May 2017 Moms

Randoms and Questions 3.20 - 3.24


Re: Randoms and Questions 3.20 - 3.24

  • SKZWSKZW member
    @cato99: I second the above comments. Totally a non-issue! There's no need to toughen them up in advance of breastfeeding. BFing is a natural (albeit sometimes frustrating) process that you and baby journey through together and you learn as you go. No need to mess around with "preparing" anything beforehand!
  • @WombThereItIs Those soothies are a serious lifesaver. Seriously, if your planning on breastfeeding go by some! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
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  • @Amybee5 I'm a fingertip dilated at this point. I was working with ds at 4cm dilated 

  • Has anyone else noticed they're moving a lot slower these days? I went to the mall today to pick up my husband's wedding band and I swear it took me twice as long as it should have.
    the best part is running for the bus. Seems to be happening to me a lot the last couple of weeks. Luckily they usually wait for me (and i think they recognize i can't run very fast at this point lol).

  • Has anyone else noticed they're moving a lot slower these days? I went to the mall today to pick up my husband's wedding band and I swear it took me twice as long as it should have.
    the best part is running for the bus. Seems to be happening to me a lot the last couple of weeks. Luckily they usually wait for me (and i think they recognize i can't run very fast at this point lol).
    I'm glad it's not just me then! It's good you have a great driver on your route :smiley:
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • H sent me this article this morning regarding smart phones and kids. Thought it was interesting and that I would share :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
  • SKZWSKZW member
    Sorry if this is repeated info.

    News from last week about a recall on frozen pizza from Walmart, for any of you Left coasters! Listeria is no joke.
  • @CherryBananas , YES...throughout this pregnancy, I have frequently killed an hour at a mall near DS's swim class because the consistent walking has felt really good. The last few times I've gone, I've only made it to like half of my usual stores. I feel like I'm in slow motion, haha...

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @cherrybananas, I'm definitely moving slower.  In fact, I got my first "you're starting to waddle" comment yesterday.  
  • I know I've only been awake for a few hours, but I'm ready for a nap!
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • I've been MIA since last week, sorry! I'm just catching up with everything. But definitely second the whole "getting slower" thing. Also, size comments are so annoying. Every time someone says something about how I'm getting bigger, I just say "that's what is supposed to happen" and smile like I don't want to stab them in the eye. Idiots.

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
  • I spoke to my OB today about the itchy hands and feet. She said to let her know if it gets worse and if my urine is dark, even with drinking lots of water.

    Third time mamas, can I pick your brain?
    I was induced with my first, foley balloon the night before and pitocin at the hospital the next day, pushed for three and a half hours, baby ended up with a vacuum assist, bruising, jaundice and a broken clavicle. Needless to say, it wasn't a great birth.

    Second was born on his own, a week and a day late. Labor was only 4.5 hours from start to finish and I only pushed for 20 minutes.

    My OB is nervous about how fat this labor may be and offered to discuss induction at 39 weeks and 3 days (she's on call at the hospital that day). I am nervous about the speed of labor...but I also hated my induction. Idk what to do! She did say we wouldn't even talk about it if my body wasn't ready.
  • @pshaortao - I hate people like that. Who asked you? Was it me? No, didn't think so. Keep your opinion to yourself. 

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
  • The slowness is real. 

    2 miles at 3mph on the treadmill and I feel like I ran 5k. 

    May '17 labor memes
  • Kipperoo:
    Also, this little one started a super fun new move last night--she basically seems to be stretching out her arm and just holding it in place. Basically making a tent out of my stomach. It's so weird and uncomfortable.  
    This happened to me yesterday! Totally freaked me out because I was waiting for the sensation of release and it wasn't coming.

    My mom said I was waddling the other day as well. I tried not to after that, but my hips feel so out of alignment I can't avoid it. I'll be so happy when this little guy is out and I can get back to yoga again.
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • Put me in that "dont know when to stop eating" camp. Ugh.

    @Kipperoo This baby keeps making little tents too! I mean, learn how to play and all, but maybe not with my already tight skin?
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • @heath313 I second what @Kipperoo said.
    I was having horrible burning in my right lower ribs, and Dr. google said it might be gallbladder/liver related.  I saw both my OB & GI doctors until they did a full abdominal ultrasound and blood work to figure out if it was anything serious.  Turns out I have just horrible reflux & everything else is fine.  But something as significant as that may require some extra pushing from you.  There can be serious complications with cholestasis and I'd hate to have you be untreated and risk those.
  • heath313 said:
    Anyone dealing with itchy soles of feet, hands and belly?
    Yes! My belly has been very itchy the last couple of days. WTH?
  • Appropriate I thought for some of the discussions on here and the Monday bitchfest thread.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
  • Regarding itching bellies.. Something to look into: PUPP. I don't know the deets just that it can happen later into pregnancies. I just remember this getting brought up on my last BMB and haven't heard any mention of it here so far.

  • You guys. Aiden & Anais have a Winnie the Pooh Swaddle Blanket collection. It's $54.95 for 4  :o why does it have to be so expensive? 
  • Question: For those whose babies have had hiccups on the inside... do they seem fast? I keep having these movements that feel like they could be hiccups since they are so regular and last 10-15 minutes at a time. But I would say they're 40-50/min. Which seems fast? Is she just punching me over and over? Am I just being crazy?
  • NBR - white pants?  It's spring, why not or fashion faux pas before Easter?  
  • What up wit dat lurker comment in @mamatowildones thread? Maybe other boards are trying to spice up our lives! 
  • SKZWSKZW member
    @erinh2005: hmmm... I see that... and hear what you're saying... but I don't think it's a horribly awful comment. Maybe not the most helpful, but easy enough to gloss over and not worry about.  ;)
  • @skzw right and im proud of our board for not generally taking bait but it still made me wonder as to the intention! 
  • Question: For those whose babies have had hiccups on the inside... do they seem fast? I keep having these movements that feel like they could be hiccups since they are so regular and last 10-15 minutes at a time. But I would say they're 40-50/min. Which seems fast? Is she just punching me over and over? Am I just being crazy?
    DD clearly had hiccups as they would occur like every 5 seconds like real hiccups. And they would occur like 5x a day. This continued after she was born which I thoight was funny. Fortunately they didn't bother her too much.

    This LO is faster paced like you described. I looked it up because I was like no way thats hiccups after my previous experience. Apparently its practice breathing? I don't know about others but I find them annoying/distracting. I prefer hiccups over this!

  • pshaortao said:
    Question: For those whose babies have had hiccups on the inside... do they seem fast? I keep having these movements that feel like they could be hiccups since they are so regular and last 10-15 minutes at a time. But I would say they're 40-50/min. Which seems fast? Is she just punching me over and over? Am I just being crazy?
    DD clearly had hiccups as they would occur like every 5 seconds like real hiccups. And they would occur like 5x a day. This continued after she was born which I thoight was funny. Fortunately they didn't bother her too much.

    This LO is faster paced like you described. I looked it up because I was like no way thats hiccups after my previous experience. Apparently its practice breathing? I don't know about others but I find them annoying/distracting. I prefer hiccups over this!
    That makes some sense! It's not too annoying, other than I want to know what she's up to in there! Thanks for being my google  :|
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