
October/November IVF


Re: October/November IVF

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    Hi @Colleen0516! I also lurk in the step/oct board and saw your nasty bruise. Ouch! I started stims last night. I'm only on Follistim...225iu. I feel like I'm the only person who isn't on Menapur as well. I'm glad I don't have to do the additional injection, but if it gives me more eggs then I welcome it.

    I'm also trying to prepare myself for setbacks. I'm trying to remain positive, but I know anything can happen. I still don't have my medication! Haven't heard from my pharmacy today. I'll give them a couple more hours before I call them. The supple my friend gave me will last a couple more days.
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    welcome @colleen0516!   To all the ladies that have not started stims yet I really did not think the needles were too bad. 

    I had my ER this morning. They told me they retrieved 15 eggs.  I am hoping a good amount make bc I did not have a good experience with the ER and hope I don't have to go through that again. I had a ton of pain when I woke up and couldn't help crying. I had lap surgery two weeks ago and I thought this one was so much worse. I also have not been able to hold down any food. I am assuming its from the anesthesia. ET is scheduled for Saturday. 

    Does anyone have any advice for this week. Is there anything I should be doing/shouldn't be doing before ET. 
    FX for everyone. 

    DH- 31 me 32
    Started IVF  mid Oct  - ET 10/31
    Beta 11/11- BFP
    EDD July 18th 
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    I wanted to say hi to everyone, I've been lurking here. Was hoping to join you all this month, but now have to wait until probably December. Just want to wish you all the best of luck, I'm learning a lot by checking in here so thank you all for sharing! The support on this board is awesome!
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    So ladies my Dr called today to come in on weds for a day 5 transfer instead. So weird. He said my little beans are doing great.

    Welcome to the group @Colleen0516! Don't worry about your little follicles. I only had four until day 5 and I had to stimulate for 13days. However I got 15 mature eggs. My RE thinks sometimes it's better to have a slow start because most times you end up with more mature follies.

    @smitty18 congrats on your ER. FX for you!

    @villacis811 my advice would be to just relax. Im 3dpr and I'm still a little uncomfortable. I also have an acupuncture appt scheduled.
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    @villacis811 I had my retrieval Wed ended up with mild OHSS. I know what its like to feel terrible. I wish I took the day post retrieval off to rest. The meds they gave me made me sick as well. My advice when you can rest...find a good tv show to get into...Had transfer today and still don't feel 100% but I can't sit still so I need to push on. GDL!
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    @smitty18 @picare88 @BriiFigueroa @villacis811 fx for your BFP after your 2ww! Hope it goes by fast for you ladies. My friend gave me a coloring book for adults to help during my upcoming 2ww. She read somewhere that it can be theraputic. I haven't tried it yet, but I will during my 2ww.
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    @rachd110  thank you for the advice.  @piccare88 Thank you! FX for your BFP my ET is supposed to be this Saturday, which is Halloween. : ( Did you have more pain for the ER or ET? 
    DH- 31 me 32
    Started IVF  mid Oct  - ET 10/31
    Beta 11/11- BFP
    EDD July 18th 
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    I'm so excited for all the recent great retrievals for several of you!! Fingers crossed for you all!

    @Colleen0516 I've only been on 200 iu of gonal F until today. My 5 day US showed only 8 follicles and none were bigger than 10 cm, and my endo lining was only 4 mm. I worried myself sick especially bc I'm DOR and thought it weird that they never increased my dosage! But today is day 10 of stims and I have 15 follicles over 10 mm and 3 are 16 mm, and lining is 7.5 mm! Huge relief! I started ganirelix today so that I don't ovulate too soon and retrieval is sometime end of this week! So just when it looks bleak it can get way better with time!
    @smitty18 those are some wise words and a great reminder for me to expect those bumps in the road!! Some things are just out of our control and as much as I hate it, it's just part of the process!
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    @Rachd110 your doctor may start slow. I was on low doses of both meds 150ml
    But he just increased my Follistim tonight.
    Maybe your doctor will add Menopur later?
    since you don't have your meds yet, you can't check if it's part of the program... But when you get them, see if it's in there.

    @BriiFigueroa 5 day transfer is great news!! Strong embryos! How many will you be transferring?

    @villacis811 congrats on your transfer! fX for you!!
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

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    Navarro1126Navarro1126 member
    edited October 2015
    Hi ladies! Egg harvasting season is over for me! I stim'd for 12 days (menopur & gonal-f) and triggered last night at 8pm. I am set for my ER on Wed at 7am (35hr retrieval) I am trying to stay positive but want to do anything i can to be ready. Any tips on how to prepare for pre/post ER? Thanks in advance ;)
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    I think I'm transferin two. @Colleen0516
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    @Navarro1126 drink lots of smart water before and day of and all the way through transfer. Just keep a bottle in your hand at all times. Rest a ton day of (let DH do everything) even if you don't hurt too badly, it will make you feel better the next day.
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    @thejessicanicol I am changing my tune about the Lupron and dry skin. For the past few days I have had the dryest and itchiest legs ever! Plus, I'm cold all the time except for sweating armpits! Induced menopause is awful!

    Congrats to all the ladies who had ER or ET so far! Very excited and hopeful for you all!
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    Ok, I still have 12 (yes, I'm counting down) days until we meet our new RE. Any suggestions on what me and DW should be doing? We are both taking pnvs, but anything else?

    RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS  RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
    Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @rachd110 coloring books for adults?! I've never heard of those but that sounds fun! I love to color lol.

    @erinscaren Oh no :( Glad to know I'm not the only one. I told DH that this is a preview for how I'll be during actual menopause when I'm older lol. He's less than thrilled to say the least

    Me: 24 DH: 29

    MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation

    IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015

    D&C January 2016

    Anticipated FET April 2016

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    @navarro1126  I had a rough go of it. I had mine Sunday. Major cramping spotting, and they had to give me an rx for Vicodin/acetominophin.  I was out for the count all day Sunday - just groggy from the aenestesia, but the cramping and sore tummy was rather unexpected.  Keep in mind I am also at risk for OHSS so i am more swollen than I feel average people would be.  I lived with a heating pad on me all day Sunday, and I probably could have stood to stay home from work Monday.

    It sounds like most of the other ladies had a somewhat easier time with this step. I don't mean to alarm you, as everyone will go through something different. Just be prepared as it is a fairly major "minor" procedure.

    @rachd110 too funny - i just got a coloring book for adults for me too! I got it at a Hallmark store - they had quite a large selection. And I will say it is very relaxing.

    @twomommiestobe my RE recommends CoQ10, as studies have shown in helps in follicle devepment, as well as a baby aspirin. 
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    @HBamama2B and @smitty18 thanks for the tips. I will definitely go get a heating pad and stock up on smart water. FX that my count is high and my craps are low :) thanks again!
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    I'm so excited to join this group! I just had my baseline US and BW this morning so that I can start IVF injections tonight. Yay!!! I have been following so many of you. This is definitely the place for support. You have already helped more than you know. Thank you!
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    @BriiFigueroa 5 day transfer is great! Little blast-babies!

    @twomommiestobe I think prenatals are all you can really do at this point! And try to stay off google! :)

    @Navarro1126 good luck tomorrow, you'll do great!

    @villacis811 a Halloween ET! Best "treat" ever!

    @smitty18 @picare88 how are you guys feeling?

    @KateTim2012 Welcome! Good luck to you!
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    @erinscaren haha I think I have already read everything on the Internet by now (including blogs I found on pinterest) haha I take most of it with a grain of salt. We have limited our gluten (aka just finishing off what we already have, then no more), eating more veggies/fruits, and less red meat. Nothing too drastic bc it was still pretty close to what we normally eat.

    I think I will look into these adult coloring books. I have seen adult connect the dot books! Very detailed! It will help DW and me pass the time.

    RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS  RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
    Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Congrats to everyone on the retrievals and the upcoming transfers and to those who have had transfers already!  Fx for you all!

    I'm still waiting on AF to show up so I can start BCPs so I can then start the stims.  I'm ready to start the IVF process.  I'm tired of waiting for AF.  I am hoping she comes by Friday/Saturday... 

    Questions for you all... When you started the stims, did you have to go in every other day for bw or ultrasounds?  When did the every other day appts start?  Did you do them on the weekends as well?
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    I got the phone call this afternoon. Out of the 15 eggs that were retrieved 8 fertilized. They will call to give us an update on Thursday.   
    @navarro1126 I am not sure if the amount of pain i had yesterday was normal bc for me it was pretty bad but today I am feeling  lot better. I am going to go pick up some smart water today. Anything that will help for the transfer on Saturday. 
    DH- 31 me 32
    Started IVF  mid Oct  - ET 10/31
    Beta 11/11- BFP
    EDD July 18th 
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    @villacis811 8 is a good amount! :D

    RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS  RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
    Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    villacis811villacis811 member
    edited October 2015
    @Piperella I was on stims for 10 days. I had to go for bw and Us 6 out of the 10 days including weekends.
    DH- 31 me 32
    Started IVF  mid Oct  - ET 10/31
    Beta 11/11- BFP
    EDD July 18th 
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    @erinscaren had my ET yesterday....tranfered 2 with 6 frozen. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the whole process I went through. Still feel bloated and fat (like Im nine months preg). Trying to stay positive. Just went to the store to start crocheting...need to keep mind and hands busy.
    FX for everyone else!
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    @Navarro1126 my ER took 10 mins the worst part was the iv . I didn't really have cramps or anything after. They said tske Tylenol for pain but it was unnecessary. My ET also pain free. Having slight cramps here snd there bug nothing intense. I drank a lot of Gatorade and just relaxed . Good luck FX for you and everyone
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    @Piperella I started stims on Sunday. Have my first US/blood test this morning, then Friday, then Monday. Hope AF shows up soon so you can get started. Fyi: I felt like the 10 days I was on bc felt like 30. I was very anxious to start stimming.

    I need to buy colored pencils so I can start on my adult coloring book. DH was trying to get me started last night, but I refuse to use markers. At times I can have pretty bad OCD.
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    @Piperella whenever you want AF, it takes forever. I was waiting for it back in June to have ovarian reserve testing done and that month, I had a 38 day cycle. WTH. But it will happen!

    @amos1417 Wow congrats on a great ER! Those are awesome results!

    I feel cranky today. Woke up saturated in sweat over night which is thanks to the lupron. I think I'm stress eating and now my pants are too tight and uncomfortable. I have the withdraw bleed from the BC ending AND all DH wants to know is when we can have sex again. Tired, frustrated, stressed, and feeling fat....
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    @amos1417 sorry to hear about OHSS and not being able to do a fresh cycle. I hear that sometimes FETs are more successful because your body has time to heal from all the meds. 15 fertilized...that is great!

    @erinscaren, I'm also feeling cranky today. Actually felt cranky yesterday too. 

    So I had my first US this morning and the tech told me I have 15 follies on my right and 7 on my left—largest is 9mm. Of course I'm waiting for my RE's confirmation on the numbers. I won't hear from the office until 4 pm. After my testing this morning, I suddenly started feeling really crappy. Weird feeling in my belly...not cramps...I can't really explain it. I'm also feeling a little nauseous. Hope this doesn't get worse as the week goes on. Oh, and the US tech told me that my follies on my left side are above my ovary, so I may experience more pain than usual after my ER. Isn't that wonderful. But that got me started thinking, is my uterus tilted? 
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    @Rachd110 I felt exactly that way every time my estrogen spiked! If you bw shows a jump in your estradiol levels I'd bet that's it. I wonder if that's normal for a lot of us ladies. :)
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    @amos1417 Is it normal to collect that many eggs? Our RE is hoping he can get at least 10 from me which sounded high but now it sounds a little low lol. 15 fertilized sounds like a dream!

    @erinscaren You and I are in the same boat :( Yesterday was my last BC day so I'm waiting for the bleed to start any day now. Still on the Lupron but at 5 units now. I swear my personality is so different now. I never used to be so moody and our sex life was great. Now DH asks if I still love him from time to time. I know he's just messing around and trying to bring me back to my normal self but this really sucks.

    Ready for ER to get here already!

    Me: 24 DH: 29

    MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation

    IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015

    D&C January 2016

    Anticipated FET April 2016

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    Hey all... just checking in to say hi! I'm on the September/October board, but due to fibroids my Transfer got pushed. I'm hoping to get it done in November but I don't even know at this point. 

    October is coming to an end and I'm sure that some of you are creeping closer to ER, How are you all holding up? 

    *** Pregnancy & Miscarriage Mentioned***
    ME: 34/DH: 33
    TTC (On & Off) Since 2008
    Diagnosed DOR August 2013 
    2009-2013 6 Clomid Rounds which resulted in 3 Cysts/Had to take some time off from TTC
    10/2014 ~ BFP (Natural Pregnancy) after 3 months Acupuncture/Miscarriage at 10 wks
    7/2015 ~ Med Protocol#1: Failed Cycle/Only 1 Egg/Unable to convert to IUI because thin uterus lining
    08/2015 ~ Med Protocol #2: Started stims 09/13
    ER 10/9 with 6 Eggs Retrieved/3 SNOWFLAKES!!

    10/22/15 ~ AF Showed up, waiting for Fibroid removal.
    10/28/15 ~ Saline Ultrasound - Fibroids were gone. FET scheduled for December 3rd!
    12/08/15 ~ FET of one hatching Embaby

    12/21/15 ~ 13dp5dfet Beta 755! I'M PREGNANT!!!/ 
    12/23/15 ~15dp5dfet Beta 1539!

    01/05/16 ~ 1st Ultrasound - 2 little beans and 2 Heartbeats (120 & 125 bpm)

    My Fur Baby: Diva Celeste McClendon

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    @thejessicanicol 24 is a lot and I don't think it's normal. Plus, I now have OHSS and it's terrible. I wouldn't go thru stims/retrieval again on such high doses of meds. 10 is a good number and retrieval should be a breeze. Good luck!!  
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    @thejessicanicol at least I know it's not just me! Doesn't help that I work a week on a week off (seven 12 hour shifts then seven days off) and today is day 6 of 7, so I'm extra tired! I go tomorrow for baseline US and BW with the plan to decrease lupron to 5 units on friday and also start gonal f. But I know the new meds will just bring on a whole new set of unwanted symptoms!
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    @amos1417 congrats!!! That is a great number!!!
    DH- 31 me 32
    Started IVF  mid Oct  - ET 10/31
    Beta 11/11- BFP
    EDD July 18th 
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    @piperella that is one crazy dream. I wonder if its even possible to grow that many follies. I hope this group has just as many or more BFPs. We need to keep this going!
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    I'm back on track with a new cycle. Started birth control and baby aspirin tonight. It's going to be a longer protocol this time with Lupron. Hope it works. It will be a few weeks before the transfer. Patience, right? :)
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