February 2017 Moms

Weekly Randoms (10/2)


Re: Weekly Randoms (10/2)

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    Oh no @concreteangell! Glad your H is ok! Sounds like such a stressful weekend. 

    For of all those in the hurricane's path, stay safe and keep us posted!
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    PSA: Anyone who needs a laugh needs to head to Dec 16 and read the "Things my S/O has said" thread. Just make sure you pee first.
    I read them all. Made my day so far  :D
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    Thanks for the tip on the thread!

    I am kind of relieved to hear that other women needed their SO to burp the baby. I am cooking baby #4 and I have not been successful with burping any of my previous babies. I feel like my boobs got in the way or something stupid. 
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    One of my kids was hard to burp and I was told to try laying them down across my thighs, belly down. Then gently shift my legs around while rubbing their back. It was amazing for my hard burper!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I would love a tiny house if it was just me. I like the simplicity and the sleek design. I like that everything has a place and it would be easy to clean.

    But when you get families or couples in tiny homes? omg no thanks. We have a 3 bedroom house with 2 storage rooms and my Husband has filled it with his crap. He would drive me INSANE in a tiny house and kids would be 30,000x worse. People need space!
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    Also, while yes a lot of the daily threads are technically gripes/negative bent, I feel like you sort of need a place to get all that out. The "real world" seems to mainly think that pregnancy is all rainbows and unicorn glitter... the majority of us have gone through some hard stuff.

    So, what I'm saying is that I appreciate that we have some rainbows and glitter here, but I also don't want to do away with our other threads. Because, nobody quite understands my pregnancy woes quite like the Bishes do. 
    I'm not saying we get rid of any of the regular threads (I don't think anyone is), just that we add some rainbows and glitter too. 

    10 is a lot lol. How about TWO things Tuesday? Or THREE things Thursday? More manageable ;)
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    kswiger06kswiger06 member
    edited October 2016


    Those shows in general drive me insane, but there isn't a whole lot on at 10 PM and I dont want to start something on the DVR.  Between the people needing the man caves, the two sinks, the closet for all her shoes/handbags, sitting in someone elses bathtub (yuck), etc.  It would actually make a great drinking game now that I think of it.  Oh wine, I miss you.

    Ooh friends is on from 10-1 at 10 it's on the CW and 11-1 it's on nick lol basically in our house if it's between those hours and I have the remote that's what's on haha
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    +1 for Fixer Upper, but also Property Brothers!!!  :) Those tiny house people are crazy!
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    I want Joanna to come and gut my house.  And I will give her money for the furniture and accessories too.  She can just move in actually! 
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    @concreteangell im glad he's okay! A bunch of my friends had to have their gallbladders removed after pregnancy and can't eat fatty foods anymore. 
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    I would love to live in a tiny house. H thinks I'm bonkers. I never want a huge house though. More to clean, more clutter, no thanks. Just big enough for a room for each kid is as big as I'll go. Some of the tiny homes make amazing use of space! I love that show. 
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    I love Fixer Upper and Property Bothers and Any of the beach hunters ones... basically I love HGTV. It is the only reason my husband got me to give up cable and try sling tv instead because it had HGTV on it. 

    Married to my Soul Mate since 09/06/09

    BabyFruit Ticker

    MC 10.23.15 @ 10 weeks
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    yogadevilyogadevil member
    edited October 2016
    @BumpasaurusRex that's my thought too, it never would have been a remote possibility with any of my grandparents when I was growing up, I'm seriously wondering where this current mindset is coming from?! 

    ETA I guess I could never imagine myself burdening my own children like that. I get that circumstances arise, as they have in my case- but to do it because "wouldn't it be nice" just seems so inappropriate
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    @concreteangell im glad he's okay! A bunch of my friends had to have their gallbladders removed after pregnancy and can't eat fatty foods anymore. 
    That's what H was told. It's going to be a challenge because we love to eat greasy foods. His main faves were pizza and mac & cheese. :open_mouth:  
    the doc said it he can eat it once in while but small portions and not as a main course type thing if he can avoid it.

    also, thanks!
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
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    edited October 2016
    @Jab3 i love old fashioned invites! Especially for a childs party, i remember the excitement & joy of receiving invitations as a child, along with chosing & giving out invitations too. Evites, whilst more environmentally friendly just dont have the same feelings.
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    @Jab3 +1 for old fashioned invites, and I'm a super-crunchy environmentalist. Most paper is actually a really sustainable product. I love picking out stationary. So much. I can't wait to pick out birth announcements.
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    On the parents moving in topic, my mom lived with us for 9 months once... it was rough for us, but she was perfectly happy being in our pockets constantly. We finally had to ask what the long term plan was for her finding somewhere to live, and then she got all upset that we were "kicking her out". This was always supposed to be temporary, you just chose to make no plans.

    So, long story short... avoid the parental move in in any way possible.
    I don't understand what the appeal is for them wanting this type of living arrangement, medical circumstances aside.

    Maybe it's empty-nest syndrome?  I love my child(ren) with my whole heart but it's a little exciting to think of all the things I'll get to do again once they are grown and living on their own.  Travel, hobbies, dinner with friends with no babysitter required, more free time, etc. so I don't understand why she'd want to take a step back by moving in.

    Big Bro 7/14/13
    Little Bro 2/6/17

                                                                  Pregnancy Ticker   
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    @jab3 I give papersource all my money 
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    @BumpasaurusRex I don't get it either, but I'm a highly independent person. 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    I could see wanting to live with family if you're spouse has passed away,but if my H is still around, I'm looking forward to enjoying time together after kids and as retired folks  :#
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    We lived with my in-laws for a month because we had just gotten married, I couldn't find a job where we were living, he was in the police academy Sunday night til Friday night, and it was December. I had already been living by myself for 2 months with H only home on weekends and it was just nice to be around people during Christmas. Plus it saved us some money because we weren't paying utilities or gas to drive 2 hours to IL's house all the time. After that it was nice to have my own space again.

    But my parents and my IL's are so different. My parents are coming to visit next week and, while they aren't staying at my house overnight, it's kind of weird that they'll be hanging out will us for a week. I haven't lived with my parents since I moved in 2011!

    Me: 24  DH: 28

    Married: 9/2013

    Love my LEO!!

    TTC #1: 9/2015

    BFP: 2/1/16  MC 2/8/16 @ 5wks

    BFP: 5/22/16 RAINBOW BABY

    EDD: 1/30/2017 *IT'S A GIRL!!!!* 

    Kirsten Grace 1/20/17                            

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm all about paper invites for my child's birthday parties. Heck I can't plan the party until I've picked out the invitation anyways!
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    not exactly same as @MissMerciBeaucoup but after having lived in LA and NYC where housing costs are insane you learn to live with less space and only buy and keep what you need. for the same reason my dream home sounds very familiar to @MissMerciBeaucoup unless we end up with a bunch of children (unlikely). I think at most 2000sq ft is the most I can ever tolerate. And i want it all to be immaculately decorated with no space wasted or left unused. 

    that said, i absolutely abhor tiny house hunters. i refuse to watch. and it pisses me off because it's always on. give me HH international anytime!
    Me: 36, H: 37
    FTM, 2 Furbabies
    married 03/17/07
    lived in Houston, Austin, Los Angeles and NYC
    due: 2/15/17
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