
August 2018 IVF

Starting this board for those of your doing August IVF / egg retrievals. Best of luck to you all!! <3 
TTC #1 since April 2015
June 2016 - CP
2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
ERA Cycle May / June 2018
ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
EDD March 28, 2019
Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3


Re: August 2018 IVF

  • Well, I guess I'll introduce myself. I've been on the TTGP board for quite some time (so it feels weird to start my own post as an introduction. I'm more comfortable doing the intro here) DH and I started TTC in 10/2016. We did 2 medicated cycles (clomid), 3 IUIs (w/Letrozole) and will be moving to IVF in August. My diagnosis is officially "unexplained" but I also had a low AMH and am AMA. We will be doing IVF w/ICSI and PGS, but we need to get through the ER first. Looking forward to getting to know others who are doing an August cycle. ( @kristimh80 thanks for getting this started)

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

  • Hi! I'm in the IVF July 18 but my retrieval is 1st week August, so I figured I will join this one as well! Here is my background. I have been TTC since 2014-2015, got prego on my own 1 month after we got married in 2015 but m/c after 9 weeks and couldn't get pregnant after that. Started fertility treatment a year later, everything we could possibly try, I have unexplained infertility too. I had 5 IUIs total which 3 were regular and 2 monitored with trigger shots. Moving to IVF now this month. I'm right now on BCP  and Lupron. Sunday will me my last day of BCP, will have my baseline on the 25th and start stims on the 28th. GL to you all
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  • @avrilmai welcome friend! 

    @babydust2507 I keep straddling months too!

    AFM currently priming with estrogen for IVF#6, baseline should be Thurs 26th. I could have ER anywhere from 4th to 10th of August based on my previous cycles. So it will definitely be August. Unless we have a rubbish baseline then we will try again next cycle (which will also fall in August)
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

  • Hi @emmasemm! we're gonna be really close! that's excited to have a cycle buddy! GL to you and keep us posted!
  • @emmasemm GL w/your baseline today. Hope things go well!

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

  • I’ll be starting my first cycle of IVF in Aug.


    I have had two mc. One after a successful IUI. We have since had 3 failed IUIs and decided to move on.

    We just got all the financial paperwork completed for IVF and are anxiously waiting for the Aug cycle to start. I have no idea what to expect and I’m beyond nervous! 
  • Welcome @smittyswifey, this is my 1st IVF cycle also and will start stims this Saturday
    And welcome @Avrilmai!
    @emmasemm how was your appt? Mine went well, my estrogen was low so they confirmed I can move forward to stim on saturday
  • @babydust2507 glad you got the green light!

    @avrilmai thanks!

    @smittyswifey welcome! 

    Baseline this morning and my ovaries were soooo quiet. There are maybe a few super tiny 1mm follies on both sides. Yep that small!  And my FSH was 2.6 and E2 was under 10. So I’m definitely still well suppressed- just hope not too much again.
    And... because my labs were soooo low I get to try a Microdose Lupron cycle!!!!!!!!! (Which will either be awesome or a washout...)
    We will only do stims every other day this time too to see if we can avoid over cooking my eggs.
    First monitoring Monday... 
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

  • @smityswife @babydust2507 I will be doing IVF for the first time in August as well. 

    @smityswife I'm with you on the anxiety that comes with not knowing what to expect. I'm trying to focus on taking it one day at a time. I have a habit of getting a head of myself and worrying about things that may never come. The best advice I've gotten from ladies on TTGP about all of this is to just focus on what is happening today. 

    @emmasemm GL with the new protocol!!! I hope it is awesome. 

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

  • @emmasemm my first monitoring is monday too! GL on the microdose Lupron, so when are you starting stims, saturday?
    And GL to you all ladies!
  • Hi Everyone! Thanks for being here. 
    We are doing IVF for the first time. We've had two MCs after natural cycles and three failed clomid cycles. (i've always been a big producer on clomid so doc is thinking the short protocol will work for us.) DH has abnormal morphology. My last MC was this past June. Doctor thinks we're having chromosomal issues and is sure IVF with ICSI and PGS testing will help. I am currently taking BCP and start stims on August 16th. Tentative retrieval date is August 26/27. I am really excited and hopeful that this will work. @Avrilmai, it looks like we're on a similar course.
    I'm not sure when we'll do our FET but I have some travel anyway in Sept/Oct and I'm guessing we'll wait until that's done and transfer sometime after October 19. 

    TTC History in Spolier:
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
    IUI  - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN 
    IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
    IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI -  7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN 
    *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. 
    IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
    *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. 
    IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. 
    FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
    FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S

  • I m new to this forum. I had i failed iui and one failed IVF (none of the 8 eggs were fertilized). i have two ( 8 and 2 year old) daughters that were born naturally. due to my history of multiple miscarriages now i  m on my second IVF to conceive my third baby. egg retrieval is scheduled for first week of august but have only 5 follicle growing in total. little disappointed. Hope things go well. baby dust to all of you.
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Nicole. I had a failed IVF in February and a cancelled IVF in July after doing 9 days of stims! I ended up developing tons of cysts on my ovaries after that. They put me on the birth control pill which shrunk my cysts and overlapped it with Lupron. This is my 13th day on Lupron injections and my 2nd day of stims, which is a completely different protocol from my previous IVFs. I am current taking 10 IU Lupron in the morning and 375 IU Gonal-F morning and night. I will go back Monday for blood work and ultrasound. My retrieval date is looking to be around August 14th. Praying this time will work! 
  • Welcome @nicole030985 and @manramk
    @nichole030990 what was the reason of your cancelled IVF? @manramk do you have a date now for your ER? Mine should probably Tuesday they said. They have been adjust my follistim every other day but right now I'm thinking 150 U of follistim, 5 u of Lupron and 1amp of menopur. My estrogen right now is at 2318, lining 8mm and lead follicles 17mm. Praying that August be our month! GL to you all ladies
  • @emmasemm how are you doing with stims?
  • Hi @nicole030985. I'm sorry about your cancelled cycle in July. That is my fear having not gone through IVF before. I really hope your cycle meds work this time around! 
    TTC History in Spolier:
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
    IUI  - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN 
    IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
    IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI -  7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN 
    *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. 
    IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
    *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. 
    IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. 
    FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
    FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S

  • @manders85-2 that was my fear too but thanks God my cycle didn't get canceled although my E2 was pretty high(over 3700)I had my appt this morning. I will be taken half dose of the trigger shot and medicine called cabergoline to prevent OHSS. I was also advised to drink Gatorade when I'm thirsty. GL to you all. My ER is on Tuesday 
  • They cancelled it because I had a spike with my progesterone. I was also bleeding heavily for like 2 weeks and I don’t know why. That cycle they didn’t have me on any birth control and this time they do. I haven’t bled much at all this time. My period was only spotting which only lasted a couple days. 
  • Babydust- That’s exciting! I will be around 1 week behind you because my retrieval should be the following Tuesday. Good luck and I hope you have a lot make it to freeze!
  • Manders- I think the worst part for me was all the waiting lol it’s really not that bad. I am actually giving myself the injections now and I was always afraid of needles. The last time I had retrieval, I went back to work the next day so I’m hoping this time won’t be bad either. 
  • Thank you @nicole030985! I will keep you all posted! Did you work the day of transfer too? I'm taking the day off on ER day but planning to work the next day if everything goes well not sure if I wanna take another day off for the transfer
  • Babydust- I was told to stay in bed the rest of the day after transfer. 
  • Thank you @nicole030985! So my ER went well, still recovering. They retrieved 33 eggs don't know yet how many were matured and fertilized will get a call I believe they said today or tomorrow. Will keep you all posted
  • got an update from my clinic, 21 out of the 33 eggs were matured and 14 fertilized. will be getting a call tomorrow regarding the quality and possible transfer day. FX!
  • Babydust- Wow! That’s excellent results. Hopefully they will all continue to grow nicely. Are you at risk for OHSS with those numbers? That’s a lot of eggs! 

    AFM- I had my day 6 ultrasound and blood work today. I have 3 measurable so far at 12, 13, and 13. My E2 is 359. Still very early. I’m sure the day 8 scan will have lots of measurable follicles. That’s what happened my last 2 IVF cycles. 
  • Yes @nicole030985 I'm at risk and they're expected that when I was monitored with blood work and U/S so they put me on cobergoline to prevent and asked to increase my salt intake ( salty food and gatorade) so far I'm feeling ok, I guess... hope that works and I won't be getting  OHSS and be able to so the fresh transfer. 
    Your numbers look pretty good too for D6! Sending prayers your way! And keep us posted! 
  • @babydust2507 wow what great results.  FX that OHSS stays far away. Do you have a transfer day?

    @nicole030985 I hope this cycle has better results. How are you feeling on the new med regimen?

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

  • Thank you @Avrilmai. so I got a report from the lab, all 14 are growing at the sane pace which they said they were pretty happy about it (4-6 cells) graded B so far. I don't know the grading scale of my clinic yet, will ask tomorrow when they call for a new update but they said B was pretty good for D2 at their Lab. My transfer will be on Sunday 
  • Wow @babydust2507 those are some great results so far!!! You must be so excited. Keep us updated with your progress and transfer day. How many are you transferring this weekend?? Baby dust to you! 
    TTC History in Spolier:
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
    IUI  - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN 
    IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
    IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI -  7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN 
    *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. 
    IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
    *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. 
    IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. 
    FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
    FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S

  • Thank you @manders85-2, I am excited but at the same time don't wanna overreact and be disappointed at the end. My transfer is this Sunday and my doctor recommended to transfer only one, so I hope it will be the lucky/best one!
  • So I just got the daily report from the Lab and I also asked about their grading scale they do + and - on the letters but they said they don't focus on the sign because they can change really quick. So the 14 embies are still growing 8-12 cells, she said some are growing faster than what they're expected it to be on D3, because they wanted to be around 8 if I remember correctly, which gives me some B+ and B- forgot the exact number, sorry... but they still all Bs. And They will decide on Sunday which one to transfer and which one can be frozen, and no more reports until transfer day. Wish me luck!
  • Thank you Avril
  • Just got home from my day 9 scan. I have 16 follicles ranging from 12-18mm. My e2 was 1020 yesterday and now it is at 1650 today! The doctor just called with my instructions which were do 300 IU menopur am and pm with Lupron in the morning. I go back to the doctors on Monday. I’m pretty nervous that my e2 level is going to sky rocket and put me at risk for OHSS. But I’m also happy that the other follicles should have a chance to catch up. What do you think. 

    Babydust- it sounds like your little embies are growing wonderfully! That is so awesome. How many will you transfer?
  • Congrats @babydust2507 on your 14 embies and your transfer tomorrow! Tell us everything after you get back.
    @nicole030985 16 is wonderful! Thanks for sharing your details. I haven't ever done stims before and I didn't know checking e2 is what alerts the medical team to OHSS. Eeek! Keep us updated.
    TTC History in Spolier:
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
    IUI  - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN 
    IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
    IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI -  7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN 
    *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. 
    IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
    *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. 
    IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. 
    FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
    FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S

  • @babydust2507 Good Luck with your transfer tomorrow!
  • @nicole030985
    I had similar e2 levels at that point and they topped out around 3500 by ER, so sorta close to the cut offs but i had less than 20 follicles (15 i think) so they weren't concerned. Only got 10 eggs though :expressionless:  some of the follicles were just babies i think; they were being pretty careful about the estrogen levels with my med doses. 

    good luck with the start of your stims @manders85-2 !!

    babydust, those are awesome embie numbers! Get some extra to put on ice :smile:  My embies were grade 4bb but most RE's say that the grading isn't really predictive at all. 

    ~~ Our Story in Spoiler! TW loss/child~~
    Fall 2012 -- started TTC
    Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
    Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
    September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
    Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
    June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
    August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP.  Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
    September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
    March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!

    TTC #2
    January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle 
    March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156,  #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!

    "When all is lost then all is found."

  • Manders- it’s really crazy how much you learn! It’s amazing how every little thing has to be perfect for it to work including bloodwork. Hard to believe how many people accidentally get pregnant. I am always checking my blood work along with my ultrasounds. If you have any questions or need anything just let me know
  • Mbrad- That stinks they only got 10 eggs! My last IVf my e2 was only 2400 at retrieval and I did not have any success. I had 14 retrieved, 9 fertilize, only 2 made it to day 5 morulas which were transferred with no success. I think they triggered me too early so I’m really happy they are giving me an extra day of stims. I am just worried my non measurable follicles will start growing and catch up to the 16 I have. I just want food quality. Quality before quantity! Hopefully I can get some to freeze this time Incase this one is unsuccessful. It will be a lot easier to do FET while working!
  • Well I was okay with the 2 embies in the end since I did get my take home baby from it! But I’ll have to go thru all of it aga
    ~~ Our Story in Spoiler! TW loss/child~~
    Fall 2012 -- started TTC
    Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
    Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
    September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
    Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
    June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
    August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP.  Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
    September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
    March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!

    TTC #2
    January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle 
    March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156,  #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!

    "When all is lost then all is found."

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