@valentynsi I love it! Ours is loving my placenta apparently as it’s always snuggled up near it. Maybe that’s why we had no problem. Mine didn’t like our last ultrasound. I had to keep rolling to see if baby would move and I got a punch (that I couldn’t feel yet) because it hated the ultrasound probe.
Asking as a FTM, hoping to feel some of these early movements! How long do the pops, flutters, rolls, etc. last? Like if you feel pooping is it like 5 seconds of pops? Or pops for like 5 minutes? Or like pops for 5 seconds every minute for 30 minutes? Or something different?
@jesiannv in the beginning it’s like one or two pops (mine are around my belt line/waistband). Other times I’ll feel more of a quick push. As our babies get bigger, stronger and start to run out of space they’ll be longer periods of activity.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
@jesiannv - as a FTM, i felt five seconds of popping and it went away. this happened twice. both times after a i sneezed! it's so quick and then it goes... but from what i've heard they will start to get stronger and more frequent in the coming weeks. i am 17+1 today.
@jesiannv like the other ladies have said, it’s usually quick. And honestly, definitely as a FTM and even this time around as a STM the first few movements I’ve felt I always questioned, and was unsure if it was really baby!
Thanks all! I’m only at 14 weeks, so I wasn’t hoping to feel anything soon, but now I’m going to be more in tune with my body to try see if I notice those early movements!
So now my LO has begun doing something that feels like a goldfish flipping in my stomach. It’s happened a few times over the past few days (14 weeks) and honestly it makes me feel a bit queasy. Anyone else ever had this sensation?
@keikilove Yes! I used to call my daughter the guppy because she felt like a little fish flopping around. I haven’t felt that with this little man yet, but it’s early days.
@keikilove Baby wasn’t flip flopping, not sure what she was doing but it was sure making me queazy. I thought it was what I ate, but it didn’t feel the same as that. As soon as I got up after dinner it went away, so I’m pretty sure it was her.
We have two sleeping beauties in heaven. Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015. They will be forever missed.
Is it normal to feel something one day and then not again for several days? Maybe what I thought I was feeling really wasn't baby then? I'm 16w6d. Was 16w3d at the time I thought I was feeling something
@valentynsi that’s happening to me too. i’ve felt her twice - days apart. it’s never consistent. I’m 17 weeks and 2 days. anything goes..... from what I’ve heard and read, even when you’re farther along you might not feel kicks every single day! think about how tiny they still are at this stage - don’t worry! i’m sure you were feeling your little one. soon it’ll come back more frequently and unmistakably! i’m patiently waiting for that
@valentynsi at this point yes it is. I’m 16w 5d and yesterday was the first time I felt her in a couple days. Some women won’t feel consistent movement till after 24 weeks. I think that’s why kick counts don’t start until 28 Weeks.
We have two sleeping beauties in heaven. Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015. They will be forever missed.
@indigoheightsblog I'm a bigger girl and have read that it is harder to feel baby moving in that case. I was just thinking that maybe I wanted to feel something so badly that I had convinced myself that gas was my little guy flipping around in there. Good to know it might have actually been him. Thanks!
@valentynsi - I am a big girl too and I felt my first around 13-14 weeks and this one right around 13. For me it is very low, doesn't feel anything like gas though. It feels like if you took a water balloon and just kind of rolled it back and forth from had to hand, but in my belly.
I think I might be feeling baby! Feeling a tickly feeling from my inside. Started yesterday afternoon for an hour or so and then again this afternoon and I’ve felt it pretty good tonight. Stays in the same spot for a while, then moves to the other side or farther down when it comes back around again. Only way I can describe it, is like I’m being lightly scratched on a very sensitive place. 18 weeks tomorrow, which I know can still be early but this is a new one for me and definitely not like the RLP I felt a few weeks ago.
I'm 18 weeks today (I keep having to look it up, 4th time around and it's hard to remember) - I've been feeling movement since 13ish weeks. (I wish I'd written it down), I noticed it pretty early as just a few random flutters/hiccups. This past week I've been feeling it regularly every day jabs/rolls, all sorts of different movements. I remember how cool it was with my first, there's no feeling like it for sure, and it's still the best!
Is it too early to feel baby move from the outside (I’m 17W+)? I was lightly pressing on my lower abdomen to see if I could feel a hard lump where baby might be and I swear it felt like something slid across my fingertips. I had MH feel to make sure I wasn’t crazy and he said he felt movement...but that maybe it was my muscles contracting lol. I still haven’t felt any definitive movement internally (just lots of hopeful maybes).
I had an anterior placenta with my first and didn’t feel anything until 20ish weeks. I’m 15.5 weeks now and I’ve been feeling baby girl rolling around for the past several days. No kicks yet, though.
@navete I have felt a few kicks from the outside at this point, but in my experience it usually coincides with movement I feel internally as well. Hoping you feel movement soon; it’s so exciting!!
So I'm 19 weeks and pretty sure I've felt my first real signs of movement that couldn't be mistaken for gas. It felt like just a few solid jabs or headbutts and I could feel them from the outside. Pretty cool but also a little freaky!
@navete I have been feeling movement from the outside for the last couple days! I'm 15.5 weeks based on my dating ultrasound, but 17 weeks based on my own tracking. I think 17 weeks is more like it!
I’m 17 wks and every so often I try to really concentrate on whether I feel any movement (not yet). Mostly I end up just feeling my own heartbeat which distracts me from being able to feel anything else! Even if I feel from the outside with my hand, I end up just feeling my own pulse in my fingertips. At my 16 wk appt I was able to hear a bunch of movement, so I’m really looking forward to feeling it soon, too!
I think I finally definitively felt baby move!! It felt like a little tickling under the surface of my skin, and happened sporadically over a few hours yesterday evening. I’ve been feeling possible movement since last week, but this was the first time I felt confident about it; so exciting!
@navete That’s how I would explain what I feel. I’m most likely to feel it in the afternoon to evening and it’s like a little tickle that just grabs your attention. Yay for feeling baby!
After having an ultrasound on Friday and figuring out with the tech exactly where baby girl is, I can say with much more confidence that the little kick/jab like movements I'd been feeling below my belly button were baby. In the few days since the US I've been feeling a lot more little kicks. I'm 19 weeks. Now that I'm confident it's her, I'm so excited 😊 I hope these movements and kicks stay consistent - I love the point in pregnancy when you feel movement all the time and know baby is ok in there!
I think I can feel baby sometimes from the outside now (a couple days away from the 20-week mark). Specifically if I am lying down on my back almost flat (I do lean against a pillow to alleviate pressure) which compresses my abdomen more. I couldn't sleep last night and had my hand on my belly and it definitely felt like little jabs. Anyone else felt this?
@mayoduck yep! I'm 20 weeks today and have only felt little jabs (no rolling or fish-like motions others have talked about) and one time I swear I felt a jab on the outside when I had my hand right below my belly button
@bug_hunter@mayoduck mine are always right near the belly button too! mostly tiny jabs or pops. not sure i can feel them from the outside yet but i definitely feel them randomly! 19 + 2 today.
FTM and pretty sure I started feeling baby yesterday. But it seems to be mainly when I'm sitting in a certain position. MH thinks I'm crazy, but it's getting me more excited!
TTC #1 since April 2015 June 2016 - CP 2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's IVF w/ PGS - January 2018 FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN ERA Cycle May / June 2018 ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change) FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410 U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166 Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19 EDD March 28, 2019 Baby Girl born 3/26/19
I think I’m feeling baby move today, and maybe some yesterday. It feels so different than it did with DD. With her it definitely felt like the fish moving or butterfly wings, with this LO it feels like pop rocks! (17 + 5)
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married: 2012 BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016 | BFP #3 May 2017, MC July 2017 | BFP #4 Jan 2018, MC Feb 2018 | BFP #5 July 2018, fingers crossed
19 weeks as of yesterday here (Gezz I have got to get it together and take some bump pictures of this pregnancy) and I feel the baby move everyday for the past week!! Sometimes 2-3 times a day! I have been feeling LO off and on since around 15-16 weeks I think. Definitely no butterflies here just little pokes and jabs.
@mayoduck I've been assuming that exact position every morning and evening to try to feel baby on the outside. I press my hand to my abdomen below my belly button and usually she gives me a few kicks this way, but I haven't been able to feel it from the outside yet. Darn. STM, 19w 6d. Soon, I hope!
I went bowling yesterday and got so many kicks, baby girl was going crazy!
I just felt movement from the outside today, twice in a row. (16+3) Very cool, made my cheeks hurt from smiling.
This will sound silly, but I got so freaked out last weekend: For some weird unknown reason I’ve been able to feel this baby move since pretty early. I’d gotten spoiled & used to feeling her move everyday for weeks. Then I got my first pregnancy pedicure last weekend and used the massage chair against my better judgment/knowledge. I would lean away from it when the rollers hit my lower back, but I let it roll across my mid- and upper-back for the entire pedicure. Then I couldn’t feel the baby move for a few days! The next morning I laid down flat on my back on the couch & jostled the little belly mound & tried to tickle her like they sometimes do at an ultrasound appointment. I talked to her and tried so hard to get her to move. This went on for 30 minutes with no response from baby. I was so scared and worried all day & night, then she finally started moving again much later the next day. Movements have been slower all week so I’m wondering if she has a bit less room or switched positions during the massage... Feeling her move against my hand today was such a reassurance!
@keikilove you're not supposed to use the massage chair when pregnant??? Why??? I absolutely did the last time I got a pedicure. I had no clue you shouldn't. Oddly enough, I've actually been feeling little man move a lot more since then also. 😂
@valentynsi I believe the main reason it is cautioned against is the same reason you have to be careful when seeing a professional masseuse: the theory is that an untrained person (or chair) could hit pressure points that trigger premature labor. I don’t think it’s scientifically proven, but I’ve had OBs tell me not to use them and my gym says pregnant women can’t use the massage chairs or water massage table. I’ve had masseuses say they can’t give me a massage because they aren’t trained in pregnancy and some who are trained who say they can’t do the feet because they could accidentally trigger the wrong pressure points. In Asia they told me they couldn’t even use the lavender oil on me because it’s contraindicated for pregnancy. For me personally, I think (in hindsight) that the sound of the massage chair is probably really loud & disturbing to developing baby.
@valentynsi I’m also normally cautious because I have a sister who was pregnant, went to the chiropractor, informed him of her pregnancy, she said he used too much snap-crackle-pop technique, and then she had a miscarriage the next day. She was sure he triggered it. So I believe body massage/ adjustments can be harmful if not done correctly.
I'm now really sure it's baby I am feeling even from the outside. In the evenings, when baby is most active, I have been putting DH's hand wherever the little jabs are concentrated that day and he feels them too! It's so amazing to be able to share this with him now and I think it helps him to feel more connected to the baby than just hearing reports from me.
Last night MH and I both felt the baby move! It's not very obvious, but we're both confident it is indeed baby we're feeling. But I now have to restrain MH as he constantly wants to put his ear to my belly and tap around to see if he can hear/feel baby move and I tell him to stop knocking on the baby's womb.
Re: Movement Thread...kicks, punches, rolling, etc
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
June 2016 - CP
2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
IVF w/ PGS - January 2018
FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
ERA Cycle May / June 2018
ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP
U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
EDD March 28, 2019
Baby Girl born 3/26/19
Married: 2012
BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016
I went bowling yesterday and got so many kicks, baby girl was going crazy!
This will sound silly, but I got so freaked out last weekend: For some weird unknown reason I’ve been able to feel this baby move since pretty early. I’d gotten spoiled & used to feeling her move everyday for weeks. Then I got my first pregnancy pedicure last weekend and used the massage chair against my better judgment/knowledge. I would lean away from it when the rollers hit my lower back, but I let it roll across my mid- and upper-back for the entire pedicure. Then I couldn’t feel the baby move for a few days! The next morning I laid down flat on my back on the couch & jostled the little belly mound & tried to tickle her like they sometimes do at an ultrasound appointment. I talked to her and tried so hard to get her to move. This went on for 30 minutes with no response from baby. I was so scared and worried all day & night, then she finally started moving again much later the next day. Movements have been slower all week so I’m wondering if she has a bit less room or switched positions during the massage... Feeling her move against my hand today was such a reassurance!