@Rachd110 Good, I'm glad you're feeling pretty decent! And glad you are able to enjoy some of the holiday season! I'm doing pretty good, chugging along! Working through xmas eve and flying up to see my family on xmas day, so that will keep me busy. Feeling optimistic about next month!!!!
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@Rachd110 and @erinscaren I'm glad to hear you're both doing well. I've been keeping very busy with the holiday season and looking forward to January and what 2016 will bring. I found out someone else I know who wasn't even trying is preggers with twins, I tried to have a good reaction but "You're kidding me" came out. I felt terrible!
Well, I got the call and my beta was negative. I am officially out for this round. I'm at work, so trying to hold it together. For as much as I knew it, I can't seem to shake the immense sadness right now. I scheduled a tentative baseline appt for next week and meet with my RE next week. My nurse wants to get me going again right away, so looks like IVF stimming will start in mid Jan. I'm hopeful this next round will be the one.
The sort of positive news is that my progesterone and estrogen were near perfect levels to maintain a pregnancy, so if I could only get there, the nurse thinks it will stick.
Anyone else here doing IVF in Jan/Feb?
*TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@ChristinaV2015 Good, I am glad you are keeping busy. It makes the time go faster! I completely understand being annoyed by that announcement. It's like I'm working my butt off over here, can I at least get one???
@halips Oh girl, I'm so sorry. I know how you're feeling and it sucks. I don't know how you are doing it at work. You're a tough cookie. Hugs to you, I'm sorry hun!
Oh @halips I'm so sorry for you. Unfortunately so many of us know this feeling all too well. I'm glad your Bloodwork came back good. Prayers for the holiday season and for sticky babies for all of us in 2016! ::Hugs:: Hang in there!
@halips I'm so sorry. Hugs to you. I'm glad you're being proactive and have your appointment schedule to discuss next steps. It's great that your progesterone levels are good. This will happen for you soon. 2016 will be a good year for all of us.
I probably won't be able to do my FET until Feb or March. I'm rooting for you all and will continue to check in to see how everyone is doing.
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and made the best of it no matter their situation.
AF showed up today so tomorrow I go in for baseline Bloodwork and sonogram for my FET. My emotions are all over the place on this. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.
Praying for my little miracle! And for all of you!
@ChristinaV2015 I think we are gonna be FET buddies, I have had spotting the last 2 days, just waiting on full flow to call the clinic. I am visiting my fam in NY, but I brought my Estrace and estradiol patches to start whenever they tell me! I don't have to have a baseline US though. I'm excited for us, I think this I going to go better!
@erinscaren RE wants me to wait two cycles after taking methotrexate. I think it's to make sure the medication is completely out of my system and so I can start taking folic acid again. Methotrexate eats up all the folic acid from your body. As of last Wednesday, my HCG level was still not at zero. I have another blood test in the morning. This is taking so long!
I can't believe how long it has been since I've posted on the board! I've been lurking and praying for you all but just haven't had the words to talk to anyone really. Little update: Baby looked to be growing well. I switched from Endometrin to PIO to stop the bleeding. PIO totally and completely sucks!! Worst shot by far. One night we forgot to rub my butt really well and a lump of oil formed, yay. Then we went in for our last ultrasound with our RE. He wouldn't really say anything but we need to see a high risk OB. There is some sort of band looking thing around the baby. He asked if we have any frozen with him and if things don't go well with this one we at least have those. Not the encouraging words we were hoping for..
I'll be reading what you guys are doing and really hope to see some positives!!
@thejessicanicol Good to hear from you! I have been thinking about you and wondering how things are going. Please let us know how your ultrasound went, wishing the best for you!
@thejessicanicol Oh I just saw your post on the other thread....I am so so sorry. That breaks my heart so very much. I can only imagine how you are feeling. I am sending you lots and lots of hugs and healing.
@thejessicanicol I am so sorry for your loss! I know how hard it. There are no words I can say to make this better. Hope everything went well today. Thinking about you.
@thejessicanicol I'm am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.
*TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@thejessicanicol glad to hear you're starting to feel better. I might be joining you for a March FET. I'm still waiting to get my period then have to be on BCP for a month.
@christinav2015@rachd110 are you guys in the March/April group? That's where I am currently. RE wants me on the March schedule so we're waiting around for AF. Never thought I would be looking forward to that coming lol. I had to take a break from the forum but I'm back now! Hoping for a FET in March/April. It'll be our first frozen so I'm a bit nervous.
Hi @ChristinaV2015, how are you? I'm sorry your first FET didn't stick. Fingers crossed the next one
I took a long break from my infertility struggles and just got back online the other day after 5 weeks of silence. I'm enrolled in a class for my MBA, so that has helped time go by.
AF showed up on Wednesday, so hoping to have my FET in a couple weeks. Since my miscarriage my periods have been very light. My lining is also thick for this time of the month at 7cm so I think there might be a chance I can't move forward. They haven't really given me a lot of detail which is frustrating. I'm waiting for my nurse to call me back.
@thejessicanicol I'm currently in the Feb/March group. I haven't posted much tho. I'm ready to start being active again. There is a possibility I may be joining the March/April group.
@Rachd110 it's great to hear from you! I'm glad you're back! So the lining is TOO thick? This really is like a goldilocks situation isn't it!? It can't be too thick, it can't be too thin! Have they mentioned if giving you provera would help at all? My progesterone in december indicated I didn't ovulate so they prescribed provera to induce AF. Just throwing out thoughts. I'm glad you are keeping busy with school!
@thejessicanicol I'm glad to hear from you, too. I'm sure you needed a good break to heal. I'm excited for you to do your fet next month!
@Rachd110 and @thejessicanicol it's so great to here from you both. You both had such a rough time but I'm glad to here you haven't given up hope and you're trying again.
I'm having my 2nd FET tomorrow morning. Transfer 3 little snowflakes. I'm excited for this one and really praying this is our time.
I'm going to be lurking on the March boards waiting to see BFP'S for you two wonderful ladies!
Hi ladies! Glad everyone is moving along again and that we've even had some good news!
@ChristinaV2015 Fx for your BFP!Hope you're feeling well after transfer yesterday!
I just completed IVF retrieval #2. Was much more successful than last time. I now have 6 snowflakes waiting for me. FET is scheduled for April 4th. Hoping to transfer 2 this time and will be doing an endo scratch beforhand to hopefully help!
*TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Re: October/November IVF
@erinscaren I'm headed in to test right now!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@Rachd110 and @erinscaren I'm glad to hear you're both doing well. I've been keeping very busy with the holiday season and looking forward to January and what 2016 will bring. I found out someone else I know who wasn't even trying is preggers with twins, I tried to have a good reaction but "You're kidding me" came out. I felt terrible!
The sort of positive news is that my progesterone and estrogen were near perfect levels to maintain a pregnancy, so if I could only get there, the nurse thinks it will stick.
Anyone else here doing IVF in Jan/Feb?
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@halips Oh girl, I'm so sorry. I know how you're feeling and it sucks. I don't know how you are doing it at work. You're a tough cookie. Hugs to you, I'm sorry hun!
I probably won't be able to do my FET until Feb or March. I'm rooting for you all and will continue to check in to see how everyone is doing.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
Merry Christmas to all you ladies! We may not have had the luckiest cycles, but we are tough chick's who persevered! Thanks for the support!
AF showed up today so tomorrow I go in for baseline Bloodwork and sonogram for my FET. My emotions are all over the place on this. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.
Praying for my little miracle! And for all of you!
Little update: Baby looked to be growing well. I switched from Endometrin to PIO to stop the bleeding. PIO totally and completely sucks!! Worst shot by far. One night we forgot to rub my butt really well and a lump of oil formed, yay. Then we went in for our last ultrasound with our RE. He wouldn't really say anything but we need to see a high risk OB. There is some sort of band looking thing around the baby. He asked if we have any frozen with him and if things don't go well with this one we at least have those. Not the encouraging words we were hoping for..
I'll be reading what you guys are doing and really hope to see some positives!!
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
@thejessicanicol, @halips, @Rachd110, @amyreneef, @smitty18
@erinscaren and I have kept in touch so I know where she is!
@christinav2015 @rachd110 are you guys in the March/April group? That's where I am currently. RE wants me on the March schedule so we're waiting around for AF. Never thought I would be looking forward to that coming lol. I had to take a break from the forum but I'm back now! Hoping for a FET in March/April. It'll be our first frozen so I'm a bit nervous.
I'm also wondering where the rest of you are at!
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
I took a long break from my infertility struggles and just got back online the other day after 5 weeks of silence. I'm enrolled in a class for my MBA, so that has helped time go by.
AF showed up on Wednesday, so hoping to have my FET in a couple weeks. Since my miscarriage my periods have been very light. My lining is also thick for this time of the month at 7cm so I think there might be a chance I can't move forward. They haven't really given me a lot of detail which is frustrating. I'm waiting for my nurse to call me back.
@thejessicanicol I'm currently in the Feb/March group. I haven't posted much tho. I'm ready to start being active again. There is a possibility I may be joining the March/April group.
@thejessicanicol I'm glad to hear from you, too. I'm sure you needed a good break to heal. I'm excited for you to do your fet next month!
I'm having my 2nd FET tomorrow morning. Transfer 3 little snowflakes. I'm excited for this one and really praying this is our time.
I'm going to be lurking on the March boards waiting to see BFP'S for you two wonderful ladies!
@ChristinaV2015 Fx for your BFP!Hope you're feeling well after transfer yesterday!
I just completed IVF retrieval #2. Was much more successful than last time. I now have 6 snowflakes waiting for me. FET is scheduled for April 4th. Hoping to transfer 2 this time and will be doing an endo scratch beforhand to hopefully help!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!