooler by the bed so I don't even need to get out of bed! I just wash them in the morning.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
@rakel88 I was going to EBF but Ive decided I'm going to pump for times I may be away. I can tell my husband is sad he can't do any feelings so I'd like him to be able to give a bottle occasionally.
@megstervt- with DD I never leaked before delivery. My milk came in on day 4 and I successfully BF for 18 months. Don't worry!
@rakel88 I am EBFing for the most part (oxymoron?). E had a bottle today when I was gone for 4 hours and has had one another time. He will need one next weekend when we're at a wedding. Otherwise day to day it's all boobs. I wonder if this will screw things up when he has to go to daycare at 5.5 months and won't have boob access....? Any STM's who can weigh in on that?
@rakel88 EBF would be my preference, but I have to go back to work at 10 weeks and DH feels pretty strongly about being able to feed LO too so it's not in the cards for us. If it can work for your lifestyle and your partner is on board you'll make it work!
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
@rakel88- one thing to think about is having some milk in the freezer for an emergency. I know people that have gotten really sick/had to have emergency surgery and had to take non-breastfeeding friendly medicine for a few days. One person had milk in the freezer and one didn't.
@stellaluna14 yea I got a pump from insurance too but it's still in the box it came in. I wasn't going to even get it but the LC I saw in the hospital took it upon herself to call and order it for me. I think I'll probably do the same as you, have some just in case but BF exclusively.
@megstervt I can understand that. I work from home so I'll be with him all the time, and while I'm sure my husband would like to be able to feed him every so often, he knows I want to EBF so it's not something he's ever brought up. I hope it works out!
In my Jan 2014 birth board, we had a daily thread for those awake at night. It worked well for those with pregnancy insomnia and those up with baby.
@theshannondee he does cluster feed but I think last night was more comfort nursing than anything because he would latch but only give a couple sucks and then just sit there. I haven't tried side laying nursing but I'm a little afraid I'd fall asleep and roll onto him. We have a pack n play that he occasionally naps in during the day but we end up co-sleeping by accident at night because I fall asleep with him on the boob and he just stays there until the next feeding.
@Racso12 I'm with you. My husband works shift work and right now he's on a stretch of early day shifts. So I'm pretty much on my own from about 10pm (so MH can get some sleep) to 4pm when he gets home. Even then, he nurses pretty much every hour and 45, so it's not like I can get a solid nap or anything. I can't keep up this pace, I'm gonna go crazy.