March 2016 Moms

*** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***


Re: *** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***

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    @red3ye I hate when that happens. Being an adult can totally suck sometimes! *whines* responsibilities are hard
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    ecwk said:

    @kitteh81 maybe a little too personal so sorry if so but I am interested as a fellow (former?) small chested gal whether your boobs remained bigger than an A even after you were done BFing. I know everyone is different but I do wonder if my boobs will shrink back. (Love the grape gif btw lol)

    I was a "barely-A" before kids, with no change during pregnancy, and a full A while nursing. If I get engorged I'm a nice round B, but that doesn't happen often. Still dry nursing, but since I'm empty I'm back down to an A. My mom went back to a barely-A after we weaned as kids. #IBTC4lyf

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    @charley15 That is gorgeous!
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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    @charley15 those are awesome. I love artsy food! I am so excited for baking cookies tomorrow so I can go all out with the decorating.
    Glad it has been a quiet day for everyone. We have been running around like maniacs for last minute shopping. Dh is out of town tonight though so I am planning to clean and organize like a fiend. The nesting urge is getting very strong. I haven't scheduled my c section yet but we already know baby will be here in max less than 10 weeks!!! We need to get our butts in gear!
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    @charley15 congratulations to y'all!! So exciting!

    Unrelated but we have my 18 month old nephew this weekend. I am tired
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    Congrats, @charley15!! That's awesome news!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @kynbar5 sorry you had such an explosive day :(  That would be awful.  
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    No! Another one of us in the hospital :( no, no, no! Don't these LO's know Santa is watching already and they need to start behaving now for their first Christmas next year? Sigh... @kynbar5 glad you're getting some rest.

    Finally finished my Christmas shopping today! Going to bed early too. I just can't deal with shopping at an outdoor mall, cold, and baby using my bladder as a trampoline.

    December Siggy Challenge

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    Just finished a book about breast feeding. How come nobody mentioned the whole "you may lactate when you have sex" thing? Like I've heard of people having to like readjust their sex lives and stuff because I imagine stuff moves around in there when the baby comes out but I didn't even realize that was part of the equation. Why don't I know the things?
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    skruhmin said:

    Just finished a book about breast feeding. How come nobody mentioned the whole "you may lactate when you have sex" thing? Like I've heard of people having to like readjust their sex lives and stuff because I imagine stuff moves around in there when the baby comes out but I didn't even realize that was part of the equation. Why don't I know the things?

    Yeah definitely wear a bra during sex, especially the first few months when your body is getting used to it. You won't want to be touched there anyway.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @charley15 congrats!

    @kynbar5 sorry you had a shitty day!!! Eurgh, feel better!!!

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @skruhmin @cmerribury anything else I should know?
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    I have been up since 2am (it's almost 5am now). For no reason! I tried to stay off here, bc I knew I'd never get back to sleep once I opened this app, but I've given up. I need something to take my mind off the fact that I have to pee and I can't get up. Literally. I even moved the sleeping baby off of me, but this SPD has me stuck. I have to wake up DH for a hand. the time has come for me to re-fashion my pulley system I had in place with baby#2 :|

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    @oceanchild sorry you are so sore.

    I have also been up half the night. I am pretty sure Ds is just so excited about Christmas and since he is three and doesn't understand time he keeps waking up thinking it is Christmas morning. Today, he woke up and ran right out to the Christmas tree to look for presents. I am trying so hard not to be grumpy with him but I have had 4 hours or less sleep for 2 nights in a row and there is just so much I need to do.

    Hope everyone else has a relaxing day! @kynbar5 hope you are feeling better.
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    red3yered3ye member
    edited December 2015
    Glad I'm not the only one have trouble getting out of bed already. Dh makes fun of me panting once I get up.

    So, tmi warning
    Dh and I were getting frisky last night and I messed up my hip. Still hurts like the dickens
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    @2goofykids I leaked so much with DD almost the whole 14 months I breastfed her. I lived in a bra for the first 10-12 months. It sucked. I don't think my supply leveled out until 6-8 months.
    BabyFruit Ticker


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    skruhminskruhmin member
    edited December 2015
    @red3ye something about pregnancy makes that happen to me almost every time. @oceanchild sounds like you need a chiropractor, very necessary for after an accident.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    I second that, @oceanchild! Try to be gentle with yourself, too. It's going to take a while to feel, well...not 100%, cause we are pregnant. But whatever the equivalent of "great" is for pregnancy.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I went Friday morning to my chiro as soon as he opened, but I may have to go next week too. I usually just go once every few weeks, but I suppose extenuating circumstances may warrant some extra visits.
    @cmerribury I got a Milkies milksaver to collect the milk from the other side (when they were on babysteals or babyhalfoff) but I suppose you could use any cup if you can position it. I saved so much milk just from passive collecting!
    @yodapup I leak forever too; like I was still leaking at almost 2y until I dried up from being pregnant haha

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    Woot @charley15! I'll be joining you in the OG deliciousness today; my inlaws always spend Xmas with DH's sister's fam in DC, so they take us out for din before they leave. They asked where we'd like to go and DH suggested OG - bonus points to him!

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    @oceanchild - I've thought of getting those milk saver things since I felt like I wasted so much during letdown. I'll have to look into getting those.
    BabyFruit Ticker


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    yodapup said:

    @oceanchild - I've thought of getting those milk saver things since I felt like I wasted so much during letdown. I'll have to look into getting those.

    For me it was totally worth it! I really love it! You only need one, bc you use it while nursing, but something to note - it's open at the top, so if you forget you're wearing it on the other side, and fill it up and then go to lay your baby down in the swing, you will just dump it all over her … whoops LOL
    Omg hahahahha! Poor baby! I didn't even know these things existed, but I need one. I wasted so much milk this way by leaking into burp cloths before I realized I could be saving it somehow :(
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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