I am so ready for spring. I think our whole family is too, we all woke up 15 minutes early today. I am so excited to finally start trying to nurse Lucia today. I've been told my supply may be too much for her, so we will start with non-nutritive nursing and see how she does.
Good morning ladies! Only 2 comments on this thread so far and both of them made me instantly crave sweets
We spent our weekend packing (we move into our new house next weekend!) and my body is not happy with me this morning. I'm looking forward to sitting at my desk all day...haha.
Also, I have a couple of rants about statements made by my in laws yesterday. DH didn't understand why either of the statements bothered me, so now I am even more annoyed. Maybe I'm being unreasonable, but I feel like you guys are more likely to understand:
(1) I've talked on here before about how my MIL has not been shy about expressing her desire for this baby to be a girl (as she did when I was pregnant with DS- we were team green). We have known from pretty early on that this baby is another boy, and we are thrilled about it. So, yesterday, MIL says that she thinks we are just "joking with her" and that there is "actually a baby girl in there" so she is "holding out hope." WTF. Stop. It is a boy. I have had 5 ultrasounds at this point, all of which feature a very obvious penis. You have about 9.5 more weeks to digest this information.
(2) This was a lesser annoyance, but still annoying. I see my in laws about once per week. EVERY TIME they feel the need to say "You're looking pregnant!" or something along those lines. I hate it. What do you say to that? "Well....I am." or "Thank you?" It's just a weird, unnecessary statement that makes me feel awkward and self conscious.
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
@kayemjay2 ugh your ILs sound unpleasant. I would maybe just try to ignore them all together? The looking pregnant comments wouldn't bother me as much as the girl comments would. I would just maybe emphasis every single time "I know! Baby boy is growing! I can't wait to see my boys play together." Etc. I would be overly obnoxious talking about how awesome having two boys is going to be and all the plans you have for them literally every time they bring up your pregnancy. Or I just would just stop seeing them. "Until you can stop with the "wishing for a girl comments" we will not be visiting anymore. "We are beyond thrilled to be having a healthy little baby boy and until you can share in our joy we won't be seeing you." ugh I am just so annoyed for you. Family is so rude sometimes, they think they can say whatever they want with no filter!
My aunt is always saying how I need to have a ton of children and I just told her that my doctor said he would tie my tubes and she was just soooo upset. Like get over it. I took joy in telling her it's not happening again after this.
@bacorrea - Thank you for sharing in my annoyance. I know they mean well, but people need to learn to think before they speak! I love when people weigh in on how many children other people should have- as if having a ton of children is super easy/cheap/non-stop fun. I've gotten many people telling me that I have to "keep trying" until I get a girl. Nope. So much nope.
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
@kayemjay2 so sorry about your ILs! That's ridiculous! I agree with @bacorrea that you should just keep emphasizing how excited your are about having 2 boys that will grow up together and be best friends! As for the "you're looking pregnant" comments...ugh...I get that too and I just say "yep, he's growing in there!" I tend to get back a smile and "yeah that's a good thing!" lol seriously people? Did ya think we would be getting smaller the further a long we get?! *eye roll*
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
My random, anyone's feet grown quite a bit this pregnancy? I've went from a 6 1/2 to an 8, I literally only can wear flip flops that i bought in that size right now!!! To the point where the bones in my feet are hurting (I assume from the stretching/growing) I'm just hoping they go back down. Last time my feet swelled but went back down, this time I'm nervous. I don't want to have buy all new shoes... Anyone have this in prior pregnancys? anyone had this weird foot growth this time? I feel like I have hobbit feet at this point!
@kayemjay2 I'm pretty sure I would start telling her to start sending dresses over and you will make new baby boy wear them anyway. If she wants a girl then dammit she will have one, it just might be a baby in drag.
@BeachMommy2B I had to get rid of a lot of shoes after DD. My feet grew about 1/2 size even after all the swelling went away. It's something about how the bones in your feet can separate.
@WombThereItIs - Hahahaha....oh man, that would be amazing. Not surprisingly, she has many opinions about what a boy should and should not play with, so I'm sure she'd looooove that. I just bought my son a baby doll to try to teach him "gentle touches" in preparation for his brother- he's only 16 months old, so I'm not sure how else to prep him. She was not pleased by how much he loves the doll...
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
@kayemjay2 That would drive me NUTS that your MIL continues making comments about the baby being a girl. I agree that I would just constantly shoot back about how great 2 boys will be.
I've noticed I started swelling maybe about a week ago. My rings were pretty tight a few times, so I'm definitely keeping an eye on that. I did eat out more than normal this past week, though, so I wouldn't be surprised it that made it worse.
@BeachMommy2B agreed w @bacorrea that even after the swelling went down my feet were still about 1/2 size too big for most of my pre-baby shoes.
@kayemjay2 sorry your ILs are living in a state of denial. We are team green so it's just a lot of guessing over here, but I can imagine how frustrating that would be. On the "you're looking pregnant" comments I agree that i would reply with something to add in baby boy along the lines of what was suggested.
My random, anyone's feet grown quite a bit this pregnancy? I've went from a 6 1/2 to an 8, I literally only can wear flip flops that i bought in that size right now!!! To the point where the bones in my feet are hurting (I assume from the stretching/growing) I'm just hoping they go back down. Last time my feet swelled but went back down, this time I'm nervous. I don't want to have buy all new shoes... Anyone have this in prior pregnancys? anyone had this weird foot growth this time? I feel like I have hobbit feet at this point!
My feet got terrifying due to swelling last time and settled down to about 1/2 size larger post partum. Frigging relaxin can cause the bones in your feet to spread a little. I ended up getting rid of most of my old shoes in the 2 years after my first kid when I realized that even 10 lbs below my pre-preg weight they weren't going to fit again.
For third tri though I swear by stretchy ballet flat type shoes, they buy you some room and are comfy. Yosi Samra flats were a godsend last time.
@BeachMommy2B - My feet didn't grow until after my son was born, when they swelled hilariously. Apparently, that is normal with IV fluids, but they were gigantic. When we left the hospital, there were 8 inches of snow on the ground, and I had to wear my shower shoes (which were flip flops) because it was all that would fit. They've gone back to normal now though. I've heard of people whose feet permanently grow with pregnancy though, so I think it's totally normal. Pregnancy is so weird.
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
@kayemjay2, your MIL's comments would rub me the wrong way too, especially since you know you're having another boy. We're team green, but all our family is hoping for a girl. It annoys me when people ask if I really want a girl. I just respond that I want a healthy baby. Of course I'd be escatic to have a girl, but I'd be just as excited to have another sweet boy.
I find it amusing how vocal and opinionated people are about us not finding out baby's sex ahead of time.
@kayemjay2 - Your MIL is a dingaling. I feel if you haven't snapped before then, I would when she comes to meet the brand new baby boy and STILL makes a comment about how she thought it would be a girl (you KNOW she's going to!).
After going out out to eat this weekend, my dad asked me if I had been excessively hungry during this pregnancy. 'I don't know dad...do I LOOK like I've been excessively hungry???' 'Well, it's just that I've never seen you eat like you did at dinner.' So I hear you on SIZE comments. Keep'em to yourself, people!
@kayemjay2 Your MIL sounds like such a peach, I'd be so annoyed with those comments as well. Whenever I get the "your getting bigger" comments I always just respond with "well there is a growing baby in there!"
@BeachMommy2B I only had some swelling in my feet after all the IV fluids during delivery but mine went back down to regular size after!
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
@kayemjay2 I would also be annoyed by those comments! I wouldn't be able to hold it in either.
This weekend I was getting the "oh your really starting to show now" and the '"WOW you've really grown" and I was like uh yeah I'm like 8 months pregnant, what do you expect.
I keep getting the size comments from my brother... I saw him about 2 weeks ago and again the other day and both times he saw me he says "oh my you've gotten bigger since I last saw you" I said to him "well yeah, I'm growing a baby what did you expect?" Like really don't be a dummy, how annoying!
hmm thanks everyone, last time I think my feet were about a half size bigger when it was all said and done. I guess it's just going to be a waiting game this time. If they don't fit i'm going to try to look at it as fun that I'll need to go on a shoe shopping spree
I'm feeling really excited because last week I interviewed for and was offered a job at 30 weeks pregnant! I just graduated with my Master's in December and recently passed my boards and got licensed!
@kayemjay2 Your ILs sound... pleasant. You have every right to be annoyed!
I was in denial about my feet after having my son. I told myself my feet didn't really change, and I waited a year before finally shoe shopping a half size up. I needed more comfortable shoes and finally caved!
Happy Spring everyone! Hopefully winter will wrap up soon. Springtimey pregnancy makes me think of baby chicks cheeping, bunnies hopping, birds' nests with little eggs in them, flowers bursting forth through the damp awakening earth, and lots of bright sunshine and warm breezes through open windows. We are truly contributing to the cycle of life and rebirth and the future is wide open for us all.
@kayemjay2 that would annoy me too! A big part of the reason that we decided to be team green this time around is the fact that my family so badly wants this baby to be a girl. They know I have no control over it but I just didn't want to deal with the comments if it is another boy (which would be awesome, I would love for DS to have a brother!) so now they get to be surprised.
If it is a boy, so help me God if anyone makes any gender disappointment comments once he's here...
@SKZW I'm very excited it's spring! And we will all have Spring babies, because I can't imagine anyone will be going that overdue to the first day of summer!
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
I have been MIA the past few days. I took Thursday/Friday off to recover from chemo and then predictably ended up running a million errands the whole time - I am really not good at relaxing. DS's daycare also called Thursday morning asking us him to pick him up because he was sick with a fever and since my immune system was at its lowest I had to kind of avoid him for both days (DH stayed home with him). He is better now but sleep was tough over the weekend and I'm exhausted now at work.
One highlight of the weekend is that I went to a baby wearing class on Sunday and got to try out a ring sling which I think is going to work for baby wearing post-mastectomy.
I am also so excited about spring! We've had a very, very mild winter in Colorado and it has felt like summer the past few days but I don't mind at all. Our snow pack is average so we don't have to worry about drought and I am loving being able to spend more time outside. I think it's going to be a really hot summer down in Denver but up in the mountains it shouldn't get too bad.
My feet got 1/2-1 size bigger depending on the shoe last time. I did have to buy a lot of new shoes...not that I minded because I love shoes. I was sad to have to stop wearing a couple of my favorites though. I haven't noticed anything this time though.
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10 DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI) BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
I'm so excited for summer. Lots of birds chirping here and so forth. I'm dreading spring allergies. The eye drops that save me aren't safe for pregnancy and all of the over the counter stuff doesn't help. I'm not sure what I'm going to do besides try to stay inside with windows closed from April-May.
@kayemmjay2 your MIL sounds like such a peach what does your DH say about the whole thing. Can he put her in her place?
@rainydays86 gotta say your are seriously a rock star I don't know how you're doing it but I'm truly amazed at the journey you've had and the positivity that you have.
Ha, thank you @schnitz9. Honestly I have been very, very lucky with chemo symptoms. I think both age and (for some reason) pregnancy are on my side with having minimal symptoms. I told someone yesterday that I honestly thought the first trimester was worse than chemo and I stand by that. So while I hope no one here EVER has to go through this, just being a mom probably means you'd do just fine too.
I'm so mad at myself and now stressing. I signed H and I up for infant CPR and we decided my Mom should go. Well...I thought I added her, but I guess not? The class is today and there's no more spots!!! I know she's going to be super disappointed about not going and H is going to be not thrilled that I apparently messed this up and now I feel like crap about the whole thing.
@RainyDays86 I admire your outlook and am glad to hear you are doing well.
Obviously I love our little girl and I am so happy that she is thriving. However, I keep getting such annoying comments from people. "You finally got your girl" and "Now your family is complete with your girl".
Random- I saw this today and it made me super happy!! I know a couple of others of you have kiddos with delays or with autism, and I thought you'd appreciate it as well!
@kayemjay2 - Ugh, I'm so sorry you're dealing with those comments from your MIL. I feel like my IL's are disappointed we're having another boy too, but they can't be surprised since there hasn't been a girl born on FIL's side of the family since the 1920's. But of course that doesn't stop the little comments, especially the ones about trying until we get a girl. That would piss me off too about the baby doll, DS has all girls at his daycare so he's used to and sometimes prefers "girl toys". I bought him a doll house at a yard sale last summer and I thought my IL's were going die!
@BeachMommy2B - My feet grew a size and a half with DS1, so annoying when you have to get rid of your shoes, although buying new ones was pretty fun!
@RainyDays86 - I didn't realize you were in CO too! This weather has been insane! Praying we don't have too many fires this summer. I may have to escape to my parents house in the mountains this summer if this heat continues!
@kayemjay2 - Ugh!! I would specifically buy ALLL the dolls for your son just to annoy your MIL. I keep calling my FIL out on some stupid (and albeit minor) sexist comments about how different this little girl is going to be from DS. Shut the f up. We were visiting them (five hours away) last weekend, and I called him sexist at least three times and told him he could continue to say those kinds of shitty things in front of our kids, but I would explain to them that grandpa is wrong, and we don't think like that in our house. He wasn't pleased with me.
My only random for the day is the sheer (boring adult) joy I felt when DH told me he arranged my requested "push present" (eww for the name and eww because I didn't remember requesting anything), but alas I did tell him months ago that I wanted him to coordinate a lawn service company to take care of all of our crap the whole summer. DS was born at the end of May too, and I hated the 3-4 hours it took for DH to do all of the lawn work nearly every weekend. So yea for being lazy and paying someone else to do it!!
@saric83 now that's the type of "push present" I can get on board with! We just hired a housekeeper to come every 2 weeks from now through summer and it's so amazing to just pick up and skip the scrubbing!
@nda_roxybabe - Could you just take her anyway and act like you had NO IDEA she wasn't signed up? I would guess they have a certain number of dummies available and maybe that's what limits the class... Surely she could just listen in and still get valuable information even if they couldn't accommodate full participation. Who is going to turn away a grandma who wants life-saving knowledge???
@emilyalso That's what I was kind of thinking...I mean, shes 1 extra person and I would imagine someone is bound to no show. Eek. I'm dreading telling her and H.
Re: Randoms and Questions 3.20 - 3.24
I've been feeling so much pressure in my pelvis that it's hard to stand or even sit for the last few days, I definitely needed the pick-me-up!
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
We spent our weekend packing (we move into our new house next weekend!) and my body is not happy with me this morning. I'm looking forward to sitting at my desk all day...haha.
Also, I have a couple of rants about statements made by my in laws yesterday. DH didn't understand why either of the statements bothered me, so now I am even more annoyed. Maybe I'm being unreasonable, but I feel like you guys are more likely to understand:
(1) I've talked on here before about how my MIL has not been shy about expressing her desire for this baby to be a girl (as she did when I was pregnant with DS- we were team green). We have known from pretty early on that this baby is another boy, and we are thrilled about it. So, yesterday, MIL says that she thinks we are just "joking with her" and that there is "actually a baby girl in there" so she is "holding out hope." WTF. Stop. It is a boy. I have had 5 ultrasounds at this point, all of which feature a very obvious penis. You have about 9.5 more weeks to digest this information.
(2) This was a lesser annoyance, but still annoying. I see my in laws about once per week. EVERY TIME they feel the need to say "You're looking pregnant!" or something along those lines. I hate it. What do you say to that? "Well....I am." or "Thank you?" It's just a weird, unnecessary statement that makes me feel awkward and self conscious.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
My aunt is always saying how I need to have a ton of children and I just told her that my doctor said he would tie my tubes and she was just soooo upset. Like get over it. I took joy in telling her it's not happening again after this.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
My random, anyone's feet grown quite a bit this pregnancy? I've went from a 6 1/2 to an 8, I literally only can wear flip flops that i bought in that size right now!!! To the point where the bones in my feet are hurting (I assume from the stretching/growing) I'm just hoping they go back down. Last time my feet swelled but went back down, this time I'm nervous. I don't want to have buy all new shoes... Anyone have this in prior pregnancys? anyone had this weird foot growth this time? I feel like I have hobbit feet at this point!
May '17 labor memes
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
I've noticed I started swelling maybe about a week ago. My rings were pretty tight a few times, so I'm definitely keeping an eye on that. I did eat out more than normal this past week, though, so I wouldn't be surprised it that made it worse.
@kayemjay2 sorry your ILs are living in a state of denial. We are team green so it's just a lot of guessing over here, but I can imagine how frustrating that would be. On the "you're looking pregnant" comments I agree that i would reply with something to add in baby boy along the lines of what was suggested.
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
For third tri though I swear by stretchy ballet flat type shoes, they buy you some room and are comfy. Yosi Samra flats were a godsend last time.
May '17 labor memes
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
I find it amusing how vocal and opinionated people are about us not finding out baby's sex ahead of time.
After going out out to eat this weekend, my dad asked me if I had been excessively hungry during this pregnancy. 'I don't know dad...do I LOOK like I've been excessively hungry???' 'Well, it's just that I've never seen you eat like you did at dinner.'
@BeachMommy2B I only had some swelling in my feet after all the IV fluids during delivery but mine went back down to regular size after!
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
@kayemjay2 I would also be annoyed by those comments! I wouldn't be able to hold it in either.
This weekend I was getting the "oh your really starting to show now" and the '"WOW you've really grown" and I was like uh yeah I'm like 8 months pregnant, what do you expect.
#1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS
#2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC
Your ILs sound... pleasant. You have every right to be annoyed!
I was in denial about my feet after having my son. I told myself my feet didn't really change, and I waited a year before finally shoe shopping a half size up. I needed more comfortable shoes and finally caved!
Happy Spring everyone! Hopefully winter will wrap up soon. Springtimey pregnancy makes me think of baby chicks cheeping, bunnies hopping, birds' nests with little eggs in them, flowers bursting forth through the damp awakening earth, and lots of bright sunshine and warm breezes through open windows. We are truly contributing to the cycle of life and rebirth and the future is wide open for us all.
If it is a boy, so help me God if anyone makes any gender disappointment comments once he's here...
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
One highlight of the weekend is that I went to a baby wearing class on Sunday and got to try out a ring sling which I think is going to work for baby wearing post-mastectomy.
I am also so excited about spring! We've had a very, very mild winter in Colorado and it has felt like summer the past few days but I don't mind at all. Our snow pack is average so we don't have to worry about drought and I am loving being able to spend more time outside. I think it's going to be a really hot summer down in Denver but up in the mountains it shouldn't get too bad.
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
@kayemmjay2 your MIL sounds like such a peach
what does your DH say about the whole thing. Can he put her in her place?
@rainydays86 gotta say your are seriously a rock star
I don't know how you're doing it but I'm truly amazed at the journey you've had and the positivity that you have.
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
Obviously I love our little girl and I am so happy that she is thriving. However, I keep getting such annoying comments from people. "You finally got your girl" and "Now your family is complete with your girl".
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
@kayemjay2 your MIL would infuriate me! I agree with whoever said to let her go ahead and buy bows and dresses for your son
@BeachMommy2B - My feet grew a size and a half with DS1, so annoying when you have to get rid of your shoes, although buying new ones was pretty fun!
@RainyDays86 - I didn't realize you were in CO too! This weather has been insane! Praying we don't have too many fires this summer. I may have to escape to my parents house in the mountains this summer if this heat continues!
My only random for the day is the sheer (boring adult) joy I felt when DH told me he arranged my requested "push present" (eww for the name and eww because I didn't remember requesting anything), but alas I did tell him months ago that I wanted him to coordinate a lawn service company to take care of all of our crap the whole summer. DS was born at the end of May too, and I hated the 3-4 hours it took for DH to do all of the lawn work nearly every weekend. So yea for being lazy and paying someone else to do it!!
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry