Trouble TTC

Trigger shot and time for sex?

If I don't ovulate on my own by sat I am taking my trigger shot at 8pm and having sex Sunday and Monday. Should my sex be at specific times?? Any suggestions ?
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"To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss

Re: Trigger shot and time for sex?

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    You should ovulate approximately 36-48 hours after your trigger...I wouldn't wait until Sunday or Monday (your egg could be long gone by then).

    I'd have sex tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night. You want the sperm waiting there for when the egg is released.


    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
    E & C Born 10/19/2012
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Really??? I thought u were only supposed to every other?? I'll be gone all day Friday an night so I guess well do tonite sat before trigger sun and mon!!
    My blog: Cant make it clickable!
    "To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss
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    My RE tells me when to have sex when I go in for my monitoring appointment and trigger.  I was told to have sex day of the trigger and the two days following.  Are you on clomid or something?

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    CFNBC after 8 losses and IF || History || My Angel Babies

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    36-48 hours is usually the timeframe. My RE always tells me to have sex the night of trigger and then 2 days following as well. If you MFI issues, then every day might not work, so you should ask your RE in that case. He might suggest the night of trigger and then 36 hours later and that's it. 
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    Yes I am on Femera CD 3-7.. Just had a monitoring apt CD 12 I had about 20 little follicles on left side ( PCOS) and then two on right. Size 13 and 14.


    I was told to test for Ovulation today. fri and sat. If I don't ovulate I am to trigger sat at 8pm.. Im thinking sex tonite and then sat after shot and then sun and mon? I may call office in morning to see what they say. She didn't specify times only dates.. I was just curious if the timing opposed to dates was more important


    My blog: Cant make it clickable!
    "To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss
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    Yes I am on Femera CD 3-7.. Just had a monitoring apt CD 12 I had about 20 little follicles on left side ( PCOS) and then two on right. Size 13 and 14.


    I was told to test for Ovulation today. fri and sat. If I don't ovulate I am to trigger sat at 8pm.. Im thinking sex tonite and then sat after shot and then sun and mon? I may call office in morning to see what they say. She didn't specify times only dates.. I was just curious if the timing opposed to dates was more important


    Are you getting another u/s on Saturday before you take the trigger shot?  I am confused about why you would trigger w/o knowing for sure that your follies were large enough.  

    FWIW, The same thing happened to me this cycle, I took Femara, went in for CD12 u/s, and the biggest follies I had were 12 and 13.  My lining was also thin.  They cancelled the trigger and said to just keep having sex, and that I should O in a week or so.  Today is CD 25 and I still haven't O'd.  I know "they say" that the follies should grow 1-2mm a day, but that isn't the case for everyone.  I'd be really nervous about taking a trigger shot w/o knowing that my follies were at the correct size for that.

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    Yes I am on Femera CD 3-7.. Just had a monitoring apt CD 12 I had about 20 little follicles on left side ( PCOS) and then two on right. Size 13 and 14.


    I was told to test for Ovulation today. fri and sat. If I don't ovulate I am to trigger sat at 8pm.. Im thinking sex tonite and then sat after shot and then sun and mon? I may call office in morning to see what they say. She didn't specify times only dates.. I was just curious if the timing opposed to dates was more important


    Are you getting another u/s on Saturday before you take the trigger shot?  I am confused about why you would trigger w/o knowing for sure that your follies were large enough.  

    FWIW, The same thing happened to me this cycle, I took Femara, went in for CD12 u/s, and the biggest follies I had were 12 and 13.  My lining was also thin.  They cancelled the trigger and said to just keep having sex, and that I should O in a week or so.  Today is CD 25 and I still haven't O'd.  I know "they say" that the follies should grow 1-2mm a day, but that isn't the case for everyone.  I'd be really nervous about taking a trigger shot w/o knowing that my follies were at the correct size for that.

    I can't bold on my Mac- but I also agree.  I would not want to take a trigger without knowing what my follies were.   

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    CFNBC after 8 losses and IF || History || My Angel Babies

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    If my follicles arent big enought then they wont take. But I took a medicated cycle so it would be a waste of a cycle to not trigger and try.

     So if you havent ovulated what will you do? You have to ovulate at some point to get to next cycle?

    My blog: Cant make it clickable!
    "To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss
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    If my follicles arent big enought then they wont take. But I took a medicated cycle so it would be a waste of a cycle to not trigger and try.

     So if you havent ovulated what will you do? You have to ovulate at some point to get to next cycle?

    Not necessarily.  I've had a a few anovulatory cycles when we first started TTC and still got AF like clock work. You don't have to ovulate in order to start your next cycle.

    TTC started Oct '10
    Me: AMA w/RSD, atypical PCOS w/IR, LPD and High Prolactin. Controlled HP post-loss.
    DH: Low-T and borderline morph
    18 cycles, 3 medicated w/RE to get to a BFP!
    EDD 9/7/12, Saw HB @7w3d,missed m/c 1/30 @8w3d, d&c 2/8
    11 AL cycles, 9 medicated/IUI cycles. All BFFN!
    Moving forward with IVF
    BFP#2 our little cycle break surprise on AL cycle 12! EDD 10/27/13
    Beta #1: 41 Beta #2: 398; perfect u/s 3/11 hb @133bpm
    u/s 3/25 one perfect hb @183 bpm, adjusted EDD 10/23/13
    MaterniT21 and carrier screens normal. It's a girl!!!
    Severe Pre-E, HFpEF, PE, AMA & IF= OAD

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    All IF/AL Welcome!
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    Your right.. I have those to . I have to bleed to get to next cycle which I don't do unless I take medication to make me.. 


    Blonde moment sorry 

    My blog: Cant make it clickable!
    "To achieve the life you want, you must first give up the life that you have." ~Carolyn Myss
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