I need some advice, especially from the lawyers/paralegals or anyone with past jury duty experience. I got called for jury duty next week and while I'm happy to do my civic duty, I don't want to be placed on a jury because I'm taking off Friday to go home for my baby shower and really need to be in the office the rest of the week. Will being big and pregnant help me get excused? Anything else I can do or say to lessen my chances of being put on a jury?
I just did a trial last week where I kept a lady who was pregnant. I think I was thinking preggers unite! But that didn't have any bearing on my decision really. Not sure if it will for other attorneys either.
@babyfmama When I was called for jury duty last year, I believe there was an option to opt out if the following applied to you and I believe being pregnant was one of them. Others were being a certain age or older and if you are primary caregiver for child/elderly. Obviously this was my state, Florida, so you may want to check with your state/ county to see if that is an option of you.
Where in Fla are you? I'm in Palm Beach Co. @pooputtette
Sorry for the barrage of posts but i just laid down and after a while of the baby moving I felt something electric like go through my entire belly and sides. The baby was still moving while I was holding onto a pillow for dear life. Has anyone ever felt this sensation?
My existential crisis right now is I am living for the new Target kid's line pillowfort. The problem is Target.com is basically the worst thing to ever have existed. That website is like the bad boy you dated you can't STOP going back to. It treats you wrong, never gives you what you wants, totally commits and flakes (when you try to put something in your cart), and is always coming up with new shit to keep you interested.
Also, I need to figure out what my red card limit is, I have ordered three rugs today. Sigh. I have two rooms and I am trying to decorate without leaving my couch, bed, chair, or any other pillowed cushion I am resting this exponentially growing body of mine on. . .
beautiful sentiment behind your tattoo! How did you come up with the design - did you draw it?
Thanks. I wish I could draw like that; my drawings are more stick figure-ish lol. I did a search on Pinterest for miscarriage/pregnancy loss tattoos and looked at them. Fell in love with that particular one b/c it was simple, it was to the point, and it displayed a mother's love for her child. They have some really good ones on there.
I wanted to ask a question but didn't wanna clock the board up with a seperate thread- does anyone else start the day feeling mostly okay, pretty pregnant but essentially fine, and end the day feeling like your bump has gained an extra ten pounds, you're exhausted, and basically like a beached whale? I'm a FTM but I'm a genuinely surprised by how different I feel from morning to night. Anyone else?
@mslan I haven't felt anything like that, but I'm guessing BH? Mine just feel like really intense tightness in the belly.
@jomunson the fatigue is definitely back, and I am starting to realize a lot of it is just from hauling extra weight around. I did a prenatal aqua yoga class the other day, and felt sooooo heavy when I got out of the pool.
Someone in my birth month group on facebook posted a thing about Cadbury crème egg McFlurry's. I got really excited. I googled it... yeah, you can't get them in the U.S. Apparently it's only in Australia. How unfair. Ugh!
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
@babyfmama When I was called for jury duty last year, I believe there was an option to opt out if the following applied to you and I believe being pregnant was one of them. Others were being a certain age or older and if you are primary caregiver for child/elderly. Obviously this was my state, Florida, so you may want to check with your state/ county to see if that is an option of you.
Where in Fla are you? I'm in Palm Beach Co. @pooputtette
@jomunson I feel EXACTLY the same. I start out great but by lunch I feel horrible. On the weekends I nap after I eat. Something about eating makes me feel terrible. And hauling around this extra 20 pounds certainly isn't helping my energy levels. If that wasn't a reason to get back into shape after baby, I don't know what is. It's definitely motivating!!
@JoMunsonyes, this is me too. I have some energy in the morning but by mid afternoon/early evening I'm completely dragging, definitely feel as if my bump has gained 10 pounds, can barely lug my weight around, like you. Chalking it up to third tri fatigue. 10 weeks to go!
@babyfmama When I was called for jury duty last year, I believe there was an option to opt out if the following applied to you and I believe being pregnant was one of them. Others were being a certain age or older and if you are primary caregiver for child/elderly. Obviously this was my state, Florida, so you may want to check with your state/ county to see if that is an option of you.
Where in Fla are you? I'm in Palm Beach Co. @pooputtette
I was gonna save this for my UO this week... but I couldn't care less about him, the Oscars (except for the dresses!), or any of these overpaid people. They don't care about how I do at MY job. Why should I care what they do at theirs? If I get a promotion, do you think any of them will care? Nope.
Edited to add, I am tired and crabby. This is why pregnant ladies should have 3rd tri off. I am going to end up offending someone at work, and its not going to be pretty.
I was just about to post asking what people thought about the Oscars last night. Specifically Chris Rock's monologue and overall hosting. I will admit I dozed off a few times (it was pretty late and I haven't been sleeping well at night). Thoughts?
I thought Mark Rylance was great in Bridge of Spies, in fact, his "Would it help?" line is taped to my wall with a picture of an ultrasound to keep my work stress in check. However, I am really disappointed he won over Tom Hardy for Best Supporting Actor. The Revenant wouldn't have been the same without him. In my opinion, Tom Hardy was the best thing about that movie. Leo was fine and all, but Tom Hardy stole the screen when he was on. I feel like Mark Rylance and Bridge of Spies in general was the type of Spielberg vanilla that the Oscars love but is otherwise pretty forgettable.
I also was pretty meh about Leo's win. He was great and all crawling around for 2-3 hours, but him winning was so anti-climatic. I was secretly hoping for a Matt Damon win, but then again, I enjoyed The Martian as a whole much more than The Revenant.
And last thought - after seeing CBS Sunday Morning's story on Room, it looks like she did have a powerful performance, but I have 0 interest in seeing that movie.
I'm declaring today an international holiday called "about bloody time day" in honour of his epic win and epic speech. Yep I'm a huge Leo fan...and very very in love with his gal pal Kate too. They're so freaking cute! I don't know about you ladies, but Kate Winslett embodies the perfect woman to me. Elegant, poised, well spoken, well dressed, and actually has a woman's body! Talk about a role model.
The man's been waiting 23 years for some recognition, people!!! lol
I won't lie...I normally don't watch the Oscars other than the years Christian Bale is nominated. I did stay up to watch Leo win though.
@laurenmdrn16 I was actually kind of shocked by the tone of some of his jokes...like that Jada joke-ouch.
I thought it was interesting to see how uncomfortable some of the audience members were. They were like "Do we laugh or clap or what?" The Jada/Will Smith jokes were rough and I had no idea what the Stacey Dash cameo was about (it seemed to fall flat so I guess I wasn't alone). In general, I feel like the whole controversy was a little insulting to the people who were nominated and also to the categories other than acting to make such a big deal. Of course, I am white, so I don't think I should be saying anything. But, all-in-all, Chris Rock did a good job of addressing the elephant in the room while not making it too awkward.
I don't usually have patience for awards shows but for some reason I watched most of the Oscars last night. I can't help but feel happy for Leo, he's been working hard for a long time, although I didn't see The Revenant. I actually watched Room on demand yesterday and it was very good and extremely moving, I cried a lot. Brie Larson was fantastic but I was more impressed with the little boy in it, he was outstanding.
I was actually rooting for Mad Max to win best picture even though I knew it didn't have a chance. It was just so different and such a work of art, I really enjoyed it start to finish.
@babyfmama When I was called for jury duty last year, I believe there was an option to opt out if the following applied to you and I believe being pregnant was one of them. Others were being a certain age or older and if you are primary caregiver for child/elderly. Obviously this was my state, Florida, so you may want to check with your state/ county to see if that is an option of you.
Where in Fla are you? I'm in Palm Beach Co. @pooputtette
Another Floridian over here! I didn't realize we had so many of us on here.
On another note, just got home from my glucose test and getting my rhogam shot. Glad I took the whole day off bc it is definitely nap time. Also I'm weird and I liked my drink... Thankfully they chilled it for me and I got my choice of flavor. I kinda wanted more. Lol.
I'm not impressed with the stomach flu that's going around right now. Everyone we know is sick and last night was my turn. Longest night of my life, thank god for Mickey Mouse, he's my savior today. And I didn't even pee my pants while getting sick, I'm embarrassingly proud of that fact.
Someone in my birth month group on facebook posted a thing about Cadbury crème egg McFlurry's. I got really excited. I googled it... yeah, you can't get them in the U.S. Apparently it's only in Australia. How unfair. Ugh!
Did 3rd trimester hit anyone else full force?! I'll be 28 weeks this week and since yesterday have been unusually exhausted/irritable/hungry. Haven't increased activity or anything just crazy tired all day- and I even got 9 hours of sleep last night.
Did 3rd trimester hit anyone else full force?! I'll be 28 weeks this week and since yesterday have been unusually exhausted/irritable/hungry. Haven't increased activity or anything just crazy tired all day- and I even got 9 hours of sleep last night.
Third trimester exhaustion hit me at 25 weeks. lol It has not let up at all. The hunger has been off and on.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Did 3rd trimester hit anyone else full force?! I'll be 28 weeks this week and since yesterday have been unusually exhausted/irritable/hungry. Haven't increased activity or anything just crazy tired all day- and I even got 9 hours of sleep last night.
I thought 3rd trimester + getting nine hours of sleep were mutually exclusive!! I'm jealous! But yes to everything else.
Did 3rd trimester hit anyone else full force?! I'll be 28 weeks this week and since yesterday have been unusually exhausted/irritable/hungry. Haven't increased activity or anything just crazy tired all day- and I even got 9 hours of sleep last night.
It hit me as soon as I got to 28 weeks. I'm definitely ready for this pregnancy to be over.
I have been shocked at how completely the 3rd tri symptoms hit. I never got to experience them with my first pregnancy since I was already on bedrest so I am utterly flummoxed when I get exhausted and grouchy. Then I remember, oh yeah, I'm like wicked pregnant right now!
Yeah, third trimester is teasing me with energy. I'll get a burst of energy and try to take full advantage of it, then BH kick in and I sit down...and get stuck because my hips seize up after I sit following too much activity. Then I feel wiped out and grouchy. Squats aren't touching these like they did in the second trimester. You'd think I'd learn, and yet, I keep doing it because there's just so much to do and time is precious! I literally had to crawl to the bathroom with DS when he wanted to use the potty after we finished cleaning yesterday because when I tried to stand back up after sitting for a minute, my hip cramped and buckled. Not quite a super-mom moment.
Someone in my birth month group on facebook posted a thing about Cadbury crème egg McFlurry's. I got really excited. I googled it... yeah, you can't get them in the U.S. Apparently it's only in Australia. How unfair. Ugh!
Baby hiccups happening right now! This is the second time I have gotten them. My first baby had them all the time. I think they're so weird:)
My baby had hiccups for about 10 minutes last night and it was really weird but also fun! My H was totally awed watching and feeling my bump bounce with every one, he kept saying "What is she doing in there? Crazy girl!"
Did 3rd trimester hit anyone else full force?! I'll be 28 weeks this week and since yesterday have been unusually exhausted/irritable/hungry. Haven't increased activity or anything just crazy tired all day- and I even got 9 hours of sleep last night.
So much. The 3rd tri seriously bitched slapped me. I'm exhausted and everything is becoming harder and harder. It's going to be a long couple of months...
Baby hiccups happening right now! This is the second time I have gotten them. My first baby had them all the time. I think they're so weird:)
My baby had hiccups for about 10 minutes last night and it was really weird but also fun! My H was totally awed watching and feeling my bump bounce with every one, he kept saying "What is she doing in there? Crazy girl!"
I love the baby hiccups! DS had them so often. Though, for some weird reason, I remember getting so freaked out the first time he had them as a newborn. DH teased me about it because he couldn't understand why I was frantically trying to help the baby get over his hiccups when just a few days before, we had been chuckling over him having hiccups in utero.
Yeah, third trimester is teasing me with energy. I'll get a burst of energy and try to take full advantage of it, then BH kick in and I sit down...and get stuck because my hips seize up after I sit following too much activity. Then I feel wiped out and grouchy. Squats aren't touching these like they did in the second trimester. You'd think I'd learn, and yet, I keep doing it because there's just so much to do and time is precious! I literally had to crawl to the bathroom with DS when he wanted to use the potty after we finished cleaning yesterday because when I tried to stand back up after sitting for a minute, my hip cramped and buckled. Not quite a super-mom moment.
I don't know...I mean you crawled to the bathroom with him to help him because you couldn't walk. That actually sounds pretty super-mom to me.
Rant/Vent: my "mommy" FB group is seriously astounding sometimes with the types of things people post. A few weeks ago one woman posted that she was 5 months PP and had diarrhea every single day multiple times since delivery, and now she was extremely weak. She was posting to ask if anyone had any ideas. WTF WHY have you not called your doctor about this in 5 months??? Someone else posted a pic of their kid's diaper containing bloody urine and asked what she should do. Call a doctor. Someone else: I've had a terrible cough for a week and tonight I'm having a really hard time breathing, do you guys think I should go to the ER? Seriously. Why are you posting this to Facebook instead of calling a damn doctor. Why.
Re: **The Everything Random Thread for May 2016**
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
My existential crisis right now is I am living for the new Target kid's line pillowfort. The problem is Target.com is basically the worst thing to ever have existed. That website is like the bad boy you dated you can't STOP going back to. It treats you wrong, never gives you what you wants, totally commits and flakes (when you try to put something in your cart), and is always coming up with new shit to keep you interested.
Also, I need to figure out what my red card limit is, I have ordered three rugs today. Sigh. I have two rooms and I am trying to decorate without leaving my couch, bed, chair, or any other pillowed cushion I am resting this exponentially growing body of mine on. . .
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
- BFP: 09/11/2015
- EDD: 05/25/2016
Baby Born04/15/2016
does anyone else start the day feeling mostly okay, pretty pregnant but essentially fine, and end the day feeling like your bump has gained an extra ten pounds, you're exhausted, and basically like a beached whale? I'm a FTM but I'm a genuinely surprised by how different I feel from morning to night. Anyone else?
@jomunson the fatigue is definitely back, and I am starting to realize a lot of it is just from hauling extra weight around. I did a prenatal aqua yoga class the other day, and felt sooooo heavy when I got out of the pool.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!@mslan Im an hour south of Tampa.
Muahahah, I didn't even watch any of the Oscars - but I am happy for him!
I don't really pay attention to that stuff but it is awesome that he finally won something!!
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!Edited to add, I am tired and crabby. This is why pregnant ladies should have 3rd tri off. I am going to end up offending someone at work, and its not going to be pretty.
I won't lie...I normally don't watch the Oscars other than the years Christian Bale is nominated. I did stay up to watch Leo win though.
@laurenmdrn16 I was actually kind of shocked by the tone of some of his jokes...like that Jada joke-ouch.
I also was pretty meh about Leo's win. He was great and all crawling around for 2-3 hours, but him winning was so anti-climatic. I was secretly hoping for a Matt Damon win, but then again, I enjoyed The Martian as a whole much more than The Revenant.
And last thought - after seeing CBS Sunday Morning's story on Room, it looks like she did have a powerful performance, but I have 0 interest in seeing that movie.
I was actually rooting for Mad Max to win best picture even though I knew it didn't have a chance. It was just so different and such a work of art, I really enjoyed it start to finish.
On another note, just got home from my glucose test and getting my rhogam shot. Glad I took the whole day off bc it is definitely nap time. Also I'm weird and I liked my drink... Thankfully they chilled it for me and I got my choice of flavor. I kinda wanted more. Lol.
Baby hiccups happening right now! This is the second time I have gotten them. My first baby had them all the time. I think they're so weird:)
I'll be 28 weeks this week and since yesterday have been unusually exhausted/irritable/hungry. Haven't increased activity or anything just crazy tired all day- and I even got 9 hours of sleep last night.
Third trimester exhaustion hit me at 25 weeks. lol It has not let up at all. The hunger has been off and on.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!