The world is just so awful right now. My heart hurts. I'm not trying to stir anything political [famous last words?], but I just feel defeated and sad. When I do, I avoid watching the news and try to stay off my timelines... but then I think of how hiding from it isn't helping anything. Ugh. It's so overwhelming sometimes. I feel helpless.
Me too @hoosiermama-2 & @desoky01! It's so depressing and I almost posted earlier (after the Paris Accord withdrawal announcement), but didn't want to make a political thing either.
Also, having a food crisis again. Forgot an ingredient for dinner, so there's pretty much nothing to eat now. LO is asleep, and I just want some Wendy's. I swear my food desires are worse now than when pregnant.
I'm having serious anxiety attacks about returning to my job. I hate it so much. But I have no idea what else I can do that will work with daycare hours. Anyone want to hire a Canadian?
Also, having a food crisis again. Forgot an ingredient for dinner, so there's pretty much nothing to eat now. LO is asleep, and I just want some Wendy's. I swear my food desires are worse now than when pregnant.
Agreed. This happened to me last time and it's happened again. I tend to eat like crap for like the first 9-10 months post partum. I've come to accept it.
I'm having serious anxiety attacks about returning to my job. I hate it so much. But I have no idea what else I can do that will work with daycare hours. Anyone want to hire a Canadian?
@desoky01@SandNStarsNJ I'm right there with you. I ate like a truck driver last time until I started weaning DS, and it's no different this time. I try to eat healthy, but I still eat A LOT. I find myself snacking constantly during the day, especially if the kids are napping. I don't have the time/energy/resources to go on a strict diet plan or to workout regularly, sooooo it is what it is I guess
I been sooo incredible stupid last night! Its been a long day. Started with babyswimming and normally she sleeps 2,5/3 hrs afterwards. So I decided this was perfect to drive up to my dads, but she slept roughly 50 min. My dad has ptsd and sucks the energy out of you. My bonus mum is, well she has nothing left, and this cute little dog is the most untrained dog ever. So it's exhausting. My LO couldn't find her sleep there, so I went for a stroll and she slept max 40 min. By the time we left home, she was exhausted and so was I. In the car she decided not to start her night sleep, and I drove wrong, so she was done and I made us drive longer. Finally home she was too tired to sleep. After bottle number 2 I decided to put her in my bed. She started 'talking' so I thought this was the right time to get the bottles for the night ready as she was happy. I put some pillows under the mattress cover on my side (the other side has my pregnancy pillow under it) and left. Thinking she can't roll anywhere. Cleaning bottles and getting my bottles for the night ready she starts crying. I'm like grrr not now just let me finish I'm tired. But something tells me to go check anyway. There she was, still in my bed, still where I placed her, stuck under my pillow!! I have put her in my bed plenty of time and I have never thought about my pillow! She was stuck. Once I lifted it she screamed hysterically and I feel like the worse mum. How could I not think of that, what if she didn't scream or what if I didn't check. How could me being so tired be so f*in stupid! I slept horrible thinking about all the other stuff I might have missed that are way too dangerous.
Ugh I'm right here with the bad eating. I wasn't like this with the first kid (formula fed) but with this kid all I crave is bad food. She's bf, supposedly I need 500 more calories, but the craving is ridiculous. I've tried to start a whole 30 diet and I've juiced, but every time I start a diet my supply runs low.
Vent: last week it's fleas and I've cleaned my house top to bottom and in every spot you can think of. I'm so tired of cleaning. Good news is the darn things seem to have been killed off and the cats are doing better. However, I'm in the middle of dishes today and the pipe breaks under the sink. Water is everywhere and it wasn't too clean. So I'm mopping up dirty water and cleaning again. Thankfully the husband fixed it tonight. FX it holds for the next 50 years. Ha!
Try not to beat yourself up @tvh1982. We all experience a close call once in a while (or at least what feels like one). Hug that LO and remember that she's okay.
And holy crap @camcbeth. I hope it does hold for the next 50 years!
Also, having a food crisis again. Forgot an ingredient for dinner, so there's pretty much nothing to eat now. LO is asleep, and I just want some Wendy's. I swear my food desires are worse now than when pregnant.
@tvh1982 we all have moments like that. The main thing is she's alright and you did go check on her! Try not to let the mom guilt ruin you (easier said then done).
@tvh1982 the fact that you're so upset shows what a great mom you are. We all make mistakes, A rolled off the changing table once. Don't beat yourself up. Just snuggle a lot today and remember all the wins you have had.
Thank you ladies for being so kind. My friend just came over for a visit and got me to relax again. She's a mummy of two and made me feel less horrible. My LO has already forgotten it and still gives me smiles and attack kisses
So now that my hair has finally stopped shedding excessively, my finger nails are breaking. Normally wouldn't be a big deal, but they are breaking super low, like middle of my nail low. So I can't cut it because half of my nail bed would be exposed. It keeps snagging on everything though and will probably get ripped off eventually which will hurt like hell.
So now that my hair has finally stopped shedding excessively, my finger nails are breaking. Normally wouldn't be a big deal, but they are breaking super low, like middle of my nail low. So I can't cut it because half of my nail bed would be exposed. It keeps snagging on everything though and will probably get ripped off eventually which will hurt like hell.
This has been a problem for me since the first pregnancy. I hope it gets better for you!
Try gluing it. I glue it and then file it down because it hurts so badly. And try a bitocin supplement. I got a toenail fungus from a pedicure (I am still so mad about it) and my nail literally fell off. It's supposed to take 6 months to grow back but I've been taking a bitocin supplement daily and it's almost fully grown back in 3 months.
A's christening is this weekend so we hired a cleaning company to come clean our house today. We also have someone coming in to clean the carpet and he was running late so we left the coffee table, dog bed and changing table In the kitchen. I guess the owner of the cleaning company didn't tell the woman cleaning that I'm Spanish and speak Spanish. She's in my kitchen and just called the owner, ripping in to how I expect her to clean around the furniture and the floor is filthy (it's not, we wetjet nightly) in Spanish. I'm a little pissed because I know she speaks English and I would have been more than happy to move the stuff to make it easier for her to clean. And wtf, why would I pay you to come clean my already clean home?
@rhodamorgenstern Probably more of a dumb question, but if you wetjet, do you need to Swiffer first? I'm trying to find the easiest/fastest way to clean our ceramic tile since I'm probably going to have to start doing it daily.
We usually just wetjet. If we have company coming, we swiffer first then wetjet. We have some sort of ceramic tile in the kitchen and it makes it so easy to clean.
A's christening is this weekend so we hired a cleaning company to come clean our house today. We also have someone coming in to clean the carpet and he was running late so we left the coffee table, dog bed and changing table In the kitchen. I guess the owner of the cleaning company didn't tell the woman cleaning that I'm Spanish and speak Spanish. She's in my kitchen and just called the owner, ripping in to how I expect her to clean around the furniture and the floor is filthy (it's not, we wetjet nightly) in Spanish. I'm a little pissed because I know she speaks English and I would have been more than happy to move the stuff to make it easier for her to clean. And wtf, why would I pay you to come clean my already clean home?
did you say anything to her? I always like in movies/TV shows where the person then responds in said language to the horror of the person who was just talking about them.
And I'm impressed you clean your floor nightly because that definitely doesn't happen in my house
When is my c-section scar suppose to stop hurting? This thing is still so sensitive that I can't wear my normal underwear. I'm stuck wearing granny panties just to make sure the band doesn't rub the scar.
My super sensitive baby monitor has been picking up new noises this week so it is constantly flashing its blue light. I can't figure out what it is but it is driving me crazy.
When is my c-section scar suppose to stop hurting? This thing is still so sensitive that I can't wear my normal underwear. I'm stuck wearing granny panties just to make sure the band doesn't rub the scar.
Huh, mine is basically back to normal. I mean sensitive to touch but doesn't hurt at all. I would maybe call your doc?
Ugh, need to vent. Just having one of those weeks where everything is getting to me. The kids' schedules are off this week and it's driving me nuts. DD has started napping in her crib, but they are only 30-40 minute naps and her schedule has basically been to fall asleep right before DS's nap and then wake up right at the start of his nap, then go back to sleep right after his nap time is over. This is awful for me, not because I don't get a break in the day, but mainly because she is so loud and we are in a tiny house where it is impossible to escape sound. Even if she's not fussy or crying, she is just LOUD. She squeals, screams, yells, etc. and there is nothing I can do to stop her and nowhere in the house I can take her where DS won't be able to hear it. She woke him up after only 45 mins yesterday. Also, it means we can basically never leave the house because someone is always napping. Not that big of a deal, but it starts to drive me crazy being stuck in these same four walls all day, every day. Now, she woke up at 5 a.m., but I don't want to go get her (she's not crying) because I don't want to send the message that we start the day at 5 (DS doesn't get up until 7), but she's in her crib screaming, "AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!" and she woke up DS who is now crying in his crib because he can't sleep. So poor DS barely got a nap yesterday, and now is being woken up for the day 2 hours early. I play white noise in both of their rooms, but seriously, there's only so much it can do when you're in a small space and the kids' rooms are right next to each other. SO. FREAKING. FRUSTRATED.
I need to get this out somewhere so you guys are it; my best friend bailed on A's christening yesterday (it's tomorrow). She was supposed to be her godmother. She's always been kind of a flake and her marriage is failing and I think it all just got to be too much. I don't know this for certain because all she'll say via text is "I'll explain when I can." I am so hurt and so upset and feel bad because I had to ask my (Jewish) sister to step in last minute. My husband keeps saying to let it go, she's obviously dealing with some serious stuff but I am so hurt.
My vent for today is why do people think it's acceptable to bring your child to hang out at my house when you suspect he has a fever? Also, revealing this after we've already been exposed for at least a half hour is not very nice either.
@desoky01 we were at a Christmas party with ODD and she started throwing up. It was my husbands work party that we loved going to every year. We realized she had bites of an oatmeal cake and that she was intolerant to oatmeal. I'll admit she threw up several times at the co-worker/friends house and we didn't leave. She didn't have a fever. I still feel bad about it still (3 years later). If I was in the other mom's position I would silently be saying "BS". It's hard when you're a parent who wants to socialize and your kid puts a damper on the whole thing.
@tvh1982 ok chicken pox around a newborn, I can't believe that one.
Re: June Venting/FFC/WTF
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I would but the commute might be a stretch...
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Its been a long day. Started with babyswimming and normally she sleeps 2,5/3 hrs afterwards. So I decided this was perfect to drive up to my dads, but she slept roughly 50 min.
My dad has ptsd and sucks the energy out of you. My bonus mum is, well she has nothing left, and this cute little dog is the most untrained dog ever. So it's exhausting.
My LO couldn't find her sleep there, so I went for a stroll and she slept max 40 min.
By the time we left home, she was exhausted and so was I. In the car she decided not to start her night sleep, and I drove wrong, so she was done and I made us drive longer.
Finally home she was too tired to sleep. After bottle number 2 I decided to put her in my bed. She started 'talking' so I thought this was the right time to get the bottles for the night ready as she was happy.
I put some pillows under the mattress cover on my side (the other side has my pregnancy pillow under it) and left. Thinking she can't roll anywhere.
Cleaning bottles and getting my bottles for the night ready she starts crying. I'm like grrr not now just let me finish I'm tired. But something tells me to go check anyway.
There she was, still in my bed, still where I placed her, stuck under my pillow!!
I have put her in my bed plenty of time and I have never thought about my pillow! She was stuck. Once I lifted it she screamed hysterically and I feel like the worse mum.
How could I not think of that, what if she didn't scream or what if I didn't check.
How could me being so tired be so f*in stupid!
I slept horrible thinking about all the other stuff I might have missed that are way too dangerous.
Vent: last week it's fleas and I've cleaned my house top to bottom and in every spot you can think of. I'm so tired of cleaning. Good news is the darn things seem to have been killed off and the cats are doing better. However, I'm in the middle of dishes today and the pipe breaks under the sink. Water is everywhere and it wasn't too clean. So I'm mopping up dirty water and cleaning again. Thankfully the husband fixed it tonight. FX it holds for the next 50 years. Ha!
And holy crap @camcbeth. I hope it does hold for the next 50 years!
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
My friend just came over for a visit and got me to relax again. She's a mummy of two and made me feel less horrible.
My LO has already forgotten it and still gives me smiles and attack kisses
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I'm a little pissed because I know she speaks English and I would have been more than happy to move the stuff to make it easier for her to clean. And wtf, why would I pay you to come clean my already clean home?
And I'm impressed you clean your floor nightly because that definitely doesn't happen in my house
We have to clean nightly. Between my mom, A, the dog and the cat, our house gets filthy quick.
My vent for today is why do people think it's acceptable to bring your child to hang out at my house when you suspect he has a fever? Also, revealing this after we've already been exposed for at least a half hour is not very nice either.
Sorry to hear that @RhodaMorgenstern it does sound like she's going through a lot but it still hurts
That sucks @rhodamorgenstern, hope you'll have a lovely christening anyway and can put it aside for that day.
Oh boy, that's tough having them sleep like that and being in a small house. Hope they synchronise soon @mrsmoose5
@tvh1982 ok chicken pox around a newborn, I can't believe that one.