June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    VikingGirl12VikingGirl12 member
    edited March 2016
    @parsonsperson I am so sorry to hear this. My aunt had the same type of cancer and has been breast cancer free for several years now. It was also stage 1 which made it very easy to treat. Prayers.
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    @parsonsperson Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way!!
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    crdocrdo member
    @parsonsperson: Sorry to hear about your friend's diagnosis. Cancer blows.
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    @parsonsperson I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. I know that has got to be hard for you and her family. Sounds like there's a lot of positive outcomes possible for her.

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    So sorry @parsonsperson ! Sending hugs and prayers your way. 
    TTC since 1/2013 on our own 
     HSG-2/2014 Rt ovary not visible and/or blocked 
     IF diagnosis 6/2014 
     DH on Clomid for low T 
     First cycle-clomid/ovidrel and TI 8/2015-BFN 8/31 
     Second cycle-clomid/ovidrel IUI 9/2015-
    BFP on 9/25/15 BabyFruit Ticker
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    @parsonsperson So sorry about your friend. Prayers for her and the family for a speedy recovery.
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    I'm trying my hand at participating in the signature challenge. Is this too awkward? It kind of makes me uncomfortable...
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    I was JUST thinking about her!!!
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    @Emztron500 so sorry for what you and your little girl are going through. Sounds really hard and stressful. :( 
    @ahernandez16 ugh all of that sucks hard core. 

    This Monday is a doozy...I just found out my best friend has breast cancer. I knew she was going to be getting biopsy results today or tomorrow, but she has glandular breasts and has had a few cysts in the past biopsied and everything's always been fine. But then when I saw I had missed her call and she didn't leave a message, my heart sank. And when I called her, she was crying. I went right over. It's stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common form, and the good news is it's very treatable. She has an appointment with a surgeon on Thursday. I know it's going to be okay. But she's understandably scared and shaken...and I just want to be there for her however she needs me. She has a great boyfriend, she's super close with her family...she has many, many people who love her and are there for her, including me. Still...this just sucks. Fuck cancer.

    I'm so sorry to hear this, my mom had the same cancer but at stage 2 at 45. She had a few surgeries and lots of radiation but was a candidate to not do chemo due to the hormonal component of her cancer and was able to do 10 years tamoxifen instead. She hit her 5 year remission mark last month and is now considered cancer free!! It definitely sucks and nothing can take that away but be her source of positivity and support and love! It sounds like the odds are in her favor and it's so awesome they caught it early. Early detection can save lives!
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    so sorry to hear about your friend @parsonsperson cancer truly sucks. My aunt had a mammogram last week followed by a ultrasound and "they don't like what they saw" spent the weekend trying to lift her spirits when we have no idea what they even saw. Prayers for all. :/
    If it helps ease your mind at all, when they discover a mass that doesn't look good, it's only about a 15% chance the biopsy will be positive for cancer. They explained this to my mom after seeing two tumors in her breasts back in 2010, unfortunately, she was part of that 15% but the majority of people aren't. I hope everything comes out ok for your aunt
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    @MeganF08 Yeah, that's pretty bad.  Good choice. 

    Also, is anyone else wondering if the girl from a few weeks ago on the third tri board ended up having her baby yesterday? You know, that "Don'tcha wish you had my doctor" girl...
    I was thinking about this girl last night and tried to look her up, but I was mobile and not successful in finding out!
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    @MeganF08 Yeah, that's pretty bad.  Good choice. 

    Also, is anyone else wondering if the girl from a few weeks ago on the third tri board ended up having her baby yesterday? You know, that "Don'tcha wish you had my doctor" girl...
    So...was she induced?

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    sdnybrk said:
    @MeganF08 Yeah, that's pretty bad.  Good choice. 

    Also, is anyone else wondering if the girl from a few weeks ago on the third tri board ended up having her baby yesterday? You know, that "Don'tcha wish you had my doctor" girl...
    So...was she induced?

    The jury is out.  I did look on the third tri board and didn't see anything but I'm going to check the Feb 16 board now...

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    NicknShan said:
    I am currently listening to someone try to explain to another person in the office what a primary is.

    "Right now we have like, 50-some candidates.  And voting today will like, eliminate the independent party, so we vote for who we like, want to be President."

    And their vote counts as much as yours or mine does.  ::sigh::

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    crdocrdo member
    NicknShan said:
    I am currently listening to someone try to explain to another person in the office what a primary is.

    "Right now we have like, 50-some candidates.  And voting today will like, eliminate the independent party, so we vote for who we like, want to be President."

    Eye roll.
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    crdocrdo member
    NicknShan said:
    crdo said:
    NicknShan said:
    I am currently listening to someone try to explain to another person in the office what a primary is.

    "Right now we have like, 50-some candidates.  And voting today will like, eliminate the independent party, so we vote for who we like, want to be President."

    Eye roll.
    I promise there will be more of these quotes today.  Like their current talk of Donald Trump and Ricky Rubio.

    Note: I live in Minnesota.  Ricky Rubio plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA).
    Eye roll again. Sigh.
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    NicknShan said:
    I am currently listening to someone try to explain to another person in the office what a primary is.

    "Right now we have like, 50-some candidates.  And voting today will like, eliminate the independent party, so we vote for who we like, want to be President."

    The fact that this person is voting terrifies me. 

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    Lilwatz said:
    crdo said:
    NicknShan said:
    crdo said:
    NicknShan said:
    I am currently listening to someone try to explain to another person in the office what a primary is.

    "Right now we have like, 50-some candidates.  And voting today will like, eliminate the independent party, so we vote for who we like, want to be President."

    Eye roll.
    I promise there will be more of these quotes today.  Like their current talk of Donald Trump and Ricky Rubio.

    Note: I live in Minnesota.  Ricky Rubio plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA).
    Eye roll again. Sigh.
    Join the conversation, but talk about Donald Trump and Ricky Martin.
    I had to sit next to some nasty asshole on the train who was no shit reading about white power support rational for 'The Great Leader' Donald Trump. I just... I don't have words and there are no gifs that appropriately show my awesome fury.
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    NicknShan said:
    crdo said:
    NicknShan said:
    I am currently listening to someone try to explain to another person in the office what a primary is.

    "Right now we have like, 50-some candidates.  And voting today will like, eliminate the independent party, so we vote for who we like, want to be President."

    Eye roll.
    I promise there will be more of these quotes today.  Like their current talk of Donald Trump and Ricky Rubio.

    Note: I live in Minnesota.  Ricky Rubio plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA).
    Bahahaha ha!!! I'm in MN, too, and was thinking, "isn't Ricky Rubio a sports guy???!"
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    @parsonsperson my grandmother had breast cancer a few years ago. They caught hers really early and we're able to treat quickly and effectively. I'm praying your friends will be just as easy to take care of!
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    @NicknShan I blame pregnancy brain, I didn't even look to see the poster!! Hahah thanks ! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    I had to sit next to some nasty asshole on the train who was no shit reading about white power support rational for 'The Great Leader' Donald Trump. I just... I don't have words and there are no gifs that appropriately show my awesome fury.
    For serious?????  Was it a book?? That's just...I...yeah...there really are no words.

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    Sydvicious08Sydvicious08 member
    edited March 2016
    Ok, this isn't baby related, but I need a smidge of advice. H just told me his work is throwing a surprise birthday party at a local restaurant this Friday for one the office girls. (There are about 12 people in the office, so they are all friendly with each other and what not). I've met her once, she is turning 69. My question: do we take a gift?  I honestly know zero about her except her name. H has only worked there about 6 months and he is a traveling tech so isn't at the office a lot, so is no help. 
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    sdnybrk said:
    @parsonsperson my grandmother had breast cancer a few years ago. They caught hers really early and we're able to treat quickly and effectively. I'm praying your friends will be just as easy to take care of!
    That's awesome--it really is so fortunate to catch it early. Did your grandma have surgery and radiation? My friend is meeting with a surgeon on Thursday. Everything I've looked up so far points to that treatment combo as the go-to at this stage. 

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    I have my 1-hour glucose test this morning.... And I'm starving!

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    sdnybrk said:
    Ok, this isn't baby related, but I need a smidge of advice. H just told me his work is throwing a surprise birthday party at a local restaurant this Friday for one the office girls. (There are about 12 people in the office, so they are all friendly with each other and what not). I've met her once, she is turning 69. My question: do we take a gift?  I honestly know zero about her except her name. H has only worked there about 6 months and he is a traveling tech so isn't at the office a lot, so is no help. 
    Hmmmm - I wouldn't. Maybe a card? Or a gift card if you feel like everyone is bringing stuff?
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    I have my 1-hour glucose test this morning.... And I'm starving!
    Good luck!!
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    sdnybrk said:
    Ok, this isn't baby related, but I need a smidge of advice. H just told me his work is throwing a surprise birthday party at a local restaurant this Friday for one the office girls. (There are about 12 people in the office, so they are all friendly with each other and what not). I've met her once, she is turning 69. My question: do we take a gift?  I honestly know zero about her except her name. H has only worked there about 6 months and he is a traveling tech so isn't at the office a lot, so is no help. 
    Maybe a little gift?  If she drinks coffee - a $5 - $10 Starbucks gift card is my way to go for situations like this. 
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    sdnybrk said:
    @parsonsperson my grandmother had breast cancer a few years ago. They caught hers really early and we're able to treat quickly and effectively. I'm praying your friends will be just as easy to take care of!
    That's awesome--it really is so fortunate to catch it early. Did your grandma have surgery and radiation? My friend is meeting with a surgeon on Thursday. Everything I've looked up so far points to that treatment combo as the go-to at this stage. 
    I believe she ended up just needing radiation, and was able to go without surgery. My MIL had breast cancer about 15 years ago and had to have surgery and treatment. I believe hers was stage 2. She has been cancer free for 14 years. I know they have made great advancements since then, so I really do think your friend has an excellent chance :)
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