Hello and welcome to the July 2022 BMB!
Introduce yourself:
Due date?
How did you find out?
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
Re: Introductions
Due date? July 11
How did you find out? Last night when I was trying to fall asleep I had horribly heartburn, which I only get while pregnant. I tested and had the very faintest shadow of a positive test line, so I tested again this morning and it's darker. If it's still positive tomorrow I'll call my RE for a blood test.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) DH and I started dating our freshman year of college and got married in 2014. We travel and keep ourselves busy with remodel projects. I own my own consulting business providing PR/media/community relations services, primarily for the oil industry and a higher ed client. Our son is 2 years old and is the absolute sweetest. He's snuggly and funny and never stops talking.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Eh. [TW - history explanation in siggy spoiler] TBH, not very hopeful, but I'm here while I'm here, you know? We weren't tracking yet as it's the first cycle following a loss, and I definitely wasn't expecting a positive test today. I feel like if this pregnancy continues, I won't be excited until well into the second tri. I'll probably have a blood draw Thursday or Friday with my RE and a second beta on Monday if my HPT is still positive then.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. It's a toss up between Jalapeño Cheddar Cheetos and a rare NY Strip steak, depending on if I'm feeling like a real adult or not.
Due date? 7/2
How did you find out? I took a home test 8 days after a 5 day embryo transfer, which showed a strong positive. Another test the next day was an even stronger positive, and a beta at my RE's office on Monday confirmed. I have another beta tomorrow, which hopefully will show a strong rise in hcg!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?
I'm in my early 30s, and an attorney. DH and I started dating about 13 years ago, and married 9 years ago. We have a son who is almost 3. He was conceived through IVF after 3 years of IF, and two years of treatment with an RE. We also have a 12 year old lab mix.
This time around, we went straight to the RE to attempt a FET with our sole remaining embryo from the last IVF. The FET was unsuccessful (more at the * below). A few months later, we tried IVF again, and it seems like the fresh transfer has taken!
* *tw*
The FET was a CP. There was an initial faint positive on a home test, but the initial beta came in fairly low, and the numbers fell from there. It was really disappointing, as I had been thinking of that frozen embryo as our Kid #2 for 3.5 years.
*end tw*
DH and I love skiing and traveling. Sadly, both have been in very short supply the last few years between pregnancy with my first, having a baby/ toddler, and COVID. Our 10th anniversary is next fall though - hopefully things calm down enough by then that we can celebrate it a few months later with a big ski trip.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
Not too many pregnancy symptoms so far - just random uterus twinges.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
Probably a perfectly cooked medium rare ribeye. Mashed potatoes would be a close second.
Due date?
July 1st (unless dating scan changes that) -- I seem to be in the 5% of women who deliver on their due date. My mom had 3 kids all delivered on their due date and my son was on his due date as well.
How did you find out?
My husband and I were trying for our second child so I was really keyed in to my cycle. I had two symptoms that stood out to me before the BFP: loose ligaments and implantation bleeding. I have an old knee injury from high school and I felt like my legs were going to collapse out from under me. I also had implantation bleeding for 3 days and when it didn't progress to a period, that was a pretty telltale sign. I got my BFP on 9 DPO and instantly showed it to my husband who told me he didn't see anything lol. However, on 10 DPO, we both saw the two lines.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
I have been married to DH for a little over 4 years and we have one son together who will be 3 years old in December. We live in Indiana and I work for the local hospital. We have two cats. I love to bake, spend time with my son, and be lazy lol
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
Feeling great. I feel like my mood is only ever super happy go-lucky when I'm pregnant, which stinks because this is my last pregnancy. My symptoms have been super mild so far. The only consistent symptom has been a stretching feeling in my abdomen. Otherwise, everything else comes and goes. My first appointment (ultrasound and OB visit) is December 8th. I kind of hate this part of pregnancy when you don't really feel pregnant and you have NO clue if everything is okay.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
That's such a difficult question. My gut reaction was salmon sushi, but I could also make a case for pizza.
Due date? July 4th
How did you find out? My period hadn't come and ut was day 30 but that didn't alarm me. Ever since my period came back this past June after the birth of my daughter last November, it fluctuates between 37 and 31 days. I decided to take a test after I felt a bit nauseous grocery shopping. I totally didn't think it would come back positive. With my first, my boobs were killing me from right after ovulation so I KNEW I was pregnant 1.5 weeks before a test would come out positive. This time, nothing. No symptoms whatsoever except feeling a bit gross if I go too long between eating.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
My husband and I got married December 2019, got pregnant March 2020, DD born Nov 2020. Shes 11 months and is so much fun! I'm excited for her to be a big sister. I'm a stay at home mom for the most part. On Fridays I clean for a few families and when DD is napping I like to sew. I'm hoping to turn it more into a side hustle and sell the baby clothes that I make. Oh and we live in northern Norway. Im originally from the PNW but moved when we got married. DH is Norwegian.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
A little gross when I don't eat and this morning I had to take a nap. That could have been because I didn't go to bed until 11:30 last night and DD woke up at 6:45😂 the late nights always come back to get you!
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
I think I'll have to go with Thanksgiving dinner with all the sides. I know that's not 1 thing but I think they HAVE to go together😜
Introduce yourself: Hi everyone! So excited to be here!
Due date? July 7th but I think it might be a few days off
How did you find out? My last cycle was 38 days, so for this cycle, I tried checking ovulation and just couldn’t find my LH peak, I was so frustrated I took an ovulation test and pregnancy test at the same time and I saw a teeny tiny line poking through that I was not expecting!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I’ve been with my husband for 9 years, married for 4. We had our first, a boy, last November. Since then, I’ve been a stay at home mom. I like baking and playing video games.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Symptoms, just some cramping, which I’m pretty sure I had with my first as well. I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself because I had gestational diabetes with my first. Going to try to start a low carb diet soon. Had Panda Express last night to say goodbye to my beloved sugar chicken. Lol
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Ooooh. Probably burgers.
Due date? 7/10/22
How did you find out? The nice nurse just sent me a text!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I just turned 40
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) I am SO hopeful and excited.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Chocolate chip cookies. If i can specify that they be warm, i would be in heaven.
@aukeev Thanks for getting us started!
@babywiik I agree, thanksgiving can be one thing for sure
@skilouise Mashed potatoes would be my second as well. Also, so sorry for your FET loss, there is no way to know where the road may lead but i am glad you are here now.
TTC since 2017
3/18-9/18- IUI's
11/18- IVF #1
1/19- IVF #2
8/19- DE Cycle #1- 5 PGS tested normal
9/19- FET #1- SUCCESS! May 2020
10/21- FET #2- SUCCESS! July 2022
Due date? I'm guessing 7/8/22, but I won't know until my dating ultrasound in two weeks
How did you find out? I have been waiting for af to return after I stopped pumping two months ago so that we could start the testing need for an FET in January. My husband suggested that I take a test again (I took one at the beginning of October) because it still hadn't shown up... and a super dark positive appeared immediately!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) DH and I have been together for almost six years, married for 3.5 years now and we have an 11 month old daughter and two dogs. We live in New England, and I work in historic preservation planning. We struggled with infertility for nearly two years, 3 failed IUIs and 3 embryo transfers to get pregnant with our daughter.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Shocked. I still can't believe that we are pregnant. I had hoped that maybe I would be one of those women that get KU on their own after an IVF baby, but never thought it would actually happen. I have had two HCG blood tests at my RE's office, will have one more on Monday, and then they are going to schedule a dating ultrasound for the second week in November.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Tacos
Like many I have read about I also had a miscarriage in August, super early, was only 4 weeks but still sucked.
Due date? July 8th guessing due to ovulation date,but I will probably be going back and forth between this month and June because I will have a scheduled C section
How did you find out? Anxiously waiting since O date, got a super super faint on two test the other days, took a different test this evening and for sure positive.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?). DH and I have been together 11yrs, married 7yrs. We have two DD one is almost 6yr (Jan 2016 board) and a almost 3yr (Apr 2018 board but she was a preemie). We live in Kentucky, I am a licensed Vet Tech. We finally got our dream in 2020 by buying our 20acre farm. We now have 2 dogs, 4 cats, 6 ducks, one pet cow, 2 beef cows for meat, 25 egg laying chickens, 2 turkeys, and currently 3 meat chickens. We are loving every minute of it.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) excited but super worried since MC in August, mild cramping, mild nausea, and weirdly tender boobs.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Probably spaghetti, I love pasta.
Due date? 7/6/2022
How did you find out? We did a frozen embryo transfer. I took a pregnancy test at 7dpt and got a dark second line. I was through the moon excited. Had my first beta on 10/28 and it was in the 160’s. Second beta is scheduled for tomorrow.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
I have a husband and 9 year old son. We have deal with secondary infertility for the last 8 years. It wasn’t until about 4 months ago they figured out it was my tubes.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
I am so excited. A little nervous. But know that my dreams and my families dreams are finally coming true. I can’t wait to tell our son which we are planning on doing after the first ultrasound since he has watched me take so many shots for the IVF and prays daily to get a sibling.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
Spaghetti. Specifically my moms homemade sauce.
Introduce yourself:
Due date? Tentatively 07/07/2022. I suspect I ovulated early and am earlier, but they'll probably stick with this as the due date anyways.
How did you find out? My body went rogue last month
ANYWHO I was pretty sure I was going to be pregnant from that day. My normal cycle symptoms weren't happening. Finally got the positive test at 3:30 AM on 10/27. I was having my classic early pregnancy symptoms: strong sense of smell, minor cramping, etc. Plus, in every pregnancy, soon before taking the test, I bend over and I can just feel like something is off. Like there is something extra in my pelvis that isn't normally there. It's a very strange feeling, but I'm used to it now XD
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I have two toddlers who are both wonderful and a handful. R is 4 and N is 2. They were also July babies. I honestly kind of love that all three kids will share the birth month. It's hella convenient. I am a pseudo SAHM. I work part-time, sometimes, doing gig work (Uber, Instacart) but the world is weird right now. I love to garden and have created a forest in the desert (as my neighbors like to call it). I also craft, bake, and love watching some reality TV (DWTS, Bachelorette) and comedies. I also like to follow the news and watch documentaries. My husband (father to all three) and I have been married for 5 years now. We love to travel together. And we also have three cats.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Emotionally, I am very happy and trying to relish the awfulness of pregnancy. This is our last, so I'm attempting to enjoy it even though I hate pregnancy with a prejudice. I have been having dizziness/lightheadedness which is new and not fun. Also hot flashes. My sense of smell is going bananas. I'm having stretchy cramps. And I'm tired. Two toddlers and pregnant is not a joke. That's most of it for now.
I am looking for a new doctor. Again. The midwife from my second son's birth is not covered on our new insurance. I am really unhappy about this, because I love her and she rocks and I was so looking forward to not having to find a new good doctor again but.... it is what it is.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
I mean, chocolate. Because I love chocolate. But the more practical choice is potatoes. You can more or less live on them, and they are fairly versatile, and I love them. And I think I would get tired of constant sweetness.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
How did you find out? A few days late anyway so used my last pregnancy test on day 30 which came back negative, woke up yesterday to vomit for two hours and picked up another test today which came up positive as soon as I dipped it!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I'm 28, work night shifts in healthcare specialising in dementia and end of life care. Me and my husband got married this past May and have been trying since April as it hadn't happened yet we decided to get our new puppy in September and the next month we find out we're pregnant! We're also in the UK
TW Loss***
I have been on ttgp and a few bump month clubs under a different username but unfortunately in never went very far. We are tentative but something just feels different this time!
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Excited and overwhelmed, I had a massive feeling that this was going to happen this month and I just can't believe that it's actually happened! Feeling nauseous for the past few days which I never had before so hoping that this is something that doesn't last very long!
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. I'm a slut for some carbs, either crisps or pasta and I'd be happy forever
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Another option if you get to a point were nothing stays down is to ask your doctor about Zofran. I was still sick but I was able to stay hydrated and eat throughout the day.
Hi everyone! This is my first pregnancy after a long time trying, as my husband has to travel for work on and off and a lot of months we couldn’t even truly try! While it feel weird to be the only first pregnancy here (for now I’m sure!) I trust I can count on you all for questions!😉
Due date?
Not entirely sure when in July, haven’t been the doctors yet although the appointment is scheduled!
How did you find out?
To be honest, we had stopped tracking because things just weren’t working out both while my husband traveled and then even once he was back home and it was just creating a lot of disappointment for me. Cut to early last week, when I looked at my calendar for something completely different and realized I missed my period by a couple days! I took 2 different tests as soon as I got home from work and everything came back positive! It also made my aching breasts and feeling like I was ‘getting a cold’ make a lot more sense😆
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
Husband and I have been together almost 10 years and married for almost 3! We eloped to New Orleans just the two of us and I have never regretted it for a second! We just got a Portuguese Water Dog puppy this summer (since baby plans didn’t seem to be happening!) who is now 6 months and such a joy! Our family has had a few of the same breed and they are such great family dogs so I look forward to watching him become a big brother too! We love to camp, hike, and canoe! Wanted to take the pup with us this summer on our adventures, but now I might be too big by then!
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
Hopeful! I know I’m very early and I don’t know what will happen in the next month or so, so if I disappear from this group, I’ll hope to be back in another group soon. Currently, I am exhausted, my nipples are very angry, and my knees, hips, and other joints are sore. No vomiting yet, but I hardly ever throw up even when sick, so I expect more nausea and diarrhea as I go!
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
Sushi!! I am a pescatarian and adore all kinds of sushi and Asian food! Very glad I had it not too long before I found out so I can remember it for the next 9 months!
Due date? July 9, 2022
How did you find out? Keeping track of ovulation and it was time to test. Positive on 10/29
Tell us about yourself: Preschool teacher, crafty, 14yo cat and lovely husband. I’m a July baby and my husband is August! Gotta love those summer birthdays.
How are you feeling? Appointment Nov 11, super excited and still in disbelief! Slight cramping, some nausea.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Mac n cheese!
Due date? 7/11
How did you find out? Watching ovulation closely and tested as soon as I could .. and maybe earlier than I should have started. Also sore boobs which I used to also get before period but haven’t at all since my almost 3 year old was born so I knew
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I work in mental health and have a very active almost 3 year old! We live in the Midwest and I’m a long distance runner, although less long distance since my LO was born.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
only symptom has been mild sore boobs and knee pain from a past injury that returns during pregnancy. Had a couple moments In the event of super mild and brief nausea yesterday and today.
**TW: I had a loss at 11wks at the end of Aug so I’m feeling pretty nervous about how things will progress. Big hugs to all you other PAL parents. / end TW
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. pizza. So many different kinds. Traditional, breakfast pizza, taco pizza, so many different toppings and crusts and cheese options.
We seem to have a bit in common! I also have a (almost) 3 year old, live in the Midwest (Indiana), and am experiencing knee pain. My right knee seems so weak right now with those loose ligaments. Anyway, just wanted to say hey!
Due date?
How did you find out?
After a fun night with friends celebrating my husband’s birthday, we came home and I decided to take a surprise pregnancy test, thinking it would be fun to have a positive test to give him on his bday. My period was supposed to start that day and hadn’t, so I thought why not for his bday! I took it so nonchalantly, placing it on my kitchen counter to wait the 3 minutes while I did the evening dishes. After the dishes were done, I glanced over and it had two bold lines and I started trembling in shock! I ran up to my husband who was in bed already, and stood next to him with happy tears as I showed him his surprise birthday present haha!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
I’m 32 and my husband and I have been married 10 years in a couple weeks! We have 3 kids, DD 7, DS 5(6 in Dec), DD 2 and I’ve been homeschooling them since DD1 was 4 and I love it!
I’m a massage therapist specializing in sports injury recovery, but haven’t worked since I was 8mo pregnant with DD1. I’ll occasionally help a family member or friend, but a house full of kids doesn’t make for the most relaxing massage session haha.
We live in MI, my husband works full-time and is also the worship leader at our church. I teach at our kid’s weekly homeschool group and run a side Etsy business (digital planner printables). I love all things paper crafting, journaling, and pretty planners.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
Physically I feel great, I tend to get nauseous around 7 weeks until 12 weeks, but I’m a little nervous tbh. I’m so thankful for my past 3 healthy pregnancies, but the statistic about loss is weighing on me - like it’s time for it to be my turn. I pray and thank God every day for the little bean He’s given us, and I’m learning to trust Him more.
Also, I tend to gain a LOT of weight when pregnant and that number increases with every pregnancy. I’m 5’1” and I gained 65lbs with my last pregnancy, so I’m nervous about that because it’s really uncomfortable and my self-esteem tanks. But of course I know it’s all worth it.
Pizza - thin crust, deep dish, fancy, or frozen - love it all!
Hope everything keeps going well for you!
Due date? 7/16/2022
How did you find out? I've been peeing on a stick for the last 5 days because I've been feeling gross and I'm still in the 2ww! Just got a faint+ today!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) So, I'm 41(soon to be 42). DH is 40, we've been married for 16 years! We have 3 kids, age 14 girl, 12 boy &7 boy. We have 2 cockerpoo dogs, and we must be absolutely crazy to add more chaos to our family!!
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Ok, so need to be honest..im nervous as heck!! I've always felt after our 3rd child that we were still missing a piece to our puzzle. I don't know if it was because we had another boy and my daughter wanted a sister so badly, or what, but I never thought we'd go for it. We should have years ago but things just kept getting in the way,not to mention I'm petrified to have a 4th csection.. my last 2 made me so sick and low platelet and low bp complications, I've already had a handful of panic attacks about this .
I'm already super nervous being so old this time, already feeling a ton of cramps, nausea, overall blah. I suffer from anxiety now since my late 30s and am taking a class C med so that makes me super apprehensive on effects of baby. I'm curious how our kids will take to the news, about how our family will take to it as well.
When we were ttc our first, we got pg 1st cycle, second ttc, 1st cycle again! 3rd? Took 8 cycles!!!! I was 35, so I figured it was because I was old lol. This time, we decided to try 1 month and let fate determine (but there is a 5% chance at age 41 to conceive natural) so we are both still in absolute shock it only took only 1 CYCLE!!! :O
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Ohh, id say pasta I guess!!!
TTC since 2017
3/18-9/18- IUI's
11/18- IVF #1
1/19- IVF #2
8/19- DE Cycle #1- 5 PGS tested normal
9/19- FET #1- SUCCESS! May 2020
10/21- FET #2- SUCCESS! July 2022
Due date?
July 8th
How did you find out?
My breasts were tender, and I knew in my heart. So I took a test about a week ago and viola.
Tell us about yourself
I have the sweetest three year old, truly the best husband, and a cute pup - all boys! I work at NPO and I love to swim, camp, and garden. If I could spend all my days growing and harvesting veggies with my little one, I'd be a pretty happy girl. Oh and we live in Canada 🇨🇦
How are you feeling?
I feel fine, tired and tired of peeing all the time, but mostly nervous.
We have experienced many losses in our TTC journey - everything from multiple chemicals to ectopic losses, to a missed miscarriage, to a miscarriage at 12 weeks, to a medical loss at 22 weeks (the last two both in 2020 🙄). They have all been heartbreaking losses and so few people understand...so if you are looking for me, I'll be living on the PGAL boards, pulling and praying for all of the mama's who it hasn't come easy for with my whole heart. ❤
Despite it all, I feel at peace and my heart is full. Losses can take a lot from you, but they haven't taken our hope or the love we have for each other.
***END of TW***
For sure pizza, just for the variety!
Due date?
July 2nd
How did you find out?
Third cycle trying, and this is the first one that I tested early. I tested last Saturday before work at 11dpo and had a faint line, but I had just read about blue dye and I didn't trust it. I tried to stay calm all day at work until I could go buy more tests! Rushed around trying to find pink dye tests but cvs was closing for technical issues, the first grocery store only had blue dye and the second grocery store finally came through for me!I tested again as soon as I got home and got my pink BFP!
Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I'm 29, DH is 30. We've been married almost three years. This is our first child, but we do have an adored black cat named Strider. I love to embroider and paint, and my work is sort Iof adjacent as a Custom Framer. DH is a writer with an office day job.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) So happy and at peace, with a bit of nervousness. Nausea is just starting. Boobs have been getting steadily more sore and sensitive. Some fatigue and dizziness off and on. Cramping is easing up. Over the moon to be pregnant, just want to know that everything is okay!
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Probably cheese and crackers!
@rubyrose_0919 big hugs to you and all the happy thoughts and healthy baby vibes
Due date? July 2
How did you find out? Pretty uneventful 😅 Took a test day of my missed period and it was negative, spent a whole week and still nothing then tested the following Saturday and got my positive result! Crawled back in bed and handed my husband the test 😂
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I have been married for 9 years and have a 2yo daughter. We also have a 10mo Aussie! So our house is just constant chaos, lol. When we have time, we like to swim, play board games, and have our friends over for “family dinner” ☺️
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) First appointment isn’t until early December (9 weeks!). I’m already so so sleepy, a little nauseous, and my boobs are sore… I’m also very emotional! The day before I tested positive, my daughter had a Halloween costume parade at daycare and I cried cause it was so dang cute!
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Hmmmm… Probably pizza. Or tacos. 🤤
Due date? 7/15
How did you find out? We have been trying and knew I was 10dpo today. Very positive FRER and we are so excited.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) I’m a 3rd grade teacher. I have two boys, 11 and 5!
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Optimistic and excited
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Tacos!
DS #1 11/08/10
DS #2 due 10/20/16
Due date? 7/10
How did you find out? Felt pregnant, home tests confirmed.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
My husband and I have two daughters, 9 years old and 6 months old. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum for age gaps with these 3 babies, ha! This baby is due the week of my oldests birthday. We have a micro homestead; 3 dogs, 4 cats, 2 goats, 60 chickens. We live in a century old elementary school, and we homeschool.
*TW: loss*
oof so worried as always. Between my girls I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks and that was immediately followed by a miscarriage at 5 weeks. First trimester will always be a scary thing for me to get through, but one day at a time. My last pregnancy was much better though. Also fun fact, after our losses we decided no more and my husband had a vasectomy, which we had reversed in June of 2020 and we’ve gotten pregnant twice now on our first cycles trying. They told us it would probably take 6-12 months for us to get pregnant. 😂
As far as symptoms, Im already feeling nausea and heartburn, seriously, ugh.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Pasta.
Due date: July 9
How did you find out? We have been ttc for a few months and knew when I was expecting my period. Tested 11dpo and got a faint line!
Tell us about yourself: I am a medical physicist in radiation oncology and run my research lab. My husband is a teacher and this is our first pregnancy!
How are you feeling? Very nervous - many of my friends have experienced infertility and loss recently so it’s at the front of my mind. But also wildly excited!
GTKY fun fact: I would eat ice cream every day for the rest of my life 😜
Due date? July 10
How did you find out? We did an IVF frozen embryo transfer about a week and a half ago. I had a positive home test on 10/31 confirmed by beta on 11/1 and repeat beta today.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) This is my third pregnancy. I have a 7 year old daughter that we conceived naturally and a 3 year old daughter that took us over 2 years and ultimately IVF to conceive. I'm a Labor & Delivery nurse and my husband is a teacher. When I have free time (HA) I love to read, bake, and do yoga.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) I'm starting to get more optimistic. My first beta was on the low side so I started getting nervous but it tripled today when we did the repeat so I'm hoping everything is okay. I was so anxious during my last pregnancy because of all the stress of infertility so I'm hoping to be a little calmer this time. I have another repeat beta on Friday for peace of mind and my first ultrasound will be the week of Thanksgiving. So far I've had some breast tenderness, some minor nausea and food aversions, and I've been peeing like crazy.
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever: Pancakes!!
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
Introduce yourself: Hello friends!! Please see spoiler for my entire journey. There's a lot to cover lol. This is a rainbow pregnancy *tw* after an unexpected, but very welcome natural pregnancy after over 3 years of TTC that ended in an MC just after 8 weeks *end tw*.
Due date? 7/14
How did you find out? Normally I test early but I'm currently in the process of working with a reproductive immunologist with the belief that my immune system is preventing implantation from happening. I literally just got some tests results earlier this week that pretty much confirm that however I obviously haven't had a follow up with the RI about a treatment plan for it since I fell pregnant anyway. I did a biopsy about a month ago and apparently something like that (and/or an endometrial scratch) is what can help make conception possible and well... Yes lol. Anyway, I track my cycles with OPKs and BBT. Since my temp hadn't dropped yet I decided to test this morning. It usually starts dropping somewhere around 6-8dpo. My initial response was "oh s*it, oh f*ck"
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) DH and I have been together for ages. Ummm 14 years this year? Married for just over 5 and we're both engineers. No children yet, but I do have a fur child (a cat), as well as a red eared slider turtle, some sunfish, and 2 hedgehogs whom I often refer to as the Spikey Boys. DH and I both mentor a robotics team for high school students and that actually just started picking up so we'll be busy building robots while I'm building a baby lol.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Having dealt with both IF and TTCAL, I'm cautiously excited. I don't know if we need to do something ASAP to help maintain this pregnancy or not. Still waiting on a call from the RI about what we need to do since I wasn't expecting this and don't have a treatment plan yet. Hoping we can speed things along now though. My first appointment isn't for another month. As far as symptoms, I've been gassy AF for the last couple days
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever. Tiramisu might be the one thing I would never say no to. Oh and maybe hash browns. Or any breakfast food for that matter. Pastries are the best. And by pastries I mean cinnamon rolls!!
@babywiik how's the weather over in Norway right now
@feather_heather hey friend! Let me join you in the holy crap how did this happen camp haha
@sjb2215 hello fellow Wisconsinite!!
@shortstack930 hello friend!!
TTC #1 since 7.2017
Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies
IUI #1-3 | all BFN
IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20
Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
Bloodwork | 10.21.21 | high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22
DS born 7.19.22 after induction
TTC #2 begins 6.2023
Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
Repeat labs in 8 weeks
Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
TTC put on pause indefinitely
Due date? 7/7/22
How did you find out? Well this is rather sudden… took my IUD out late August and had my first period in like 10 years so started tracking. The FF app told me which day to test on the day I was supposed to get my 2nd period so I was really not expecting it. Cried tears of joy and wrote my husband a sweet note. We went on a walk and he went to pee and saw the pregnancy test wrapper in the trash and was like, “you pregnant?” Well yes. So much for my sweet note 😂
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) My husband and I have been together 3 years but just got married 2 months ago. Moved to a new state out west in the spring for skiing and hiking and floating.
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?) Excited, nervous, I’m 35 and husband is 41. I truly know very little about pregnancy and am a bit overwhelmed at how much there is to watch out for. I had cut my hand pretty badly and got a tDap and flu shot 2 weeks ago and just got my Covid booster (perks of being preggo!) so hoping that wasn’t too much stress on the pregnancy. Seems crazy the doctor won’t see me until December! How will I know what to do?!
GTKY Fun fact: Tell us what you would choose if you could only eat one thing forever.
Artichokes. With garlic butter. But yeah that’s my weakness.