I took my first test 14 days post ovulation and thought I could barely see a line with these cheap internet stick. I tested the next morning and it was just a tiny, tiny bit darker. I still thought that it wasn't enough to be positive (thought I was just seeing through the stick to the "placeholder" for a positive. haha. So, I took one the next day and this time, showed my DH. I asked him what he could see and he said a light line and a darker line. That was enough for me. I went and got a digital First Response and it came back as a YES! So excited, but still very new!
My positive from the doctor with baby #3 I used dollar stores dollar pregnancy tests with my other 2. Doctor said it's weird my test line is darker then control line. Which is scary bc I'm high risk.
I used a clear blue test after an equate test came out positive. The clear blue was one of those that told me that I was pregnant and how many weeks I was.
Frer at 11 and 12 dpo. Honestly though, I feel like my boobs knew first. They were so sensitive and super itchy. I told my sister that I couldn't stop itching them and she told me to go get a pregnancy test!
I was 5 days past my period but as SOON(literally seconds) as urine hit the EPT stick a bright blue positive line jumped up.. the Clear Blue digital took a bit longer to process but the Pregnant font popped up within 1 minute and then the weeks a few minutes after...
We used The CVS brand of the EPT digital early response a day before my period was due. So it could either say pregnant or not pregnant. Also used another early response one, Answer brand, 2 days prior to period due. Options were one pink line = not pregnant, and 2 pink lines = pregnant.
I used ClearBlue Easy. Very easy to decipher as it said PREGNANT (all 3 times, had to be sure). After that I used a Dollar Tree test and could see an incredibly faint line
Married to M and proud mothers to Olivia and Elise (8/19/2014) and to our fur-babies: Capone (pitbull), Jax and Atticus (cats)
I made myself wait until 14 DPO and then I didn't have to guess if I saw the plus sign... the test line was even darker than the control. My advice is to wait until it has a better chance of a decent result... easier said than done, I know...
my doctor told me that the labs uses the dollar store brand test. they all work the same but some are just "fancy". if you see a faint + sign then there is a good chance but I would wait a few days and test again first thing in the morning. Good Luck!!
I used a cheap internet test first. After I got a faint line I went to get a first response to be sure (I like peeing on sticks I guess...) so here's both of mine .. Oh and I'm not sure how long after I ovulated these were but I was expecting my period the following week.
I took First Response and it was almost instant. My husband wanted to do a second one and this time got a CVS brand. It took a little longer but still less time than the 2-3 minutes it says to wait.
One of the many internet cheapy tests I took. This was at 5 weeks (we weren't charting so I don't know the exact DPO), the day before my dating ultrasound - I wanted to make sure I was still pregnant.
This was the last one I took, and it was the darkest. The test line is darker than the control line by this point
I used Up & Up early response & got a BFP...the line was so faint that I had to take a 2nd look to make sure it said pregnant. A line is a line though. Totally unexpected...my DH & I weren't even trying. EDD: 10/3/14
3 days after missed period, strong positive. Not sure how fast it showed up since I closed my eyes to set it on the counter for the recommended 2 minutes.
Faint but immediate line on an internet cheapie, followed by a much better line on FRER. we were trying but I did not think it would be our month so I was quite shocked This was 15 DPO.
I'm so glad this board was made, because I am desperate for some help here on determining how excited/not excited i should be right now lol!!
I had a previous pregnancy that I lost in December and this was my first cycle after the loss and we started trying again, except timing has been awful. Like, REALLY awful. We only HIO once, yes, ONCE on CD10. I got EWCM on CD 13 and 14, can't pinpoint my O day because my chart is uggggggglllllyyyyyy with temps, but I'm guessing going off my CM I O'd on CD 14 or 15? So with that being said, I figured my chances of a BFP were slim to none this go around.
I took an Answer brand pregnancy test, pink dye, last night which was CD 24. Didn't get an instant + like last time so I stuck it back in the box planning to check it again in 10 minutes or so. Completely forgot about it til this morning, checked it, and BOOM it was a squinter. And by squinter I mean I'm turning it in all angles of the light making sure my eyes aren't fooling me, but it was definitely a faint line.
During my last pregnancy I got a VERY clear BFP instant on a blue dye test at CD 28, so I am planning to retest then without a doubt. I can't decide to do the cheapo blue dye test again, or splurge for the FRER?
I would post a pic of the test I took last night, but the line is so faint you can barely see it in a picture. I'm hoping the "A positive is a positive, no matter how faint!" applies to me right now.
Me- 23; DH- 29
Started dating Oct. 2008; Married Sept. 2013
TTC since Sept. 2013
BFP 11/25/13 EDD 08/04/14
MC 12/13/13 @ 5 wks 2 days
BFP 02/11/14 EDD 10/24/14
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
Mine were plain as day!! I didn't even have the cap back on the stick yet and two lines were already visible! I took three tests, and all turned out that way
which ever brand you are using perform the test early in the morning .You will surely get correct result.Sometimes in early pregnancy the result is not so clear.But a positive test will give you two dark lines.
I'm not sure how many DPO I was because none of my ovulation tests showed positive when I was suppose to ovulate so I gave up on testing. I really didn't expect this month to be our month but decided to test anyways. Well actually, 6 times lol. Oops! And they all came back positive!
I used dollar tree, first response, and clear blue digi that estimates how far along you are which is pretty cool. I couldn't believe it until i saw it spelled out on the digi test.
7 days after the start of my missed period, I used a First Response Early Response and got a very clear positive result. I ran and got a big glass of water so I could take a Clear Blue Digital with the Weeks Indicator and the word "Pregnant" popped up almost immediately, with the weeks estimator not too far behind. I didn't feel very pregnant, so I took another Clear Blue Digital a week later, and the weeks indicator had in fact advanced a week
Re: What does a positive pregnancy test really look like??
I was 5 days past my period but as SOON(literally seconds) as urine hit the EPT stick a bright blue positive line jumped up.. the Clear Blue digital took a bit longer to process but the Pregnant font popped up within 1 minute and then the weeks a few minutes after...
Married to M and proud mothers to Olivia and Elise (8/19/2014) and to our fur-babies: Capone (pitbull), Jax and Atticus (cats)
That beautiful line showed up in less than 30 seconds, at 12 dpo, on a FRER.
I took First Response and it was almost instant. My husband wanted to do a second one and this time got a CVS brand. It took a little longer but still less time than the 2-3 minutes it says to wait.
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My Ovulation Chart Simple Link: My Ovulation Chart
3rd pregnancy -- 1st baby -- praying for a rainbow
#1 EDD 5/2014 -- MMC 10weeks ~~ #2 EDD 10/2014 -- Our baby girl, born sleeping 17weeks ~~ #3 EDD 8/2015
I had a previous pregnancy that I lost in December and this was my first cycle after the loss and we started trying again, except timing has been awful. Like, REALLY awful. We only HIO once, yes, ONCE on CD10. I got EWCM on CD 13 and 14, can't pinpoint my O day because my chart is uggggggglllllyyyyyy with temps, but I'm guessing going off my CM I O'd on CD 14 or 15? So with that being said, I figured my chances of a BFP were slim to none this go around.
“When everything seems to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”