August 2022 Moms

February Symptoms


Re: February Symptoms

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    @amberrmariee20 I had it with my second but not my third or this one and I credit doing the spinning babies exercises early with helping. Or maybe I’m just lucky? Either way those exercises and the Miles Circuit helped me survive the SPD. Maybe they can help you. 

    @paytonpedro boo. BHs are annoying. 
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    @amberrmariee20 ughhh honestly I bet that is making it worse. 🤞🏻 You get the all clear at the anatomy scan. 
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    Well I'm officially into the heartburn stage of the pregnancy. I feel like no matter what I eat, I get heart burn. DH was asking about dinner, and I'm sitting here still feeling gross from lunch. 🤢 ugh, this is just wonderful. 
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    Feeling BIG this week. I think baby is finally at a size where I'm starting to grow quickly and feel some fluttery movements. 

    @darkrose88 heartburn is the worst! So sorry. I get that during early pregnancy but it tends to come back...not looking forward to it!
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    @darkrose88 ugh the heartburn is the worst. I remember being pregnant with my first 10 years ago, and having heartburn at 2 am: no stores around for tums I shot a half a cup of vinegar and water. Wasn’t the best idea 🤣
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    Started off second tri with a bloody nose and a lovely morning dry heave. #pregnancyisbeautiful 
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
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    @starkette yay for baby flutters!!
    @darkrose88 I hate the heartburn so much. 😒
    @coco2787 that is the Mondayest start to second tri. Hopefully your day gets better. At least you have a sense of humor about it. 
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    I'm on week 9 and trying to figure out how to manage...I haven't seen a doctor or had an ultrasound yet, I'm worried (with no real reason) that something could be wrong, I feel sick all the time, there are like 3 things I can eat, and I'm exhausted. I know everything I'm experiencing is within the list of normal symptoms, but ugh!
    First time mom-to-be, due 9/25/22

    Some complicated chromosomal stuff going on - our fingers are crossed, but this may not go according to plan!

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    @cas060 I am relieved for you. So glad it is helping. 
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    cas060cas060 member
    edited February 2022
    It's only day 2.. and today I feel 9 months pregnant, maybe the runs weren't so bad? 😂😂 kidding, they were. Might have to half dose though, because there is no room in there right now for actual food 😐
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    @cas060 glad you’re getting some relief! 
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    @wigglyicecream whoops, sorry! Still learning my way around. Hoping to get a call tomorrow to book an appt with the OB, so fingers crossed they have something useful to say. Thanks for being patient with the newbie!
    First time mom-to-be, due 9/25/22

    Some complicated chromosomal stuff going on - our fingers are crossed, but this may not go according to plan!

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    @lilienne no worries.Also the B6 and Unisom are both OTC, so you might not have to be seen for them to ok it for you.  The bump community definitely has its nuances. Good luck with the drs. September 2022 should be your Birth Month Club. Happy and healthy 9 months. 
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    regalmommy1regalmommy1 member
    edited February 2022
    @darkrose88 Ugh, hate heartburn. Haven't had too much of it this time around so far, but I had TONS of it with dd1. I don't know how much weight there is to the whole 'heartburn=baby with lots of hair' but I personally would attest, dd1 had a full head, her hair was born before she was!  :D Even before preg I'm prone to quite a bit of acid reflux so I'm hoping it doesn't get as bad as it was before. 

    I also has a rather weird symptom/question. Not really sure how to describe it

    Does anyone else have pain in their..."downstairs lips"? Outer labia area. It's not a stabby pain, more like a constant soreness, like someone had been pinching them together or you've been clenching your crotch muscles for a long time. I dont recall this pain with dd1 so it's something new. I don't believe it's anything to worry about but I'm curious if anyone else is getting it as well. I feel it mostly when standing/walking so my thought is probably to do with gravity and the extra weight. It's really weird.
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    Been fighting off the urge to vomit all day, since 7:30 this morning. I'm over it. 
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    @bridgiebee82 that is no fun. I hope you get some relief tonight. 
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    @bridgiebee82 I'm sorry!! My morning(and day and night) sickness has been worse than ever. I hope you feel better today! 
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    Last night I got sick after I ate my dinner. MH has two early mornings today and tomorrow and I almost got sick in my emergency car bucket taking DS1 to school. I was feeling better overall until Monday night and now I am very over the first trimester 🙄
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    @mdfarmchick oh noooooo feel better!
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    I got really dizzy at work today. If I stood up, I felt like the room was spinning and that I was going to pass out. My sister drove me home, and my OB wants to see me at 2:30 today instead of 4pm. Hoping it's nothing serious. I've been drinking water like I get paid to, and eating too. I just feel like crap. 
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    @bridgiebee82 how scary! I'm glad you are getting checked out today. Keep us updated!
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    @bridgiebee82 that sounds like blood pressure… please keep us updated. I am so glad your sister could drive you home. 
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    @bridgiebee82 Thinking of you! Hope you get good news/answers and start feeling better soon! 
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    I agree with @mdfarmchick. I get bouts of dizziness from BP or possible your thyroid meds are out of whack. I notice a change sometimes when my levels are off. Keep us posted. Thinking of you
    Pregnancy Ticker

    5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19
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    @bridgiebee82 thinking of you. 
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    @mdfarmchick oh noooooo feel better!

    Thank you ladies! I did take my BP and it was a little high. I didn't think about my thyroid and meds being a cause. 
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    Well dang. 16 weeks is a tad early for BH contractions but they have arrived.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19
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    @bridgiebee82 I hope you’re feeling better soon!!! I’m glad your dr could get you in a little earlier!

    @mdfarmchick ok. I need to keep a bucket in my car because that’s genius. So sorry you’re still feeling sick! Such a bummer. 

    @and_peggy yep. 16 tomorrow and I’ve had tightening for over a week now. I don’t remember how soon I had them before, but I feel like it wasn’t this soon!
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    @paytonpedro such a mind game because I’m not even feeling much movement right now. I’ve never had them before like 20 weeks. I also dilate pretty early so that concerns me a bit.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19
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    @and_peggy oh I feel the same way! I *think* I've been feeling movement but this early it’s just so hard to really know for sure! I dilate early as well, and I’ve definitely thought about that too. What reassures me is I've still had to be induced both times despite dilating early. Lol
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    I’ve had the BH a few times already and I think it is ridiculous. I got them early with number 3 too. But I get them a ton in the third trimester, my water breaks and then I’m not even dialated. 😒 No FTM needs to hear my birth stories. 😝

    @paytonpedro, also empty plastic cups work for sick kids ((don’t ask me how I know)), and when we go to the hospital ever we swipe all of the throw up bags and save them for the car and my son’s loft. 🤣 I’m just saying, plastic Easter egg buckets are like $1 right now and work great. 
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    @mdfarmchick @paytonpedro An empty taco bell cup works great too, not that I know from experience or anything!!!  :#
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    Symptom + also a question - Is it normal to throw up foods based on color? I know that sounds like a silly question but anytime I eat anything red, it does not sit well with me. Pizza sauce, salsa, tomatoes, strawberries, etc. I'm starting to see a trend that whenever I eat something that it is red, it's inevitable that it'll come back up. Anyone else?? 
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    @and_peggy OMG. Now I look even more crazy - you're totally right. Thanks for catching that! 
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