June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    Tater tot gigs/jpgs are always the go-to around here. 
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    I just tried to google "gross kid gif's" to see if I could find an appropriate stand-by for the first mucus plug and I made myself gag with some of the pictures. Eww!
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    First part of glucose test is done. They gave me lemon-lime, and it was cold. So it wasn't too bad, but now my stomach is churning. Waiting for the blood draw though.

    Now you guys are keeping me entertained with your talk of mucus plugs and Trump and electrocuted kids....

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    @Emztron500 I get the "hung over" feeling when my husband drinks, but that's probably because I'm so exhausted from trying to keep
    him from getting arrested.. Lol. And the meat sweats are the worst!! 

    hahahaha. laughing out loud.
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    NicknShan said:
    MsBeachNJ said:
    Anyone else afraid to open the "what is this" thread for fear of a gross or TMI picture?? 
    I was... until I saw it was @VikingGirl12 and she wouldn't do that :smile: 

    I'm glad you have faith in me ;)
    Until someone said it was you I thought it was going to be a mucus plug 
    LOL I should have read this thread first.
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    People will seriously post pictures of their mucus plugs??  I have no idea what it looks like, but that just sounds so hugely disgusting.
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    amangels2 said:
    People will seriously post pictures of their mucus plugs??  I have no idea what it looks like, but that just sounds so hugely disgusting.
    Ya or describe them in full. I don't know what's worse, seeing one or getting detailed description of what's falling out of someone's vagina. what it looks like is disgusting 
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    Ick ick ick.  I'm pretty sure seeing my own will be enough to gross me out.  Although my mom's water never broke on it's own, so maybe I won't see it?  

    On a side note....does anyone remember where Nickshan posted the directions for how to add a signature photo?  I've looked through a couple threads and can't find it.  I want to participate in this month's challenge.  Thanks!!!
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    amangels2 said:
    Ick ick ick.  I'm pretty sure seeing my own will be enough to gross me out.  Although my mom's water never broke on it's own, so maybe I won't see it?  

    On a side note....does anyone remember where Nickshan posted the directions for how to add a signature photo?  I've looked through a couple threads and can't find it.  I want to participate in this month's challenge.  Thanks!!!
    Ha, it's on this thread a few pages back.  Best thing is to click on her name and scroll through her replies until you find it. 

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    @shannonrnbsn I did see that!! I think a trip to australia is in order!
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    amangels2 said:
    Ick ick ick.  I'm pretty sure seeing my own will be enough to gross me out.  Although my mom's water never broke on it's own, so maybe I won't see it?  

    On a side note....does anyone remember where Nickshan posted the directions for how to add a signature photo?  I've looked through a couple threads and can't find it.  I want to participate in this month's challenge.  Thanks!!!
    I lost mine 6 weeks before I was induced haha but you never know!
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    It's only available in Australia. This was an evil, evil post.

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    gray51015 said:
    @MeganF08 Yeah, that's pretty bad.  Good choice. 

    Also, is anyone else wondering if the girl from a few weeks ago on the third tri board ended up having her baby yesterday? You know, that "Don'tcha wish you had my doctor" girl...
    I was thinking about this girl last night and tried to look her up, but I was mobile and not successful in finding out!
    She hasn't been on since Feb 19th when she posted the question about when to induce (according to her profile) so I'm afraid we may never know :(
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    @Sgoldberg247 That might be for the better anyway...
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    NicknShanNicknShan member
    edited March 2016
    And my siggy is gone... Where are the sharks?!?

    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

    DST T4L

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    GinnyJ2012GinnyJ2012 member
    edited March 2016
    @amangels2 my water broke with DS1 and I never saw my mucus plug, but it didn't break with DS2 and I lost it that time. I almost puked when I saw it. Nasty. 

    @sdnybrkYou could always bring a bottle of wine or A Starbucks gift card. Those are my go too gifts. 

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    ahernandez16  - I can't even quote you b/c your siggy FREAKS me out too much! lol. But I SO want so a Cadbury McFlurry now! I know we get them up here - but maybe just not yet? *drooooooooooooooooool*
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    They better have them where in located. I'm headed to McDonald's when I leave work!
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    It's only available in Australia. This was an evil, evil post.

    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    Am I the only one who thinks a Cadbury Creme Egg McFlurry sounds disgusting? I haven't seen them up here this year but I know we've had them in the past, and I've never been tempted. Yeck.

    The two conversations happening simultaneously here are unfortunate. Can I just ruin everyone's Easter candy experience by planting a mental association between mucus plugs and Creme Eggs?
    I don't think it sounds appetizing, either. Give me a shamrock shake any day!
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    Apparently my FTMness is showing.  I totally thought your mucus plug coming out was what "water breaking" meant.  
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    AAAAAAAAAH!!!! I'm a horrible person! I didn't read closely enough!!! Flame away! I deserve it! 

    (Falls on sword)
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    Just have to add, I'm totally checking this board while waiting for a meeting to start.  I feel very awkward with all the maternity photos scrolling through lol.
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    amangels2 said:
    Apparently my FTMness is showing.  I totally thought your mucus plug coming out was what "water breaking" meant.  
    Nope! The amniotic fluid is still sealed up in the sac regardless of whether the mucus plug has come out. My mucus plug came out a couple days before I went into active labour with my first, and my water was broken by the OB 12 hours into active labour.
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    MamaNicoleof3MamaNicoleof3 member
    edited March 2016
    Losing your mucus plug and having your water break are totally different :)

    @emztron500- I have a stomach of steel. I'll still enjoy a cream egg even though I'm sure it'll no w remind me of mucus plugs. 
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    HENCE WHY YOU SHOULD BECOME A NURSE! I ate cereal out of an emesis basin. We have a weird sense of humor. 
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    I'm really curious about what a mucus plug looks like now but don't dare to google it...
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    kwife15 said:
    I'm really curious about what a mucus plug looks like now but don't dare to google it...
    Just a big blob of bloody snot.

    Fun story: my newborn vomited that same bloody snot blob stuff all over her own face and hair in the night a few hours after she was born. What a beautiful moment for both of us.
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    HENCE WHY YOU SHOULD BECOME A NURSE! I ate cereal out of an emesis basin. We have a weird sense of humor. 
    I have never heard the term "emesis basin" before but I love how fancy a term it is for "puke bucket"
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    Oh. My. God. @ahernandez16 Your siggy is going to give me nightmares, lol. 
    I am trying to find one but I can't find anything I'm willing to commit to for 31 days. I'll keep searching...why are there SO many awful maternity pics?! 
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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