February 2017 Moms

Weekly Randoms (9/19)


Re: Weekly Randoms (9/19)

  • alemarie1 said:
    85 degrees in Massachusetts today,  I'm so done with this warm weather!  

    Is anyone getting a flushot this year?  I got a generic voicemail from my doctor specifically advising pregnant  women to get the  shot..  I've never had the flu, but not sure if I should get it and if I'm at increased  risk. 
    I'm in MA too! Looks like this weekend will cool down a little.

    I've never gotten the flu shot. This year I'm trying to decide if maybe I should, and DD too. DH always does!
    You should get the flu shot!  It's not just about your compromised immune system, the babies are due in the middle of flu season.  My SIL won't let anyone near her kids if they haven't had their flu shot.  

    Also, I was told we need to get them from our OB cause there's a different flu shot strain for pregnant women.
     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • edited September 2016
    Told our HR dept I was expecting because they needed a headcount for the 2017/2018 schoolyear of the subsidized DC/preschool they've got going on*. I asked them to keep it confidential because I didn't want to tell my direct supervisor until I've got the next few months of my project mapped out so she knows I'm not checking out of my job (deadline to meet regarding project: Oct 4).
    This means 8 more workdays of flowy tops. I can do this!

    *ETA: their reaction: oh, so you'll be giving birth in summer? Me: not quite......
    The original: Aug2013
    The remix: Feb2017
    The encore: coming Oct2019

  • Loading the player...
  • MrsDramaK said:
    alemarie1 said:
    85 degrees in Massachusetts today,  I'm so done with this warm weather!  

    Is anyone getting a flushot this year?  I got a generic voicemail from my doctor specifically advising pregnant  women to get the  shot..  I've never had the flu, but not sure if I should get it and if I'm at increased  risk. 
    I'm in MA too! Looks like this weekend will cool down a little.

    I've never gotten the flu shot. This year I'm trying to decide if maybe I should, and DD too. DH always does!
    You should get the flu shot!  It's not just about your compromised immune system, the babies are due in the middle of flu season.  My SIL won't let anyone near her kids if they haven't had their flu shot.  

    Also, I was told we need to get them from our OB cause there's a different flu shot strain for pregnant women.
    Oh really? My OB told me I can get it at my regular office when I bring my daughter in for hers.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • alemarie1 said:
    85 degrees in Massachusetts today,  I'm so done with this warm weather!  

    Is anyone getting a flushot this year?  I got a generic voicemail from my doctor specifically advising pregnant  women to get the  shot..  I've never had the flu, but not sure if I should get it and if I'm at increased  risk. 
    I got my flu shot last week. I always get it since I have asthma. It's more important now that we're pregnant. Our immune systems are weaker and if we get the flu it will be harder to fight off.  Plus, we need to protect the baby.  

    @MrsDramaK  it's not a different "strain" for pregnant women.  It's that we need to get the ones that are preservative free. I tried getting it at my OB's office but they hadn't received it yet.  He advised me to get mine from Walgreens/CVS because those guys have a special contract with the vaccine providers so they get the vaccines way before the doctors offices do, and they get a shit load of them.  

  • @Starfish113 Like @Afkash pointed out, I worded it wrong it's not a different strain, we're just supposed to get one that's preservative free.  Just confirm with your Regular doctor that his flu shots are.
     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @MrsDramaK Did your DH get the flu shot at the OB too because of the special strain? Or does that not matter?
  • @MrsDramaK Did your DH get the flu shot at the OB too because of the special strain? Or does that not matter?
    @Amber_Waves No, husbands do not need to get the preservative free shot.....unless they are allergic to the preservatives. 

  • Definitely advised to get a flu shot! I always skip them, EXCEPT when pregnant.  My dad is a physician, and he always says i don't need things, he's very anti medication/medicine for non emergencies.   but when he heard me say I wasn't sure if I was getting a flu shot with DD he flipped out and made me promise I'd go get it. It's no joke-compromised immune system, inability to take certain drugs while pregnant if you do get sick, and risk to baby--just not worth it to skip! 
  • @Amber_Waves husbands a baby and hasn't gotten his yet, but when I finally drag him, he'll just go to CVS or Rite-Aid.  Preservatives they use in flu shots have mercury in them which is why we need to avoid them.  So it's similar to that, DH can eat all the tuna he wants, I am the one who has to avoid it.
     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I got mine at target, just make sure to tell them you're pregnant so they give you the correct one. Also Idk if they are still doing this but when I got mine they gave everyone who got them a $5 gift card to target. Now I just need to find a way to convince DH to get one... I thought I had convinced him but it's been a couple weeks and he still hasn't gone or brought it up again. Our work always does them late October/early November so maybe I'll just sign him up and tell him he's going...
    Me: 33 | DH: 34
    Married: October, 19, 2015
    EDD 2/22/17 <3 DS1 born on 3/2/17
    EDD 3/8/20 <3 DS2 born on 3/10/20
    EDD 11/24/23
    (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)

  • Getting the flu shot for me is a huge pain in the ass because of an egg allergy but we all still get it. 
  • yogadevil said:
    I'll be getting the flu shot, and anyone who wants to see the baby in those first few months will be getting both flu and whooping cough vaccines
    This! I'm already giving all close friends and family a heads up so they can be prepared and not use time as an excuse!
  • Not pregnant I skip the flu shot because I'm one of those lucky weird people that doesn't hardly ever get sick. While pregnant/ nursing I definitely get it. 
  • I'll be getting the flu shot and I've already talked to my parents about getting it. my dad is 6 months out of a transplant for cancer so I told him he is exempt obvi :smile: My sister had a personality disorder, lives in a community home and ALWAYS gets sick-- like bronchitis multiple times a year  (but she won't quit smoking) so I told my mom to talk to my sister. she said she'd take care of it for me. Good to have allies.

    Now to tell the inlaws!
  • Ive already had the whooping cough vaccine & am scheduled in to get the flu jab when i go for my next midwife appointment next month. I've never had either before now but will do what is recommended for my babys health & well being
  • So PSA while we're on the flu shot topic.

    I called CVS and Rite-Aid and both confirmed that they only carry the preservative free flu shot in their stores.  I'd confirm with the pharmacist before they shoot you up, but should be a-okay for pregnant ladies.

    Also @scifichick09 definitely get the flu shot, studies show that pregnant women who don't, actually have higher risk for pre-term labor and delivery complications.  
     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Ive already had the whooping cough vaccine & am scheduled in to get the flu jab when i go for my next midwife appointment next month. I've never had either before now but will do what is recommended for my babys health & well being
    My doctor told me that it's recommended to get a tdap (whooping cough) booster in the third trimester, even if you've had that vaccine before, so baby gets some of the antibodies/protection.

    And same here, no one gets to come visit my baby that hasn't had their tdap and flu shot. Sorry, not worth risking baby getting sick!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • kirstynikolekirstynikole member
    edited September 2016
    +1 for flu & tdap requirements! Having a baby in peak sick season means anyone who wants to visit needs a clean bill of health. My cousin just had a baby last week (5weeks early), and she posted a facebook status about this and insisted people "like" the status to acknowledge her request. Not gonna lie, I was like... hmm sounds like a Good method to let your stance be known. 
  • Definitely getting the flu shot while pregnant and will again if I'm still nursing next year. It's just SO SO SO important. 
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
  • kjd291 said:
    Definitely advised to get a flu shot! I always skip them, EXCEPT when pregnant.  My dad is a physician, and he always says i don't need things, he's very anti medication/medicine for non emergencies.   but when he heard me say I wasn't sure if I was getting a flu shot with DD he flipped out and made me promise I'd go get it. It's no joke-compromised immune system, inability to take certain drugs while pregnant if you do get sick, and risk to baby--just not worth it to skip! 

    Not gonna lie, I had zero intention of getting a flu shot until I read this. I've never got the flu shot, and have never had the flu. I'm super anti medication unless it's absolutely necessary, I won't even take headache medicine. So I was kinda thinking now is not the time to experiment....but this has changed my mind. I will be asking my OB about it when I go in for my next appointment.

    Same here. I had zero intention of getting the flu (but was planning on the TDAP) since I've never gotten it or the flu. But you guys changed my mind.
  • I went to my OB yesterday and he gave me a flu shot. I'd never had one before, but not really for any reason, it just didn't come up, and I don't usually get sick a lot, but I've already had 2 colds this pregnancy, so I can tell my immune system is not as good as normal. He also mentioned that they recommend the whooping cough booster in the 3rd trimester which I'll definitely get as well.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Ive already had the whooping cough vaccine & am scheduled in to get the flu jab when i go for my next midwife appointment next month. I've never had either before now but will do what is recommended for my babys health & well being
    My doctor told me that it's recommended to get a tdap (whooping cough) booster in the third trimester, even if you've had that vaccine before, so baby gets some of the antibodies/protection.

    And same here, no one gets to come visit my baby that hasn't had their tdap and flu shot. Sorry, not worth risking baby getting sick!
    I got the whooping cough vaccine a couple of weeks ago & was told that its purely for the baby & not me? They used to only give it after 30weeks but have recently lowered it to after 16 weeks in the uk.
  • Did my HP nerd friends see that pottermore will help you find your patronus now??!  <3
    Whaaaaaat?! Going there now...
  • To all of you who will be requiring anyone who comes to see baby to have a flu shot...I'm actually surprised by this.  Nobody in my family ever did this before.  I want to do make it a requirement, too, but fear that I'll get a lot of backlash. 
    Are you guys requiring it for ANYBODY who wants to come visit or just those people who will have extended time with you and baby? 

  • @PerraSucia what is your patron is, if you don't mind sharing? I'm a dog which I found amusing. lol 

    @AfKash I'm currently undecided on that. Definitely people who will have prolonged exposure to baby.. I'd honestly like it to be anyone who holds baby but I'm not sure. All I can think is if baby gets sick how awful that will be, and it makes my neurotic request seem sane. 
  • Did my HP nerd friends see that pottermore will help you find your patronus now??!  <3
    Whaaaaaat?! Going there now...
    When I was there in January I bought 3 of my HP friends chocolate frogs and I firmly believe that it sorted us into our houses.  One got Sltheryn and one got Hufflepuff and the other Gryffindor.  I want to see my patronus tho.  
    ******************** BFP Warning *******************
    I'm 29 and DH is 32 we have a MFI (low count) 
    IVF #1 starting in August. ER 9/5/13 23 eggs we are fertilizing 15. 9 frozen
    ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
    7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
    Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
    Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
    FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
    FET #2 - 3/3/14 - 5AB Blast -- Beta #1 3/12 - 152 -- Beta #2 3/14 - 358
    FET #3 06/09/16 - 5AB Blast - Beta #1 6/18- 245 -- Beta #2 06/20 - 600
     PAIF/SAIF/PAL/SAL welcome!

  • @AfKash it's a requirement for my parents and siblings and DH's parents and siblings.  Also their significant others.  Beyond that I am not demanding it, but I'm also not planning on anyone outside that group spending so much time with the baby early on.
     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @AfKash I'm requiring DH's parents and siblings get it, my friend who will be around a lot, my little sister, and my Mammaw and Pappaw. My parents won't be around until much later anyway, so that group of people should be about the only ones around around the baby. We're going to ask that anybody else who wants to be around the baby please get the shot, but we won't insist it.

    ME: 25, DH: 27

    TTC #1 since 09/2015

    Miscarriage @ 10 wks 02/28/2016

    BFP 05/28/2016!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • FishyMom said:
    Did my HP nerd friends see that pottermore will help you find your patronus now??!  <3
    Whaaaaaat?! Going there now...
    When I was there in January I bought 3 of my HP friends chocolate frogs and I firmly believe that it sorted us into our houses.  One got Sltheryn and one got Hufflepuff and the other Gryffindor.  I want to see my patronus tho.  
    I thought I was more of a badass than my Patronus, but it turns out I'm just a lovable loyal pup and I'm ok with that! 
  • @FishyMom I'm not team green but I don't see why you couldn't do that. I'm sure there are others in your shoes that would appreciate it.
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
  • @kirstynikole I got a dog too!! A beagle!
  • My random is that I can't waiiiiiiit for this baby to get here! I can't believe it's only September.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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