July 2017 Moms

Randoms 2.0


Re: Randoms 2.0

  • @BumpAdmin please unban ams512. She's actually a very regular poster who provides genuine support and advice. If you won't unban her can we at least get an explanation as to why? This is getting a little ridiculous 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Married: 05/26/2012

    DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013

    Natural M/C: 07/08/2014

    DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015

    BFP #4: 11/15/2016

    EDD: 7/27/2017

  • @BumpAdmin @ams512 is a contributing member of our lovely board. Please remove her ban. It's not her fault others are so gap-toothed. 
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
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  • @BumpAdmin @ams512 is not a troll and is a contributing member of this board and community. Please unblock and allow her to continue to participate!!
  • @BumpAdmin - @ams512 has been an integral part to our community and is most definitely NOT a troll. Please unblock her and allow her to continue to contribute to our community. 

    I'd also recommend that you look into the person that continues to report her for no reason. That may foster more good feelings around here as well.
    Married: 10/13/2013
    TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
  • @BumpAdmin @BumpCaitlin @BumpTara and whoever else will listen, please let @ams512 come back. She contributes greatly to this community and we miss her! 
    TTC history in spoiler
    Me: 31 Him: 37
    Married: Oct 2015
    Baby G born June 2017
    TTC#2: July 2018
    BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
    BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @BumpAdmin @BumpCaitlin @BumpTara Please reactivate @ams512.  This is really ridiculous.  She hasn't done anything wrong.
  • @BumpAdmin @ams512 Is definitely not a troll! She's been a supportive member of our community. Please release her!
  • @BumpAdmin @ams512 is not a troll. She is a contributing member of this community who offers lots of support and advice for members. Please release her from this ridiculous ban. 
  • @LoveLee85 I don't have two kids, yet, but we have no toys in his bedroom or upstairs at all. Only books so we've found books in his bed in the morning or he comes in our room in the middle of the night.  All his toys are downstairs and we have the gate shut at night. Once he went downstairs and played with his toys at night. Anyways I love having no toys in his room I feel like it's easier on bedtime since he doesn't see his toys and want to play. 
  • @LoveLee85 my two are 12 months apart, a boy and girl and they share a room and have a playroom in the other bedroom. I did keep them separate until my youngest started sleeping through the night but as soon as he did they loved it. I wake up to the chatter and laughter between the two of them every morning. They love sharing a room, I think it's comforting for them to have each other. Plus I love having a fully baby proofed room with all their toys, it gives me a place to contain the chaos and let them play so I can get stuff done around the house without their "help" 
  • And another thread closed?!? 
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

  • And another thread closed?!? 
    I honestly don't understand. The argument was honestly over. 

    only positive is that Zara got 2 warnings on that post. Only 1 more and she's outta here! lol
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @Rae1 question, how do you know how many warnings she has? No one has any when I go to their profile.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Married: 05/26/2012

    DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013

    Natural M/C: 07/08/2014

    DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015

    BFP #4: 11/15/2016

    EDD: 7/27/2017

  • @Dcwtada My little guy (1 year tomorrow!!) is David and we call him Davey too :) 
  • Rae1 said:
    And another thread closed?!? 
    I honestly don't understand. The argument was honestly over. 

    only positive is that Zara got 2 warnings on that post. Only 1 more and she's outta here! lol
    They close threads that change in topic.  
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @mamadcb aww happy birthday to your little guy! My davey just hit the 1 1/2 mark this month, and I adore his name - our little "Davey baby/Davey boy". David is a name I have loved my entire life and luckily so did DH! 

    I sing him the davy Crockett song and he loves it :) 
  • cssme13 said:
    @Rae1 question, how do you know how many warnings she has? No one has any when I go to their profile.
    On that post alone she got two comments removed for TOU violations (both times for calling us names). 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @BumpAdmin please allow @ams512 back, for those of us on here trying to create a community it seems hard when contributing supportive members get banned.
  • @BumpAdmin free @ams512.  She is a valued, contributing member of our community.  She should not be banned because someone who is not a contributing member has a bee in their bonnet.
  • @BumpAdmin please allow @ams512 back, for those of us on here trying to create a community it seems hard when contributing supportive members get banned.
  • @Dcwtada We sing that to him too! Only we change Crockett to his middle name :) David is my husband's brother's name we love it! Coming up with a name for Baby Boy #2 was a challenge because nothing nailed it quite like David did. I use Davey Boy occasionally but more often it's Davey Doo.
  • mrscate88 said:
    @BumpAdmin please allow @ams512 back, for those of us on here trying to create a community it seems hard when contributing supportive members get banned.
  • @BumpAdmin please free @ams512 she is a valued member of our community.  Please note the number of people asking for her back!
  • jsweet-2jsweet-2 member
    edited January 2017
    I just signed in today after a self imposed Bump sabbatical and see some malarkey is occurring. Waves Hi!!! I was pretty active in Nov/dec but my not be a familiar face anymore. 

    At at least they can't close a random thread for going off topic ba-dum-Tiss 

    EDD: 13/07/2017
  • Hey @BumpAdmin - @ams512 is an active contributing member of this board.  She has been very supportive of other members. When she did disagree with others' opinions, she did so respectfully. When other people, especially those new to the board, were blatantly wrong and/ or rude, she called them out.
    If The Bump truly wants to foster an active and *welcoming* community of new parents, there must be room for respectful disagreement, and banning should not be based on quasi-anonymous reports from members who joined 5 minutes ago. 
  • This Is Us, you are not a safe show to watch while pregnant. I just cried my entire way through this weeks episode. 
    It is brutal, I think I cry through most episodes, my husband thinks it's hilarious. 
  • mrscate88 said:
    This Is Us, you are not a safe show to watch while pregnant. I just cried my entire way through this weeks episode. 
    It is brutal, I think I cry through most episodes, my husband thinks it's hilarious. 
    Same here! Including a DH that thinks it's funny to watch me watch the show. Lol. It's so good, though!
  • This Is Us, you are not a safe show to watch while pregnant. I just cried my entire way through this weeks episode. 
    Always makes me cry. I love that show! 
  • @admin is not listening. Admin is stuborn and wrong. Do not be like admin.
  • mrscate88 said:
    This Is Us, you are not a safe show to watch while pregnant. I just cried my entire way through this weeks episode. 
    It is brutal, I think I cry through most episodes, my husband thinks it's hilarious. 
    Same here! Including a DH that thinks it's funny to watch me watch the show. Lol. It's so good, though!
    It's so good, I don't mind a few tears! I caught my husband getting choked up too, he just wouldn't admit it haha
  • @BumpAdmin @ams512 is a wonderful and supportive member of our community. We miss her! Please reconsider your action regarding this valued member of our community. 
  • @ams512 on the main page it shows you're the most recent poster on this thread but I still can't see your posts, boo!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Married: 05/26/2012

    DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013

    Natural M/C: 07/08/2014

    DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015

    BFP #4: 11/15/2016

    EDD: 7/27/2017

  • cssme13 said:
    @ams512 on the main page it shows you're the most recent poster on this thread but I still can't see your posts, boo!
  • Okay the title of the Friday Tickler Change thread has me giggling every time I see it.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  • I wonder if next week we can make the Randoms thread as exciting as this past week...
    Married: 10/13/2013
    TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
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