April 2014 Moms

Longest Thread EVER! (aka Random Thoughts Thread )


Re: Longest Thread EVER! (aka Random Thoughts Thread )

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    kateleestarkateleestar member
    edited December 2013
    Is anyone else trying to eat specific things to hopefully avoid potential allergies in their kiddos? Like I put local honey in my tea every morning - my thinking being that the local bees pollinating local flowers will help reduce local season allergies in future kid.... DH & my good friend who's daughter is allergic to EVERYTHING (not everything, but... Like 80% or everything, seriously, poor girl..) thinks it's a good idea. I've been eating tree nuts and mixed nuts sometimes, but usually almonds or peanuts and eating shellfish (shrimps, but maybe only twice a month) ... Am I weird? Lol.

    It's totally cool if I am, but I was wondering if I was alone. DH and I really don't have any allergies... DH is allergic to penicillin and I'm allergic to fluoride, but that's it. I can't, obviously, use any fluoride to prevent that and no one else I'm related to is allergic, and I can't help the penicillin thing... But man, I love pb&j and I want my kid to be able to eat them! LOL. (That part was weird.) MIL thinks it's the dumbest thing she's ever heard, but she's also against my desire to cloth diaper (I have skin allergies and has to as a baby, no choice.) and thinks how I'm looking into baby led weaning is just 'so stupid'... Thanks MIL!

    I was wandering the interwebs earlier and I read this: https://www.newsday.com/news/health/eating-nuts-while-pregnant-cuts-child-allergy-risk-study-finds-1.6675229

    and it got me on this thought train... Anyone else think I'm nuts or just... Weird? What do my lovely/intelligent/level headed A14 ladies think? :)

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

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    My husband is allergic to nuts. I ate so much peanut butter and trail mix while I was pregnant with DD- not to prevent anything, but because I craved it. She is allergic also.
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    poru said:
    Is anyone else trying to eat specific things to hopefully avoid potential allergies in their kiddos? Like I put local honey in my tea every morning - my thinking being that the local bees pollinating local flowers will help reduce local season allergies in future kid.... DH & my good friend who's daughter is allergic to EVERYTHING (not everything, but... Like 80% or everything, seriously, poor girl..) thinks it's a good idea. I've been eating tree nuts and mixed nuts sometimes, but usually almonds or peanuts and eating shellfish (shrimps, but maybe only twice a month) ... Am I weird? Lol. It's totally cool if I am, but I was wondering if I was alone. DH and I really don't have any allergies... DH is allergic to penicillin and I'm allergic to fluoride, but that's it. I can't, obviously, use any fluoride to prevent that and no one else I'm related to is allergic, and I can't help the penicillin thing... But man, I love pb&j and I want my kid to be able to eat them! LOL. (That part was weird.) MIL thinks it's the dumbest thing she's ever heard, but she's also against my desire to cloth diaper (I have skin allergies and has to as a baby, no choice.) and thinks how I'm looking into baby led weaning is just 'so stupid'... Thanks MIL! I was wandering the interwebs earlier and I read this: https://www.newsday.com/news/health/eating-nuts-while-pregnant-cuts-child-allergy-risk-study-finds-1.6675229 and it got me on this thought train... Anyone else think I'm nuts or just... Weird? What do my lovely/intelligent/level headed A14 ladies think? :)
    I am not going out of my way to eat anything specific, but I am not avoiding either (I actually know people who avoid nuts while pregnant <eyeroll>).  We normally do local raw honey since DH gets seasonal allergies and it helps.  And I am a peanut butter fanatic. And I have shellfish, eggs and other things that underline traditional allergies pretty often.

    FWIW - my mom is fatally allergic to penicillin and neither my brother nor I are allergic.
    YES! Eyeroll x 100. The people who avoid peanut butter during pregnancy in order to avoid allergies are just an eyeroll and a hair flip. 

    I had someone warn me for eating so much peanut butter during my 1st trimester because of that.
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    Good thing I had my dr. Appt this morning and my blood pressure was A OK, it's through the fucking roof right now. I have zero tolerance for poor customer service.







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    Bluebird2318Bluebird2318 member
    edited December 2013
    FTM question,

    Are bumpers a no-go? Even the breathable/mesh kind? Will their little arms and legs fall out? 

    My biggest worry with bumpers is not suffocation (because with DD I did not use either kind until she was a strong/confident roller and a self-chosen belly sleeper anyway), but strangulation from the ties when baby gets old enough to start fiddling with them, and/or the baby using the bumper as leverage to climb (read: fall) out of the crib. That being the case, the time frame that I consider completely "safe" for baby to use bumpers is so small that I don't think I would bother getting either kind again. 

    If you are swaddling your baby, you shouldn't need to worry about arms and legs getting caught until they are big enough to roll well and you take them out of the swaddle. At that point you could probably (briefly) use either kind with a similar degree of safety, but I just wouldn't use them at all because of the strangulation/crib fall issues I described above. 
    March 2017 September Siggy Challenge: Favorite Fall Things

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    The amount I've grown this week is scary!! But also awesome..
    BabyFruit Ticker mean_girls_35345
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    Mini rant:

    So DH's cousin just announced they are pregnant again. His family has a secret fb group they post on and she basically said "yes this was a surprise and yes our kids will only be 15 months a part". I'm kinda a little peeved she even had to say that. DH's family is famous for gossiping about anyone not there so I'm sure she was worried about what everyone was thinking. Sad that she has to! I for one am excited our kids will be close in age so they will have someone to play with at gatherings.

    His family annoys me.
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    The amount I've grown this week is scary!! But also awesome..
    I wonder if 24 weeks is a major growth spurt? I've been having more RLP and definitely feel bigger! :)

    Yea, all day yesterday I was definitely being stretched and this morning, getting out of bed was a whole different story! We're at the in laws staying on a fold out bed that's close to the ground. I was like Whaaaaat? When I tried to get up.
    BabyFruit Ticker mean_girls_35345
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    The amount I've grown this week is scary!! But also awesome..
    I wonder if 24 weeks is a major growth spurt? I've been having more RLP and definitely feel bigger! :)
    I'm thinking so. My belly has grown a lot in two weeks and I had a small jump in my weight.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
                                ~Missed MC at 8 weeks. D&C at 12 weeks on 4/17/13~ 
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    Weird about the nut thing, because I just saw a study about how eating nuts helps prevent nut allergies. Apparently that's not 100% true. :)

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
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    aronie82 said:
    I don't get how avoiding them in pregnancy should prevent allergy.  I would think the lack of exposure would "cause' an allergy.
    I'm no scientist, but that always made more sense to me too. I think it's odd when people claim avoiding allergens is helpful (unless the parents are allergic). 
    March 2017 September Siggy Challenge: Favorite Fall Things

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    All of DH's siblings are allergic also. I continue to eat it though.
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    Not to mention that you can end up with food allergies at any point in your life. I ate a TON of bananas in my life, then out of the blue became allergic when I was 23

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
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    That's how my fluoride was - like overnight at 13 it was like, hello ER visit!

    The allergist that my friends kid sees has slowly started introducing things she's allergic to in incredibly small amounts into her diet - so she can develop a tolerance for it. So her immune system doesn't see it as a threat, he says.

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    It's freezing in Idaho!!! Gaahhh!!!!
    September Siggy Challenge: What I Sing in the Shower: Little Mermaid "Part Of That World"image

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    poru said:

    That's how my fluoride was - like overnight at 13 it was like, hello ER visit!

    The allergist that my friends kid sees has slowly started introducing things she's allergic to in incredibly small amounts into her diet - so she can develop a tolerance for it. So her immune system doesn't see it as a threat, he says.

    My mom did that with raspberries  -- took her a couple years but now she can eat them in moderation.  Every so often though she will get a little patch of hives signalling she was eating them too often.

    Wondering if it's the same since mine developed later. As of now I can't even touch bananas without itching. It SUCKS. I'm investing in some good food service gloves when LO starts eating solids. My kid will still eat them even if I can't!!!

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
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    Now I want yogurt and fresh fruit!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker mean_girls_35345
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    pineconey said:

    Not to mention that you can end up with food allergies at any point in your life. I ate a TON of bananas in my life, then out of the blue became allergic when I was 23

    I'm allergic to raw bananas. As long as they are cooked I'm fine. Have you tried that?
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    pineconey said:

    Not to mention that you can end up with food allergies at any point in your life. I ate a TON of bananas in my life, then out of the blue became allergic when I was 23

    I'm allergic to raw bananas. As long as they are cooked I'm fine. Have you tried that?

    Raw, cooked, skin contact- can't do any. :(

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
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    pineconey said:

    pineconey said:

    Not to mention that you can end up with food allergies at any point in your life. I ate a TON of bananas in my life, then out of the blue became allergic when I was 23

    I'm allergic to raw bananas. As long as they are cooked I'm fine. Have you tried that?

    Raw, cooked, skin contact- can't do any. :(
    That's unfortunate. I hope you find a solution.
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    I'm feeling super short of breath lately.
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    I'm feeling super short of breath lately.

    Me too. I'm chalking it up to my lungs having less room?
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    I'm feeling super short of breath lately.
    Me too. I'm chalking it up to my lungs having less room?

    Yup, me too!
    BabyFruit Ticker mean_girls_35345
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    I'm feeling super short of breath lately.
    Me too. I'm chalking it up to my lungs having less room?

    Yup, me too!

    I just assumed ,my lack of exercise was really catching up to me!! Actually, i've been having shortness of breath probably since 18 weeks or so...whew! Everything is a chore lately. 16 more weeks should really do me in!

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    So I apparently will be the only family member to reproduce girls.... All the hands me downs are boy colors... Hey I don't discriminate...we got girl items for when we leave the house....lol. But I love my Aunt for giving me the crib her son NEVER slept in... She was going to sale it!

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    pineconey said:

    Not to mention that you can end up with food allergies at any point in your life. I ate a TON of bananas in my life, then out of the blue became allergic when I was 23

    My sister just developed a seafood allergy at age 22. I'm praying this doesn't happen to me.
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    TallaB said:

    I'm feeling super short of breath lately.

    Me too. I'm chalking it up to my lungs having less room?

    Yup, me too!

    I just assumed ,my lack of exercise was really catching up to me!! Actually, i've been having shortness of breath probably since 18 weeks or so...whew! Everything is a chore lately. 16 more weeks should really do me in!

    You're probably all correct. I am beginning to get irritated by having to make myself yawn in order to feel like I've gotten a full breath. My heart is constantly pounding out of my chest and and I'm dizzy. I can't seem to shake this feeling no matter how much I drink or anything.
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    Naps have made me crazy happy lately.  I wake up in the most ridiculously good mood.  It doesn't always last, but it's always there, at least for a little while. 
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    NYJodwayNYJodway member
    edited December 2013
    Also, Merry 2nd Day of Christmas (aka Feast of Stephen) to you all!

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    I need your help ladies!
    I don't get sick very often, but I have a serious head cold or something. Sore itchy throat, my body aches, coughing like crazy, feel hot but no fever. What can I take or what's the best home remedies?
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    I'm not a fan of hot tea, but I'm desperate at this point.
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    I'm not a fan of hot tea, but I'm desperate at this point.

    Emergen-c and Vicks tissues.
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    BFP#1 6/29/12 LTMC 10/20/12 (20 weeks) induced delivery 10/22/12
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    My stomach revolted today for the first time this whole pregnancy... It wasn't even my stomach's fault - my esophagus decided to quit working and everything got stuck. It's happened once before, but I was able to get it working again before it made me sick. Not only is it gross, but it hurts like hell for a while after too... Sad panda here...  :-S
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