March 2016 Moms

*** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***


Re: *** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***

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    Am I the only one who is always surprised at how many people here give the advice to "just lie and say this or that"? I could have sworn lying was wrong and just caused more problems/trouble. I mean, don't we (I do at least) constantly tell our children to tell the truth?
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    @ecwk It's scented wax! You get wax warmers and put the wax in and it makes your house smell nice. My husband and I were in heaven smelling all of it haha
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    kynbar5 said:
    Am I the only one who is always surprised at how many people here give the advice to "just lie and say this or that"? I could have sworn lying was wrong and just caused more problems/trouble. I mean, don't we (I do at least) constantly tell our children to tell the truth?
    I honestly have the same thought, I was telling that to a friend a lot of the questions are how to I tell someone I hate something or I don't want them there.  Be tactful and put on your big girl panties.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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    *siiiiiiggghh* we just closed on our first house in July and someone announced today that a private school is planning on building on the plot of land across from our neighborhood. We moved kinda far out so we knew it would build up but there is only one entrance to our neighborhood and it's off of a poorly paved road with one lane in each direction. This is going to suucckk
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    So @SarahFoley725, have you made any celebratory baby purchases??
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    skruhmin said:

    So @SarahFoley725, have you made any celebratory baby purchases??

    I haven't bought anything recently! I got a bunch of clothes when we found out the sex. My mom said I got too many (as if that's a thing). I'm trying not to buy anything until after the shower. Although I did tell my husband I wanted to go buy her a present to celebrate her being healthy and he just looked at me. Poor guy, doesn't understand my mommy feels.
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    So @SarahFoley725, have you made any celebratory baby purchases??
    I haven't bought anything recently! I got a bunch of clothes when we found out the sex. My mom said I got too many (as if that's a thing). I'm trying not to buy anything until after the shower. Although I did tell my husband I wanted to go buy her a present to celebrate her being healthy and he just looked at me. Poor guy, doesn't understand my mommy feels.
    Do it - just go do something yourself.  You need to celebrate being a mommy and YOU be in control of what you get.  It's ok to give yourself that permission, especially since you were holding back a little.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    skruhmin said:

    skruhmin said:

    So @SarahFoley725, have you made any celebratory baby purchases??

    I haven't bought anything recently! I got a bunch of clothes when we found out the sex. My mom said I got too many (as if that's a thing). I'm trying not to buy anything until after the shower. Although I did tell my husband I wanted to go buy her a present to celebrate her being healthy and he just looked at me. Poor guy, doesn't understand my mommy feels.

    Do it - just go do something yourself.  You need to celebrate being a mommy and YOU be in control of what you get.  It's ok to give yourself that permission, especially since you were holding back a little.

    Maybe I will order her something today. DH has been wanting a gun for a while so I told him he could get one. I don't want us to not enjoy ourselves during all the baby excitement, he just doesn't get the things that I want for myself are actually for the kid hahah
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    So @SarahFoley725 - do you have a scentsy page we could look at?  And is there anything pumpkin spice?  I'm dealing with the smell of pee everywhere in my house -  thanks 4-year old!
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    skruhmin said:

    So @SarahFoley725 - do you have a scentsy page we could look at?  And is there anything pumpkin spice?  I'm dealing with the smell of pee everywhere in my house -  thanks 4-year old!

    I do! It's

    There are three pumpkin scents! Pumpkin Roll, Pumpkin Marshmellow, and Pumpkin Coconut Pie (I don't have a sample of that so I don't know what it smells like)

    I will say that the pumpkin Marshmellow smells like sweet potatoes with marshmallows melted on it and not as much like pumpkin. I liked the "winter" scents the most I think
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    Yay! Thanks @SarahFoley725 I love, love, love Scentsy! I haven't bought any scents for a long time, I think I'm due for some new ones.

    March 2016 Moms: January Siggy Challenge "Pregnancy Problems"
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    Man today is just a shitty day all around.  I cried all morning at home, and work has been non-stop today!  Everything is so screwed up at work and I'm trying to fix it all.  I just want to go back home and cry some more.  I'm getting another abcess, this time under my left arm.  I told the nurse about it on Tuesday but she didn't do much other than give me my injection and told me to not pop it.  I can't- it hurts too much to touch, and it sits right where the ribbing of my bra rubs into my under arm area, which only makes it worse.  These damn things make me feel disgusting/gross- and I only started getting them since going off BC in May.  And nothing can be done about them until I deliver in March.  I'm too scared to go to the ER to have it lanced- the last time despite numbing me I felt everything and it hurt really bad, to the point I couldn't lift my arm for a few days.  Its bad enough I feel like as big as a blimp- to add to that its just making me break down. 

    I'm trying really hard not to cry- I have a kid who is serving ISS in my office, and I have people coming in and out.  This just sucks. 

    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    JessKo08 said:
    Yay! Thanks @SarahFoley725 I love, love, love Scentsy! I haven't bought any scents for a long time, I think I'm due for some new ones.
    no thank YOU! If you have questions or anything let me know   :-*
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    @charley15 I'm sorry, sweetie! Hang in there, mama...maybe get some chocolate from the vending machine later. :) 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    And yaaaaaaaayyyyyyy for being public @bntfroggie !!!!! 
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    @charley15 I'm sorry! I had an outbreak of boils all down my side so I know how horribly uncomfortable they are and how icky they make you feel. I second getting some chocolate ❤️
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    Wahooooooo @ecwk !!!!
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Goodness gracious YAY for all of the healthy baby updates lately! It makes me heart happy :)

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    ecwk said:

    Can I totally be an AW for a moment? Go the results of my Harmony Test (only took one week!) and everything is normal! Risk is less than 1:10,000 for all trisonomies! I had every faith and confidence it would go this way but not knowing for sure was tough. The bright spot on baby's heart won't have any negative effects. I could cry with relief. 

    Thank you all for warm thoughts and support when I told you about this!

    YESSSS SO HAPPY FOR YOU. I'm honestly crying a little. Wonderful news!!!
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    Wonderful news @ecwk!!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    So annoyed. So I've mentioned that I nanny a special needs boy. I do lots of different therapies with him throughout the day on top of house work and such. Well his mom is working from home for whatever reason and she's been shut up in her room all day so far missing me do feeding therapy, stretching, and using equipment. He wasn't having it with his equipment today so I took him out, put everything away, laid him down to play, and got a snack. She comes out of her room for like two seconds and is acting like I don't do anything with him. I'm literally sitting here with an apple in my hand and she's telling me how I could be doing more with him now before he eats. Yeah.... I do that every day but right now I'm hungry.

    I'm just so annoyed. I'm still doing all of my crap and it's not getting any easier for me as I get bigger. Some days it's hard even to carry him around. They're supposed to be looking for my replacement right now but to my knowledge they haven't even started the search. Why isn't it Friday ugh
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    @ecwk yay! I'm so happy for you! :D
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    @ecwk Woo hoo! Awesome news :)
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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    @ecwk congrats on the healthy baby. I'm so glad so many of our babies are well!! And especially happy to see they're all going to be very loved.

    View counts? I've never paid attention to those... But it has always bothered me why people will show up once and post something and never log on again. What's the point of starting a thread (even if you are trying to have an AW moment) if you never log back on to check it?

    December Siggy Challenge

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    @charley15 have you had gestational diabetes in the past or did you get tested yet? I know it's kind of early to get tested but people with diabetes or consistently high blood sugars have a tendency to get boils, cysts, or accesses. Just something to think about. It doesn't mean you have it for sure but if you do just managing your blood sugar decreases occurances to almost none.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    @ecwk mthat is great news! Now you can relax a little.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    It took me a while to "find my place" here at TB, but once I did (awwww, you ladies!) I was happy to move from lurker to poster. It's weird, because I think we're a really welcoming group of gals, not sure why some don't post more. That bear gif is epic.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Whelp I'm officially under 30 with varicose veins. Drat. @ecwk Woohoo!
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    smount2011smount2011 member
    edited November 2015

    I pre-diabetic because of my PCOS.  I was on metformin until 12 weeks then taken off.  But I started getting these as soon as I came of BC, and never had them before in my arm pits.  I came off BC the first of may, got AF the end of may beginning of June and by mid-june my right under-arm was full of them (I wanna say about 12-15).  One was the size of a lemon and needed to be lanced.  Now after just that one I got on my tummy from my ingrown hair- which did open and drain but was infected- I haven't had a one until now, and its now in my left under-arm. And before that I NEVER had them like this!  I'm going to mention it to my dr when I see him again- because obviously me telling the nurse didn't matter much.  All she did say was when I get to see my dermatologist they can give me something to clear them up- but can't take anything until after baby.    

    P.S. I did not have gestational diabetes, and I will probably get tested in the next couple weeks (I see the doctor on 11/17).  I did have a glucose test 1 year or so ago and the results came back fine.  But again I was on Metformin so they wanted to make sure it was doing its job.

    ETA:  they can also be caused from hormonal changes.  I was on Seasonique BC for a year, and was told to skip the period pills to surpress my hormones and help shrink my endometriosis.  So it could be from the surge in hormones too.  We shall see.

    @charley15 have you had gestational diabetes in the past or did you get tested yet? I know it's kind of early to get tested but people with diabetes or consistently high blood sugars have a tendency to get boils, cysts, or accesses. Just something to think about. It doesn't mean you have it for sure but if you do just managing your blood sugar decreases occurances to almost none.

    February Siggy Challenge- Post pregnancy indulgences

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    smushi said:

    Whelp I'm officially under 30 with varicose veins. Drat.

    @ecwk Woohoo!

    I've had them since I was 14. I officially reached "if you only saw my left leg you would seriously think I'm 85". My OB is writing his 2nd book and that ever so gorgeous leg is featured in both. :-q
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    kynbar5 said:
    Whelp I'm officially under 30 with varicose veins. Drat. @ecwk Woohoo!
    I've had them since I was 14. I officially reached "if you only saw my left leg you would seriously think I'm 85". My OB is writing his 2nd book and that ever so gorgeous leg is featured in both. :-q

    Boo hiss :(
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    @kynbar5 I'm assuming your doctor is doing that with your permission right? Can you ask for free treatment as compensation or photo royalties! ;)

    @labacker Yay!! For healthy baby!

    December Siggy Challenge

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