July 2016 Moms

S#!t just got real


Re: S#!t just got real

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    Thank you so much, everybody! Good luck @jennyleigh16! Hope all goes well.
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    So having a couple of babies this week...that's pretty real!  

    Me: 32, DH: 38
    Married 1/14/12
    NTNP Since 12/13, TTC Since 1/15
    BFP: 11/4/15  Found out we were having TWINS 12/9/15 EDD: 7/11/16 Born: 6/29/16
    Team Blue x2!!

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    Just finished our birthing classes, had a baby shower and I feel like everytime I sign on a new birth announcement comes out. Starting to feel really real. 
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    36+1 FTM already 50% effaced and 1cm dilated with baby girl measuring at 7.5lbs... Oh and swollen as heck legs, hands and face but with no other warning signs... s#!t just got really real. 
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    Had my first cervical check today. 60% effaced and my cervix is anterior. Baby boy better hold himself strong in there for a bit longer. Due date isn't until the 28th and my husband is basically unreachable until the 11th when he gets home...
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    Had my first cervical check today. 60% effaced and my cervix is anterior. Baby boy better hold himself strong in there for a bit longer. Due date isn't until the 28th and my husband is basically unreachable until the 11th when he gets home...
    FX he stays put at least another couple of weeks! 
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    @DachshundMomma good luck! I'm right there with ya due 7.24 and DH not back til 7.28.... Hold tight LOs!
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    Hope we stay put @DachshundMomma!!
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    Yay for military life haha. Thanks ladies. We have talks daily about him staying put! 

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you too @ktomorrow
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    Had my first cervical check today and was told that based on the results of my appointment with perinatal this Thursday, we may discuss induction at next week's appointment. I'm sincerely hoping that they will let her stay put as long as possible.
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    I had DD at the pedi's office today, she's been sick since yesterday, and on our way out, I was handed a newborn packet with all of the paperwork to fill out before DS's first appointment! Ahh....paperwork for my kid who isn't here yet!
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    My DH is traveling for 5 days the week before I'm due (7/13). i feel your pain/stress randi and D-mama!
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    If I don't go before, I'm getting induced 7/6. And that terrifies me 
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    Jodi1980 said:
    @LF93 & @ktomorrow - fellow 24th er  ;)
    Me too ladies!! But my RCS is scheduled for the 21st. 
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    @samantha1206 How far along are you? I have my cervical check tomorrow. Stm, with my DD I had no progression till I went into labor full force at 40+6 and had her on 41. Don't want to do that again!!
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    I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. With my first i had no progression early on and then my water just randomly broke a week early.  So this is new for me too! 
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    LF93LF93 member
    Had my 36 week appointment today, no cervical check and nothing was mentioned about it. Turns out baby's head is down but not engaged and all this time it hasn't been his head I was feeling squashed into my left hip but his shoulder. He's going to have very broad shoulders like his daddy, all I can say is ouch!
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    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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    I am now keeping a towel and chucks (doggy pee pads) in my car incase my water breaks while I'm on the road for work. I joke with my patients all of the time about the possibility of needing to dip into their depends stashes during a visit. Here's to hoping none of these things are necessary.
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    @LF93 with my old doctor she automatically did cervical checks but with my current doc I had to request mine to be done...every doc is different I guess. I just need to know how much things are progressing!
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    LF93LF93 member
    @rnyland1Everything seems to be done here so different than in the states. The only thing I know for definite they do here is a membrane sweep, thats it. They won't do anything else for me since I've had no problems as such during the pregnancy. All I can really do is ask at my next appointment! 
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    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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