July 2018 Moms

It's Labor Time!


Re: It's Labor Time!

  • Add me to the STM struggle bus. I've been in early/latent labor for 3 weeks! It's gotten me to 4cm and 70% though, so hoping for a fast labor like last time, I just wish it would let up so I can actually do things or send me into active labor already!
  • I think this baby has dropped!  I can feel his little feet way lower today, and at my appointment yesterday they said my bump was measuring the same as last week which could mean baby is lower in the pelvis... Although they did also seem slightly concerned - the resident did the first measurement and the doctor came back in after and re-measured to make sure...she said they'd pay extra attention to the bump size next week...(anybody have experience with the uterus measuring the same week-to-week this late in the game?  And if so, what were the reasons for concern?)  Otherwise, my care team seems completely disinterested in checking for dilation/effacement at 37+3... I didn't ask but wondering if that's just not routine in their practice *shrug*
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  • @canucklehead123 they don't even do a fundal on me week to week or comment on it if they actually do one - personally I find the bump changes extremes throughout the day depending on what position he's in so not sure how much an external measurement would really tell my drs.
    @zande2016 I'm still working too to maximize leave, everyone keeps telling me I should just stop now 2 weeks before CS, but honestly...yes i want to punch everyone at the office, but if I wasn't working i'd be going OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND or would be doing things I really shouldn't around the house and getting injured.  Like i could see myself totally trying to paint DD's room by myself 36 weeks pregnant with SPD and bulging discs and a step ladder - because i'm that dumb and just cannot sit still when there's shit to get done.
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  • @brookp stretch and sweep! Or membrane sweep, depending on what your provider calls it 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • @gingerbride26 oh good point on the variation throughout the day! And thanks - that's reassuring that some docs don't even measure!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @canucklehead123 mine was the same for 2-3 weeks! There’s like a 2 week margin of error for fundal height measurements, I wouldn’t put too much stock in it. 
  • @perhapsitalian the psychological aspect has been the biggest kick in the pants for me. My first came 8 days early, spontaneously, after 7.5 hours of labor. Now I’m 3 days late, but I feel more like 2 weeks late and defeated. 
  • I was very anti-inducement with my first, but I asked my doc today about scheduling a date.  We're going to wait until my 40 week appt (40+1), but will then schedule something between 40+2 and 41 weeks.  I've had no cervix changes in 2 weeks so I personally think my scar tissue will prevent spontaneous labor.  Unfortunately, I'm almost dilated to 2 cm which means I don't qualify for cytotec, which is what put me into active labor with DD.  So, the new inducement plan would be to check into the hospital in the morning and then have my water broken and chill for a few hours to see if that puts me into labor.  If it doesn't, she'll do "a whiff of pitocin" (which I told her I would rather avoid).  I didn't think to ask about cervadil, but I'm guessing I can't do it if I can't do cytotec.

    Did a membrane sweep today, but right afterwards she told me that she's out of town this weekend and the on call doctor is a man in another practice that I've never even met!  She doesn't think I'm going into labor on my own, but I'm definitely hoping that I don't now!  Geez louise.
  • @acunamatada, I've been trying to prepare myself for going late enough that I'll need to be induced because my mom was two weeks late with me and my brother, and her mother was two weeks late with her and my aunt, etc.  So I feel dumb because I knew this was likely, but I still just feel so down about it.

    I didn't start to lose my MP until earlier this week, and I haven't had any other signs of labor.  At my 40+4 appointment, I was only 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced.  I have another midwife appointment later this afternoon, and I'm fairly certain we'll be scheduling an induction for tomorrow because she said their policy is not to let you get past 41+5 and I just feel so upset about it, and then also feel ridiculous about how upset it makes me.  I guess it's that I don't like the feeling that my body doesn't know what to do, and that I'll be denied the experience of a spontaneous labor.  Defeated is exactly the right word.  I really didn't think I'd feel so emotional about it, but I do.
  • @perhapsitalian welcome to the board! I totally understand I was induced at 41 +5 with both my pregnancies and am just expecting to go that long this time. With my second, I wasn't sure if it would be my last so I was super down that I wouldn't experience spontaneous labor. This time, again, not sure if it will be my last so I really want to go into spontaneous labor as well and have asked my docs to let me go all teh way to 42. THe mind eff of being that late is no joke, I totally feel you! I burst into tears because both times they scheduled my induction I wasn't even dilated or anything so I felt like my body just would never do this on its own! I hope you miraculously and spontaneously go into labor in the next day or 2! It sounds like you are in the same boat I was...my docs induced on 41+5 both times because they couldn't induce on a weekend due to only having on call surgeons around to do c-sections so by the time the following monday rolled around I'd be over 42 and they weren't ok wtih that. 
  • @smashjam, thanks, it's good to be here and finally be out of lurkerdom!  I was considering asking my midwife today if she'd let me go a couple days longer given that I've had two good biophysical profiles in the last week showing that baby is doing well, but I think you're right that the weekend won't work and Monday is too long.  It's probably more productive for me to just come to terms with it and take comfort in knowing that the end is in sight.
  • @MichelleAG05 I don't understand why 2 cm puts you out of ripening? I was at a 2 cm with DD when they started my induction at 41w and they used a cervadil which shot me straight into active labor.

    @perhapsitalian I completely understand - felt the same with my first - it's completely natural feeling but that doesn't make it any easier though.  Not letting someone go into 42 is pretty standard and based off the national OB board - as is not letting someone induce before 40 or CS before 39 without medical reasoning.  With my first I walked around at 2 cm for a month and then got induced at 41 on the dot due to holiday weekend timing.  I'm sorry they're not giving you more planning/adjustment time, but i'd say from my circle of friends/acquaintances spontaneous labors (especially FTM) aren't as common as they used to be - most of my friends were induced at 41 (like me), had scheduled CS for complications, or were induced right after office visit due to low/leaking fluid.
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  • @perhapsitalian and @SmashJam I totally feel the same way.  I am so bummed when I think that  I might have to have an induction. My dr is going to give me until 41+5 before we have to induce, and I really hope she comes on her own!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • I don't understand either @gingerbride26.  I probably should have asked more questions, I was just annoyed with myself for not being prepared with my questions and my desired date ahead of time.  And really, I'm just super cranky so I just dropped it knowing I would have one more time to talk to her about it more.
  • @MichelleAG05 pssh I see like 1000 specialists a month and I still never manage to get all my questions in - even if i bring a list - especially when their throwing me curve balls :-D add pregnancy to the mix and you're just f'd.  If you have one more appointment I'd just wait - otherwise I'd totally call the nurse line and say you had this question after you left.  Do you see the same OB or a different one next time? Sometimes I pit them against eachother :-P
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  • @perhapsitalian Welcome! I totally get the emotional roller coaster that comes with being over due! I'm a STM but was induced with my daughter at 41 weeks. It sounds like you're making progress though!

    I had an appointment with my OB today, I'll be 39 weeks this weekend. I'm almost 1cm lol. I wanted a membrane sweep, he said he'd do what he can and did a sweep. Otherwise I'm feeling totally fine, still hopeful to go on my own but whatever.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Got an induction date scheduled. No inside check today. Will do that next week.
  • Add me to the miserable STM club. With my first, I didn't get reaaaally uncomfortable until I went past my due date, and I think that was more mental than physical (I went into labor on my own at almost 42 weeks). This time I just feel so awful. Extreme swelling, unable to breathe, pain in my pelvis... I just hate everything
  • @flockofmoosen3 I've thought about doing that, but I've also heard it can bring on stronger contractions, so I keep being a chicken about it. Is there any truth to that? 
  • @noideawhatshesdoing today my OB told me that the nipple stimulation will help the pituitary release oxytocin, which can trigger contractions. She said it's short-lived though, so if the body isn't ready, things fizzle out pretty quickly after you stop stimulation, and pumping continuously won't improve things either. She talked about it a lot but didn't mention that the contractions would be stronger than normal. Honestly, breaking water seems like the most effective means to get labor going strong per my OB. That's her first step in an induction, well before introducing pitocin. 

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • @noideawhatshesdoing I know if you’re trying to VBAC (I am) nipple stimulation with a pump shouldn’t be done unless you’re in hospital hooked up to monitors because it can cause strong contractions and increase uterine rupture risk. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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  • Good luck @kat029!
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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  • @acunamatada Yay! Hope you finally get to meet your baby soon!
  • Yaaay @acunamatada ! Can't wait for an announcement! 
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
  • Yay to babies coming soon! Good luck @acunamatada and @kat029!!!
  • yay @acunamatada and @kat029!!! Can't wait to see those announcememnts! 

    Had something going last night, I felt incredibly off and had a lot of pain that I couldn't tell if it was painful movement or contractions until I had one big long BH that had some pain associated with it, which was the first time that had happened. I was waiting for another one but I guess that was the grand finale, because I started feeling more normal after that and it didn't happen again. I got some shit to do between now and 39 weeks so I didn't push it, lol.
  • Yay @acunamatada!!! Happy labor thoughts to you and @kat029 I hope your labor progresses! 
  • Hooray @acunamatada and @kat029!!

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • Yaaaaay @acunamatada!! Hope everything is going well  :)
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • Yayyyyyyy @acunamatada!!!! I can’t wait to read your story! I hope everything is going well!!
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