Trying to Get Pregnant


edited January 2016 in Trying to Get Pregnant
Welcome to the Trying To Get Pregnant community! This is a great place to learn about your body, your cycle, and give and get support from other women who are also trying to conceive. 

Already got your BFP? Congrats! Please join your Birth Month Board

If you are new to TTGP, please feel free to introduce yourself in this thread. For the sake of board organization and minimizing clutter, we ask that you not create a whole new discussion/thread for your intro.* 

We highly recommend participating in the daily WTO (waiting to ovulate) and the TWW (two week wait) check-in threads as you move through the different stages of the month. If you happen to hit a roadblock in your TTC journey, we also have a weekly benched/TTA check-in. When you post in those threads for the first time, feel free introduce yourself there as well. 

To get started, please read the Ultimate TTGP Guide. It will truly enhance your experience on this board and help you with your TTC journey. 

Good luck! 

*If you are a reg returning to this board due to a loss, please feel free to post your re-intro on the main page. 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


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  • Hey hey there! I'm Prim! We have been trying for #3 since 2014. We just now decided to take TTC to the next level beyond "just having sex" at the new year 2016. So charting, OPK & timed sex here we come!

    I've been a participant on the bump since 2012. Went through the trimester & birth month boards during my pregnancy with my son in 2012/2013. I have two children ages 2 (my son) & 4 (my daughter).

    I'm still Breast Feeding my son. I look forward to getting to know you all.

    The Priminator

    @PrimRoseMama - hey there! I think we were in May '13 BMB together?
  • Hey hey there! I'm Prim! We have been trying for #3 since 2014. We just now decided to take TTC to the next level beyond "just having sex" at the new year 2016. So charting, OPK & timed sex here we come!

    I've been a participant on the bump since 2012. Went through the trimester & birth month boards during my pregnancy with my son in 2012/2013. I have two children ages 2 (my son) & 4 (my daughter).

    I'm still Breast Feeding my son. I look forward to getting to know you all.

    The Priminator

    @PrimRoseMama - hey there! I think we were in May '13 BMB together?
    I was July/august13, but I remember you from the trimester boards.

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • @CajunSnowWhite89 We have a May 2012 wedding date too!

    LFAF April Siggy: TV/Movie BFFs

    BFP #1 12/2012, DS born 8/2013
    BFP #2 7/2015, MMC and D&C 9/2015
    BFP #3 11/2015, CP
    BFP #4 1/2016, DD born 10/2016

  • I also want to play!

    Im 31 and SO is 27, we've been together 2 years and have been TTC since October 2015. This will be our first but we do have a furry cat baby. I work in digital, print & events marketing sales and SO is an Account Manager, we live in the UK. The TTGP board has been a life saver for me and I have been on here daily (several times per day) since joining. Good luck all :)

    Me: 32 Him: 29 Live : London, UK
    TTC #1 since October 2015
    IVF Fresh Nov 16 = BFN
    IVF FET Jan 17 = BFP
    EDD: Oct 4th 2017
    TEAM: PINK!!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Well I've done an intro post before, but sadly that was awhile ago at this point!  DH and I were married in May 2015 and we've been together for 4.5 wonderful years.  I've known for basically my whole life that being a mother was so important to me, but I honestly couldn't picture myself IRL being pregnant, giving birth, and raising children until the past year or so.  I just finished grad school last summer and started my new job immediately, so DH and I planned to wait until I would quality for FMLA (end of October) and start trying.  I stopped BCP a few months ahead of time to try to prepare my body, and I'm so glad I did.  Admittedly, after all that planning and waiting, I did think it would happen right away.  But the first cycle we were NTNP and probably missed my FW, and then the next month my doctor found a polyp that needed to be removed and I was benched during FW, which was extremely difficult.  Last cycle was our first real shot, and man did I let my anxiety get the best of me!  I'm now focusing on actively working on staying relaxed and not  allowing myself to freak out over doing this perfectly.  I have learned so much from this board and TCOYF, I was clueless before!!  I am so grateful to have the place to connect to women going through the same crazy emotional roller coaster that is TTC!
    Me (28) & DH (29)
    Married: May 2015
    BFP 1/24/16 EDD 10/4/16
    It's a boy!

  • fafa1111fafa1111 member
    edited January 2016
    I did a short intro in WTO a few weeks ago but I'll join in on this to give some better background. DH and I are both 28 and have been married since October 2014. We have 2 little yorkies that are our fur babies. We are both very career focused and work around the clock (he's healthcare, I'm corporate). I went off BCP this past July '15 to let my body get back to "normal" since I'd been on them for 12 years and we began TTC in October. My cycle went right back to 28 days so the first month we were "NTNP" but I made sure we BD around what I thought would be my FW. What do you know... CD 28, 29, 30 pass with no sign of AF and I was certain I was KTFU... Nope! I stumbled upon this board in one of my crazy google searches and heard the phrase that saved my sanity (dramatics): "you're regular until you're not". Since then I've learned so much from the group here about charting, FF, and about issues that I never thought I'd experience, but have, through my relatively short TTGP journey. I'm looking forward to GTKY all better but hope we each move on to our BMBs soon!
  • korycirkorycir member
    edited January 2016
    I'm Ryan. I have been a member on TB since Aug 2013 I believe but haven't been active in a while. DH and I were married in May 2012 as well @CajunSnowWhite89 and @PeggyOlsonFTW! We started TTC #1 in June 2013 and got BFP in Aug. DD was born 4/2014. DH has been hinting that he wants baby #2 while I have plans to go back to grad school. So right now we're NTNP but I'm secretly hoping for another BFP this cycle.

    It's really nice to hear all of your stories. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you who have struggled with infertility and loss...

    Edit: hit post too soon. Oops.
    Baby #1: Elena 4/6/14
    Baby #2: Grayson EDD 10/22/16

  • I will intro here as well!  I'm Katie and my husband and I have just started our TTC journey.  A little about us, I am 25 and he is 31.  We have been married since September 2014.  We are from a small town, have very close families, and are very excited to become parents :)  We have a miniature dachshund named Roxy! <3 Before lurking TB, I was VERY clueless as to the science behind ttc.. it's amazing!  I feel like I've learned so much already, and enjoy being a part of the community here! :) Hopefully everyone's stay here is short!

    Me: 25 | Him: 31

    Married: September 2014

    DSS Born 2/2/08

    TTC our 1st since December 2015

    BFP 3/18/16 - EDD 12/1/16

    Proud Parents of a 5 year old Miniature Dachshund

  • I'll re-intro too!
    I'm originally from Chicago but have lived in the Middle East the past few years. I'm 30 and my husband is 29. We met in 2011, married 2014, and went off birth control in early May 2015. Started lurking in June and began temping in September. Still waiting on our bfp! :)

    I love that you signed off...perfect name! Haha
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • Hello!

    I am 32, DH is 33, and we are very newlywed, but have been together for 6 years.  This is our first month TTC and I am experiencing my very first TWW. Trying my best to not go crazy and not drive my husband crazy. I am a person who researches to death, obsessively analyzes, and has a desk job with a computer and a lot of down time, so it easy for me to make myself nuts. It's very nice to have such a great community to turn to. Nice to meet you all!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hello!!
    I'm 28, DH is 29. We have been married almost 3 years, together for 10. We have a DD and I was part of the Jan14 BMB.
    We have been TTC #2 since May '15, and have only been temping and using OPK's since Oct '15, which honestly hasn't been very helpful.
    Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!
          Fell in love: Dec 2005 // Married: Feb 9, 2013
                                                                  Little Miss Rosalie Harper--Born Jan 9th, 2014
  • Hi! Glad to have an opportunity to introduce myself -- I've been lurking for several months and waiting for the right moment to jump in. I'm 32 and my husband is 35. I went off BCP (had been on it since I was ~17) and began temping in July 2015; we've been actively TTC #1 since November 2015. We're on our 4th cycle TTC now and have added OPKs into the mix as of 3rd cycle.

    Outside of my TTC life, I'm a consultant in a fun niche field and I enjoy my work. My husband and I travel a lot for fun; we're both lucky to have a lot of flexibility with our jobs. We have a goofy little cat who is sometimes super sweet and sometimes a crazy brat. (Maybe that describes all cats?!) I adore her.

    Looking forward to getting involved on here! TWWs are tough for me, and CD1s are the worst. I'm glad to have a group of people here who all understand the struggle! 
  • m6aguam6agua member
    edited January 2016
    I guess I'll re-intro since its been awhile.

    I'm 27, H is 28. We are HS sweethearts and been married for 4.5 years. I started on TTGP back in July 2015. I got my first BFP in September, then had a MC in November. We are on our second cycle TTCAL. I have been temping and using FF since the beginning.

    I am a Graphic Designer, I love the Green Bay Packers, and we have one furbaby a Siamese cat named Carlos.

    Edited: To be more clear
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

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