May 2016 Moms

3rd Tri/Labor Impending Symptoms **Updated**

doozer1345doozer1345 member
edited April 2016 in May 2016 Moms
I didn't see a thread like this so forgive me if this is a duplicate.

List your new symptoms, reoccurring symptoms, BH/contractions, and of course any questions pertaining to your last leg symptoms (just to say it one more time: symptoms).

ETA: Forgot to add dilation, effacement, baby dropping, and mucus plug losing as symptoms..................Ready go!
Been married since 2009.
Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
Several MCs
DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)


Re: 3rd Tri/Labor Impending Symptoms **Updated**

  • babyfmama said:
    can we call this the *OFFICIAL* third tri/symptoms thread so we don't have 9 posts on braxton hicks contractions anymore? ;)
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  • BH, also real contractions, also colostrum (ew), also she's in position.... 
    restless legs are also fun.
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • Third tri hurts! I've got back pain, hip pain, rib pain, tail bone pain, pelvis/crotch pain. It is definitely the most challenging trimester by far but also the most exciting! We get to meet our LOs so soon!!
    Yes! And the cherry is complete and utter exhaustion...
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yup pain and exhaustion. And feeling huge. I've finally caught up weight-wise and can feel every pound when walking up stairs or even just walking... but we're (sort of?) in the home stretch!
  • I've been having a lot of pressure, my feet are swollen, and my hips ache. I stupidly just walked 25 blocks because it is so nice out and my feet and hips hate me now. 
  • BH, hip/pelvic area pain, intermittent heartburn, shortness of breath when LO decides to shove her butt in my ribs (I figured it was kicks, but nope... Midwife said baby apparently likes to shove her behind up in my ribs.) and of course the swelling/cankles. My pool at home though is finally back up and running for the season again so I'm hoping that it might relieve some of the aches, pains, and swelling. 
  • I am SO hungry. I was eating triscuts out of the box as I was making breakfast this morning.

    What does this crotch pain feel like you ladies speak of? I did a pregnancy toning DVD the other day and woke up with pain inside where your leg attaches to your pelvic area (best way to describe it I guess). I chalked it up to the DVD. Please tell me this isn't what you're feeling, because if this is what I now have to deal with regularly, I'm going to go eat ice cream to drown my sorrows.
  • Dasha420Dasha420 member
    edited March 2016
    Tail bone has been hurting- feeling like it's bruised. Pelvis/crotch area aching also. Getting up to the bathroom 1-2 times a night. Painful feet. Sometimes swelling in the feet - my toes look like little Vienna sausages. My hands feel swollen and joints on fingers are hurting. 
    Started getting hungrier but nauseous sometimes also (threw up today)  :( 
    Her little kicks are becoming big kicks. I believe I've felt a few BH contractions. 

    I forgot to mention heart burn and feeling hot hot hot. Waking up sweating. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @yogahh I had that same excitement/oh crap moment. Conversation between me and my husband the other night - "So, in less than 7 weeks we're going to be parents." It blew both our minds.
  • missnc77 said:
    @yogahh I had that same excitement/oh crap moment. Conversation between me and my husband the other night - "So, in less than 7 weeks we're going to be parents." It blew both our minds.
    Someone kindly reminded me last week she had her baby at 35 weeks. I was 32 weeks then. I told her I am NOT ready to be responsible for a baby in 3 weeks. I just cant! It boggled my mind, the way it still boggles my mind that I graduated HS 17 years ago. Just doesn't seem right!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • Rib pain (his butt and feet are always moving there), hungry and thrist all the time, extremely tired not sleeping well at night because having to use the restroom and hip pain, nipple are raw already having to use nipple cream, and some pelvic pain. All of this will be worth it when I have my little man in my arms 
  • kp90kp90 member
    Heart burn and acid reflux. I haven't had this my entire pregnancy until 3 days ago and it's awful! Also more sciatic pain that makes my legs want to give out... Oh yeah.. And swelling! Oh the swelling! I sweat a lot at night and easily out of breath. So much fun. 
  • KaKipKaKip member
    I've got the occasional "irritable uterus" cramping, hip pain, butt pain, pelvic pain and the occasional diarrhea. My biggest complaint is  sore, achy feet, ankles and legs (oh man they hurt sometimes),Anybody else having problems with their legs being painful during the day?
  • TXmamatobeTXmamatobe member
    edited March 2016
    In addition to the symptoms listed above I've been worried about:

    Anyone else have a baby in transverse position? There is still time for him to move but my doctor said if he hasn't moved by our ultrasound next week at 34 weeks we might have to start discussing options. Apparently I have a somewhat tilted uterus that can allow for this type of positioning and make it harder for the baby to move into the correct position. 
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  • Overall feeling like an exhausted F!@#$%^ whale in a maxi dress everyday! But more specifically for me the crotch/pelvic pain is rough and my HB took itself up a notch and is now occurring through the night when i get up to pee on top of all day long.
  • kp90kp90 member
    KaKip said:
    I've got the occasional "irritable uterus" cramping, hip pain, butt pain, pelvic pain and the occasional diarrhea. My biggest complaint is  sore, achy feet, ankles and legs (oh man they hurt sometimes),Anybody else having problems with their legs being painful during the day?
    @kakip yes. My legs hurt daily now. Especially first thing in the morning and at the end of the day. They just feel so tight and full and super painful. 
  • Aquinna82 said:
    slfezz said:
    Everything hurts below my boobs. My stomach muscles feel like they have just given up at this point, my hips hurts, I get a lot of pressure in my crotch from everything just being loose due to relaxin, back hurts from supporting my belly, legs are swollen and hurt.....they say each pregnancy is harder in the body than the previous and I can defiantly attest that it's very true (#3 for me). Everything seems to be stretching and hurting more. At this point I just have keep saying to myself "the baby at the end is worth it"

    BTW- are other people having a hard time figuring out when they need to pee? With the pressure I've been having in my crotch, it just gets lost in the mix. 

    Yup.  So now I just assume the answer is "always" and I plan to head to the bathroom every time I stand up from my desk.
    This. I just make my way to the bathroom pretty much every time I get up now. 9 times out of 10 I probably have to go anyway and it just saves me a lot of trouble.
  • @TXmamatobe my boy has kept me guessing on position too. He's most often breech, sometimes transverse, and sometimes head down. At my 36w appointment, we'll discuss options after evaluating position again. I have a heart shaped uterus which makes breech much more likely. DS turned late with not enough room to try a version, so he was born by csection.
  • PYLWhammyPYLWhammy member
    edited March 2016
    My groin hurts. My lower back hurts. My legs are insanely uncomfortable at night. I flip from side to side all night because my butt starts hurting on that side. I get out of breath when I walk any distance over two inches. I get up to pee, go back to bed, then realize I have to pee again.

  • kbrands7 said:
    @TXmamatobe my boy has kept me guessing on position too. He's most often breech, sometimes transverse, and sometimes head down. At my 36w appointment, we'll discuss options after evaluating position again. I have a heart shaped uterus which makes breech much more likely. DS turned late with not enough room to try a version, so he was born by csection.
    Hoping for a turn for both of us soon! I'm scared of the ECV for some reason so I'm hoping to avoid that if possible. 
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  • I have all of the above listed pains, but I will STILL take this over the misery that was the 1st tri. That nausea scarred me for life.
  • kbrands7 said:
    @TXmamatobe my boy has kept me guessing on position too. He's most often breech, sometimes transverse, and sometimes head down. At my 36w appointment, we'll discuss options after evaluating position again. I have a heart shaped uterus which makes breech much more likely. DS turned late with not enough room to try a version, so he was born by csection.
    Hoping for a turn for both of us soon! I'm scared of the ECV for some reason so I'm hoping to avoid that if possible. 
    Yes this is me too. For a day or so I'm pretty sure he turned head down (I felt hiccups down by my pelvis) but then he moved back to transverse (or maybe oblique?) which is how he's been for as long as I can remember. Im
    also scared of an ECV though I think some
    Drs schedule them and then immediately follow with an induction (or if it fails, a c section). Not that that really makes it less scary but I guess knowing that I'm about to have the baby one way or another going into the ECV would be better than just seeing what happens. I have my 34 week appt tomorrow so I'll ask my OB about this and report back. 
  • babyfmama said:
    kbrands7 said:
    @TXmamatobe my boy has kept me guessing on position too. He's most often breech, sometimes transverse, and sometimes head down. At my 36w appointment, we'll discuss options after evaluating position again. I have a heart shaped uterus which makes breech much more likely. DS turned late with not enough room to try a version, so he was born by csection.
    Hoping for a turn for both of us soon! I'm scared of the ECV for some reason so I'm hoping to avoid that if possible. 
    Yes this is me too. For a day or so I'm pretty sure he turned head down (I felt hiccups down by my pelvis) but then he moved back to transverse (or maybe oblique?) which is how he's been for as long as I can remember. Im
    also scared of an ECV though I think some
    Drs schedule them and then immediately follow with an induction (or if it fails, a c section). Not that that really makes it less scary but I guess knowing that I'm about to have the baby one way or another going into the ECV would be better than just seeing what happens. I have my 34 week appt tomorrow so I'll ask my OB about this and report back. 

    DD2 was transverse until 39 weeks. She ended up flipping had while I was at the hospital waiting to start a version. If she didn't flip, I was getting a csection that day but ended up inducting instead (I didn't want to risk her flipping again and my doctor supported either waiting for natural or inducing). 

    I ended up at my decision since I really really didn't want a csection based on my experience with recovering from abdominal surgeries in the past and although the version is supposed to be painful, it short term and the risks were acceptable for me 
  • hellogoodbye2hellogoodbye2 member
    edited March 2016
    - Trouble getting comfortable sleeping
    - Hip pain
    - Random heart burn (but not as bad as with my 1st)
    - Worn out more easily
    - Increased discharge
    - Hemorroids 
    - Braxton Hicks
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Peeing.....the constant agitation of having a full bladder. Just one sip of that juice/water can be the ultimate test of whether I'm gonna make it before a leakage... Lol  and my sitting position of a true lady.....NOT.  My bump is so low that I have to spread 'em to get maximum seating comfort, but getting up to walk somewhere even after a 10 min rest means I'm walking like I've had my legs wrapped around a stallion. On top of back, hip and crotch pain, feels as though I'm going to snap at the pubic bone. 
    But by far the best trimester yet, even though surreal, a little person is causing all this, and soon I will be able to thank he/she in person.x.x
  • I have all of the above listed pains, but I will STILL take this over the misery that was the 1st tri. That nausea scarred me for life.
    yes, 1st tri was far worse for me too.
    nausea, yes, but I had other stuff too.
    2nd tri was like a vacation.
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • Heartburn is killing me. Evening, bedtime, middle of the night I'm like a fire breathing dragon! I'm currently on vacation which is wonderful but the bed is terrible so I wake up in actual pain. Hoping this fades when i return home and sleep is glorious again. 
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
  • MsIanMsIan member
    missnc77 said:
    I am SO hungry. I was eating triscuts out of the box as I was making breakfast this morning.

    What does this crotch pain feel like you ladies speak of? I did a pregnancy toning DVD the other day and woke up with pain inside where your leg attaches to your pelvic area (best way to describe it I guess). I chalked it up to the DVD. Please tell me this isn't what you're feeling, because if this is what I now have to deal with regularly, I'm going to go eat ice cream to drown my sorrows.
    No, I had that and still do occasionally when I walk too much, but also when I overwork my hips and legs. That's probably what happened. 
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