March 2016 Moms

*** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***


Re: *** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***

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    So I told my sisters about the babies genders and one goes "that's cool, but I don't like the names you picked out, how about naming them..." and the other goes "I thought they would be. So your brother is finding out his baby's gender tomorrow" even though he isn't for another month yet. Just felt like they weren't excited. I know, I know, I'm excited cause they are my babies and it is understandable that they are not excited, but it was still a let down that they didn't at least pretend for me :(
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    I'm sorry @red3ye! My family reacted very lukewarm to learning our first son's name...they kept giving me alternate suggestions. I was finally like "Sorry you don't like his name, but I'm not changing it would be best if you learn to deal with it." Same thing happened with this son, even when I told my mom that his middle name was for her father, she was like "oh, well, someone else in the family already did that." Grrr, family can be such a let down sometimes. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @kynbar5 don't know if you noticed but op from the 3rd tri board was banned. I'm assuming she kept up her potty mouth antics.

    December Siggy Challenge

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    @red3ye I'm thrilled with your name choices and your one each babies :-) Yay support hugs.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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    @kynbar5 don't know if you noticed but op from the 3rd tri board was banned. I'm assuming she kept up her potty mouth antics.

    I didn't notice but I'm glad!
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    @red3ye I'm sorry that they weren't that interested. I was like HECK YEAH ONE OF EACH so just pretend I'm your sister and I'll be enthusiastic.

    My family has been the same way with names. Everyone has an opinion and they forget that it doesn't really matter. I think next baby we won't tell anyone what we are naming it until it gets here:
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    So I completely forgot to let y'all in on how much fun (it really wasn't fun AT ALL) I had last night. We got a ton of rain yesterday in a short amount of time. Apparently it washed up a bunch of millipedes (I live in the country). Anyhow, I'm standing in the kitchen (go figure lol) and see something on the tile. It's a millipede. Guys, I LOATHE milipedes and centipedes. I'd honestly rather deal with snakes and spiders. We've never had a problem with them before so I figured it was just a random deal. I kill it and clean it up. Come back in from flushing that little demon and see another. Kill, clean, flush... And whatdoyaknow there's another! They're crawling through a tiny crack in my patio door frame. One. After. Another. I make the mistake of opening the blinds. My back porch is crawling with these things! So yes, I flip out and start spraying our Home Defense and another bug spray we have like crazy. Also, I put a line of salt across the frame. Well, it worked but you better believe when my husband got home I made him put new weather stripping on the door and told him all about how I had to deal with the invasion of the milipedes and was so proud of myself for not crying lol.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    OMG speaking of 3D ultrasounds they did part of my second A/S in 3D. They didn't give us any warning I was like WHAT THE HELL IS THAT. Mom of the year over here.
    hahaha, me too! I said, oh my god, it's an alien!! She did finally get a decent shot of only the face that was much more baby than alien looking, but still...I wasn't prepared for that.


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    Eeeeeeeeew @kynbar5 you're a stronger woman than I am! !
    @SarahFoley725 they did 3d at my level two ultrasound and I thought it was cool. Baby was not that cute though since he/she looked sort of warped from the weird angle! And he/she looked kind of mad haha. The tech said it was to early and not a good position to get a good picture!

    I finally cleared out the storage on my phone and downloaded the app. I usually bump on my iPad but now I'm mobile! A little too excited about this. ...

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @kynbar5 I just went back and read that thread...what a nut job. I can't believe that your comment was reported and removed. What a crock. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I just ventured into the tri boards for the first time and boy have I been missing out.

    Ironically there was a millipede in the kitchen today too...but just one. They don't bother me though. Only spiders really get me. My husband has this stupid dog and the other day he was playing with someone on the rug bin our entry way. I could tell it was a bug but thought it was a June bug or a roach or something. I went over to check it out and definitely one of those huge grass spiders. I called the dog useless and awful and smashed the spider with a shoe. While I was getting a paper towel to pick it up the dog ate it...k
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    Oh man, those who don't follow Hahas for Hoohas, you need to start.  This just popped up on my newsfeed.

    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    skruhmin said:

    @kynbar5 no no no no no no no no no no no I'm sorry but I would burn your house down.

    I was very proud of myself for not lighting that match! Or "accidentally" knocking over a candle. Lol
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    This board is getting very.....interesting.
    The thought process of some people is ummmmm interesting? To put it nicely.
    Just think - nearly all of the women here (and more specifically on the tri boards) are going to be PARENTS responsible for raising little people. Kind of scary when you think about a few of the "interesting" ones!
    They just raise more "interesting" ones. 
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    This board is getting very.....interesting.

    The thought process of some people is ummmmm interesting? To put it nicely.

    Just think - nearly all of the women here (and more specifically on the tri boards) are going to be PARENTS responsible for raising little people. Kind of scary when you think about a few of the "interesting" ones!

    @-) :-t

    December Siggy Challenge

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    Hey!?! Where did my avatar go!?!

    December Siggy Challenge

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    Hey!?! Where did my avatar go!?!
    Oh no...this was the first sign of annoying board issues last time! 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Did anyone else notice TB was down for maintenance for like 3 minutes earlier today?

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    bntfroggiebntfroggie member
    edited November 2015

    Did anyone else notice TB was down for maintenance for like 3 minutes earlier today?

    I did, and was not happy one bit ha ha ha. :-)  It really cuts into my procrastination antics.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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    DH and I also don't tell anyone the names we're thinking about. I really don't want to hear other people's opinions (especially family) and then make us second guess our choices. That being said, we decided on Juliet for first name and middle name will most likely be Elizabeth but not 100% set on it.

    The tech for our anatomy scan also did some 3D action towards the end. Both DH and I think they look freaky and DH said "no really, you don't have to do that" and cringed. Haha. She was covering her face most of the time so it wasn't too bad.
    BabyFruit Ticker


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    Did anyone else notice TB was down for maintenance for like 3 minutes earlier today?

    I did, and was not happy one bit ha ha ha. :-)  It really cuts into my procrastination antics.

    No!! :( I miss seeing my chubby puppy's face!!

    December Siggy Challenge

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    skruhminskruhmin member
    edited November 2015
    Just 2 1/2 more hours...just 2 1/2 more hours...just 2 1/2 more hours.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Regarding family reactions to name selection, I was FaceTiming with my parents a few weeks ago and they asked if we'd decided on a name yet so I told them we were leaning toward Sylvia.  I had previously mentioned that we wanted to pick a Shakespeare name (I'm a classically trained actor) so they asked "Oh, is that from Shakespeare?" and I said yes, and suddenly heard my brother laughing from across their living room being like "Are you serious?"  I just ignored it at the time, but I later realized that he named one of his sons Logan after Wolverine!  Sorry bro, but if you can name your kid after a comic book character I can name mine after Shakespeare!

    We also had some unexpected 3D U/S moments at our specialist appointment, but it wasn't too creepy - mostly b/c baby was being uncooperative and they could really only get a look at her feet!  But they did print out a cute shot of just her little hand holding on to one of her feet :)
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    @skruhmin ginger ale from a juicer, pasta from a juicer, you sure are whizz with that thing. Best I can get out of mine is warm-ish, slightly pulpy juice. My juicer is gathering dust in the corner. Sigh. I had the best intentions.

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Thankfully I've never had negative reactions with our name choices (except our girl choice, but we've never had to deal with that one :D ).  With this one and still being undecided, we haven't had any input into our choices - it makes it that much easier.  But seriously, it's really up to you and your SO.  Everyone else can suck it.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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                                                                  LFAF- Best Olympic Moments...  Jackie Joyner-Kersee


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