June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    I get that logistically the romper is a bad idea, but I can't help but think its cute!!!
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    I think the Duggars have a closet full of those rompers!
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    Wearing maternity leggings for the first time ever today. They are a blinding, brilliant light from heaven.  image
    Omg they're the best. The hard part is giving them up after the baby comes. But then, why bother? Maternity leggings forever!
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    @shannonrnbsn GOOD LUCK!! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    splsmama2016splsmama2016 member
    edited March 2016
    I'm on the struggle bus today.... Up late rhinestoning the last dress I made for this weekends skating competition, up about 4 times to pee, now I have a migraine and I'm all sorts of stuffy. :( I'm hoping it's just allergies and not a cold from one of the little kids I teach.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Omg I'm laughing so hard from yesterday's posts which I just caught up on: Claws, Grooming, Carmel de lites, Kit Kats; I'm laughing at them all! You ladies are too funny!
    TTC since 1/2013 on our own 
     HSG-2/2014 Rt ovary not visible and/or blocked 
     IF diagnosis 6/2014 
     DH on Clomid for low T 
     First cycle-clomid/ovidrel and TI 8/2015-BFN 8/31 
     Second cycle-clomid/ovidrel IUI 9/2015-
    BFP on 9/25/15 BabyFruit Ticker
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    mkemommy said:
    I should really stop responding to someone in the Parenting board/thread about dog training.  We clearly have differences of opinion on how to train dogs and how to offer advice to internet strangers on training dogs.  It just ends up making me sad or angry (posting) but somewhere deep down I keep responding thinking maybe it will impact someone to not pick up a shock collar as a first line of defense for training.  
    With our golden, we used the squirt collar. Similar to the shock, but it would spray a mist of bitter Apple when she barked. Didn't work, but we tried. She's a good dog otherwise, just barks at everything lol

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    PSA: for moms of toddlers. They have a stride rite store on Zulily today! I just got DS a pair of crock-like sandals for $12.99 in a size wide!
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    mkemommy said:
    I should really stop responding to someone in the Parenting board/thread about dog training.  We clearly have differences of opinion on how to train dogs and how to offer advice to internet strangers on training dogs.  It just ends up making me sad or angry (posting) but somewhere deep down I keep responding thinking maybe it will impact someone to not pick up a shock collar as a first line of defense for training.  
    With our golden, we used the squirt collar. Similar to the shock, but it would spray a mist of bitter Apple when she barked. Didn't work, but we tried. She's a good dog otherwise, just barks at everything lol
    Ha!  I hear you (literally) on the barking.  Our current dog barks a lot but I really complain about it just in a good-natured way and would be concerned if he didn't...it is his job to bark and protect.  Of course, his judgment at 2 am barking at something I can't see/hear is questionable but then I remind myself that he has better eyes and ears than I do.  ;)  
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    mkemommy said:
    I should really stop responding to someone in the Parenting board/thread about dog training.  We clearly have differences of opinion on how to train dogs and how to offer advice to internet strangers on training dogs.  It just ends up making me sad or angry (posting) but somewhere deep down I keep responding thinking maybe it will impact someone to not pick up a shock collar as a first line of defense for training.  
    Oh man. That made my blood boil. Wow. Hands down good response though. Yeesh. "Only need to shock them 2-3 times" what horseshit! Clearly that person has never trained a dog and has zero clue.
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    mkemommy said:
    I should really stop responding to someone in the Parenting board/thread about dog training.  We clearly have differences of opinion on how to train dogs and how to offer advice to internet strangers on training dogs.  It just ends up making me sad or angry (posting) but somewhere deep down I keep responding thinking maybe it will impact someone to not pick up a shock collar as a first line of defense for training.  
    That person is totally clueless....she has no idea what she is talking about whatsoever, ugh. 
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    good luck with the job @shannonrnbsn

    On a related note, I've been looking for casual/contract work and I am having the hardest time getting anyone to email me back. Even shit from craigslist that I'm 90% sure is a scam. I'm so unemployable, no one even wants to involve me in their pyramid schemes :sweat: 
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    @hollywoodave531 I still don't know where to get that kitkat from.. :'(
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    @egirl1025 --if you want, you can change your settings so the signature photos don't show up: go to account options (the top right of the screen, little icon of a head/shoulders), preferences, signature settings, and check the box at the bottom "strip images out of signatures." 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @egirl1025 --if you want, you can change your settings so the signature photos don't show up: go to account options (the top right of the screen, little icon of a head/shoulders), preferences, signature settings, and check the box at the bottom "strip images out of signatures." 
    Thanks!!  It will help keep me bumping while I should be working...
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    PSA: Everything (including clearance) at The Children's Place is 30% off and free shipping.
    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

    DST T4L

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    NicknShan said:
    PSA: Everything (including clearance) at The Children's Place is 30% off and free shipping.
    Don't you tell me this! I have a serious problem buying clothes from there...

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    @shannonrnbsn FX that you get it!! I currently work for a company with more drama than real housewives. Which I've never watched, but I did watch Honey Booboo and I have no regrets. 

    Another note, I finally went to Whole Foods and got the rest of my vitamins...I'm starting to wonder when I will turn into the bionic woman...
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    @ahernandez16- so great! Don't feel bad. Part of a grandparents' job is to spoil their grandkids rotten. ;)
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    NicknShan said:
    My DH came home with two tubs of Edys ice cream and flowers. We have some winners today.
    Mine came home late and without the item I asked him to stop by the store to pick up that I needed to make dinner. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 
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    @sdnybrk I'm guessing based on @DeePaddy24 the answer to finding everything good food related is: Canada
    This is true!

    Love times 100! My only question though, do you have Girl Scout Cookies? This might be one thing I couldn't live without. I.e. Carmel delights/Samoas. 
    TTC since 1/2013 on our own 
     HSG-2/2014 Rt ovary not visible and/or blocked 
     IF diagnosis 6/2014 
     DH on Clomid for low T 
     First cycle-clomid/ovidrel and TI 8/2015-BFN 8/31 
     Second cycle-clomid/ovidrel IUI 9/2015-
    BFP on 9/25/15 BabyFruit Ticker
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    Speaking of cravings I had a doctor's appointment today and I gained 9 lbs since my last appointment (4 weeks ago)...oops!! Too many sweets. I need to try and be a little better up until the next appointment because it's my glucose test. Also I scheduled it for the morning hoping my weight wouldn't seem so bad lol
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    Sydvicious08Sydvicious08 member
    edited March 2016
    NicknShan said:
    My DH came home with two tubs of Edys ice cream and flowers. We have some winners today.
    He's gonna get laaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiid. 
    Mine brought me lunch the other day because he had a call near put house. This happens maybe once a month...we made it a "fun lunch" ;)

    I'll pay someone to send me a giant kitkat from Canada....I have money...! I also have access to girl scout cookies!
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