I personally might not do Parker for a girl twin if the other girl has a more traditionally female name. I have twins and we know a lot of sets, and one in particular I can think of has a really feminine name and a unisex name and people always assume the unisex one is a boy, which she finds frustrating since her sister doesn't have that issue.
@java1982 I wish I had your patience!!! I had to find out what me twins are going to be, haha!
I had TONS of girl names but now we're having 2 boys.... we're thinking Max and Miles. Simple, still don't hear them too often... but of course I have 5 months to change my mind 1,000 more times! This is tough!
TTC Numero uno since 01/13 Me 31, DH 32, Married 08/08 02/13/15-HSG-All Clear
07/25/15-50mg Clomid CD3-7+IUI #1 cd14-3 Follicles; SA 21Mill- BFN
08/19/15-25mg Clomid CD3-7+IUI #2 cd15-just ovulated, SA 42Mill- BFN
09/10/15-25mg Clomid CD3-7+IUI #3 cd14-2 Follicles; SA 45Mill- BFN
It's still early but we're tossing around ideas. I have been a name nerd my entire life, but my husband def has not, so it takes some work.
We know it's a girl and have two boys already. I was leaning toward Isla, which he also likes, and I have some Scottish ancestors from Islay ("eye-la") so it seemed promising. But, my cousin's cousin (sounds distant but isn't really, it's close enough we'd both come up in conversation easily and it might be confusing, though we only see him maybe every 3-4 years) just chose that for their new baby.
@HGRich I love the name Micah for a girl. I actually thought it was a girl's name until I was older, because growing up I knew 2 female Micah's and had never met a male one!
Now that we know LO is a boy it is exciting to talk more seriously about names. Our front runner is Wyatt James but we are going to try and not officially decide until he is here. Close favorites behind Wyatt are Hudson, Carter, Cooper, and Parker. It will be so challenging to not decide!
Thanks for everyone's input! This is our 2nd set of twins so its definitely not our first rodeo! Lol Our first set were 2 boys, so trying to choose girls names seems foreign to me! Maybe we'll be blessed with one of each and not even have to worry about it. Either way, I appreciate your thoughts and comments!
@java1982 Second set?! We worried about that scenario for us, lol. (Well, my hubby wanted it!). Our twins are boys too and we knew pretty early and didn't get into girl names together so I'm having the same issue with new territory...
@elgie Yes, second set! It was very much a surprise for us! We are blessed, but stressed! We found out the sexes with our first set, so my husband gave in so that I could get my way and be surprised this time around. We won't be finding out! So exciting!
@teamla It's so strange thinking about girls names, isn't it?? I feel like such a pro a picking out boys names, but because we aren't finding out choosing 4 names is a must. Definitely super difficult though!!
We are having a boy and DH is absolutely ADAMANT on naming him after him.....Jordan Matthew. It created WW3 in our house, in the car, restaurants, anywhere multiple times. I finally said fine BUT I refuse to let anyone call him Junior. I personally just can't stand it lol. I know it's silly, but it's hard for me. We have had a girl name picked out we both agreed on for the last 9 years. Emery Brielle. I literally feel like I'm mourning a daughter I won't have and the name I'll never have, then settling for what hubby wants as a boy name. So much that it brought me to tears in the middle of Outback explaining to him why I was upset. It's just frustrating. Then on top of it all, DH wants to change his last name!!!! His mother gave him her last name at birth instead of the biological dad's last name to be spiteful. So now I feel like I'm settling for a boy name I don't want and having to give my child a last name that means nothing to me and change my last name again. SO.MANY.CHANGES. Once DH saw how upset I was in Outback he decides to tell me we don't have to name the baby Jordan....now that we already announced to the world his name will be Jordan. He really doesn't want to change it, he was just trying to be nice in the moment. Ugh. Sorry for the rant.
Surprised with a girl so looks like I'm going to get my favored name after all! She will be Eden Lou or Eden Louise (middle name after my husband's late godmom/aunt; MaryLou)!
We're having another boy and I had applied all my energy to compiling a girl list, which is now worthless. Naming a baby with a teacher is like...uhh.......I don't even have a good analogy to describe it. DH will like a name and immediately change his mind once I start to get attached to it. We've actually decided to make a name suggestion box for DH to keep at school for student suggestions. Out of 170 students maybe we'll actually get a couple fresh, new ideas (and a whole lot of junky joke names, too. lol)
We're having another boy and I had applied all my energy to compiling a girl list, which is now worthless. Naming a baby with a teacher is like...uhh.......I don't even have a good analogy to describe it. DH will like a name and immediately change his mind once I start to get attached to it. We've actually decided to make a name suggestion box for DH to keep at school for student suggestions. Out of 170 students maybe we'll actually get a couple fresh, new ideas (and a whole lot of junky joke names, too. lol)
This. I'm pretty sure this is why DH vetoes almost all of the names I suggest (middle school band directing for 6 years so he's had a lot of stinkers, ha!)
We're having another boy and I had applied all my energy to compiling a girl list, which is now worthless. Naming a baby with a teacher is like...uhh.......I don't even have a good analogy to describe it. DH will like a name and immediately change his mind once I start to get attached to it. We've actually decided to make a name suggestion box for DH to keep at school for student suggestions. Out of 170 students maybe we'll actually get a couple fresh, new ideas (and a whole lot of junky joke names, too. lol)
As a teacher I can totally sympathize with your DH...I had a name both DH and I loved and I have a kid in my class this year with that name and he has totally ruined it. It's a nightmare really!
So I had a GREAT list of girl names but just found out it's a boy yesterday, so now I am brainstorming boy names and it is so hard! DH and I have decided to each come up with a list of names and then sit down and discuss them all at once, which I think is a good idea. I am pretty much set on the middle name though, which is good - we will be using my dad's first name (Lewis). He passed away when I was 13. I was going back and forth on it because DH's middle name is the same but spelled differently (Louis) so I thought it might get confusing, but middle names are used so rarely I think it will be alright.
Some first names I am tossing around are Cameron, Connor, Dylan, Shane, and Kyle. I also really like the name Nate, but not sure if I like Nathan, so I am debating if it's weird to just go with the nickname. I feel the same way about Alex and Sam - really like the nicknames but don't love Alexander or Samuel. My full name is Katherine but growing up I ONLY went by Katie and I wished my mom had just named me Katie, so maybe our son will feel the same!
@kitkat8387 do you want to just give your girl name list to me? I'm struggling.
You could perhaps name him Nathaniel which is so long no one will want to call him that and will call him Nate. But I don't see a problem with a nickname either. My mother is Judy but not Judith. And I have a friend who is Jenny but not Jennifer.
@HGRich I'm sure you will come up with some great ideas! Some of my favorite girl names were Michelle, Alice, Kara, Elise, Faye, Abbie, Shannon, and Kelly. Hoping I get to use one of them next time!
@kitkat8387 I have the same issue with Nate. DH suggested it but I'd only want to call him Nate, not Nathan or Nathaniel. It's still on the list but I don't know...
Thoughts on Martin? I love the nn Marty so no issue there. I'm just not sure if it's an odd name to pick since it's not a family name, just one I randomly selected?
@lovelongdog06 I think Martin is a great name. I like that it sounds sort of old-fashioned, which is why it sounds like it would be a family name, but I think that's fine. Plus, Marty is such a cute nickname.
@lovelongdog06 I know three adult Martins (two of whom are in their mid-30s). I think it's a solid name that will transition well from childhood into adulthood. My cousin gave her son a super old man name that isn't a family name (no shade; I love old-fashioned names) and I will admit, I wondered a bit at first where the heck she and her husband pulled those names from, but to my mind, Martin isn't *that* unusual/old-fashioned.
For myself, I think we've decided on Josephine. It's not my favorite from our list, but I like it and so does the husband. Now I just need to make sure I don't overthink it and talk myself out of it at some point during the next 20-ish weeks.
@lovelongdog06 My dad's name is Martin (goes by Marty) and he's amazing so I think that's an excellent name! Plus really cute for a little one as well.
Now that we're officially team girl I've had the name Evelyn Florence sticking with me. I really like all the nickname varieties of Evelyn but worry a bit that it's very close-sounding to my MIL's first and middle names together ("Edie" and "Lynn"). If we use "Evie" as a nickname I don't want to cause massive confusion. Florence is my late paternal grandmother's name and I love it, but I'm 100% not interested in my kiddo going by "Flo" so middle name it is!
@kitkat8387 I'm married to a Nathaniel who goes by Nate so I'm partial but I love the name. I think you can totally go either way if you know you plan to use the nickname. I know DH is happy to have a more formal name for paperwork and certificates but literally no one in the world calls him anything but Nate. Plus you get the added benefit of the Nate the Great books
What do you moms feel about some, but not not every child being named for someone? DD is named after her great-grandmother. If we have another girl, she'd be named after my late grandmother. But if we have boys, they will be named after....famous people we admire. Is that weird? We're so stuck on a boy's name because of this. Our girls names have such deep meaning for us. Boys names, we're like, "oh, that sounds nice."
Also, I'm very tempted to stop being Team Green because if we don't get to name a child after my grandma, I feel like I'll need a bit of time to be sad about that (last baby for us).
Me: 31 DH: 36 Married 5 years DD born 8/30/13 #2 expected 4/25/17
Re: Baby Names
Having things be "even" can be important.
I had TONS of girl names but now we're having 2 boys.... we're thinking Max and Miles. Simple, still don't hear them too often... but of course I have 5 months to change my mind 1,000 more times! This is tough!
Me 31, DH 32, Married 08/08
02/13/15-HSG-All Clear
ER 02/05-20 Retrieved - 11 Matured, 9 Fertilized, ET 2/10 (1 Transferred, 4 Frz) - BFP 2/19, M/C-3/5-Trisomy 16
ER 07/14-14 Retrieved,11 Matured, 10 Fertilized, ET 07/19 (2 Transferred, 6 Frz), BFP 7/28, 8/16 U/S-TWINS!
Due Date - April 6, 2017 UPDATED March 23, 2017!
Married: 5/30/2013
DSS #1: 5/25/2007
DSS #2: 1/22/2011
DS #3: 7/8/2012
BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
DS #4: 4/21/17
We know it's a girl and have two boys already. I was leaning toward Isla, which he also likes, and I have some Scottish ancestors from Islay ("eye-la") so it seemed promising. But, my cousin's cousin (sounds distant but isn't really, it's close enough we'd both come up in conversation easily and it might be confusing, though we only see him maybe every 3-4 years) just chose that for their new baby.
Other top options right now:
We'll see!
Married: 5/30/2013
DSS #1: 5/25/2007
DSS #2: 1/22/2011
DS #3: 7/8/2012
BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
DS #4: 4/21/17
@wagnerw Parker is on our boy list too...so obviously I love that!
@java1982 Second set of twins?! Wow!! So much fun headed your way!! Will you be finding out the gender or waiting?
@teamla It's so strange thinking about girls names, isn't it?? I feel like such a pro a picking out boys names, but because we aren't finding out choosing 4 names is a must. Definitely super difficult though!!
As a teacher I can totally sympathize with your DH...I had a name both DH and I loved and I have a kid in my class this year with that name and he has totally ruined it. It's a nightmare really!
Some first names I am tossing around are Cameron, Connor, Dylan, Shane, and Kyle. I also really like the name Nate, but not sure if I like Nathan, so I am debating if it's weird to just go with the nickname. I feel the same way about Alex and Sam - really like the nicknames but don't love Alexander or Samuel. My full name is Katherine but growing up I ONLY went by Katie and I wished my mom had just named me Katie, so maybe our son will feel the same!
@kitkat8387 I love your names! My favorite are Dylan, Connor, and Cameron...all sound great with Lewis!
You could perhaps name him Nathaniel which is so long no one will want to call him that and will call him Nate. But I don't see a problem with a nickname either. My mother is Judy but not Judith. And I have a friend who is Jenny but not Jennifer.
My top 3 girls names were Elsie, Audrey, and Claire...I would have had trouble narrowing it down anyway...it's better to have a nameless boy lol!
@HGRich My girls name was Adelaide. Not using it now. Not sure if we will ever get to.
Married: 5/30/2013
DSS #1: 5/25/2007
DSS #2: 1/22/2011
DS #3: 7/8/2012
BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
DS #4: 4/21/17
DD #2: May 2020
Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022
DD1 born 3.2014
DD2 born 4.2017
DD1 born 3.2014
DD2 born 4.2017
Now that we're officially team girl I've had the name Evelyn Florence sticking with me. I really like all the nickname varieties of Evelyn but worry a bit that it's very close-sounding to my MIL's first and middle names together ("Edie" and "Lynn"). If we use "Evie" as a nickname I don't want to cause massive confusion.
@kitkat8387 I'm married to a Nathaniel who goes by Nate so I'm partial but I love the name. I think you can totally go either way if you know you plan to use the nickname. I know DH is happy to have a more formal name for paperwork and certificates but literally no one in the world calls him anything but Nate. Plus you get the added benefit of the Nate the Great books
What do you moms feel about some, but not not every child being named for someone? DD is named after her great-grandmother. If we have another girl, she'd be named after my late grandmother. But if we have boys, they will be named after....famous people we admire. Is that weird? We're so stuck on a boy's name because of this. Our girls names have such deep meaning for us. Boys names, we're like, "oh, that sounds nice."
Also, I'm very tempted to stop being Team Green because if we don't get to name a child after my grandma, I feel like I'll need a bit of time to be sad about that (last baby for us).
DH: 36
Married 5 years
DD born 8/30/13
#2 expected 4/25/17