June 2019 Moms

Weekly Randoms 11/26


Re: Weekly Randoms 11/26

  • I kept up on the BOTB thread, though I never commented. I saw it was missing just now (not even closed, simply not there). I wondered what happened. I have no words. I am sorry to all the loss moms who read it. 
  • I never got peed on by either of my kids, one of each, but the most horrifying diapering experience was definitely with my daughter. We were at a restaurant and I had to change her at that still really runny stool stage. Right as I lifted her to put the clean diaper under she let go and it sprayed all along the wall and stall door behind me. I didn't have anywhere near enough supplies to clean that up so I had to track down staff and tell them about it. I felt horrible for whoever had to clean it and whoever was in that stall. 
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  • @messymyranda you win! Your story is the best by far!
  • Where's my eye roll button. I need more option than "love tit!" 

    Referring to the newest drive by. 🙄
  • @emeraldcity603 yes... not touching that one. So many eye rolls I almost lost a contact!

  • Where's my eye roll button. I need more option than "love tit!" 

    Referring to the newest drive by. 🙄

    100% this. My ability to be polite lasted 3 seconds.
  • I’m not sure why people keep talking to her. She clearly gets off on finding ways to respond that prove her own theories. I’m already bored with it. Yawn. 

    Bring on the next ramzi theory. 
    Right there with you. 
  • Has anyone ever done an elective US at a boutique to find out the sex? I think I want to do that. Then, I think I want to go back when I'm 23 weeks and get a 3D/4D US. 

    Has anyone done those? Are they worth it? 
  • A bit of a sh!t morning and was going to treat myself to pop-tarts but we were out at work, ugh. 
  • harrierwifeharrierwife member
    edited November 2018
    Oh, okay, wow - just catching up on how that BOTB thread got - worse?? Didn't think that was possible. 

    I'm so sorry to @meatballs37 and others that have actually had to face her hypothetical.  This world and its people really sucks sometimes. 
  • @emeraldcity603 - YMMV, but have you spoken to your OB/midwife about it? I had an US/doppler yesterday and they told me that at my next appointment (Jan 7th) that they'd be able to tell the sex on their US machine. I was stunned.....apparently their machine is strong enough to see "things" at 14-16 weeks. Maybe you won't need to go elsewhere? ::shrugs:: Just a thought. 

  • @harrierwife I'm not sure if they would work me in for that. They are pretty laid back on that office so they may. It's worth asking. 
  • @emeraldcity603 I did an elective one with my son. We got some pretty cool pics so I thought it was worth it.
  • jhems776jhems776 member
    edited November 2018
    I've been in such a super annoyed mood all today and people keep being ridiculous and adding to it. At least I figured out the next step of my project pretty fast, I thought it was going to be really hard. I am normally an above average positive person so being in such a negative mood for so long is really getting to me. I kind of wish H would go out tonight so I can have the place to myself after DS goes to sleep. 
  • @emeraldcity603 my friend from work was just telling me yesterday that the 3D is worth the money. He said it was dead on clear for what baby actually looked like. He said just wait until you’re farther along. 
  • Thanks ladies, I scheduled an appointment to determine the sex. I plan to go back later for the other too. I am excited!
  • @jhems776 sorry you are having such a crappy day. Hopefully things will just improve, or maybe you'll wake up tomorrow feeling a bit better. Today I have felt really run down for some reason. I think I needed some caffeine. 
  • @eleven_ @emeraldcity603 I think you both mentioned being BB fans.. are you planning on watching S2 of Celebrity BB?
  • I need my husband to be home in time for me to leave for work tonight. I haven’t heard from him yet and it’s started snowing. The last time he was late, it was because he “forgot” I had to go to work. If he doesn’t show up on time, I am going to be livid...
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @wearyfuzzball I didn't really enjoy S1 so I wasn't planning to. 
  • @emeraldcity603 Same, though I am curious what celebs they will get this year. I really disliked the crew they got last year. 
  • eleven_eleven_ member
    edited November 2018
    @wearyfuzzball @emeraldcity603 I didn't like S1 either, but I am also curious to see the cast. I actually really liked last years casting minus Caitlin and Rockstar.
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I couldn't stand the blond haired lady. What a B****. 
  • I learned today that Disney Cruise Lines will custom-make baby food for you if you have a baby on board, so you don't have to pack it. The staff just takes your order for the baby's next meal at a previous one, so when you're seated, it's prepared and chilled for you. DH won't set foot on a cruise ship (he's afraid of getting seasick) and we weren't planning on a trip like that quite that soon after Baby, but I just thought that was a nice touch.
  • My OB office does gender reveal ultrasounds at 13 weeks- I believe the flyer said they are $40 and come with a cd of images and a reveal balloon. I’m planning on having genetic testing done soon - hopefully at my first high risk appt next week, but we want to know before we fly home for Christmas so I might end up getting one done, in case results don’t come back in time. 
  • I’ll probably get flamed buuut

    I paid $60 for an at home blood test that tells you the baby’s sex at 9 weeks. DD is having a really hard time adjusting to the idea of the baby and we thought if we could tell her she was having a brother or a sister and a name for the baby, it may help her. A friend of mine did it at 9 weeks and it was accurate. I’m nervous because it just looks for male DNA. Male DNA present = boy, no male DNA found = girl. But if you live with a male, it can be easy to contaminate the sample so you have to take all these steps to ensure you’re getting an accurate sample. We should know by next week. 
  • Just got an email from my 31 year old SIL who sent the whole fam her Christmas wish list on Google doc with links. There’s over 30 items on it... why is this so funny/annoying to me?! 
  • @whitney812 I would purposely not get her anything from her list. 
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • That’s what I told my husband @eleven_ We do a gift exchange on his side at a $25 limit so to me it’s more fun anyways trying to be creative with the budget vs just getting something off her list she’s perfectly capable of buying for herself. Hopefully I just don’t draw her name this year because now I’m annoyed, let my creative gift go to someone else 😂
  • @carleym93 my coworker did the sneak peak test and said that the male results are more likely to be wrong and has seen many moms in her baby group come back from the male test with girl ultrasound results. 
  • My family does lists every year! Sometimes including Amazon links. I'd MUCH rather give some guidance on things I actually would want/need than wind up with yet another set of wine glasses or tea towels or things that don't come with a gift receipt, and I appreciate the guidance from them too. (Granted, it's like 10ish items...but I had a solid 15 book titles on mine this year.)
  • @whitney812 because thats annoying and a little laughable I'm not even okay with my teenage niece's list because it's full of expensive things. Things that won't get my own kids.
  • @whitney812 Was this list out the blue? Like completely disconnected from any other Christmas lists? Because I would find that both amusing and presumptive, haha. I have a hard time coming up with things I want when my family asks, so 30 things is impressive to me. I’m always like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    Also, I hope it’s ok for my to jump into this thread? You all have a really fun convo going but often I see a bunch of things I could have responded to but I was too slow to get to the thread before the topic changed, so I mostly just read it.
  • @whitney812 I would be so annoyed too. How does she even have a list that long? I usually have trouble thinking of 2 things to tell my husband I want. 
  • So I have Christmas lists for all of us, but that’s only because both our families still ask us what we want. And by ask I mean pester me endlessly until I send a list. I have no perspective on what I would do if they didn’t ask, that’s just always been my life. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • @Bababatty yes- she’s the only one in the fam who sends a list lol. Maybe that’s why I think it’s bizarre. I get it for the kids, but as an adult I just think strange. The way she comes off is not like oh this is what I’m into right now, ex: books, makeup, nail stuff- it’s buy me this exact thing or it’s not what I want. 
  • My coworker who is due in March, had a really funny story about finding out the sex of her baby. She did the early genetics screenings and found out the sex. She wanted to do a gender reveal that included her other kids so she had them put the sex in an envelope and took it to a baker. They had a cake gender reveal and everyone was excited that they were having another boy. So she’s at her anatomy scan talking to the tech about how she’s having a boy and all the stuff she just bought him. The tech stops, checks some paperwork and tells her there was a mix up and she’s having a girl. Somehow they gave her the wrong envelope! 
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