I have my first biweekly appointment today, 3 of these then I move on to weekly appointments. LO is kicking away like crazy right now, he is definitely trying to escape :-)
Dropped my phone and cracked the screen, oh well, thankfully my phone still works! :-)
My baby shower is this Saturday (21st) So far I only have boxes of used/new clothes, blankets and a convertible car seat. I haven't had my "oh shit this is real moment" My hospital bag is unpacked, I don't have a nursery set up etc. I'm really hoping to have this moment soon. Anyone else kinda blah still?
Technically, I could have this baby as early as June 10th and it be considered term. That's in 3.5 weeks. What.
@darkcat I think having boxes full of baby stuff will definitely bring this to life. When you start arranging the room based on easiest flow from crib to changing area and organizing shelves for best access to diapers and wipes...it gets real really fast, because that's gonna be your real job soon!
@DarkCat me! I've barely gotten anything. Couple of outfits. Someone gave me a car seat that was supposed to be a spare but meh. Probably end up being my main, as it's practically brand new and really nice and free. I'm begging for some nearing to kick in so I can accomplish something before this fella arrived but the way it's going..... Meh
@darkcat I think it's hard if you haven't had your shower yet. We are hoping to get a dresser from our shower and my sister hasn't given us her crib yet so basically the nursery is non existent. I have only had my work shower (family one is next month) so I'm still not sure what I need to wash or return to the store.
I really really wish I could have a nursery like the ones posted in the nursery thread but it just won't happen. Most of it will be done after the baby is born. Realistically that's totally fine but emotionally it's hard to prepare for something while not believing it's just around the corner.
My random thought for the day: I get the subject line is meant for this week cuz today is the 16th but it took my prego brain at least a few good seconds to figure out what the 5 stood for, ha! That's what I get for bumping as soon as I wake up, still half asleep. Happy Monday! Meh...
@simplymizzj I think with this being mainly an american bored it usually reads month/day but here in Ireland its day/month so there's probably some confusion there.
@DarkCat I don't think that "Oh sh*t" moment will happen until I'm in the middle of giving birth, it still hasn't hit yet and I have everything ready and my hospital bag sitting all packed.
I'm at L&D with a friend who's due a month before me, and is in labor 2 weeks early. Her husband just left on a business trip so DH and I took her in. Good practice for us! But makes it all more real seeing where we'll have our baby, and knowing she was the last one to give birth before it's our turn!
@DarkCat I had my shower yesterday and it definitely spurred an "oh shit, this is real" feeling when I got home and stared at the pile of stuff and realized that a person was going to wear those clothes and use those blankets and read those books etc. Cue tears, again.
We finished the last big "before baby comes project" yesterday, cleaning the basement. The crib is finally put together and the glider is here. Our shower is on Saturday and I have friends and family coming from 4 states to celebrate with us. We're hosting 7 people at our house for the weekend and I'm just so stinking excited to spend time with some of my favorite people. It's also crazy to think that after the shower we'll just need to do one last fill in the gaps shopping trip and we'll be 100% ready for baby.
I am the opposite of most STM I think. When I had my son, we moved on the 12th and he was born on the 20th. I cried and stressed for months about how I couldn't set up his nursery. I would just sit there and hold up his clothes. This time, everything is done so I can go sit in there and rub my belly. LOL.
So my son has been battling the most horrible eczema outbreak to date (he's 2.5, almost 3). I feel like I've tried everything: regular unscented, senstive lotion, Vaseline, Aquaphor Eczema cream, Hydrocortisone cream, different soaps, free and clear laundry detergent. I was thinking maybe it's the milk. He still drinks about 3 cups of milk a day (at breakfast, lunch, and dinner). However, I had him tested for a milk allergy and as far as I know he's not allergic. I've thought about trying some almond milk in place of cow's milk for a week though to see what happens. I might give him an oatmeal bath tonight to see if it can help relieve the itching. Last time I went to the doc with him I got a prescription for Hydrocortisone cream, which of course, can be bought over the counter. So that was not very helpful. Anybody have any ideas or products that they swear by?
I am so very excited to meet you but we still have two months to go so if you could kindly remove your head from so low in my pelvis that every time I move I am in unbelievable pain and feel like you're head is about to pop out mommy would greatly appericate it. Also mommy's ribs are not a xylophone it hurts when you kick them.
We are still finishing up renovations in our house, I know DH wants to get the room where LO will be cleared out and set up the crib (which we have yet to order). I'm not worried about it at all - my DD slept in her pack and play in our room until she was 4 months. I do need to get my butt in gear and start stocking up on diapers, wipes, etc.
So my son has been battling the most horrible eczema outbreak to date (he's 2.5, almost 3). I feel like I've tried everything: regular unscented, senstive lotion, Vaseline, Aquaphor Eczema cream, Hydrocortisone cream, different soaps, free and clear laundry detergent. I was thinking maybe it's the milk. He still drinks about 3 cups of milk a day (at breakfast, lunch, and dinner). However, I had him tested for a milk allergy and as far as I know he's not allergic. I've thought about trying some almond milk in place of cow's milk for a week though to see what happens. I might give him an oatmeal bath tonight to see if it can help relieve the itching. Last time I went to the doc with him I got a prescription for Hydrocortisone cream, which of course, can be bought over the counter. So that was not very helpful. Anybody have any ideas or products that they swear by?
What I have is a cross between exzeama and psoriasis, but Fluocinonide ointment has been absolutely amazing. Took the itch away almost immediately and the patches looked better in just a couple days and were completely gone in a couple weeks.
Milk (dairy), gluten, and eggs can all be triggers. I noticed a difference in my skin when I would eliminate them, but it always took a couple weeks to be fully "cleansed" of them. So if you try the almond milk route, I'd suggest trying it longer than a week. But then I found the ointment.. So now I can enjoy sandwiches, ice cream, omlettes, and have clear skin ;-)
@rnyland1 I feel your pain! My daughter also has eczema and we can never figure out how to deal with it everytime hers flairs up. Has your son seen a dermatologist? We have 3 different types of prescription steroid creams and ointments that we try to apply everytime she itches that are a lot stronger than the OTC hydrocortisone. It seems to help temporarily...until the next flair up. Maybe you can ask the pediatrician to prescribe some? Sorry I don't have much suggestion other than that!
ETA: I just looked up her prescriptions - listing from weakest to strongest: hydrocortisone 2.5% (we use this mainly for her face because it is the weakest of the three), Mometasone, and Triamcinolone (strongest).
@LDSJM123 good point about the almond milk -- I guess we will try for two weeks to see how it goes. Problem is, he doesn't like the unsweetened kind of almond milk, so then I feel like I'd be giving him a lot of extra sugar. We actually have some Fluocinonide oil that we were using for a while at one point. That seemed to really help for a while, and then it's like my son became immune to it or something. Will inquire about the ointment next time we are at the doc though. Thanks for the advice!
@rnyland1 - you probably know these basics already but lukewarm baths, pat (not rub) dry, and apply head-to-toe Vaseline or aquaphor within 5 minutes of getting out of the tub are often-forgotten but super important steps in eczema.
Your doc is probably trying to start low on the steroids as strong topicals carry long-term risks (esp if his eczema is on his face or groin) but if the mild stuff isn't doing the trick he may need something stronger, at least for acute flares.
Looks like you have a lot of room to go, so don't give up - getting it under control will likely be a trial-and-error process to find the most effective, yet safest regimen. Allergen testing is another good option, though a trial of avoiding milk is definitely reasonable if you think that's a trigger.
@rnyland1 I agree with @LDSJM123 could be an intolerance which the test would not show. Try the milk swap for at least 3 weeks (6 weeks would be ideal since it can stay in the intestines for awhile). If that doesn't work try wheat/gluten, and other high allergenic foods (soy, eggs, nuts). As far as the sugars, in Almond Breeze Vanilla there is 13g of sugar, in reduced fat milk there is 12.5g and whole milk is 13g.
How many people are planning to cloth diaper? I was wondering if it would be worth starting a thread on it. The cloth diaper board is pretty quiet. We could talk about what we plan to use, where we got them, what's working (after the baby's are born) wash routines, etc etc. It was just a thought I had as I'm ordering our newborn stash today and a friend is giving me to 2 giant boxes of cloth stuff that she never used.
My friend just told me that the last month of pregnancy is murder. Those were her words. After hearing that, I'm going to eat donuts for breakfast.
Eh, it totally depends on your body/pregnancy. Last time around I was doing fine. I was in no rush to have the baby. That said, this pregnancy has been harder so I might feel more like your friend soon. Anyway, don't get too worked up about what she said. But do go ahead and enjoy your donuts, because, donuts.
@rnyland1 I have had eczema since I was a baby (that I still deal with) and unfortunately my DD does too. For both of us, anything scented will trigger a reaction (lotion, detergent, etc). She's even had a reaction to Vick's Vapor Rub. Basically every product is unscented in my house. I get it really bad on the backs of my hands if I go through periods where I am washing my hands a lot or doing a lot of dishes, for this the Aquaphor really works, I just don't like the greasy consistency. For both my DD and I, temperature changes can trigger it - ex. in the winter my DD breaks out on her hands and wrists, and in the summer if she gets too hot/sweaty, she will break out in patches on the backs of her thighs and behind her knees (same thing happened to me as a kid). She is a kid who runs hot anyway, and keeping her cool while she sleeps also helps - wearing nightgowns or shorts so her legs aren't covered at night helps. She hasn't gotten to the point where it is so bad that she needs a prescription steroid creme, typically just using some kind of over the counter anti-itch creme will work. She is old enough too that she will ask for the "itch creme" when she is having symptoms.
@LDSJM123 We are still on the fence. We went to a class on cloth diapering and were very excited about it but since we have shared laundry (and still haven't found a house), it's not working out the way we expected. I've read that fabric softener can really screw up the absorption of cloth diapers and since I can't control if my neighbors use fabric softener, I was just going to use disposables until we bought a house. Now I'm considering possibly doing a diaper service which would be a similar cost to disposables (but more expensive than buying my own stash).
Trying to be a productive mother and plan DS bday party for middle of August. Hopefully I'll have some energy by then. Right? P.S. Bounce houses are expensive. EDIT: for PS
@randishane011804 totally feel you on that. Ds's 2nd birthday is at the end of July and I'm due right at the beginning of July. I'm almost maybe might be thinking to opt out of a big party this year. I feel bad but I can't even think right now that I'll have enough energy!!
So so so hungry today. My newly diagnosed GD didn't bother me over the weekend but right now all I want is a big candy bar and I've already met my "snacking carb goal" for the morning
1) I'm so over work and doing actual work that I just spent the last 20 minutes untangling all the paperclips in my paperclip box.
2) I'm completely avoiding packing a hospital bag because I find it super overwhelming. Every time the subject comes up or I google there are so many conflicting opinions. As a FTM I have no idea what to really expect and what I might want/need and so my coping strategy is avoidance.
I think the hospital baby hats with bows on them (for girls) are super dumb. To my knowledge, it wasn't an option at DD's hospital in 2012. I just really dislike them for some reason. I think I need to put "hat without a bow" on my birth plan...
@randishane011804 kids parties are stressful to plan when you don't have anything else going on! And yes, bounce houses are such a rip off, especially in the summer months when demand is high. DD is turning 10 this weekend. On the outside, I told her we could do anything she wanted. On the inside, I was secretly hoping for lowkey since I'm on modified rest, out of work, and low on cash. The party gods heard my prayer, and she opted for low key. All she asked for was Nancy Drew books, Darth Vader and Storm Trooper earrings, and some marvel apparel. Done and done.
@megstervt I find a lot of those hospital bag lists to have a lot of unnecessary stuff on them. You will be fine with just the very basics: going home outfits for mom and baby, clothes for dad, pillows from home, phones + chargers, essential toiletries. I have spent quite a bit of time in hospitals over the past couple of years and it's easy to overpack. You really don't need much.
@LDSJM123 I'm going to cloth diaper! I'm also super into cloth diaper sewing and still currently finishing up my stash (bigger sizes, all set on NB). I'm down for a thread. I think we had one a while back but it got eaten up. We could do check-ins. Especially after babies are here- what's working, what's not working, what do you do overnight, what's your fave style ATM, laundry trouble shooting, etc.
@LDSJM123 I'm down for a cloth diaper thread! H and I have amorphous plans but no action taken and could use the collective knowledge.
my random: a strange man at lunch looked at me and said happy birthday. I was so confused. Come to figure out he was referring to my pregnant belly... Huh? Def not giving birth today rando.
PSA: if you're putting your child in daycare, you better find one and write those checks soon! I was waiting on some job news before making a final decision. I called the center that DD attends this morning and they might not have a spot until November! I'm hoping that us already having one kid there and the fact that I'll write a check for the full $1,000 deposit TODAY will help alleviate that problem. Adulting is stressful!
What products are you ladies registering for/recommend to wash baby in like Aveeno, babyganics, honest baby etc? I remember a thread about staying away from johnson & johnson products for a reason I can't remember but I can't find it.
Re: Week of 16/5 randoms.
Dropped my phone and cracked the screen, oh well, thankfully my phone still works! :-)
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
@darkcat I think having boxes full of baby stuff will definitely bring this to life. When you start arranging the room based on easiest flow from crib to changing area and organizing shelves for best access to diapers and wipes...it gets real really fast, because that's gonna be your real job soon!
me! I've barely gotten anything. Couple of outfits. Someone gave me a car seat that was supposed to be a spare but meh. Probably end up being my main, as it's practically brand new and really nice and free. I'm begging for some nearing to kick in so I can accomplish something before this fella arrived but the way it's going..... Meh
I really really wish I could have a nursery like the ones posted in the nursery thread but it just won't happen. Most of it will be done after the baby is born. Realistically that's totally fine but emotionally it's hard to prepare for something while not believing it's just around the corner.
@DarkCat I don't think that "Oh sh*t" moment will happen until I'm in the middle of giving birth, it still hasn't hit yet and I have everything ready and my hospital bag sitting all packed.
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
My pubis bone feels like someone pelted a dodgeball at it.
July BMB June Signature
I am so very excited to meet you but we still have two months to go so if you could kindly remove your head from so low in my pelvis that every time I move I am in unbelievable pain and feel like you're head is about to pop out mommy would greatly appericate it. Also mommy's ribs are not a xylophone it hurts when you kick them.
You're very tired and cranky mommy.
What I have is a cross between exzeama and psoriasis, but Fluocinonide ointment has been absolutely amazing. Took the itch away almost immediately and the patches looked better in just a couple days and were completely gone in a couple weeks.
Milk (dairy), gluten, and eggs can all be triggers. I noticed a difference in my skin when I would eliminate them, but it always took a couple weeks to be fully "cleansed" of them. So if you try the almond milk route, I'd suggest trying it longer than a week. But then I found the ointment.. So now I can enjoy sandwiches, ice cream, omlettes, and have clear skin ;-)
ETA: I just looked up her prescriptions - listing from weakest to strongest: hydrocortisone 2.5% (we use this mainly for her face because it is the weakest of the three), Mometasone, and Triamcinolone (strongest).
Your doc is probably trying to start low on the steroids as strong topicals carry long-term risks (esp if his eczema is on his face or groin) but if the mild stuff isn't doing the trick he may need something stronger, at least for acute flares.
Here's a steroid potency chart, so you have an idea of what the escalation would be (want to move from bottom/low to top/high: https://www.aafp.org/afp/2009/0115/p135.html#sec-3
Looks like you have a lot of room to go, so don't give up - getting it under control will likely be a trial-and-error process to find the most effective, yet safest regimen. Allergen testing is another good option, though a trial of avoiding milk is definitely reasonable if you think that's a trigger.
As far as the sugars, in Almond Breeze Vanilla there is 13g of sugar, in reduced fat milk there is 12.5g and whole milk is 13g.
P.S. Bounce houses are expensive.
EDIT: for PS
So so so hungry today. My newly diagnosed GD didn't bother me over the weekend but right now all I want is a big candy bar and I've already met my "snacking carb goal" for the morning
1) I'm so over work and doing actual work that I just spent the last 20 minutes untangling all the paperclips in my paperclip box.
2) I'm completely avoiding packing a hospital bag because I find it super overwhelming. Every time the subject comes up or I google there are so many conflicting opinions. As a FTM I have no idea what to really expect and what I might want/need and so my coping strategy is avoidance.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
DD is turning 10 this weekend. On the outside, I told her we could do anything she wanted. On the inside, I was secretly hoping for lowkey since I'm on modified rest, out of work, and low on cash. The party gods heard my prayer, and she opted for low key. All she asked for was Nancy Drew books, Darth Vader and Storm Trooper earrings, and some marvel apparel. Done and done.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
my random: a strange man at lunch looked at me and said happy birthday. I was so confused. Come to figure out he was referring to my pregnant belly... Huh? Def not giving birth today rando.