June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    Thank you all for the clarification.  That's really good to know.  If I loose my mucus plug early I probably would have headed to the hospital thinking I'm in labor.  Sigh...so much to learn.
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    @DeePaddy24 haha! I've been bumping on mobile because it makes me uncomfortable. I feel like I can't commit to it for the whole month because it's so freaky but also there's about 100 others I want to use. 
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    HENCE WHY YOU SHOULD BECOME A NURSE! I ate cereal out of an emesis basin. We have a weird sense of humor. 
    Girl. My mom was an RN in Endo. We heard all the stories at supper. Not much grosses me out ;) and I would totally eat any (food related) item
    out of a emesis basin!
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    H and I are waiting for our food at lunch and we're are in a long booth between 3 couples sitting on the same side of the booth instead of across from each other. One of the couples is feeding each other. 

    I'm so uncomfortable. 
    That is so freaking weird. 
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    Your mucus plug can grow back, too, just an FYI @amangels2
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    I.CAN'T.EVEN with the "Parenting" board and the dog topic/advice there.  I'm really pissed right now. 
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    @mkemommy "can you stage a run away?" wow wow wow
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    @mkemommy "can you stage a run away?" wow wow wow
    I know I'm hormonal but that made me want to cry.  I mean advocating theft, at best, and letting the dog get hit by a car/starve, at worst, is just terrible.  
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    This just happened. And I took a pic just for you bump ladies.
    Mmmmm chocolate covered mucus plug.  
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    mkemommy said:
    @mkemommy "can you stage a run away?" wow wow wow
    I know I'm hormonal but that made me want to cry.  I mean advocating theft, at best, and letting the dog get hit by a car/starve, at worst, is just terrible.  
    Wow. "Better off with your alcoholic father" ?!?! That seems like GREAT advice. *side eye*
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    CourtJack said:
    This just happened. And I took a pic just for you bump ladies.
    Mmmmm chocolate covered mucus plug.  
    Welp. I'll never get that image out of my head, lol. Way to ruin the cream eggs for me! :#

    (ETA: I missed this association being brought up earlier, oops! Blonde + baby brain + lazy, lol)

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    @VikingGirl12- no regrets!!!! None. Rock on with your bad mucus plug self!
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    Work is ruling my life thanks to report card and conference week...but goodness I appreciate having something to unwind with...aka this board and specifically this thread!
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    NicknShan said:
    Insert confused face gif please. 

    And now insert a gif of me smacking someone across the face. 
    The thing that scares me about Trump winning the primaries (other than so many people legitimately thinking he's a worthy candidate) is that SO many people just vote blindly Republican/Democrat.

    So, even though SO many Republicans now say they won't vote for him, come November a good majority of them will end up voting for Trump because they just could never consider voting for anyone who is not a Republican. My family is like this and it drives me nuts. They'd rather vote for the devil reincarnate than a "goddamn liberal."
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    @ahernandez16 - A coworker of mine said almost that exact phrase yesterday and I lost every ounce of respect that I had for him.  How can people legitimately believe that Trump is not WORSE than ANY OTHER OPTION!? It makes me sad to be an American.
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    I was just catching up on those memes @Lilwatz
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    LilwatzLilwatz member
    edited March 2016
    I was just catching up on those memes @Lilwatz
    There are so many great quotes in tweets.  But they aren't on the image so they aren't droppable in this thread.  Here are some of my favorites:

    "Standing behind Donald Trump on Tuesday was a man who has just realized his own mortality..."

    "Chris Christie's facial expressions are pages out of a mid-century dystopian novel."

    ...and my favorite:

    "Chris Christie standing behind Trump looks confused, like he just Quantum Leaped into this body and is slowly realizing where he is."

    And, we cannot forget this gem:

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    @lilwatz Haha, yes, I was trying to figure out how to embed tweets.

    "If you mute this Trump speech, it looks like they're holding a bachelor auction but no one will bid on Chris Christie."

    "Chris Christie is blinking "PLEASE KILL ME" in Morse code."

    "Chris Christie looks about as happy as Mel Gibson did to be onstage with Ricky Gervais."
    Bachelor auction.  DEAD.

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    @MeganF08 I was so glad Trump didn't win Texas, but also super nervous until the polls closed since my Facebook newsfeed was filled with ridiculouness about him yesterday.
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    Why do his eyes look like that? Is it from tanning bed goggles? (Just trying to distract myself from the real issues since I'm so upset and scared. And I've been stress eating brownies since about 8pm last night). 
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    lunagrl79 said:
    Why do his eyes look like that? Is it from tanning bed goggles? (Just trying to distract myself from the real issues since I'm so upset and scared. And I've been stress eating brownies since about 8pm last night). 
    I was wondering the same thing...I came to the same conclusion that it must be the googles.  With all his money, he can't get a better tan? 

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    Also, we currently have 9 stickies.
    The average amount on the other '16 BMBs is 7.
    Please excuse my random possibly ignorant question...but what is a stickie??
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    egirl1025 said:
    Also, we currently have 9 stickies.
    The average amount on the other '16 BMBs is 7.
    Please excuse my random possibly ignorant question...but what is a stickie??
    It's all the threads stuck to the top of June '16 board that you have to scroll through to get to the threads that bumpies actually respond to. 
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    Also, we currently have 9 stickies.
    The average amount on the other '16 BMBs is 7.

    How do you mobile bumpies handle it?? I'm annoyed just using my desk top.

    I know. How do we get stuff UNstickied?????
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    CourtJack said:
    Also, we currently have 9 stickies.
    The average amount on the other '16 BMBs is 7.

    How do you mobile bumpies handle it?? I'm annoyed just using my desk top.

    I know. How do we get stuff UNstickied?????
    ^ Yes, this question! We only need maybe 2! 
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