July 2016 Moms

S#!t just got real

Hey ladies- stealing this from June's BMB.  State your ahhh s#!t just got real comment.  

For example "crap I just pissed myself...oh wait that was my water breaking".

Re: S#!t just got real

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    @PugsandKisses I had the same moment. Holy crap this is actually happening. 
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    #3 here, I swear my IUI was just last week.
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    @pugsandkisses - that's mine too.  28 weeks along doesn't phase me but appointments starting every two weeks is like a shock of cold water.  This pregnancy flew by.  Does anyone else feel like baby # 2 is coming much faster than baby # 1 did?

    Stuck in box. 

    Yes! Flying by!!

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    #4 @ 25w....... Talking with the midwife about the contractions I have been having and that's it's way to early for this baby to come.Then it hit me realistically this baby can come any time from now to 15w. That's 3 months. All my children have been born a week or two early. I'm just praying she stays put as long as posible. 
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    2nd 3rd and 4th all of those statements above!  I go next Thursday for my final 4wk check up and then it's every 2 wks after that!  13 weeks is all that's freaking left before she gets here!
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    I may be a little bit of an over-planner, but sh!t got real when I started making plans for my 6 year old to be taken care of by my mom and sister come hospital time. I didn't have another kid to worry about the last time I did this and that made it more real for some reason!

    We aren't THAT far away people! And once I get down into the single digit week countdown, I start to go into planning overdrive.

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    With DD, my oh sh*t moment didn't happen until they were wheeling me down to the OR for an emergency c-section that DH was not able to attend.

    With this baby, I don't think it'll hit me until I'm saying goodbye to DD to go to the hospital to deliver.
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    Jodi1980Jodi1980 member
    edited April 2016
    my s#!t just got real moments:
    • pissing myself after a sneeze
    • seeing my stomach move like predator after the baby's kicks and hubs feeling them on Sunday :)  
    • attending a tour of our potential daycare set for this fall since I only get 6 weeks short term...BOOO
    • attending baptism class with DH on Sunday o:)

    edited: spelling
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

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    We have our first "Childhood Education" class offered by our hospital on Wednesday!
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