March 2019 Moms

Movement Thread...kicks, punches, rolling, etc


Re: Movement Thread...kicks, punches, rolling, etc

  • @lovesclimbing tbqh i hadn't felt it on the outside myself until maybe this week...i just know i felt it inside, so was hoping they could too LOL! that's why i was saying it was shocking that she couldn't be felt yet considering how hard she is doing whatever it is in there...but at work i was playing on my phone yesterday and my phone jumped, which i credited to me being a goof....but after seeing my stomach jump last night...she may have had a growth spurt since this weekend LOL. i can only anticipate more shenanigans from in there. My son kicked my niece when i was pregnant with him (she had put her ear to my stomach), and she is way more active than he was already so i'm excited to develop a better bond now,  you know? these are the fun weeks before we have feet stuck in our ribs and bladders  :D
  • Regarding the routine I wouldn’t put much thought into it now. DS always kicked DH in the back at night and was very active at bedtime on the inside, I rarely felt him on my drive to work or during the day. I’m pretty sure he partied all night long. However on the outside he slept most of the nights (only waking to eat) and of course napped during the day. Could just be my experience but I was definitely worried about that with DS.

    Now mannerisms in my experience is another thing due to my high risk status we had ultrasounds every week from week 35-39 and he always had his feet crossed (even in his 20 week ultrasound they were crossed). To this day my boy is crossing his feet haha! 
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  • Just curious, for those of you feeling the baby pretty regularly or who recall from previous pregnancies, does your baby tend to kick once or twice and then stop for a bit or is it a constant stream of various body parts kicking around for several minutes that then stops? I haven't been asked to count kicks yet but I've heard you want to record something like 10 kicks in 2 hours and I'm thinking that's crazy low for my baby. I would reach that count in 5 minutes. Or is that normal now but it slows down as the baby loses room?
  •  @mayoduck We start counting at 28 weeks. As far as what lo is doing now, both of those. Sometimes kick once or twice and be done, other times it feels like its a dance party in there. I don't know how much in how long though. I plan to ask at my next appt.

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  • @mayoduck I'm at 26 weeks and for about two weeks I was feeling very strong bursts of kicking where I'd feel way more than 10 kicks/2 hours and I'd also go longer periods without feeling much of anything. 

    For the last several days, everything feels dulled. I still feel kicking, but it feels very low and I really need to focus to feel it. I'm also not feeling these crazy bursts of energy. I was told that I have an anterior placenta, so I'm not sure if there was just a period where the baby was in a sweet spot and I could feel the kicks really strongly and now the kid has moved so I can't feel it as well? Of course, it has me worried a bit but I figure as long as I still feel the kicking then I'll bring it up with the midwife in a week when I have an appointment. 

    I also read that when the baby is bigger later in the third trimester that you don't feel as much kicking and it feels more like the baby is just rolling around. Not sure if any STM can back this up but apparently the movements do feel different as the baby grows and gets more crowded. 
  • @Kenneylynn3 yeah, I know I am thinking ahead a bit. I tend to do that. I'm sure my midwife will mention counting kicks at my next appointment in a couple weeks and I'll ask her about it then but just curious what others have experienced

    @bug_hunter I am at the very end of week 25 with an anterior placenta too and I have just been feeling more and more movement. So crazy how individualized each pregnancy is. I have a low placenta and I feel most kicks above my belly button so I suspect position of the baby and placement of the placenta play a big part there. I do feel movement low on my abdomen but it's much less pronounced and not nearly as frequent.

    My brother was an unusually active baby. My mom never got an US and was half convinced she was having twins because he never stopped moving. Turned out he was moving in his sleep because after he was born he would continue to rock himself in his sleep for years. Sometimes I wonder if this kid rolls in his sleep too.
  • I'm almost 24 weeks and the idea of having to do kick counts starting in 4 weeks is stressing me out. I have an anterior placenta as well and I feel baby a few times everyday, but it's not that often and definitely not 10 times in 2 hours. I wish I could feel him more often and his kicks would start to get stronger. 
  • @mayoduck I think it depends on the baby :smile: With my older son I never had to formally count the kicks, he was so active all the time! We even nicknamed him Kicky to keep the name we chose for him secret. This one so far likes to have a wild party for a few minutes, then gets quiet and calm for hours on end. 
  • Ditto @mihaelams1. I never did formal kick counts either. My midwives said to drink a glass of cold water or eat something sugary and then sit down and really feel for a bit if I hadn't felt movements in a while, but other than that, not to worry about specific counts. I think I only did that once.

    This baby has been crazy active in there!
  • @mayoduck This LO has been going crazy at just random times of day the past few days, I think she finally moved out of the breech position though. But with DD and this one it's usually around certain times of day or after I eat when I notice the most movement.
    @bug_hunter From what I remember with DD, later in pregnancy she was still kicking around in there. It was more noticeable jabs and stretching. When you get close to delivery the movement really slows down though as they drop.
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
  • LO has been kicking up a storm this evening and DH was able to get his hand in the right place but he said he could only feel one of the 5-6 kicks in that area. It’s crazy that he can’t feel them all. I must have more padding on my tummy than I thought.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I am 22 weeks pregnant with my first and think I have an anterior placenta (one nurse made a comment about it while doing a Doppler reading). I have felt a fluttering one time about 2 weeks ago, but haven’t felt anything since. I’m getting nervous, but don’t know if I should be worried. 
  • @taramann11 I’m 23 weeks today and have an anterior placenta. I really only felt random flutters until this last week when I started feeling them daily and then felt some first kicks last night. My placenta must be a little higher up in the front because I feel all of that movement very low just above my pelvic bone. I seemed to go from not feeling much to feeling a lot just within a week. It was hard not to worry when I wasn’t feeling much and it seemed like everyone else was, but your LO may just need a little more time! 
  • This thread makes me so happy! :) I just love reading about everyone enjoying feeling LO moving around. This is the phase I've most looked forward to in my pregnancy. Feeling my DS moving reassures me and keeps me from feeling anxiety over little things. 
    I've been feeling mine for a few weeks now, at first it was the little minnow/fish type feelings, popcorn-ish as well (it's so hard to describe exactly what it feels like but a little fish seems to be the most accurate) but the past two weeks (I'm 24 wks 1 day today) I've been feeling full on somersaults, kicks, flutters, rolling, hiccups, etc and it's had me in giggles and sometimes I'll yelp when he hits a nerve or something and it does hurt! LOL! Last night DH finally got to really feel him moving around when we cuddled and his arm draped over my stomach because LO is always really, really active in the mornings and at bedtime but whenever I tell DH and our oldest son to come watch my belly moving or feel the baby's kicks, he'll stop, of course! So it was thrilling for my hubby to really feel it nice and strong. 
    I even played some music yesterday for the baby (Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald--my faves) and at the time he was quiet and not moving a bunch,but the music perked him up and next thing I know he's moving around. I really didn't think he'd react to the music, so that was really interesting and had me giggling. I don't want to do that too much though, I think it's ok to play music for the baby? Do any of you ladies do that or plan to do that? 
  • @atomkat82 my lo seems to love more upbeat music. I normally listen to country and lo has no reaction. With other music, like Christmas or at my nieces dance recital, lo "dances" up a storm.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • @atomkat82 Mine got really excited and had her first dance party when a Justin Timberlake song came on the radio! 
  • @atomkat82 @Kenneylynn3 @jesiannv That's awesome! I feel like I need to experiment with music now...
  • @emarcinek99 I'm right with you girl! I'm 22 weeks with an anterior placenta as well. I sometimes will feel the LO very low, but it's here and there and def not 10 times a day like you mentioned. Hopefully, we will feel them a lot more soon :)
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • I've noticed my lo moves a lot when I eat pho. :)

    @mihaelams1 I'm with you where I'm not sure if it's a love or hate response but I sure love pho so let the kicks continue!!
  • mayoduckmayoduck member
    edited November 2018
    My baby seems to have changed recently from shorter movement like kicks and jabs to more drawn out rubs or pushing across my abdomen, which is an extra weird feeling.
  • @mayoduck I've started to feel more movements in multiple places lately, like she's stretching out (hence the HDBD pic). LO's also been using my bladder as a punching bag.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • LO has recently started moving a lot, like a full on dance party where my whole belly jiggles and warps like crazy. I keep trying to capture a video of it, but of course as soon as I grab my phone he stops. He also doesn’t seem to like it if I sit up straight for too long - like on a long drive or when I flew over Thanksgiving. He starts doing a whole lot of tiny karate kicks right where my abdomen bends. It doesn’t hurt but it’s such a strange feeling.
  • @navete I've noticed the same thing recently! I've seen little jabs from the outside before but the other day my belly was almost moving from side to side which was both cool and a little unsettling! I also notice if I'm sitting in a class or a meeting then I start getting kicked where my stomach is bent. It's really distracting when I'm supposed to be focused on a presentation or something. 
  • I sit all day at work and i don't notice too much extra movement from the normal stuff but once i get in the car its ON. she obviously doesnt like the seatbelt or something because i get the majority of my kicks and punches during my commute to and from work. LOL. 
  • I’m getting a LOT of movement with this one. With DS it didn’t come until the average time and I didn’t feel him as much. Either this little bub is positioned differently or my uterus is tilted differently? Idk if that can happen or not but it’s what it feels like. 

  • I am 28 weeks as of yesterday, and I am curious... anyone else this far still feeling primary movements during the day down really low? I know each baby is different, but curious if anyone else has a softer mover/ kicker. I don't think I am feeling actual full on kicks, because her kicks move my stomach and these are very subtle movements. Almost as if she is rubbing her hand across my uterus if that makes sense. Half the time it tickles. anyone experiencing something similar?

    We have two sleeping beauties in heaven.
    Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. 
    Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
    They will be forever missed. <3
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  • @bdesterhouse I was getting on here to ask EXACTLY the same question!  I was wide awake at 2 am this morning and that was the first time in a while I've felt a full-on kick, otherwise it seems like a light brushing.  My last two were kickers so I'm not sure if this is normal!
  • @bdesterhouse yep, I get a lot more smaller, softer movements than I do kicks. Sometimes it feels like she’s rearranging in there, kind of a dragging an arm across or something.
  • zionsmama85zionsmama85 member
    edited December 2018
    I think i am feeling those also @bdesterhouse i said it feels like she is scraping my cervix or kicking/punching it. It doesnt make my stomach jump but its not a good feeling. One of my baby apps did say that at this point they have feeling in their hands and feelings so they are more inclined to "explore" the womb, so i would assume thats what is happening. They are just being nosy LOL. 
  • Glad the board got bumped up. i am a little frustrated because LO is very active and constantly moving, but no one can feel her yet but me. She makes my stomach jump but i think that my Son and SO are just looking for some out of control/extreme type movements. I know that i am a bigger girl, but i feel like if the movements can make my entire stomach jump they should be able to feel them. it is just a little annoying because i would love for them to be able to bond with her like i have been lately. I guess i will continue to wait for the later weeks when you can see actual body parts so they can enjoy as well. i feel like by the time they are able to feel her she will be coming out. it makes me kind of sad 
  • My husband said he is looking forward to seeing a foot move like when I was pregnant with our son. He doesn't get super excited to feel her kick, which at this point I'm like whatever miss out on this fun. I would lay in bed all day if I could because I feel her best that way. 

    We have two sleeping beauties in heaven.
    Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. 
    Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
    They will be forever missed. <3
       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • The dragging is the weirdest sensation to me! When I feel it, I think it's most often LO's knee as he stretches his legs out or pulls them in. I know he's been hanging out on my left side, head down (position confirmed during ultrasound last week) so this makes the most sense with his position and how the movement feels.
  • @zionsmama85 Same here! LO is active but no one else can feel her thanks to silly anterior placenta. It makes MH crazy. My mom is alwasy touching my stomach trying also. I feel the same, I'll probably be in labor by the time anyone has a chance lol
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • Like PP I'm also getting lots of weird dragging or stretching sensations! I don't remember these from last pregnancy? I still get a few kicks and jabs each day, mostly when I bend forward at the waist, down low where my waist bends. Most of the movement though are these weird sensations low in my belly around the level of my hip bones. I also am feeling movement at both hip bones at the same time so it totally feels like she is lying transverse across my lower abdomen. Don't think that's a likely position but it sure feels like that's where she is!
  • @laur84ns could she be breech? I'm pretty sure my little guy is (confirmed so far at all appointments) and that's his movement pattern. If they sit criss-cross, then the feet are at your hips.
    As for the "dragging furniture" feeling, I get it as well and it's quite painful! With DS1 I only felt it after 36w or so and this time it's way earlier. I wish this eventually leads to him flipping over!
  • mayoduckmayoduck member
    edited December 2018
    @laur84ns I have felt movement on both sides too. In my case, I'm pretty sure one side is his arms (which he kept by his head at the last US) and the other is his feet.
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