July 2016 Moms

S#!t just got real


Re: S#!t just got real

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    I've had a few of these moments in the last few days. We went on the hospital tour on Monday, my breast pump arrived yesterday, and I started my third trimester today. I'm excited to meet my baby girl in just a few more weeks!
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    s#!t just got real now that my son's crib FINALLY came yesterday! After all the crap of having the item on my registry and not getting as much as an email to say, btw, your crib isn't available anymore or only a few left....NOTHING!  to then being discontinued with the store I registered with and only available on a select few websites from other stores to being extremely lucky that 3 were somehow in a warehouse to finally getting one and now that it's here, I'm afraid of opening it for fear that something isn't there. 
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

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    Just got back from my 28 week appointment.  I had my glucose test (i passed yay!!) and now I'm at every other week appointments. I now officially need to register at the hospital.  Oh, and my doctor informed me I'm 3/4 of the way done. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    The apparent stomach flu that I had two nights ago that decided to give me contractions for four hours, yeah that shit was too real. Child stay put for another 2 months please. 
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    @quartz02 I was weirdly obsessed with watching it, though I'm sure it will be 100% different when I'm going through it haha.  I'm also INSANELY competitive (think Monica from Friends) and I had this weird internal reaction that I hoped my labor would "win" when it was me up on the screen since you can see and compare everyone.  No idea what winning in this case actually is though (the longest, the least intense, the most intense ???).  Apparently the screen can be adjusted to show only you and you can ask the nurses to turn the monitor off when they're out of the room if you want.
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    LF93LF93 member
    I went to the hospital today for an appointment and decided to mention the pains I'd been having the past few hours (every 10 minutes for 4 hours) they brought me up the labour and delivery suite to monitor me and it just hit me there... This is probably going to be the room that I give birth in. This pregnancy feels like it's going so slow but then I remember, I only have about 11 weeks left. :love: 
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    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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    My co-workers wished me a happy Mother's Day on the way out of the office yesterday and the whole way home I just kept thinking "Oh my god, I get to celebrate Mother's Day this year and its for me!" Also, baby shower is next weekend and my dad has been texting me about coming up after the baby is born. Its all really starting to dawn on me that there isn't much time left before my due date. :smiley: 
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    @simplymizzj I haven't even been thinking about that! :worried: I thought mid-July was coming up quick, but now with one of my friends (who is only 3 weeks ahead of me) possibly going into pre-term labor I keep thinking July due date could turn into June!
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    This weekend we went out of town to visit friends who had a baby last September.  There were several times during the weekend when I thought to myself, sh!t, we're going to have one of these very soon.  So weird.
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    We bought the infant car seat and an extra base yesterday... It's getting more real all the time!

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

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    My next appt is the first weekly appt. 
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    So my birthing center considers healthy, term babies 37 weeks - 42 weeks. Anytime between June 10th and July 14th we are cleared for birth. That's a month from tomorrow! When did that happen... Also DH is getting anxious- he hates the unknown factor. I hope we get lucky around mid-June because I'm READY! I've eaten ALL THE DATES- let me at em!
    You should see the gallon size bag of them I have in my pantry haha 
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    @PootsDragon I ate so many dates for breakfast! 
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    Having to clear a trip with my OB next week because I'll be 36 weeks when we go. What is life?
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    Finally ordered a crib and dresser for the nursery.  This time next week we shall have a baby's room. Seeing it everyday will be a real life changer. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Realizing that I'm going to have to start packing my hospital bag shortly. Yikes!
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    We had our hospital tour last night. Seeing where exactly is be giving birth and even just standing in the room made me really nervous! And then my husband brought up packing a hospital and I'm just not ready lol
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    That my doctor told me she will write me off work as soon as I give her the thumbs up! Crazy im gonna try to work until June 10th 
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    bunkie999 said:
    That my doctor told me she will write me off work as soon as I give her the thumbs up! Crazy im gonna try to work until June 10th 
    Why? Is there a medical reason?
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    Can I get one of these notes but with a prescription of continued pay?
    That is the only thing holding me back from getting my doctor's note! I want to be able to set money aside before I stop working, and don't get paid vacation or sick pay or anything....so I have no thing to cash in. So I am trying to hold out!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I am a nurse on a super heavy unit that consists of walking for 12hrs a day, pushing, pulling, and lots of lifting. I have been having an incredible amount of pelvic pain, and swelling that is increasing on the daily, that is starting to get in the way of me doing my job. So yes it would be for medical reasons of course. 
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    bunkie999 said:
    I am a nurse on a super heavy unit that consists of walking for 12hrs a day, pushing, pulling, and lots of lifting. I have been having an incredible amount of pelvic pain, and swelling that is increasing on the daily, that is starting to get in the way of me doing my job. So yes it would be for medical reasons of course. 
    Hey, no judgement here. I was just asking.
    Btw, RN also. In main OR recovery,  in a Stroke ans Trauma Center. So I totally get you.
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