March 2016 Moms

*** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***


Re: *** The Official Random Thread of All Random Threads for March 2016 ***

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    It's misting here. I swear we have the weirdest weather in AL. It's 75 now. And I keep having to switch from heat to AC.
    Ah! There's the bus! Hope my kiddo had a good day

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    Back from A/S. Everything looks good! Only one small hiccup which doc said she's required to tell me but she's honestly not concerned. Baby's femurs are just slightly below the norm. However she said she's not concerned since me and DH are both short, it's most likely just our genetics! :D short parents, short baby sounds about right. Baby did decide to pee on screen during the procedure. :\"> but I made it through and remained team green!!
    Yeah that's how my baby measured too.  So did DS2.  And he has a super long torso but short legs.  That's how we grow 'em.  Yay for everything looking good!!!
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    It's misting here. I swear we have the weirdest weather in AL. It's 75 now. And I keep having to switch from heat to AC. Ah! There's the bus! Hope my kiddo had a good day
    It was 70* at lunchtime and sunny.  Right now it's raining and 52*.  Tomorrow there is supposed to be snow on the ground.  Colorado is bipolar. 
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    skruhminskruhmin member
    edited November 2015
    So sorry @Torpedogirl ...maybe this will help clear that up.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Hi there mamas! Hope you're all well!

    @soxfan9968 glad to hear it all went well! It's kind of annoying how they legally have to disclose every little thing. I mean I get why they have to do it but I think it causes a lot of unnecessary stress and worry in many people. Glad to see you're not stressing though! Yay for Team Green!!! Xo

    Hope all kiddos are well today, my goodness some of you really have your hands full these days!!

    Off to my centering pregnancy group in a few mins. Will check in later properly.
    Peace out B-)

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Omg @skruhmin I've seen it before and I still PMP laughing =))

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    I know, right?  You just have to take one look at that guy's face and it's all over.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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    Back from A/S. Everything looks good! Only one small hiccup which doc said she's required to tell me but she's honestly not concerned. Baby's femurs are just slightly below the norm. However she said she's not concerned since me and DH are both short, it's most likely just our genetics! :D short parents, short baby sounds about right. Baby did decide to pee on screen during the procedure. :\"> but I made it through and remained team green!!

    I have never seen or heard of a baby peeing on the screen!! So cool/funny/weird. Haha.

    We make short babies too. Except all 3 of my brothers are over 6 ft tall. DS is in the 2% for height. DD is measuring almost two weeks ahead on everything. Watch, DS is going to be 5'6 like dh and DD is going to be 6'!
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    @skruhmin that was great! Way better lol
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    @flowerpower5838 similar thing happened to me at the end of my first pregnancy - I was in bed and kind of starting to freak out and I woke up hubs and he just laughed. He was all "I seriously can't believe you've never had heartburn in your life until now, lucky!" (I was almost 31).

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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    So...... I wrote this on one of the fb groups... but though I really need to drop it here bc you are my girls and I really need to learn to not pretend shit is all rosy sunshine and puppies all the time

    (Long and sorry!)

    I had an ugly day and I cant decide if it's real stress or hormone (or even worse both).

    At soon to be 32 I am back at uni getting my PhD... Most classes are easy peasy but I am really struggling with an advance comp sci class. The instructor is also my welfare tutor as I am considered a disabled student (not pregnancy related)...

    Yesterday I went to an extra tutorial and spend 2 hours feeling like I got nothing done... During hour 2 of a 4 hour session today I nearly lost it and had to go outside as I was about to cry (seeing I only got 60% on the first assignment which I thought I understood was the tipping point)... so I get myself through a full blown panic episode (bc you know one assignment means I am going to fail the whole class, be kicked off the course, loose my maternity pay and we would have to survive on DH salary alone etc etc) and topped it all off with an intestinal episode from working myself up.

    So I get my shit together.... go back in ans he comes over to help... In order he said "you win for lookin the least like your picture on your ID" and "I am surprised your not ready to throw something out the window yet"... I have had to cut off all my hair into a bob/pixie because I lost so much being sick and I had figuratively already jumped out the window, screamed and like an adult returned...

    I can't lift weights, play rugby or drink all the wine.... so I have decided to start buying bottles for myself post baby everytime I have a day like this so when I can once again indulge I can raise a glass of FU to the struggle. If anyone else has ideas of how to see the light at the end of the tunnel I will willingly take them!

                                                                  LFAF- Best Olympic Moments...  Jackie Joyner-Kersee


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    @soxfan9968 yay for a great appointment! I've also never seen a baby pee via u/s and that sounds interesting, weird and I'm oddly curious as to what it looks like lol.

    @MrsLeanMeanClean I'm with @skruhmin on this but I do hope everything starts getting better quick!
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    @MrsLeanMeanClean that sounds like it genuinely sucked. I'm sorry. (I totally dig your idea of stockpiling bottles for after baby. Brilliant!! Plus the added benefit of looking judgmental clerks in the eye when you go to pay.) I hope you are feeling better. Way to manage your shit and go back. Some would have lost it as given up.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Can I just take a second to express how jealous I am that you all are actually starting to get cooler weather? It was 90° today. I swear I'm going to die from heat stroke one of these days... I would never trade FL for snow, but when it's November and I'm sweating bullets constantly...
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    skruhmin said:

    Probably what Ev will eat, since I think I'm making pasta.
    I know it was in a thread the other day, but I can't remember where, about not fixing additional meals for people that don't want to eat the main meal. But what do you do if you're making a particular meal that you know one person in your family just cannot eat (due to sensory issue). I mean, he will try stuff he doesn't like, but he literally gags and cries trying to eat pasta. Would you guys make an exception? Am I a pushover?

    For puking sensory issues, I definitely make sure there is something on the table that he/she will eat.  DS1 pukes if we force mashed potatoes - pisses me off every time. 

    My oldest hates mashed potatoes it's something about the texture so before I mash them I remove one potato and cut it into chunks with butter and salt and he can eat it. I was a very picky eater growing up I have a very sensitive palette and can taste individual ingredients in everything I eat so I don't like to eat out much since most places over season their food. I wouldn't force my child to eat anything since I was forced when I was a kid and it made me picker for a much longer time. I don't make anything extra but my second son doesn't like pasta so he'll get bread or leftover rice if I have some made. If it was sensory I would always give an alternative since that isn't really anything he can control.
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    kynbar5 said:

    Why does anyone feel the need to not only resurrect an old pointless thread but also not say anything useful at all? Seriously. I may not be bumping tonight because well, my nerves lol.

    So question... If I had a question that was discussed in an older thread, but didn't clear up my specific inquiry, would it be better to start a new thread, or post on that board? April is really specific about not starting new boards, like ever.
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    @MrsLeanMeanClean I can't offer any wiser words than what @skruhmin and said, but like the others I'm here with ears (or eyes?) and love and support. {{HUGS}} I'm sorry it was such a shitty day. <3 Even with all the stress right now, I know a special ray of sunshine is coming your way in March!</p>

    What she said!!! ^^^

    Seriously, it's ok to be overwhelmed or pissed off every now and then. At least you know you can rant here!! I do remember being so overwhelmed at times when doing my teaching degree. I had already started that degree and I was still finishing my thesis from my masters. I was so overwhelmed I could have quit. Obviously now I'm glad I didn't and I can't imagine having to do it while pregnant but you got this! If you got through it today, you can do it all! :) baby is proud of you!!

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @MrsLeanMeanClean I wish I could make you feel better *hugs*

    So I signed up to sell Scentsy because the lady my mom and I use stopped selling it. I got the sample box today and I wish I could share this with all of you. I'll be spending the whole night smelling every one of them
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    @SarahFoley725 I could google but what is that? Never heard of it! It looks fun!

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

                                                              Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @soxfan9968 glad everything went well!

    @MrsLeanMeanClean hang in there! Maybe seek out help from the instructor? I really can't imagine trying to do difficult courses on top of everything else.

    Thanks for all the suggestions with ds1. Today I even tried bribing him with a new toy if he would eat something. Big fat nope! That being said he was livelier today than I had seen him and drank way more fluids which I am taking as a sign that his appetite may be coming back. he just needs to get over the fear of swallowing. fingers crossed he feels well enough to eat tomorrow. Otherwise we will probably end up at the hospital Friday.

    On top of it all my tv remote is broken and as is our manual tv power button so we are pretty sure we can no longer use our tv. Hoping they can send a replacement remote that will work (we can't program a universal remote if we can't turn the tv on).
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    @MrsLeanMeanClean I wish I could make you feel better *hugs*

    So I signed up to sell Scentsy because the lady my mom and I use stopped selling it. I got the sample box today and I wish I could share this with all of you. I'll be spending the whole night smelling every one of them

    Omg my roomies sells it and I love it!
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    Ran into work super giddy after a/s. Thanks for all the support. I'm kinda bummed I missed seeing it pee too. It happened while ob was checking that whole area so she'd turned of the big monitor I was watching. She just started laughing and said it rarely happens... Welp, definitely NOT bladder shy. She did say it's recorded in the DVD but since we're staying team green I can't watch it until later. :|

    @labacker good luck tomorrow!!

    @Stormiewinter ugh!! How does the world continue to function when you can't watch tv!?!

    @MrsLeanMeanClean so sorry you've had a rough time. I was just complaining to DH about how hard it was to tutor physics, chemistry and pre-cal simultaneously but all of that seems sooo much more manageable in comparison to comp. sci. ((Hugs)) kudos to you for having the endurance to remain in a such a difficult program while pregnant!!

    December Siggy Challenge

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    kitteh81kitteh81 member
    edited November 2015
    @MrsLeanMeanClean I am right there with you, sister. I've been crying on and off all day, because of stress and just being overwhelmed with life. I'm falling behind in my courses, and I need to keep my GPA high or I'll lose my scholarships and won't have the chance to get further scholarships or grants, which I absolutely NEED in order to survive my student teaching semester. I'm just going for my Masters, though, I can't even imagine the pressures of a PhD program. 

    I have so much work to do, but I'm so overwhelmed that I just feel like I'm lost in a fog. I can't seem to get started, and once I start I can't seem to process or retain anything that I'm reading. I'm constantly ridiculously exhausted, it feels like the extreme first trimester exhaustion. But sleep doesn't seem to do anything to lift the fog (that is, when I can manage to get any, which is rare.) The stress and exhaustion mean I've been a horrible cranky wife and mother, I feel so bad for my family because it's been really rough on them too.

    We're also in the middle of trying to transfer to a larger apartment, because we're currently in a ONE BEDROOM with 2 adults and two small children and a baby on the way. It's a fairly large one-bedroom, with lots of closet space, but we cannot stay here after baby is born! Unfortunately, the landlord has offered us a 2-bedroom/1-bath apartment (we requested a 3-bed/2-bath) We went to see it today, and it's pretty much the same size as our current apartment, just laid out differently. And poorly laid out, at that. The courtyard in the building looks like a prison yard. I started crying almost as soon as I walked into the place, and haven't stopped much since. So we're turning it down, which means we just have to wait and hope that something better comes up before this baby is born. There aren't any guarantees, though. *SOB*

    I think I'm going to call off work tomorrow. I need a mental health day. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get any of my uni work done, but maybe I can just sleep and hopefully wake up feeling less gloom and doom about life.
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    @spacemountianeer congrats!!
    I'm wondering did the florist give your mom that blurple color? Very cute ways to reveal gender. I did giggle thinking about the "blue nuts" ;)

    December Siggy Challenge

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    @spacemountianeer congrats I a healthy baby and welcome to the ever-growing boy club! :) I thought the gifts you picked were cute but the whole vase deal would have aggravated me.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    Wahooooo to more boys.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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