Hello- I've been a member a long time but took a long 10 year break. Now I'm back and ready to TTC. I'm going to apologize in advance if I ask stupid questions. I'm new to this and I guess I have a lot to learn. Thanks for having me and I hope to get my BFP soon. Thanks
@vintaeandrea90 If you have been having unprotected sex for over a year and haven't gotten pregnant, you should see an RE. I don't see why your doctor didn't even do a blood test to check hormone levels, so you might want to get a second opinion. Also, definitely read the newbie guide - temping will help you know what's going on with your wonky cycles and you can know when to expect AF.
Hello there! I am 33 and my husband is 32. We have been TTC since Oct 2014. I've been lurking off and on since I joined TB in October. I've lurked here and a little on the infertility board, but you girls seem like my kind of people! I hope there's room for one more at the table.
Hello - this is my first time posting on this board. We just started NTNP in January and will be actively trying my next cycle. I'm in my late 20s and DH is in his early 30s. We've been married about a year and a half and have a cat and dog who will hopefully not mind the new addition when that happens.
*TW M/C mentioned*
We got our first BFP in late January, but found out we had miscarried late February, at 10 weeks 3 days and I had a cytotec miscarriage starting on March 5. Once I get AF again, we are going to actively try, since after the loss we realized how much we want a baby sooner rather than later. This afternoon will be the follow up appointment from the m/c and we'll hopefully get the go ahead from the doctor to start trying next cycle.
I'm hoping my cycle won't be too wonky, but post m/c and with me having PCOS, who knows.
Looking forward to participating on this board until it's time to join a BMB!
@britters314 I've read the entire guide. Currently temping, charting, OPKs etc. Granted...I can't say BD was that often during that time...and considering I didn't know anything about my cycles I didn't know that i O pretty much right after my period finishes...can't say we were ever really doing it then...so I'm giving it a few months.
Me: 27 // DH: 30 Married 05/21/2011 TTC Since Feb 2016 RE: Dec 2016 Dx: PCOS 5 rounds of Letrozole 5mg + Ovidrel + TI BFP!!!! June 2017 // EDD: 04/01/2018 IT'S A BOY!
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself! I'm 29 (turning
the big 3-0 this year!) and my husband is 28 we’ve been married almost a year
and together about four years. We have two pups and we're going to TTC
this year. We’re early on in our journey
because I take multiple migraine and anxiety medicines that I need to stop
before safely TTC. So, I’m in the
process of getting off of those with a doctors help and we hope to have my IUD
removed in the fall. We're trying to keep it all on the DL for now until I'm actually pregnant but who knows. My mom is very nosey! lol
Random things: I LOVE
coffee, I’m a mystery enthusiast, naps are my favorite, I’m a huge fan of yoga,
and I’m actually a morning person!
Hi there, just wanted to follow the rules and introduce myself I am 33 years old and my husband and I have been married for 4 years (together 9) and we have settled into our careers and a home and are ready to move on to the next adventure of starting our family. I am definitely in that stage of once you decide you are ready for something, you want it to happen immediately, which is making all the waiting torture, so here I am!
Hello! I am a long-time lurker and appreciator of TTGP. My wife got knocked up for our first baby. He is now almost 2 and we somehow we decided we are ready to double the chaos? It is my turn this go around -- all new but not new at all. Now that I am actually trying to get pregnant I figure I could try joining in. Thanks for the LoLz.
Hi! Im new and wanted to share a little about myself. Im 27 and my fiancé is 29, we are getting married in June and we are planning to start TTC during our honeymoon. Im very excited for this new chapter in of lives. We just decided to start monitoring my cycle in order to know when I ovulate, and to better my chances when we start TTC. I know nothing about ovulation test or temperatures? I have been tracking my period with a app for a little over a year. I hope I can learn and start tracking for my next cycle. My AF is due in 17 days. Any advice helps, Thanks!!
******TW LOSS MENTIONED******** ive been lurking since April 2014 when I got my first BFP. I had been trying for a while (I can't remember how long). Then I had a positive and I was so pumped! At 11 weeks we went in for an u/s and there was no heartbeat after hearing one at 8 weeks. It had passed at 9 weeks. I had a d&c, but it had passed on its own prior. I've been struggling since. Two CPs and one IUI later, I'm still waiting. This IUI sent me on a crazy train. Next month is vacation and I can't wait to relax! I have been so worried to join this group, but I feel like it's a good time! I hate the WTO, but I'm embracing the community and love!
Hi! I've been TTC for 2 years now. I had 2 miscarriages last year. This is my 4th IUI and I'm waiting to see if it worked. I'm 15dpo and CD 33. This is the longest my cycle has ever been. I just had significant temp drop this morning so we'll see if AF shows up today.
Hi bumpies, I'm 33 years old and am trying for a second baby. My first is 16 months. Had a lot of difficulty conceiving my first, and am concerned I might be going through the same thing with my second. Could really use some support. Thanks!
Hello! I have been lurking for a while now and want to be a more active participant! My husband and I have been TTC our first since September of 2015 (8 cycles). We have been married for almost three years, but are high school sweethearts and have been together for 13 years. After about three months of trying I started to read and google everything. I started with OPKs then a couple months later started to track my temps and CF. Temp tracking was starting to give me anxiety so I splurged for a fertility monitor and this is my first month giving it a try and taking a break from temping.
Hi there, long time lurker, first time speaker upper. I'm 24, DH is 25. We've been together coming up on ten years, We've been TTC since Aug. 2014 (which coincidentally is the same time we got married). No such luck. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and am really hoping this isn't the end of the road. I'm not quite ready to give up yet.
I love soccer and good food, and law... I super super love the law!
Hi all! I've recently moved over here from the Oct 16 BMB after a MC. I had just gone off of the pill and DH and I unexpectedly got our first BFP in Feb. In March I realized I was miscarrying at what should've been 10 weeks. It's been rough but we are looking forward to being able to continue TTC. I've been lurking for a bit and know what it means to effectively TTC, so if we aren't able to get a BFP in the first 2 months then I will proceed with tracking and temping.
DH and I have been together since 2002 and married since 2010. We are a mom and dad to an adorable 5 month old rescue pup and can't wait to grow our family.
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married 2010 TTC since Nov. 2015 BFP#1: 2/8/16 MC: 3/19/16 BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
FYI- MC/D&C mentioned. Skip to last paragraph to avoid.
Hello I'm Kirsty. I have referenced The Bump for info and experience over the past of couple years, but I never made an intro post.
DH and I are both 25, together going in 8 years. After getting married in January of 2014, we were NTNP. First BFP was in early November 2014. In late December 2014, missed MC was diagnosed (11.5w), with D&C in early January 2015. After taking time to heal, we were again NTNP. Second BFP was mid September 2015. Again missed MC was diagnosed (6.5w) in late October 2015. This time I was so early that Doc suggested naturally healing, instead of D&C. I took a break from The Bump again to heal emotionally and physically. I have been doing monthly BETA testing for my HCG levels, and they have continually decreased substantially each time. However, when I returned for testing this month the results showed that it had gone up 1 mIU/ml since last month. My doc asked if I had unprotected sex, I had. I logged into The Bump for the first time in months to see if anyone had a similar experience. It is so very good to know you are not alone After much lurking, I found there were many who had conceived even just a couple of weeks after MC and they now have a happy healthy rainbow baby There is a chance I may be PG again. I am going in first thing tomorrow morning to do another BETA test to see if it has increased any. I haven't told anyone yet. Even through all that has happened, DH and I are very hopeful.
Just this week I have started familiarizing myself with The Bump terms, abbreviations, communities and more. I highly recommend using the site to it's full extent! I am so thankful that I have access to something like this. In the few days I have been active, have felt so much love, reassurance, and support from so many. This is an amazing thing to be a part of- no matter what walk of TTC you are on, there is someone there for you. I can't say it enough- it is so good to know you aren't alone.
I am so blessed to have the love of my life, my DH, est. November 2008.
BFP#1 Nov 2014, Missed MC at 11w, D&C on 01/06/2015
BFP#2 Sept 2015, Missed MC at 6w, Methotrexate injection 3/25/16, released from Doc 5/17/16
Lurker introing in anticipation of coming off the bench in a month or two. I was a lurker back when I was TTGP with my LOs years ago - the boards are so different now! Due to some medical stuff, I have been on the bench for a while, and once I have my iud out I will only have about 6 months to try to conceive. I'm worried that temping won't be effective for me this time - my oldest is a terrible sleeper who frequently wakes me up. In just 5 days of temping, I'm already all over the place!
Hi, I'm Crystal and I'm 31 years old. My husband, who is also 31, have been TTC baby #1 since September 2015. I have been reading the forums and articles for a few months now and have finally decided to start posting things of my own. Hope everyone is doing well and look forward to chatting with you!
Hi Ladies! I've been on and off TB for years now and now I am on again. Decided to get back on because I felt like I needed community with ladies in my same situation. Talking to friends and family just isn't cutting it. They don't understand (thankfully) the whole "trying" thing and it gets hard not having an outlet. My DH and I started TTC in April of 2013. Soon figured out my cycles were not regular (60+ days) and I eventually got referred (military) to an RE in October of 2015. I know the time gap seems off, but there was a deployment in there and so we were on hold for 6 months. I didn't want to jump the gun on an RE, so I gave it some time once we were TTC when he got home. My DH and I had testing done and everything checked out fine. All systems were a go. Just looked like I needed some help ovulating (Clomid w/monitoring). But now, I've had 3 miscarriages, deemed recurrent since I have had 3 consecutive in the last 13 months. I had a D&C with the last one and they sent the tissue off for testing. Should be getting those results in the next week. We are waiting on those for the next step.
With all that being said, I am glad to be back on TB and here's to getting to know y'all!
TTC April 2013 M/C 1/15 @ 6 weeks RE 8/16 Monitored Clomid 11/15 M/C 12/16 @ 6 weeks Clomid & Ovidrel Shot M/C 2/16 @ 8 weeks *Currently on Clomid (monitored) and waiting on tissue results.
Hi ladies. I'm Tegan. I'm new to this message board thing. I'm 31 from Australia. TTC for 6 months now. Fingers crossed this month is my month. Had so many people around me get pregnant in the last six month including my sister in-law who got lucky with number two a month after me and DH started trying. I know I doesn't happen with a click of a finger so I'm trying to be patient but obviously you would all understand how hard that is,,
This is a reintro. I dabbled in the board a bit last fall - I dropped out as life got really busy after my mom was diagnosed with stage IV sarcoma, a terminal cancer. She is doing better now, and DH and I are focusing more on TTC. We were trying to conceive for almost a year before mom got sick, and we don’t want to put life on hold, even if the stress of her illness of course affects us.
The basics are: DH is 38 and I am 29 (almost 30). He is a researcher/professor and I am a science curriculum developer. We have been TTC for about a year and a half, but due to a few months off here and there, we are in our 12th cycle TTC. All along I’ve tracked my cycle, but after the 5th cycle I decided it was time to get serious about timing with my O's. So, I started to chart BBT (though I’m a bit of a clown at it… some months my wake times are so irregular that my chart looks crazy) and to use OPK. And we started using a conception-friendly lubricant. After the 10th cycle without luck I went to my OB and we did an HSG and bloodwork. The HSG was normal, but I had elevated FSH, so we repeated the bloodwork this cycle. This month's FSH was normal. Phew. We might have jumped the gun a little, but my mom had two years of infertility at my age, so it eased my mind. DH is going for a SA next month if we aren’t successful this cycle. After that we’ll have the basics ruled in/out. The OB mentioned we might seek a specialist's opinion, but we’re inclining toward keeping on keeping on for a while and see if we have success.
I am not so disciplined at daily habits but I'll look forward to piping in on WTO and TWW now and again. The community and the structure here is great
Hi everyone! I've been lurking on the board for some time but haven't felt comfotable participating until now. DH and I were married last May and initially had decided to wait a year before TTC. After I got ill last October we realized that life is short and I'm not getting any younger or healthier ( I'm 33) so I stopped BC then and we've been NTNP since November 2015 and actively TTC since Jan 2016. I have a very type A personality and didn't want to temp because I think it may increase my stress and anxiety but after an awful cycle last month and having no idea what was going on with my body for a full week I think I'm ready to try temping and gather all the info I can lol. I will be joining the two and wto threads as often as work permits. Nice to meet all you ladies and here's to BFPs for all of us soon!
We are TTC #3, on cycle 4, and have DD 4.5 and DS 2.5. Both were conceived within 3 cycles, but I am getting a little frustrated with this round. I am a work from home mom and have my own business, so it is a little stressful, and hubs is interviewing for other companies after we moved across country last year for his current job.
I am trying to mellow out while putting passive income in place so I can enjoy my pregnancy a little more and not pull my hair out with 3 little ones
Hello! Ive been a lurker for awhile so just doing the whole intro deal.
I am 31 and my husband is 36. Weve been married almost 5 years, together almost 8, and we are going to try for our first a little later this year. I have been off BC since October and charting/temping/rereading TCYF. In the meantime we are trying to pay off a few debts and I am trying to get a little more in shape (mostly just things to occupy my mind till we start haha). We have a super sweet furbaby and I really hope we can add a human baby to our family next year! ❤️ I look forward to chatting and learning with everyone now that Ive officially de-lurked!
Hey everyone! I'm 28 & DH is 29. DD is 4 almost 5. TTC baby #2. We have been trying for 8 months. I have been lurking around this forum for a while . Can't wait to chat with everyone!!
Hi Everyone! I'm new to thebump. I'm 27 years old, husband is 32. We've been TTC #1 since September 2014. About 8 months after we starting trying, my OB/GYN ordered lab work for myself, which came back normal. After a few more months of trying and thinking that it'd just happen, I convinced my husband to get a SA done just in case, and the results crushed me.
We found out that my husband has an extremely low sperm count. My OB/GYN said the chances of us conceiving on our own and without any assistance was slim to none. My husband and I said from the start, "If it happens, it happens .. if not, then it wasn't meant to be." We weren't going to go through the poking and prodding to have kids. Until we found out the reality of our situation. We discussed it, and are both more than willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen.
We have our Initial Consultation at a fertility clinic a few hours from our home in a little over a week. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I cannot wait to start this journey with my husband.
I'm eager to speak with you ladies and be able to share my thoughts and feelings with people that actually understand. Thanks for listening!
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Been trying to conceive since an ectopic in august 2014 which is when I also found out I have endometriosis. It was my first time concieving. Hoping for a miracle baby soon!
@LittleSap92014 So sorry to hear that but happy that you guys now know what the issue is, that in itself is a big step forward. I hope the appointment goes well and you get the answers you need and a clear path forward. Maybe write down all your questions for the doc so you don't forget anything on the day. Fx for a BFP soon
I've been lurking here forever, but finally decided to take the plunge and start posting!
I live in the SF/Bay Area, with my husband and our adorable french bulldog/boston terrier pup. I'm 37 and DH is 40. We'll be married 2 years next month, but been together for about 4 years. We travelled extensively together, had many adventures, and are ready to start our biggest adventure, which is our family.
My husband and I have been TTC for 2.5 years, mostly on our own. We've done clomid for 3 months, and I have gone to an acupuncturist for 6 months, but still BFN. We finally went to a RE, and this cycle we did clomid with IUI. Currently on the TWW. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here!
Hi! My name is Emily! I am 27 and work in accounting. My husband and I have been married since 2012 and have a 16 month old little girl. I just went off the pill last month and we're going to actively start trying for #2 in a few months. I used TB for my first pregnancy and ultimately ended up joining a bump month FB group because since I'm normally on mobile it was way easier to keep up with. I think TB has changed a bit since I last used it but I wanted to come by and start lurking and meeting other mommas because somehow I've totally lost most of my ttc knowledge! Looking forward to talking to you all!!!
Hi, ive been on this site for a while now but thought it was time to share. My DH (42yrs old) and i (38yrs old) have been TTC #1 for 13mths. Its been a big month for me with 1st clomid cycle, had laproscopy, hysteroscopy, d&c any dye work on cd 4. Ultrasound on cd12 showed some lovely big egg folicles and a nice thick lining. Had Ovidrel injection and got to business. I also had accupunture on 6dpo for the first time. Today 9dpo i have what i think is implantation bleeding (never had this before). Fingers crossed....
Hello everyone! I am 24 and my fiancé is 23. We are getting married in a month and a half but have been together for 6 years! We just decided to stop birth control last week and ttc. This will be my first pregnancy but I have been through it all with my sister and her 4 pregnancies.
Hello! I wanted to introduce myself. I've been lurking for a long time. My husband and I got married in October and have been trying to conceive since then but my cycles haven't fully regulated yet. I have two stepkids and we are both anxious to start having our kids together.
Hi ladies! My husband and I have been married almost 4 years and together for 7 years. Currently residing in NC. I was active on the bump a few years ago and so much has changed! We were TTC for a year before I finally got pregnant in 12/2013 but lost our little one in Feb.2014 We've been trying to conceive since then with no luck so we decided to go ahead with making an appt. to see an Infertility Specialist next month.
*TW M/C mentioned*
We got our first BFP in late January, but found out we had miscarried late February, at 10 weeks 3 days and I had a cytotec miscarriage starting on March 5. Once I get AF again, we are going to actively try, since after the loss we realized how much we want a baby sooner rather than later. This afternoon will be the follow up appointment from the m/c and we'll hopefully get the go ahead from the doctor to start trying next cycle.
I'm hoping my cycle won't be too wonky, but post m/c and with me having PCOS, who knows.
Looking forward to participating on this board until it's time to join a BMB!
Married 05/21/2011
TTC Since Feb 2016
RE: Dec 2016 Dx: PCOS
5 rounds of Letrozole 5mg + Ovidrel + TI
BFP!!!! June 2017 // EDD: 04/01/2018
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself! I'm 29 (turning the big 3-0 this year!) and my husband is 28 we’ve been married almost a year and together about four years. We have two pups and we're going to TTC this year. We’re early on in our journey because I take multiple migraine and anxiety medicines that I need to stop before safely TTC. So, I’m in the process of getting off of those with a doctors help and we hope to have my IUD removed in the fall. We're trying to keep it all on the DL for now until I'm actually pregnant but who knows. My mom is very nosey! lol
Random things: I LOVE coffee, I’m a mystery enthusiast, naps are my favorite, I’m a huge fan of yoga, and I’m actually a morning person!
A mother of 3
*Removed for ToU Violation*
ive been lurking since April 2014 when I got my first BFP. I had been trying for a while (I can't remember how long). Then I had a positive and I was so pumped! At 11 weeks we went in for an u/s and there was no heartbeat after hearing one at 8 weeks. It had passed at 9 weeks. I had a d&c, but it had passed on its own prior. I've been struggling since. Two CPs and one IUI later, I'm still waiting. This IUI sent me on a crazy train. Next month is vacation and I can't wait to relax! I have been so worried to join this group, but I feel like it's a good time! I hate the WTO, but I'm embracing the community and love!
eta: I can't spell
Me: 38 DH: 38
Married: 12-15-2012
TTC: January 2014
IUI 12-11-2014 ... BFP: 12-24-2014 MMC: 2-17-2015 @ 12 weeks
IUI 6-1-2015 ... BFP: 6-16-2015 MC: 7-19-2015 @ 9 weeks 2 days
IUI 3-4-2016 ... BFP: 3-20-2016 MC: 5-2-2016 @ 10 weeks 3 days
Me: 29 : Him: 30
Married Since: May 2013
I'm super new here, but I have participated in the knot discussion boards when I was getting married.
Me: 29
DH: 31
Currently in TWW period this is our first time trying for our first child..
Learning lots here as I lurk, and trying to keep up with all the acronyms! Happy to be here!
DH: 36
Together since 2007
Happily Ever After 4.30.2015
~~One Beautiful Daughter~~ Born: 11.6.2017
Trying for #2!!
I love soccer and good food, and law... I super super love the law!
It's nice to meet you all!
Hi all! I've recently moved over here from the Oct 16 BMB after a MC. I had just gone off of the pill and DH and I unexpectedly got our first BFP in Feb. In March I realized I was miscarrying at what should've been 10 weeks. It's been rough but we are looking forward to being able to continue TTC. I've been lurking for a bit and know what it means to effectively TTC, so if we aren't able to get a BFP in the first 2 months then I will proceed with tracking and temping.
DH and I have been together since 2002 and married since 2010. We are a mom and dad to an adorable 5 month old rescue pup and can't wait to grow our family.
Married 2010
TTC since Nov. 2015
BFP#1: 2/8/16
MC: 3/19/16
BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
mommy to the cutest rescue mutt ever.
my chart
FYI- MC/D&C mentioned. Skip to last paragraph to avoid.
Hello I'm Kirsty. I have referenced The Bump for info and experience over the past of couple years, but I never made an intro post.
DH and I are both 25, together going in 8 years. After getting married in January of 2014, we were NTNP. First BFP was in early November 2014. In late December 2014, missed MC was diagnosed (11.5w), with D&C in early January 2015. After taking time to heal, we were again NTNP. Second BFP was mid September 2015. Again missed MC was diagnosed (6.5w) in late October 2015. This time I was so early that Doc suggested naturally healing, instead of D&C. I took a break from The Bump again to heal emotionally and physically. I have been doing monthly BETA testing for my HCG levels, and they have continually decreased substantially each time. However, when I returned for testing this month the results showed that it had gone up 1 mIU/ml since last month. My doc asked if I had unprotected sex, I had. I logged into The Bump for the first time in months to see if anyone had a similar experience. It is so very good to know you are not alone After much lurking, I found there were many who had conceived even just a couple of weeks after MC and they now have a happy healthy rainbow baby There is a chance I may be PG again. I am going in first thing tomorrow morning to do another BETA test to see if it has increased any. I haven't told anyone yet. Even through all that has happened, DH and I are very hopeful.
Just this week I have started familiarizing myself with The Bump terms, abbreviations, communities and more. I highly recommend using the site to it's full extent! I am so thankful that I have access to something like this. In the few days I have been active, have felt so much love, reassurance, and support from so many. This is an amazing thing to be a part of- no matter what walk of TTC you are on, there is someone there for you. I can't say it enough- it is so good to know you aren't alone.
I am so blessed to have the love of my life, my DH, est. November 2008.
BFP#1 Nov 2014, Missed MC at 11w, D&C on 01/06/2015
BFP#2 Sept 2015, Missed MC at 6w, Methotrexate injection 3/25/16, released from Doc 5/17/16
BFP#3 Oct 2016, Chemical
Lurker introing in anticipation of coming off the bench in a month or two. I was a lurker back when I was TTGP with my LOs years ago - the boards are so different now! Due to some medical stuff, I have been on the bench for a while, and once I have my iud out I will only have about 6 months to try to conceive. I'm worried that temping won't be effective for me this time - my oldest is a terrible sleeper who frequently wakes me up. In just 5 days of temping, I'm already all over the place!
DH: 33
Married: October 2015
TTC #1: October 2015
EDD #1: June/July 2017
With all that being said, I am glad to be back on TB and here's to getting to know y'all!
M/C 1/15 @ 6 weeks
RE 8/16
Monitored Clomid 11/15
M/C 12/16 @ 6 weeks
Clomid & Ovidrel Shot
M/C 2/16 @ 8 weeks
*Currently on Clomid (monitored) and waiting on tissue results.
Hey all-
This is a reintro. I dabbled in the board a bit last fall - I dropped out as life got really busy after my mom was diagnosed with stage IV sarcoma, a terminal cancer. She is doing better now, and DH and I are focusing more on TTC. We were trying to conceive for almost a year before mom got sick, and we don’t want to put life on hold, even if the stress of her illness of course affects us.
The basics are: DH is 38 and I am 29 (almost 30). He is a researcher/professor and I am a science curriculum developer. We have been TTC for about a year and a half, but due to a few months off here and there, we are in our 12th cycle TTC. All along I’ve tracked my cycle, but after the 5th cycle I decided it was time to get serious about timing with my O's. So, I started to chart BBT (though I’m a bit of a clown at it… some months my wake times are so irregular that my chart looks crazy) and to use OPK. And we started using a conception-friendly lubricant. After the 10th cycle without luck I went to my OB and we did an HSG and bloodwork. The HSG was normal, but I had elevated FSH, so we repeated the bloodwork this cycle. This month's FSH was normal. Phew. We might have jumped the gun a little, but my mom had two years of infertility at my age, so it eased my mind. DH is going for a SA next month if we aren’t successful this cycle. After that we’ll have the basics ruled in/out. The OB mentioned we might seek a specialist's opinion, but we’re inclining toward keeping on keeping on for a while and see if we have success.
I am not so disciplined at daily habits but I'll look forward to piping in on WTO and TWW now and again. The community and the structure here is great
Looking forward to reading more from everyone!
We are TTC #3, on cycle 4, and have DD 4.5 and DS 2.5. Both were conceived within 3 cycles, but I am getting a little frustrated with this round. I am a work from home mom and have my own business, so it is a little stressful, and hubs is interviewing for other companies after we moved across country last year for his current job.
I am trying to mellow out while putting passive income in place so I can enjoy my pregnancy a little more and not pull my hair out with 3 little ones
I am 31 and my husband is 36. Weve been married almost 5 years, together almost 8, and we are going to try for our first a little later this year. I have been off BC since October and charting/temping/rereading TCYF. In the meantime we are trying to pay off a few debts and I am trying to get a little more in shape (mostly just things to occupy my mind till we start haha). We have a super sweet furbaby and I really hope we can add a human baby to our family next year! ❤️ I look forward to chatting and learning with everyone now that Ive officially de-lurked!
Hi Everyone! I'm new to thebump. I'm 27 years old, husband is 32. We've been TTC #1 since September 2014. About 8 months after we starting trying, my OB/GYN ordered lab work for myself, which came back normal. After a few more months of trying and thinking that it'd just happen, I convinced my husband to get a SA done just in case, and the results crushed me.
We found out that my husband has an extremely low sperm count. My OB/GYN said the chances of us conceiving on our own and without any assistance was slim to none. My husband and I said from the start, "If it happens, it happens .. if not, then it wasn't meant to be." We weren't going to go through the poking and prodding to have kids. Until we found out the reality of our situation. We discussed it, and are both more than willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen.
We have our Initial Consultation at a fertility clinic a few hours from our home in a little over a week. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I cannot wait to start this journey with my husband.
I'm eager to speak with you ladies and be able to share my thoughts and feelings with people that actually understand. Thanks for listening!
I've been lurking here forever, but finally decided to take the plunge and start posting!
I live in the SF/Bay Area, with my husband and our adorable french bulldog/boston terrier pup. I'm 37 and DH is 40. We'll be married 2 years next month, but been together for about 4 years. We travelled extensively together, had many adventures, and are ready to start our biggest adventure, which is our family.
My husband and I have been TTC for 2.5 years, mostly on our own. We've done clomid for 3 months, and I have gone to an acupuncturist for 6 months, but still BFN. We finally went to a RE, and this cycle we did clomid with IUI. Currently on the TWW. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here!
BFP #1 12.12.2013 | EDD 08.24.2014 | MMC 01.27.13 @ 10w 1d, Baby measured 6w 2d | Natural MC 02.01.14
Currently NTNP