February 2017 Moms

Weekly Randoms (10/2)


Re: Weekly Randoms (10/2)

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    yogadevil said:
    kswiger06 said:
    yogadevil said:
    Wait it's @kswiger06 birthday too?? Happy Birthday!
    Yep, she turns the dirty thirty today!
    Hey!! I told you that in confidence!!  ;) lol
    Oooooopsy :innocent:

    I had to pluck 2 nipple hairs this morning. There, we're even ;)
    Lol!! I might be ahead on this one. That sounds painful!!  :p
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Happy birthday to you, too @kswiger06! What are you doing to celebrate? 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    Why is it the day I'm wide awake super early, my kid decides to sleep in super late?? 
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    Happy Birthday @PerraSucia and @kswiger06

    Hope you have awesome days!!!!!!!!

     Me: 27 | DH: 28
    TTC since January 2016

    BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
    BFP - 6/11/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Happy birthday @kswiger06 and @PerraSucia!!! I hope both of you are going to be having lots of cake!

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    Also, Baby showers are so weird. My #1 closest cousin is a single male, so he's like, not involved.  :'(

    Me: 31  H: 32
    Married: 10/10
    EDD: 8/27/16  MMC 1/16
    Rainbow Boy: 2/04/17
    TTC: 4/18 BFP: 1/2/19
    EDD: 9/6/19
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Any chance he's gay? Cus then he gets an invite. 
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    He could be gay for a day 
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    @Lafreeman21 involve him anyways! 
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    Happy birthday @kswiger06 and @PerraSucia !!! ❤️

    @kswiger06 H is doing very well and just about pain free! Thanks for asking.

    @kirstynikole glad your son is feeling better!! 
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
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    It took me entirely too long to figure out what S meant.... 
    Happy birthday old bishes! 
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    Happy Birthday @kswiger06 and @PerraSucia!!! 
    Me: 33 | DH: 34
    Married: October, 19, 2015
    EDD 2/22/17 <3 DS1 born on 3/2/17
    EDD 3/8/20 <3 DS2 born on 3/10/20
    EDD 11/24/23
    (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)

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    happy birthdays!!!
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    Happy birthday @kswiger06 and @PerraSucia!

    @kirstynikole, glad to hear you and your DS are feeling better

    @concreteangell, glad to hear your H is feeling better too!
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    Happy Birthday @PerraSucia and @kswiger06!  
    Married - 7/29/06
    Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09 
    Mia - 6/16/11
    Surprise! due 2/23/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Happy birthday you two!!!
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    @peachesnbean, another bachelors or a masters in Public Health?  I did a masters in Epi in my former life.  That combined with the Happy Birthday post about turning 30(Happy Birthday ladies!), I am feeling old

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @peachesnbean, another bachelors or a masters in Public Health?  I did a masters in Epi in my former life.  That combined with the Happy Birthday post about turning 30(Happy Birthday ladies!), I am feeling old
    I am going to start out with the bachelor's curric and then hopefully a masters. There is potential for the university (that I work for) to pay for my courses, and I would get more bang for my buck with a bachelors program because the MPH isn't eligible for tuition discount. If I can't get the uni to pay for it I will just go for MPH.

     <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Just booked the last piece of our babymoon...  Has anyone ever had an issue with the airline requiring a doctor's note saying you can fly?  I'll be 23/24 weeks and don't think it will be a problem.  But, a co-worker just said that they did something similar and made sure to have a note on hand.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @MLRocha I've never heard of that. I know you're supposed to get an approval from your doc to fly before you go but I don't think you need a note. Maybe it's different depending on the airline policy.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    MLRocha said:
    Just booked the last piece of our babymoon...  Has anyone ever had an issue with the airline requiring a doctor's note saying you can fly?  I'll be 23/24 weeks and don't think it will be a problem.  But, a co-worker just said that they did something similar and made sure to have a note on hand.
    You should be fine as long as you don't look like you're about to pop one out.
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    MLRocha said:
    Just booked the last piece of our babymoon...  Has anyone ever had an issue with the airline requiring a doctor's note saying you can fly?  I'll be 23/24 weeks and don't think it will be a problem.  But, a co-worker just said that they did something similar and made sure to have a note on hand.
    Check your airline's policy, as most of them will state what their requirements are.

    I don't think it could hurt to have a note on hand.  Some women carry smaller and an airline can't truly know just how pregnant you are by looking at you and they can't assume you're not further along than you are.

    Big Bro 7/14/13
    Little Bro 2/6/17

                                                                  Pregnancy Ticker   
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    I just applied for re-entry in Fall 2017 for a Bachelors in Public Health. I have a BS in Bio and I MISS SCHOOL but I am not quite ready for grad school. Yikers.
    Grad school is WAY easier than undergrad, IMO. 
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    MLRocha said:
    Just booked the last piece of our babymoon...  Has anyone ever had an issue with the airline requiring a doctor's note saying you can fly?  I'll be 23/24 weeks and don't think it will be a problem.  But, a co-worker just said that they did something similar and made sure to have a note on hand.
    Check with the airline. I'm flying at the end of the month and the airlines website says I need one, so I got one. My doc said must don't, but just check. Mine is international, but better safe than sorry! Took literally one extra second at my last appt. 
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    I've been on the phone with insurance the last 2 hours. Shoot. Me. Now. 
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    We just returned from our birthing class.  It was 3 hours.  After 2 hours I could barely pay attention cuz my back and butt were hurting so bad.  I have no idea how the other 8-9 month pregnant mom's handled it. 

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