June 2013 Moms

The thread of all threads!


Re: The thread of all threads!

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    edited December 2013
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    Ugh. So, we have begun to babyproof as Max is now army crawling. We bought a new tv stand 2 years ago. Really nice. You know, glass top, sharp corners, glass doors. Would not have bought said tv stand had we known we weren't done with babies. He keeps crawling over to it and hitting his face. I have a feeling we may end up shopping for a new, less dangerous one soon. I wonder if Target has those on clearance too...
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    @funkyphoenix I would swear we were married to the same man. Except, DD2 wakes up earlier than the baby. So, with both of them.. he no longer gets to do this successfully. He still tries, but no dice. On the rare occasion he gets up, I love hearing him try to feed Max while DD2 is asking for breakfast or telling him she needs helped because "daddy.. .I poooooped". Then DD1 usually wakes up at some point and starts talking to him and asking her first of a billion questions of the day. Ha. Hang in there. Clearly some days it's more amusing than frustrating.
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    @ tiffletons518 and @nursemommy13 Omgosh! These guys! WTH?! I hate to think something unfortunate could happen while they are "up with the babies" but jeez... I feel like MH needs a wake up call. I might have to do a mean prank or something to show him how negligent this is. Lol. With us (moms) the babies' needs ALWAYS come before our own but guys apparently are just not wired that way. At least these guys ;)
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    @Subliminalrabbit we are at 28 weeks. Is this a wonder week? I don't keep up with that stuff. Sometimes I think it's better not knowing what's coming. Ha.
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    @funkyphoenix My H used to work nights and we had an incident that could have been unfortunate. I was still working at the time and used to work Saturday mornings from like 9-1. Well, H would work Friday night, come home and eat breakfast and hang out with DD1 while I worked. Then he would go to sleep once I got home. Yeah. I come home one day, and he's laying on the couch sleeping with his back facing the living room. If he was facing, he would have seen the goldfish everywhere when he opened his eyes. But, that wasn't the bad part. I smelled something when I came home and apparently DD1 got into the Nair while I was gone and tried to Nair our dining room carpet. Thank you Lord she didn't get any into her hair or eyes. I questioned the smell when I came in, he explained it to me, and apologized for falling asleep but that everything was ok now. My response, "Ok, well then when did that (pointing to the goldfish mess) happen?" Him, Ooops. Men.
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    @tiffletons518 Gahhh!!! How scary! And he still falls asleep after that?
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    @funkyphoenix I would be livid.
    @nursemommy13 @tiffletons518

    My hubs is the same way.

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    @funkyphoenix No. Not after listening to me list the ways that could have gone really bad and lecturing him incessantly. He learned his lesson. He generally just tries to get the baby to nap with him. Like @nursemommy13 said about lo smacking him in the face and whatnot. Lol.
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    @funkyphoenix, no, but weeks 29 & 30 are general fussy weeks (looks like separation anxiety starts maybe?), so perhaps he's starting in early?  It's right where Ezra's at.

    Hmm. Maybe so. I've just noticed that outside of double teething he just does not seem like his happy self. He's in a whiny funk all day for the last several days, even when I'm with him. Maybe that's due to the teething too.

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    @funkyphoenix my SO has done that too. I had a doctors appt one morning so I made him get up with LO and feed him. They were both awake when I left. I was gone barely an hour and when I get back SO is passed out in bed snoring and LO is laying in the boppy on my side of the bed screaming and crying. SO sleeps through literally anything so he didn't hear LO crying. Needless to say I was pissed and I will never have him do that again!
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    @funkyphoenix, no, but weeks 29 & 30 are general fussy weeks (looks like separation anxiety starts maybe?), so perhaps he's starting in early?  It's right where Ezra's at.

    Oh no! Guess where we are at?!? We are in a fussy period, between weeks 29 and 30. Wahhhh

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    Yeah, I thought it was due to teething (we have a couple of white dots) until I saw Wonder Weeks.  Teething does not really explain the constant whine/scream/cry and the awful time I'm having getting him back to sleep.

    E is acting the same way and my app says she's not in the gray fussy period for another week. I have noticed the beginnings of seperation anxiety, so maybe she started it early?

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    We aren't in the gray area yet either and we've definitely hit the seperation anxiety phase. Grayson has also been in a weird funk the last couple days and has been super cranky. We've probably started the next leap early.
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    @colieann31 That is terrible! Poor baby! That's something my husband would do as well. I think this is why I'm not totally terrified to put my kid in daycare. It has to be as good or better than MH watching him. Lol.
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    @phishgirl29 I giggled at the thought of you pumping during a concert. ;-)
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    @CindyRelluh I just might pump in the family bathroom on NYE. I'm going to a show tonight so I'll see how my boobs feel. NYE is an additional 2-3 hours so I'm planning on bringing the manual pump. Shits about to get weird!!!

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    IVF #1 September 2012, beta #1: 213; beta #2: 580. Expecting Twins! 
    EDD 6/9 lost one angel at 9w3d :( 
    Baby boy arrived 6/1/13
    FET #1 10/14, BFP -Chemical Pregnancy :(
    Everyone Welcome

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    @phishgirl29 I tried to take mine into see the Texans game and they wouldn't let me. I was a few drinks in and livid. They said nothing could go in that was bigger than this tiny square. Me and DH had to walk all the way back to the car and I had to pump in there. I hope they don't give you any trouble.
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    Being OOT without internet access means when you finally get it back the thread of all threads has 600 new posts. So I did not read all the words but am glad to be back. I missed my bump ladies :). For those not on the FB page just wanted to drop a lil tidbit to let you know that we unfortunately miscarried our twins :(. But it won't stop us from trying again :).

    DD1 5/16/2006 8lbs 3oz 21" (2 days late, 36.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/08/09 6w5d
    DS1 6/27/2013 7lbs 9oz 19.5" (1 day late, 17.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/18/13 6w1d Twins
    BFP#5 4/6/13 EDD 12/16/2014

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    @heartlikemine3 my cousin works for the Texans. Pointless info, I know.
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    Thank you @chicagochic82 I missed all y'all ladies!

    DD1 5/16/2006 8lbs 3oz 21" (2 days late, 36.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/08/09 6w5d
    DS1 6/27/2013 7lbs 9oz 19.5" (1 day late, 17.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/18/13 6w1d Twins
    BFP#5 4/6/13 EDD 12/16/2014

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    @pinkpuffyheart2 I would have given you a jacket or something IRL!!
                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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    Every baby is different. I feel bad your guy has been sick so long :(
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    I didn't buy the wonder weeks app cause it cost a couple bucks. Lol. Idk why but I don't like spending money on apps. What's with that? Lol so I have no idea when the wonder weeks are...


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    I didn't buy the wonder weeks app cause it cost a couple bucks. Lol. Idk why but I don't like spending money on apps. What's with that? Lol so I have no idea when the wonder weeks are...

    @KellenHi21, Meh. I have the app, but I have seriously considering uninstalling it. I'd rather not know sometimes.
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    There are 1,100 responses I've yet to read on this thread. Darn...think I'll skip to the end.
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    My new Netflix addiction = Damages
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