July 2016 Moms

S#!t just got real


Re: S#!t just got real

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    lolomommy1lolomommy1 member
    edited April 2016
    My belly stabbing into the sink while doing the dishes, leaving me no comfortable way to stand but sideways.  Shit just got real! 
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    TM14TM14 member
    It wasn't really with my daughter until she was coming because I never really got to feel her move.

    It's real right now because my doctor just warned me that my little man could try and come early due to my GD. We're doing everything to keep it under control but she's worried I'll end up staying on the hospital sometime in the future.  It's too soon!
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    @born2run911 It's the running joke at my work that me and my co-worker, who is due the day before me, will be at work when both our waters break!
    July Siggy Challenge

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    We have our hospital tour next week ! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    At my last u/s, I was told my placenta is still hanging out with my cervix. If it doesn't move by my next u/s (June 3), I will be scheduled for a cs that week. Shit gets real when you lose 4 weeks. 
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    aimz2377 said:
    At my last u/s, I was told my placenta is still hanging out with my cervix. If it doesn't move by my next u/s (June 3), I will be scheduled for a cs that week. Shit gets real when you lose 4 weeks. 
    When is your actual due date?
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    @aimz2377 they'll schedule you for a c-section that week or you'll have a c-section that week? Why would a previa mean a premature delivery via c-section?

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    Tomorrow we are meeting the neonatologist and pediatric surgeon (LO has gastroschisis ). I'm assuming we'll get some kind of tour of the hospital. It's getting real.
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    edited April 2016
    Being handed all my early registry forms yesterday at my doctors apt and then being told I'm on the apts every 2 weeks now. 
    However, I think my really big "this is actually happening" moment won't be until our birth classes start in May.
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    aimz2377 said:
    At my last u/s, I was told my placenta is still hanging out with my cervix. If it doesn't move by my next u/s (June 3), I will be scheduled for a cs that week. Shit gets real when you lose 4 weeks. 
    When is your actual due date?
    July 5th. I'm holding out hope that the placenta will still move up and baby can cook a bit longer.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    IB113 said:
    Not to butt in (although that is clearly what I am doing)-- you might want to get a second opinion. I have never heard of a four week early planned c section due to previa. I think they would let you get a lot closer to your due date, and it is probably worth asking another doctor because four weeks premature can pose serious health risks that you could just avoid (largely) by waiting.
    No, please, butt in.  I thought it was a bit odd, too.  This was told to me by the doc at MFM.  I will see my regular OB on the 15th and I will talk to her more in depth about it at that point.  This is my 3rd and my previous 2 were  c-sections. He mentioned something about if I start to efface and dilate on my own, it could tear previous scar tissue and the placenta.  
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    aimz2377 said:
    IB113 said:
    Not to butt in (although that is clearly what I am doing)-- you might want to get a second opinion. I have never heard of a four week early planned c section due to previa. I think they would let you get a lot closer to your due date, and it is probably worth asking another doctor because four weeks premature can pose serious health risks that you could just avoid (largely) by waiting.
    No, please, butt in.  I thought it was a bit odd, too.  This was told to me by the doc at MFM.  I will see my regular OB on the 15th and I will talk to her more in depth about it at that point.  This is my 3rd and my previous 2 were  c-sections. He mentioned something about if I start to efface and dilate on my own, it could tear previous scar tissue and the placenta.  
    I have never heard of a C/S being 4 weeks early for a previa. Unless you are bleeding or a change in cervix.
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    @LDSJM123 We bought that travel system, too! Woot!
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    @ButterMyBiscuit @LDSJM123 me three!!! what color did you guys get ?
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    Texting my sister in law who had a preterm birth. Her water broke at 26 weeks and she had him at 29 weeks (he's a perfectly healthy adorable 9 month old now) and realizing that's only 2 weeks farther along then I am right now... 
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    @onesassybishh @ButterMyBiscuit  We went with the "silver spring". It's tan, gray, and black. We are team green. 
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    Was told by MFM Dr today that -- even if all goes perfectly, I'm getting an induction at 38 weeks. Bye, bye 7/19 delivery. Hello 7/5. S#!t just got real. 
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    I just had the trifecta of S#!t getting real. First gift off my registry was just delivered, birthing class textbook(?!) showed up, and I got my first braxton hicks contraction...all within a half hour of one another. WHOA.

    I've been having Braxton Hicks since like 17 weeks but they are starting to get stronger now that I'm 28 weeks along. When you have to stop walking to gather yourself in the midst of one of those bad boys, you KNOW shit is getting real!
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    @jlmartinez517 I do mine tomorrow morning. Another milestone!
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    Seeing pretty much any insurance commercial on TV has me tearing up these days. Thinking in a few months...this will be our life. Not teary in a sad way (though I'm sure I'll miss my old life) but in an "oh shit what have we gotten ourselves into" way. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    I'm pregnant with twin boys. I only have 6 weeks left of the school year and literally I could have these boys any time now. At best I get 12 more weeks. at worst they come today. I can feel my body preparing to call yell uncle and I'm not ready yet. I mean where will they sleep? the dresser drawer, because I haven't even bought their cribs yet. In about to be a mom of 3 under two- if I make it to July. 
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    I'm not sure if I've had my moment yet! Does crying uncontrollably while watching birthing videos count?? I know I sniss like it's my job anymore, which makes me laugh harder and in turn run to the nearest restroom, but now I'm feeling like I haven't had my real "oh shit" moment yet, and the worst is coming for me! :neutral: 
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    aimz2377 said:
    IB113 said:
    Not to butt in (although that is clearly what I am doing)-- you might want to get a second opinion. I have never heard of a four week early planned c section due to previa. I think they would let you get a lot closer to your due date, and it is probably worth asking another doctor because four weeks premature can pose serious health risks that you could just avoid (largely) by waiting.
    No, please, butt in.  I thought it was a bit odd, too.  This was told to me by the doc at MFM.  I will see my regular OB on the 15th and I will talk to her more in depth about it at that point.  This is my 3rd and my previous 2 were  c-sections. He mentioned something about if I start to efface and dilate on my own, it could tear previous scar tissue and the placenta.  
    I also have full previa. My OB said if after my next ultrasound (April 19th) it's still full previa they will likely do a scheduled c-section around 37-38 weeks. I've heard it's early because they don't want u to go into labor as they baby has no where to go if u have full previa. 
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    @Dachshundmomma - Are you talking about the next day? I took my glucose test and my results were fine (a little low), and the next day I think I woke up with low blood sugar. I felt so sick and nauseous all morning and almost passed out once. I haven't felt that way since then, and orange juice/crackers seemed to correct it, so I am blaming it on the drink! It wasn't a bad test to take but I don't think I ate enough protein to balance out the glucose later that day.
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    It got way too real when my obgyn told me that with my bp problems so far, she'll only let me go to 38 weeks.  If I end up with pre-e again this time, it'll be 37 weeks.  That means I could be a parent of two by July 7 if I go at 37 weeks, and that's only 13 weeks away. I might have a slight freak-out when it gets to single digits. 

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

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