Another dang health update. I don't know where to stick this so randoms it is! Looks like I'm having a June baby... I saw my actual doctor today. She was phenomenal and spent tons of time explaining things and going through the week and my symptoms. She is confident I have gestational high blood pressure and early signs but not full blown pre-e at this point. I now have weekly tests with fetal monitoring, daily blood pressure checks at home, and another ultrasound this coming week to measure growth. However, because of all of this and my health history my doc is pretty set on inducing at 37 weeks, which would be around June 11th. I suddenly feel so ill-prepared. I shed some tears earlier just in worry over my guy not lasting the full 40 weeks but I know I didn't do anything wrong and I trust my doctor. You guys honestly have been an incredible support system through my fears and bitching all week and I am very grateful.
@theshannondee I'm glad you were able to get some answers today. I will be having my twins between 37-38 weeks (if I last that long) and the thought of them coming early scared me in the beginning, but you're right, our doctors know best and wouldn't put us or our babies in danger.
@theshannondee thank goodness you got some answers and some reassurance! Also I'm glad your doctor was understanding! I totally understand worrying about about your baby coming earlier but 37 weeks is full term. You totally didn't do anything wrong! I hope you're able to enjoy your weekend!
@theshannondee - I'm glad you finally got some answers and that they are monitoring you so closely. It stinks that they are delivering early but I think you've got a healthy perspective on will just take some time for it to sink in.
@theshannondee answers and a plan are great news! You're doing the right thing for your baby, and if doc thinks he'll be safer on the outside, that's what needs to happen. You're doing everything you're supposed to in order to care for him!
@theshannondee so glad you were able to get some answers finally! Don't be afraid you will be great and still have some time ! Glad they will be keeping a closer eye on you from here on out!
@theshannondee So glad you got some answers and the doctor has a plan to keep you both healthy. I can totally see how having him earlier is scary but you stil have time to get yourself feeling prepared. I hope you have an easy weekend
@theshannondee glad you are getting answers! 37 weeks is a good time to have a baby. I'm glad your dr has a plan and seems like you and baby are well taken care of!
So glad you got some answers finally @theshannondee and that your baby will be here sooner and safely! On the positive side of things, at least you won't be delivering PAST due and also that you can have wine so much sooner!
@theshannondee I'm a little late to comment on it all, but I'm so glad that you finally got answers and your doctor was able to address your concerns. It's great to have a plan and you still have some time to prepare, even if it's less than you initially expected. You'll do great! Hope you will be able to do a little relaxing this weekend!
@theshannondee I'm so glad you have answers! You will do great I'm sure it's a little crazy with less time to prepare, but I'm happy your doc finally has a plan for you.
@theshannondee I'm so glad your doctor was so thorough and helped with clarity!! Good luck and I hope the rest of the pregnancy is less stressful than this past week without answers has been!!
Put them in a bucket of ice water. Then use dish soap. You should be fine. I had mines pried off my finger at the hospital and this is where they started. They also put Neosporin on my finger.
@theshannondee so glad you got answers! Mimicking the others in saying that it's great you have a plan and know that little one is being taken care of!
@theshannondee Pre-E, like GD is not something you did, didn't do or could prevent. It is caused by the placenta. At least you are getting some answers.
Anyone have any tricks to keep cats from jumping over baby gates? In reality, its just one of my cats, but I really want him to stop going into the baby room.
bumpies who have cats: I've heard about the parasite and to avoid cleaning litter boxes while pregnant....but DH won't do it hardly ever and I'm wondering if some of you have been cleaning litter boxes anyway? An unclean litter box is one of my biggest pet peeves.
@rnyland1 DH broke his hand, so he hasn't been able to clean the litter boxes for a bit now. I have been covering my hands/arms to clean the littler boxes, then disposing of said gloves/bags over my hands and then scrubbing the crap out of my hands and arms with anti-bacterial soap. I can only hope it is protecting me because I don't really have any other option.
@rnyland1 - my DH is terrible at cleaning the litter box He doesn't do it nearly often enough, or as good as I would like it done. From what I've heard, toxoplasmosis is really only a concern if you have an outdoor cat, but you never know when a cat may have picked it up, so they have a blanket rule that pregnant women should not scoop the litter. Whenever I do have to touch the litter, either to clean the litter genie, or sweep around the box (which DH never does), I wear my cleaning gloves and a mask. Probably overkill but it makes me feel better.
Ok @affadis89@sboston06, antibacterial soap, long gloves, and a mask seems like it would protect me enough. DH does clean the box once per week but IMO, I think it needs to be done every other day AT MINIMUM. I'm past caring about nagging about this anymore. Time to just take matters into my own hands.
Mask is the most important part. Gloves does nothing because contamination is airborne. Also, risk is highest in first tri (per my midwife). I've been gardening outside which can also pose a risk and my midwife gave me the OK to do it now in the 3rd tri
@theshannondee (this is not meant as a snark post in any way)
Is there something specific you're looking for from them? Or is it that you don't feel confident in the advice the nurses are giving you? The symptoms they are telling you to come in for are signs of pre-e, but the BP and urine collection are the more objective measures that would raise alarm. So if they're coming back ok, then watchful waiting is the way to go and it sounds like they are keeping a close eye on you.
Agreed - this is the way they monitored me when my BP shot up with DD. I was encouraged to monitor my BP at home daily, and additional checks with any symptoms that popped up. I was also encouraged to go to L&D if my blood pressure went over a set number (I forget what it was - maybe 150/90 was the top limit?) or if I got any new symptoms, so they could assess me and do an NST. I had major pitting edema to my legs, my hands were sometimes so swollen it was uncomfortable to bend my fingers, and I did start getting protein in my urine, but my blood tests were acceptable levels, NSTs were normal, and my BP was able to be controlled with rest, thankfully.
Not trying to minimize your experience whatsoever! I know what you're going through is scary @theshannondee and it's so so important that you keep advocating for yourself. I just wanted to hopefully give you some small reassurance that maybe the way they're managing your case is normal. If you don't feel they are listening to you or don't feel confident in their advice, definitely get second opinions or question what they're telling you, though.
Another dang health update. I don't know where to stick this so randoms it is! Looks like I'm having a June baby... I saw my actual doctor today. She was phenomenal and spent tons of time explaining things and going through the week and my symptoms. She is confident I have gestational high blood pressure and early signs but not full blown pre-e at this point. I now have weekly tests with fetal monitoring, daily blood pressure checks at home, and another ultrasound this coming week to measure growth. However, because of all of this and my health history my doc is pretty set on inducing at 37 weeks, which would be around June 11th. I suddenly feel so ill-prepared. I shed some tears earlier just in worry over my guy not lasting the full 40 weeks but I know I didn't do anything wrong and I trust my doctor. You guys honestly have been an incredible support system through my fears and bitching all week and I am very grateful.
Clearly I should read to the end before I comment - didn't see your update before I wrote my last one! Glad you got some answers but I'm sorry it looks like baby will come a little early.
Mask is the most important part. Gloves does nothing because contamination is airborne. Also, risk is highest in first tri (per my midwife). I've been gardening outside which can also pose a risk and my midwife gave me the OK to do it now in the 3rd tri
Yup mask is more important than gloves, and obviously washing hands afterwards which I'm sure everyone would do whether they were pregnant or not. When I was pregnant with DD I had to do the litter boxes for a couple weeks while DH was out of town, and I wore gloves and washed my hands really well. When I mentioned it to my dad (who's a GP) he told me I wasn't actually protecting myself at all without the mask. Our cats are indoor cats so they're low risk, but both were adopted from SPCA and have had to be in a kennel for a short stay in the past, so there's no guarantee. Also, since moving to our new place one of our cats killed a mouse that got inside (we live out in the country now) so I'm a teeny bit more concerned this time around as that's one of the ways they can catch it, and I'll definitely take the precautions of using a mask while DH is away.
@rnyland1 I have been cleaning my litter box the whole time. I just put my shirt over my nose and mouth to keep the dust out of my airway. I scoop and then wash my hands well afterward with regular hand soap. My cats have been indoor cats their whole lives and have never gotten to a live animal so I was never really concerned.
My doctor told me the only risk is becoming exposed to toxoplasmosis for the first time while pregnant. If you have indoor cats and you've been the one who cleans the litter before pregnancy then the odds of you getting it (for the first time) are pretty slim. You've typically either already been exposed, which poses no current risk, or your cats aren't going to pick up anything new.
I asked for the test to be done because I was silly enough to play with a bunch of stray cats at the humane society while their litter boxes were being cleaned right next to me. It came back negative. He actually told me he typically doesn't like ordering the test because there's nothing that can be done if it is positive, and no way to tell when the exposure happened. He did it for my own peace of mind.
Silly question, but how do you tell when your LO has dropped? I'm 34 weeks today but I'm thinking he might have dropped because of the constant bladder pressure and crotch pain...but then again...I'm thinking that could just be from him getting heavier. FTM here! 34 weeks seems too early to drop, no? Unless my dates are wrong.
Silly question, but how do you tell when your LO has dropped? I'm 34 weeks today but I'm thinking he might have dropped because of the constant bladder pressure and crotch pain...but then again...I'm thinking that could just be from him getting heavier. FTM here! 34 weeks seems too early to drop, no? Unless my dates are wrong.
Because 1) you can literally see the difference. 2) you can breathe and eat more. 3) you have more pelvic pressure/pain and the need to pee every 10 seconds.
Some mom's drop weeks before delivery while others drop the day off.
My kid has dropped a little. He was very high up and now he is middle of my abdomen. I can eat/breath a little more normal but he is definitely not engaged in my pelvis.
Any suggestion on what to do with gifts you would like to return but have no receipt or tags? I feel bad, but I have so many duplicates and I am missing things we actually need.
Re: Week of 16/5 randoms.
Another dang health update. I don't know where to stick this so randoms it is! Looks like I'm having a June baby... I saw my actual doctor today. She was phenomenal and spent tons of time explaining things and going through the week and my symptoms. She is confident I have gestational high blood pressure and early signs but not full blown pre-e at this point. I now have weekly tests with fetal monitoring, daily blood pressure checks at home, and another ultrasound this coming week to measure growth. However, because of all of this and my health history my doc is pretty set on inducing at 37 weeks, which would be around June 11th. I suddenly feel so ill-prepared. I shed some tears earlier just in worry over my guy not lasting the full 40 weeks but I know I didn't do anything wrong and I trust my doctor. You guys honestly have been an incredible support system through my fears and bitching all week and I am very grateful.
July16 JULY siggy challenge
Good luck
At least you are getting some answers.
bumpies who have cats: I've heard about the parasite and to avoid cleaning litter boxes while pregnant....but DH won't do it hardly ever and I'm wondering if some of you have been cleaning litter boxes anyway? An unclean litter box is one of my biggest pet peeves.
Not trying to minimize your experience whatsoever! I know what you're going through is scary @theshannondee and it's so so important that you keep advocating for yourself. I just wanted to hopefully give you some small reassurance that maybe the way they're managing your case is normal. If you don't feel they are listening to you or don't feel confident in their advice, definitely get second opinions or question what they're telling you, though.
I asked for the test to be done because I was silly enough to play with a bunch of stray cats at the humane society while their litter boxes were being cleaned right next to me. It came back negative. He actually told me he typically doesn't like ordering the test because there's nothing that can be done if it is positive, and no way to tell when the exposure happened. He did it for my own peace of mind.
2) you can breathe and eat more.
3) you have more pelvic pressure/pain and the need to pee every 10 seconds.
Some mom's drop weeks before delivery while others drop the day off.
My kid has dropped a little. He was very high up and now he is middle of my abdomen. I can eat/breath a little more normal but he is definitely not engaged in my pelvis.