August 2016 Moms

Symptoms Thread


Re: Symptoms Thread

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    cal031686 said:
    @kwilliams3402 we are symptom twins right now. I've had headaches on and off all weekend and BP spikes. Nothing outrageous just higher than my "normal". At my checkup last week the Dr said to call if I started getting headaches, high BP, swelling etc. So I'm waiting till 8am when my Dr goes back on call to call in and see what they say. Good luck. Hope everything works out for you. 
    The nurse basically said keep doing what I'm doing--monitoring and resting. Hope your symptoms don't get any worse!
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    The nurse basically said keep doing what I'm doing--monitoring and resting. Hope your symptoms don't get any worse!

    *stuck in the box*
    When I called in  this morning they said they wanted to see me and to come in to be checked at the office. Then they would determine  the next step. 39+2 so I wouldn't be heartbroken if they said head up stairs. Hopefully if they cach it early I won't have to be on magnesium the whole labor. That was awful!!! 
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    @cal031686 - Prayers for good news at your appointment today! I have a C-section scheduled for Thursday morning anyways (I'll be 39+2), so I am guessing the nurse/doctor figured that unless something big changed for me before Thursday, Thursday is just as good as today for baby to arrive. 
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    @cal031686 - Less than 48 hours then!! Prayers for a restful and steady next couple days with your BP.
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    kwilliams3402kwilliams3402 member
    edited August 2016

    FTM and 39 weeks, and in the last week or so, several times a day, baby moves so boldly (and with his probably 9+ lb strength) that it hurts! Occasionally I wonder, is this just my child contorting himself, or are these contractions?  Every once in a while, they take my breath away.  Surely I am not the only one that really wonders... would I know if I were actually in labor, or would I remain perplexed until my water broke or the baby emerged?

    I did verify with my OB last week that statistically, if all else fails, my water will break before the baby's head comes out. Hah!

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    I've noticed that in the last 4-5 days it's been much, much easier to have bowel movements, which I know can be a sign of labor coming, but I've also been taking evening primrose and drinking third trimester tea pretty regularly.  Has anyone seen a connection?  I'm 39+4.
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    I've noticed that in the last 4-5 days it's been much, much easier to have bowel movements, which I know can be a sign of labor coming, but I've also been taking evening primrose and drinking third trimester tea pretty regularly.  Has anyone seen a connection?  I'm 39+4.
    Red raspberry leaf tea has helped me be more... Ahem... Regular. Also, 39 weeks and things have been moving a little easier too. However, wasn't a hair dilated at 38 weeks last week. So, who knows what, if any, is correlative.
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    Car0liiineCar0liiine member
    edited August 2016
    @kwilliams3402 FTM and everyone kept telling me "oh, you'll know when you're having contractions." And telling me I would feel xyz - well that was not the case when I was having contractions the other night. I mean, eventually I figured it out, but they did not feel the way people described them to me. (No tightening feeling, I paid very choose attention and my stomach did nut feel noticeably harder during a contraction - my stomach is super hard all the time.) So it must be that they can feel different for everyone. My mom couldn't even feel hers until after her water broke with my brother. *Granted, the contractions I was having were not good, productive, active labor contractions.
    When I was saying how my doctors had all assured me that the menstrual cramp feeling was NOT contractions, the nurse in L&D even tried to tell me "well contractions are different because you can feel your stomach tightening and it kind if pops out up here at the top." And I was like "No, actually, I have not experienced that at all and according to your machine over there I've been having contractions for hours." She just gave me this skeptical look. Like I'm lying?? *eyeroll*

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    I've noticed that in the last 4-5 days it's been much, much easier to have bowel movements, which I know can be a sign of labor coming, but I've also been taking evening primrose and drinking third trimester tea pretty regularly.  Has anyone seen a connection?  I'm 39+4.
    The last week or so before I had baby I had to poop a lot. More than once or twice a day, and sometimes it was almost diarrhea. 
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    Don't let them get to you! Contractions never felt like a tightening in my stomach. Everyone feels things differently. I totally had period cramps and back pain. When I was in transition, it felt like the low part of my uterus was going to violently jump out of my body. Never a tightening and release just a constant pain. Good luck hun!
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    I'm 38w 1d and the past 2 days my boobs have increased very noticeably in size and are so much heavier than ever before. Everyone kept saying they would get bigger during the first tri but mine didn't. I guess I'm just a late bloomer and maybe this means baby will be here soon. Has anyone else noticed changes with the girls right before labor?
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    Ive itched pretty much this entire pregnancy but it's gotten so much worse in the last day or so. I plan on bringing it up at my doctors appointment tomorrow because it's getting pretty unbearable. My c section is scheduled for the 11th and everyday I'm more and more ready!
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    slycat said:
    I'm 38w 1d and the past 2 days my boobs have increased very noticeably in size and are so much heavier than ever before. Everyone kept saying they would get bigger during the first tri but mine didn't. I guess I'm just a late bloomer and maybe this means baby will be here soon. Has anyone else noticed changes with the girls right before labor?
    My chest has definitely grown again in the last month, and now 39 weeks. Pretty sure they are now twice the size of pre-pregnancy!!
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    So I can feel that this evening I've been on the verge of contractions, BH or otherwise. And twice now I was able to kind of trigger one just by sitting with my legs wide and leaning forward.  The one I just had was way stronger than the other night. I can't decide if I want to encourage them or not. I'm thinking that if my position makes such a difference, they can't be the real thing and I do not want to be having false labor all night again. But then again, once that last contraction started, I couldn't get it to ease up no matter what position I was in. 
    Also pretty sure I've been losing my plug over the past few days and had a little gush earlier. Hard to tell for various reasons I won't go into.
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    Has anyone had bad headaches? I have had one for almost three days straight and Tylenol doesn't help much.
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    @sbelle474 YES!! How has your blood pressure been? Mine has been perfect the whole time, so my doctor told me that it was either a caffeine headache or I was dehydrated. Im only drinking a cup of coffee in the morning so they told me to try a diet coke in the afternoon. I would still call your doctor just in case, but thats at least what mine told me.
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    I was woken up with several painful contractions last night. They are probably just BH but usually those occur only in the early evening for me. I'm still 16 days out from due date but it makes me wonder if baby is planning on coming earlier! 
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    sbelle474 said:
    Has anyone had bad headaches? I have had one for almost three days straight and Tylenol doesn't help much.
    Ditto to the ask of how your BP is. I'm 39 weeks and have had some headaches and BP spikes up to 140 over the last week. I've been on couch rest the past few days because that keeps it below 140, and that's the goal until my scheduled c-section tomorrow morning.

    Also, is your head stuffy at all? Mine has been extra stuffed up the past couple weeks, and adding sudafed with Tylenol had helped a bit.

    Hope you're feeling better today.
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    Leg cramps when I stretch in the morning... Low crotch pain occasionally throughout the day... and of course my right hip has hurt... for a while... I get contractions throughout the day... nothing consistent which is annoying... but o well..

    @kristynmac I hear potassium helps. I have eaten prunes and bananas to help with the cramps and the severity has gone down
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    I don't know what is wrong with me but starting yesterday I'm either really bitchy and angry or I'm crying and upset and don't know why. Is this a normal late third trimester symptom?! I feel ridiculous and feel so bad for DH.
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    I am with you @JournoGrl23. I want nothing to do with anyone, including DH other than to use his sperm to make this baby come. I feel bad, but I have no energy left to be kind, polite, etc. to anyone especially when all I hear all day long at work is "Oh, your still here?!" and "No baby yet?"
    Ya and no,....believe me, I would rather not be waddling around in the 100 degree heat! Damn near posted a sign outside my cubicle stating 'Baby has not come, do not ask. You will, of course, be the first to know when it does. Go about your business.'
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    @mksfav I'm glad I'm not the only one! And I'm right there with you on people constantly asking me at work how I'm still here and why haven't I given birth yet. Then when I tell them I have two weeks until my due date I get the "wow, that's gonna be a big baby..." And "you should have planned better. It's hot outside." I hate those comments!
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    With DH at work and DS in daycare, I have been cleaning all day. Hoping that's the nesting instinct. Also went through the newborn clothes and washed them! Doc said yesterday I'm only at 1 cm and baby is still high up there though so no really hope he is coming in the next day or 2 at least
    Married: 1/7/15
    DS: 1/27/15
    BFP: 12/10/15
    EDD: 8/14, but will go for c-section 8/7 

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    @sbelle474 I've had more headaches too. My doctor said a little bit of caffeine should help, so I've been trying to drink black tea in the afternoons at work to help keep them away. 

    I've also been more regular recently. Usually only go once a day, but a few days now I've gone morning and night. Of course I say this, but haven't gone at all today. Ha! Pregnant bodies are so unpredictable. My cervical exam did a number on me yesterday though. I'm still crampy and seeing more discharge from it. 
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    Thank you all!  My blood pressure is usually low, but i think it is part caffeine and part dehydration. I have been running ragged at work and haven't been drinking water like i need to. 
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    I've been getting these pains on both sides that feel like round ligament pain....I haven't felt RLP in months!  Can you still have RLP this late, or is it just huge belly uncomfortable pregnancy pains now?
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    @JournoGrl23 I get the whole "Don't go anywhere without your phone" Or "Maybe we should put a chucks pad on your work chair" or "do you have a lock on your phone so we can call your husband if your water breaks"

    I laughed and said if my water breaks I will still be fully capable of calling my husband...
    oo and btw we have the same due date Aug 15th
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    @JournoGrl23 i started crying the other day and went off on my brother and mom then i had to apologize the hormones are driving me crazy.......

    Does any ones tail bone and butt hurt that is new symptom that came along with leg cramping and soreness down there, more stuff keeps adding I am ready to have baby girl 
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    @Katm89 yay, due date buddies! People at work are definitely ridiculous. They all also seem to think my labor starting will be like the movies and they'll have to rush me to the hospital or something. I keep saying I'd probably be able to finish the day out since labor is so slow. Unless my water breaks then maybe I'd leave early.
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    Pressure in my bum and hips, along with rib/chest pain...hmmm. 
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    I have back pain but it just feels like soreness and not what I felt as back labor. Okay, 12 days until induction. I can do this right? 
    So exhausted with no energy for work or baby tasks. 
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    Couldn't sleep last night and woke up to a ton of cramping this morning. 
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    I think I've felt heartburn for the first time these past two days. Burning in my throat? Yuck. 
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    Severe leg/hip pain!!! Talked my my doctor she said stretch it out and honestly I can't, it feels worse after I stretch. Sometimes I feel like my leg is going to give out on me :-(  Also, this butt pressure is ridiculous. Yes, I'm being a crybaby today! So What!!
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    This isn't a symptom, exactly, but I didn't want to get scolded for starting a new thread (I searched the topic and came up empty handed). Anyways, I'm a little over 38 weeks and baby hasn't dropped yet. Does this mean I'll likely be facing a c-section? I read conflicting articles where some doctors say yes and others no. My own doctor's response was pretty open ended.  Do any of you have experience with this? I feel the baby punching lower than he has before, which I assumed meant he was dropping, but we've made no progress since last week, so clearly I'm wrong.
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    @AnnaReid81 I wouldn't worry too much about it. Baby can drop right before labor in some women, everyone is different. Also, don't stress about not showing progress either, I am turning down all checks until labor because you can be dialated for 3+ weeks and still not have the baby, you can also not show any progess at all and give birth tomorrow, it's all a guessing game.

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    @angelob88 Thanks for the reassurance! Sometimes at these weekly appointments, I ask questions and leave thinking I understand and then I get home and have all kinds of doubts/new questions!
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