June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    ahernandez16ahernandez16 member
    edited February 2016


    My coworker officially resigned this morning. I feel much better about work stuff for now that we're not just in limbo and she's made her decision. I figure I'm stuck here until June at least because it's a paycheck and I'm not job hunting at 6 months pregnant. I'll make my decision about what I want to do after the baby is born and I'm not in school anymore.

    H's birthday is next Wednesday and I was supposed to take off with him so we could spend the day at the coast. Because my coworker quit and we haven't found someone to replace the front desk guy and my boss has a medical procedure that day, I can't go. We never get days off together. I  think the last time we had a full day off together was Christmas so I was really looking forward to it. We aren't doing a trip before baby gets here to save money and I probably won't feel comfortable travelling even the 2.5 hours to the coast much longer so this was kind of our last chance to get out of town and relax. BUT I have to work and I'm bummed and I realize there's a million bigger problems in the world and even in my life at the moment but I just want to curl in a ball and cry. I know she didn't and doesn't owe me anything but damn, a heads up for what I was walking into this morning would've been nice.

    Also, one of my best friends just told me she's moving across the country to Virginia in 10 days so her baby shower this weekend will probably be the last time I see her for a very long time.

    Fuck Mondays.

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    @ahernandez16 ugh I'm sorry! That really sucks... full permission to rant away!!! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    @egirl1025 I'm right there with you.  I am terrible with meal planning.  I'm slightly nervous about when baby boy is born because I want him to eat home cooked meals but I seem to have zero skills.  Just making a grocery list and figuring what I need is overwhelming to me.  I really liked the idea of freezer meals that someone posted about last week, but as I was looking at recipes I again found myself becoming overwhelmed with ingredients and grocery shopping.
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    @ahernandez16 those are both really sucky things totally worthy of a cry fest. I'm sorry your best friend is moving and I'm sorry you don't get the fun day with your hubby. Fuck Mondays. I hope something good happens on Tuesday. Hugs.
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    amangels2 said:
    @egirl1025 I'm right there with you.  I am terrible with meal planning.  I'm slightly nervous about when baby boy is born because I want him to eat home cooked meals but I seem to have zero skills.  Just making a grocery list and figuring what I need is overwhelming to me.  I really liked the idea of freezer meals that someone posted about last week, but as I was looking at recipes I again found myself becoming overwhelmed with ingredients and grocery shopping.
    Oddly enough when I was single I did freezer meals all the time, like soup and lasagna, but it was just me and my cat...I had time to burn.  Planning ahead is always the hardest part for me...the act of deciding on something is also pretty rough.  As for building up cooking skills, I recommend buying the Better Homes & Garden Cookbook (fka The Betty Crocker Cookbook).  It is my go to cookbook...teaches you the basics of cooking and has some fun meals in it.  I especially like the oven fried pork chops, but of course that is a personal choice.  The hardest part for me now is that my husband is Asian and likes to have a mixture of Asian meals and so-called American fare.  I have mastered only the following asian meals....Thai Basil Fried Rice, basic spicy fried rice, and fancied-up Asian Ramen noodles (they are different then the Maruchan kind).  I can roll an egg roll too...that's it.  I have a long way to go.  Good Luck to you!  We can do it!
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    @ahernandez16 Sorry to hear about your shitty day! Pregnant or not, that situation sucks :(
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    @ahernandez16 you are more than allowed to vent! That's a LOT of crap to deal with in one day! 
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    I never got into the the habit of checking out others because I was always on the mobile app and loading this board on there took forever. Now I'm going through safari and old habits die hard. 
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    I posted in the "How much have you gained" thread in the 2nd tri boards.. now I'm second guessing my decision to share that I've gained nearly 30 pounds even with eating "right" and getting plenty of exercise. Shout out to you ladies for my tater tot cravings though. 

    Anyone else tend to not stray too far from our BMB? I find some of the posts and responses to be.... just... ugh. Hah. 
    I sometimes read other boards if you all have said something was interesting but based on the responses there I am too scared to say anything...now that being said I call pot-stirrer/lurker on the Baby Registry post!!  Guess she didn't want to let it die.
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    @sdLindenberg I rarely venture off June BMB and if I do its really just to read, I never post... 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    Re: registry question- I've seen her post/comment before....not often, but I remember her name. Has she been back?
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    @parsonsperson Ugh I'm sorry - I've been on the receiving end of that phone call before and its awful. I'm glad to hear its stage 1 & very treatable! My cousin had HER2 the most aggressive form & she had surgery & chemo and has been in remission for almost 5 years now! They can do such great things in breast cancer treatment now. Prayers to your friend! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    @parsonsperson- I'm so sorry :( cancer sucks ass. 
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    @parsonsperson I hope that since you went right over that means she's also in STL, and if so, you know we are blessed with excellent cancer care around here. Siteman, SLU, etc. HOWEVER, it is still terrifying and you are a wonderful friend to be there with her. Prayers for her health and recovery. 
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    @parsonsperson I am so sorry to hear the news. :frowning: 

    And as for other BMBs?  I occasionally lurk on other months, but NEVER the tri boards.  I can't handle how obnoxious they are.
    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

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    @parsonsperson I am so sorry to hear that your friend has cancer.  I am hoping for the best for your friend.  I know she is already lucky to have you.  Cancer can just go f#*k itself!!
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    @parsonsperson oh man, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. H's sister has breast cancer and it's been a long ride. A good support system goes a long way - hopefully that will keep your friend positive and I'm glad that the doctor's seem optimistic to be able to treat it. Fuck cancer, indeed.
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    @parsonsperson  I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I'll be sending healing thoughts her way. 

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    @parsonsperson I'm so sorry.  My friend is going through it too.  It sucks.  She's done chemo and surgery and now is wrapping up radiation.  I feel pretty helpless so I just try to make her smile and listen whenever I can.  It's a long journey ahead, but she is lucky to have you.

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    For those worried about cooking for your kids. Meh.  They'll eat.  I've cooked most dinners for me and my husband since we got married.  I consider myself a decent cook.  We meal plan, blah blah blah.  My toddler rarely eats anything I make.  Even junk. The kid will always inhale a hot dog.  Makes me feel like a terrible parent.  I just hope and pray we will get there (wherever "there" is) soon.

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    @parsonsperson unfortunately, no. It's metastasized and is in her bones. She was diagnosed originally like 5 years ago at stage 3 I believe, and went into remission for a few years but then she had a baby and from what I understand, doctors say the hormones seemed to have fueled a relapse in July. She had a hysterectomy and does chemo, but she's been given about 5 years to live.  

    I hesitated even answering because I didn't want to freak you out. I'm glad your friend was able to get diagnosed so early and doctor's seem to be on top of everything. Despite everything, my SIL has a huge support system and has remained positive and is (all things considering) in fairly good health right now. As of about a month ago, her tumor growth has ceased... furthering my belief that staying positive and having people supporting you is SO important.

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    @Lilwatz thank you...and I hope for all the best for your friend. And hooray for not peeing on your hand! I had an appointment today as well, and I, too, avoided that particular situation. I did, however, almost spill the contents on the cup but caught it at the last minute. That would have been unpleasant. :)

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    Hey--it's a rarity these days.  Celebrate small victories.

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    @ahernandez16 oh my gosh...I'm so, so sorry. That is heartbreaking. I'm glad you shared that, as scary as that all must be for everyone involved. Life is so precious. I'll be sending up a prayer for your SIL and the whole family.

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    so sorry to hear about your friend @parsonsperson cancer truly sucks. My aunt had a mammogram last week followed by a ultrasound and "they don't like what they saw" spent the weekend trying to lift her spirits when we have no idea what they even saw. Prayers for all. :/
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    I'm so very sorry @parsonsperson
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    @parsonsperson very sorry to hear about your friend. 
    June 2016 April Siggy Challenge: Reasons my kid is crying

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    @parsonsperson sorry to hear about your friend....it's an absolute shame there is not cure for breast cancer with all the funding.  But pharmaceutical companies don't make money on a cure.  Truly pisses me off. 

    My mother had stage 3 invasive. She did two different types of chemotherapy, surgery, then radiation.  Always get a second opinion.  Several doctors wanted to do surgery right away.  She is currently cancer free for 2 years.  

    But I know others who haven't been as fortunate.  It's great that she caught it early.  Prayers for all dealing with this.  
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    @parsonsperson I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Please know she is in our thoughts and prayers. 

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    @parsonsperson I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer is such a bitch. I'll keep her in my thoughts & prayers. *hugs* 
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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    I'm sorry @parsonsperson.
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

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