@PCOSbaby I did my pregnal shot on Sunday the 10th and IUI Monday and Tuesday. So I'm not sure if it's 14 days or 15. I never know to count the first day. But about two weeks when I went in. I'm excited about your test faint or not I know how it feels to test so many times and there be nothing there. Even yesterday I still POAS, my husband is just as bad as I am he loves to see them in the morning while getting ready for work.
Oct 11, 2015: Cycle 13. Starting Femara (2.5mg). HSG this cycle (all clear) - BFN
Nov 12, 2015: Cyle 14. Femara 5mg + IUI - BFN
Dec 10, 2015: Cycle 15. Femara 5mg + IUI #2 - BFP #5! C/P 4w4d Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN. Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016 Moving to IVF March 2016 Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745 U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!! Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
Congrats on the bfp @PCOSbaby !!! I remember we triggered and had iui on the same day, I'm currently 10dpiui too. I tested as well but I think the trigger is still in my system, I get a faint line only after it sits for about 10 min. I am hoping it gets darker each day!!!
@emgem819 and @Lin&say yes, another IUI for me. I go in Friday for a baseline ultrasound to make sure everything is good and nothing growing in there that shouldn't be.
It looks like there were two BPF in this thread off of IUI's which makes me a little more hopeful. I also read that 80% of women get BFP off 4-5 IUI cycles, so maybe it's not so hopeless. It may also sound a little weird, but other's BFP makes me feel statistically like I couldn't get mine because not all of us could. Is that dumb?
Me: 32 DH: 46 - Borderline Male IF Married to DH since 9/13 TTC since 5/14 12/15 1st IUI BFN (Clomid) 1/16 2nd IUI BFN (Clomid) 2/16 3rd IUI BFN (Clomid) 3/16 4th IUI BFN (Clomid) 7/29/16 - 1st IVF - Transferred (2) 6 day blastocysts, PGS. One Frozen 6 day blastocyst. - BFP Beta #1 - 8/10/16 - 10dp6dt - 481; Beta #2 - 8/17/16 - 17dp6dt - 6,635; Ultra Sound - 8/26/16
No not dumb @MarlyHC I was actually thinking the same! I like that stat and hope that means good news for both of us next cycle! They are increasing my doses of stims so hopefully my follicles will mature faster and there will be more than one this time. GL to you in your next iui! Statistically speaking one or both of us should get a BFP!
Married to DH since 8/15
TTC since 5/15
PCOS, 35+, diagnosed with pre-diabetes TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN. 3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN. FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC. FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17
@lin&say The IUI was ok. The numbers weren't as good as my last cycle, but the doctor said they were still great. 17 mil post-wash, 90% motility. I could have swore I ovulated early, so I don't have a great feeling. I test on 2/8.
@pcosbaby Congrats! Good luck tomorrow with the next beta!
Me: 31 / DH: 32 Married 10/14/2011 TTC since 11/2011 DX: unexplained infertility
1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN 2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN 3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN 4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN 5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN *****TRIGGER***** 6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!! 1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188 1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it 2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!! 3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!
So had to call dr today because I had such bad cramps in my ovaries. They said I shouldn't of been standing for 3 hours at work. Has anyone else been told that shouldn't stand long in the TWW? So I'm going to dr to make sure that I am okay since the pain was that bad. And the other day the ovaries were enlarged I just hope everything is ok ugh
So had to call dr today because I had such bad cramps in my ovaries. They said I shouldn't of been standing for 3 hours at work. Has anyone else been told that shouldn't stand long in the TWW? So I'm going to dr to make sure that I am okay since the pain was that bad. And the other day the ovaries were enlarged I just hope everything is ok ugh
I've never heard of that... are they going to give you an U/S?
DS#1: born Dec 29, 2013
TTC#2 since Sept 2014 - unexplained secondary IF
BFP #2: 11.7.14 M/C: 11.27.14 @ 6w3days
BFP #3: 04.19.2015 M/C 04.27.15 @ 4w3days
BFP #4: 10.05.2015 C/P @ 3w4days
Oct 11, 2015: Cycle 13. Starting Femara (2.5mg). HSG this cycle (all clear) - BFN
Nov 12, 2015: Cyle 14. Femara 5mg + IUI - BFN
Dec 10, 2015: Cycle 15. Femara 5mg + IUI #2 - BFP #5! C/P 4w4d Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN. Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016 Moving to IVF March 2016 Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745 U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!! Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
@ultratomato I hope everything is ok! My doctor told me the only exercise I should be doing is walking, but nothing about standing.
Me: 31 / DH: 32 Married 10/14/2011 TTC since 11/2011 DX: unexplained infertility
1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN 2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN 3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN 4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN 5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN *****TRIGGER***** 6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!! 1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188 1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it 2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!! 3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!
So it looks like I am out this month. I am 12dpiui and a bfn I know there is still a slim chance but not feeling too optimistic. I have had 4 previous pregnancies-all natural- and I always got a bfp on 10dpo unfortunately they all ended before 9 weeks. Ugh!! This is so frustrating. The 4 times we tried on our own we got pregnant that month, then I get diagnosed with unexplained infertility and start paying lots of money to a specialist for medicated cycles and nothing but bfn's. I don't get it. Sorry for the rant, just a bit worked up. Thanks for listening!!
Just got done at dr and they said everything looks good and that I definitely ovulated 2 follicles on my right and that is why I had pain. They told me that this could be a good sign that I had pain. They told me to take it easy at work though. So I guess I can stand just not for long periods of time. Thank you all for your support. Fx
So I just had a call into my RE to discuss a treatment plan. I am in my TWW and this is my 4th IUI and 4th medicated cycle. RE thinks that if this cycle is a BFN then we just do one more letrozole cycle before moving to IVF. He didn't like the idea of injectibles because he thinks I will produce 5-6 mature follicles. Hearing the plan of IVF is a bit overwhelming to me, so I'm hoping for my BFP this cycle or next! FX for everyone
Me 32 DH 34
Married 9/2012
TTC #2 starting 9/2019 BFP 7/13/2020! Due 3/18/2021
TTC #1 since 2/2015 Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
IUIs #1-#5: 9/2015-2/2016 all BFNs Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016 Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016! Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016
@mrandmrssmith007 You're not out until you're out. I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way.
@ultratomato Glad it wasn't anything serious and sounds promising if you definitely ovulated both. Hopefully you're able to take it easy at work!
@erica0901 I think I'm in the same boat. I respond so well to a low dose of Clomid that I doubt I would be moved to injectables (although haven't had that talk yet). FX this cycle or next brings you your BFP!
Me: 31 DH: 32 Dx: Unexplained TTC #1 off and on since 2010 11/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN 12/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN 1/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN 2/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN 4/16 - Follistim + IUI = BFN 5/16 - 11/16 - Life / WTFing / Pity Party / Saving $ 1/17 - IVF #1 (Fresh Transfer / 6 frosties) = BFN 3/17 - FET.... BFP! EDD 11/29
@ultratomato Great news! Glad you're feeling better!
@erica0901 Fx for a BFP! I'm kind of in the same boat. This is only my second IUI, but I have a maximum that is covered by my insurance. So, I have to decide if I want to do another round if this is a BFN or move on to IVF to try to stay under the limit. My insurance will only cover 3 IUI, so if we do another I have no idea what my RE will do as far as meds go. Hopefully we won't have to worry about it!!!!!!!!
Me: 31 / DH: 32 Married 10/14/2011 TTC since 11/2011 DX: unexplained infertility
1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN 2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN 3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN 4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN 5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN *****TRIGGER***** 6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!! 1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188 1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it 2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!! 3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!
Any updates on January IUIs? I still can't test till the 9th...but ER said if i was gonna start he thought it would be on the 4th...and i feel like poop...so hopefully thats a good sign?? Lots of Baby Sprinkles heading all of your ways!
Re: January IUI
Out of curiosity did you trigger? 10dpo is so early. You must have implanted super fast!!
I know if you trigger it can take 10 days to get out of your system which can cause a false positive.
Let us know how the beta goes. Fingers crossed for good numbers
@PCOSat25 Yes, I triggered. I tested it out and tests on 8dpo and 9dpo were stark white. I believe I implanted 6dpo based on my temps.
My beta result was 22.5. I go back Friday for my second draw.
PCOS baby due October 09, 2016
Beta #1: 22.5
Beta #2: 74
PCOS baby due October 09, 2016
Beta #1: 22.5
Beta #2: 74
TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN.
3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN.
FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN
FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC.
FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17
PCOS baby due October 09, 2016
Beta #1: 22.5
Beta #2: 74
TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN.
3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN.
FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN
FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC.
FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17
Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN.
Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016
Moving to IVF March 2016
Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745
U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!!
Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
Me:34 DH:33
TTC since 2013
Unexplained infertility
It looks like there were two BPF in this thread off of IUI's which makes me a little more hopeful. I also read that 80% of women get BFP off 4-5 IUI cycles, so maybe it's not so hopeless. It may also sound a little weird, but other's BFP makes me feel statistically like I couldn't get mine because not all of us could. Is that dumb?
Me: 32
DH: 46 - Borderline Male IF
Married to DH since 9/13
TTC since 5/14
12/15 1st IUI BFN (Clomid)
1/16 2nd IUI BFN (Clomid)
2/16 3rd IUI BFN (Clomid)
3/16 4th IUI BFN (Clomid)
7/29/16 - 1st IVF - Transferred (2) 6 day blastocysts, PGS. One Frozen 6 day blastocyst. - BFP
Beta #1 - 8/10/16 - 10dp6dt - 481; Beta #2 - 8/17/16 - 17dp6dt - 6,635; Ultra Sound - 8/26/16
TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN.
3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN.
FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN
FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC.
FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17
Me: 32
DH: 46 - Borderline Male IF
Married to DH since 9/13
TTC since 5/14
12/15 1st IUI BFN (Clomid)
1/16 2nd IUI BFN (Clomid)
2/16 3rd IUI BFN (Clomid)
3/16 4th IUI BFN (Clomid)
7/29/16 - 1st IVF - Transferred (2) 6 day blastocysts, PGS. One Frozen 6 day blastocyst. - BFP
Beta #1 - 8/10/16 - 10dp6dt - 481; Beta #2 - 8/17/16 - 17dp6dt - 6,635; Ultra Sound - 8/26/16
ETA names
PCOS baby due October 09, 2016
Beta #1: 22.5
Beta #2: 74
@chicandbubbly @MarlyHC @emgem819 So sorry to hear
@chefandwife620 Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! Great numbers!
@pcosbaby Congrats! Good luck tomorrow with the next beta!
Married 10/14/2011
TTC since 11/2011
DX: unexplained infertility
1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it
3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!
Just did my first IUI with letrozole yesterday. Feeling nervous.
Married: 2014
TTC for ~2 years
JAN 2016 - IUI/LETROZOLE #1 1/27/16
Me:34 DH:33
TTC since 2013
Unexplained infertility
Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN.
Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016
Moving to IVF March 2016
Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745
U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!!
Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
I've never heard that before. The only thing my RE mention was for me stay out of the gym for two weeks.
Out of curiosity, what's your profession?
I'll be thinking of you today. Keep us posted.
PCOS baby due October 09, 2016
Beta #1: 22.5
Beta #2: 74
@ultratomato I hope everything is ok! My doctor told me the only exercise I should be doing is walking, but nothing about standing.
Married 10/14/2011
TTC since 11/2011
DX: unexplained infertility
1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it
3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!
So it looks like I am out this month. I am 12dpiui and a bfn
Me:34 DH:33
TTC since 2013
Unexplained infertility
Mom 9dpiui and got a bfn today.
TTC #2 starting 9/2019
BFP 7/13/2020!
Due 3/18/2021
TTC #1 since 2/2015
Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016 Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016
@mrandmrssmith007 You're not out until you're out. I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way.
@ultratomato Glad it wasn't anything serious and sounds promising if you definitely ovulated both. Hopefully you're able to take it easy at work!
@erica0901 I think I'm in the same boat. I respond so well to a low dose of Clomid that I doubt I would be moved to injectables (although haven't had that talk yet). FX this cycle or next brings you your BFP!
TTC #1 off and on since 2010
11/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
12/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
1/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
2/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
4/16 - Follistim + IUI = BFN
5/16 - 11/16 - Life / WTFing / Pity Party / Saving $
1/17 - IVF #1 (Fresh Transfer / 6 frosties) = BFN
3/17 - FET.... BFP! EDD 11/29
@ultratomato Great news! Glad you're feeling better!
@erica0901 Fx for a BFP! I'm kind of in the same boat. This is only my second IUI, but I have a maximum that is covered by my insurance. So, I have to decide if I want to do another round if this is a BFN or move on to IVF to try to stay under the limit. My insurance will only cover 3 IUI, so if we do another I have no idea what my RE will do as far as meds go. Hopefully we won't have to worry about it!!!!!!!!
Married 10/14/2011
TTC since 11/2011
DX: unexplained infertility
1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it
3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!
I still can't test till the 9th...but ER said if i was gonna start he thought it would be on the 4th...and i feel like poop...so hopefully thats a good sign?? Lots of Baby Sprinkles heading all of your ways!