April 2014 Moms

Longest Thread EVER! (aka Random Thoughts Thread )


Re: Longest Thread EVER! (aka Random Thoughts Thread )

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    LoriMc12 said:

    @SoulTermination  I was having the same problem and was so tired of soaking poopy clothing.  DS is about 14 lbs. and is in size 2 diapers.  I was using Target brand and Pampers and neither contained the poop efficiently.  I ended up trying Huggies Little Snugglers and they have been working well.  There was only 1 poop blowout in the past 10 days as opposed to 2x/day with the other diapers.

    Gah, I'm hoping the solution won't be expensive diapers, but it's nice to know I'm not alone in getting pooped on so much!

    A14 Siggy Challenge (November): Favorite Fall Smell
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    tess is about 14-15 pounds now and i just ordered my next package of diaps from amazon in size 3.  our size 2s go 12-16 pounds and the 3s start at 16 pounds.  i also definitely would NOT go to size 4.  my 4 year old is in size 4s now for his one overnight pull-up.  

    i'm finding she is peeing through her one overnight disposable on about half of her nights.  i don't change her for her overnight feeding and she basically goes 10-12 hours in that one diaper.  there's no such thing as specific overnight diaps for this size in the seventh generation brand...  overnights start at size 4 :(  i know i could change her in the middle of the night, but (FFMC) i just don't want to.  i'd rather let her stew in her urine.   i just need a diaper that can handle it.  any suggestions?  i want to stay in the natural diaper zone, so no pampers/target/etc
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    The Bump is telling me I'm 42 weeks and 85 days pregnant. Lol! Can you imagine??

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    So if I texted my DH an SOS text due to A's screaming about 30 min ago, how do I explain that me drinking a 22 of oatmeal stout in that time was an effort to boost supply, not to drink away the screams?

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
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    @MamaFantastic‌ on screen names: you changed yours once already, you don't remember? On diapers: we use Bambo's for overnight and I'm amazed at how much those suckers can hold. I love the feel much more than 7th generation, and just like them way better than any other natural disposable I've tried. We just started having issues with leaks overnight the last three days, but I've been thinking Josie needs to move up a size anyway. They sometimes show her little butt crack in the last four days. They run large, which is nice. We're just moving into size twos and she's just 12 pounds. The size ones say they for up to 9 (I think) but they fit like a dream until just this week. Give em a try. Seriously, they hold a LOT.
    2014-08-24 15.36.57-2  2014-08-23 17.20.12
    2014-08-24 15.22.00  2014-08-20 12.19.26
    Fell in Love: January 2003 
    Married: May 2006
    Baby Girl Born: April 2014
    If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: 
    I am here to live out loud!
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    @mamafantastic go to the knot, sign in, and access your account. There is a spot for username, change it there!
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    good to know, BIRL!  i'll check that brand out.

    i'm talking about my ooooold knot account from 2004 - one i haven't used in years.  it's just sitting dormant but it has a username i don't want to keep, so i'd rather just change the username so i can have that second account as a backup.
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    I think you have to have a different email address connected to it.
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    I'm always the one who puts DD to bed...letting DH try tonight and it sounds like it's going horribly. I want to go rescue them both and it's only been a few minutes!
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    I'm feeling really overwhelmed right now and I'm feeling like nobody is realizing it even though I keep trying to tell my family.
    DS1 has a cardiology appointment tomorrow morning to get an EKG, echo and meet with the dr to see if his heart is ok.
    I'm having a hard time with the fact that it's been 3 months since we have seen DH. I'm having a hard time realizing how much time has gone by, I'm just in survival mode.
    I'm having a hard time with the fact that we are moving in 6 weeks, yet again, and I still don't know what town we are moving to.
    I'm having a hard time accepting and adjusting to my weight loss and find myself sabotaging it now. I was 210 when I got pregnant with DS1, 177 when I got pregnant with DS2 and I'm now 164. I obviously still have weight to lose but it's hard to realize and accept my new body, that I'm almost in a healthy weight zone again after so many years being obese.
    I'm just so tired.
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    Neapolitan cheesecake or Mai tai cheesecake
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    @celticlullaby‌ Josie's teething, too. It's not too early, but I'm so not ready!

    @Tferr02‌ Hon, that would overwhelm anyone. I'll be praying for you. I second Dani'a suggestion - is people aren't getting it, ask specifically for what you need. Sometimes people just need to be given a way to help and they're happy to do it. I love @poru's idea, I've never ward that one! Totally gonna try it.
    2014-08-24 15.36.57-2  2014-08-23 17.20.12
    2014-08-24 15.22.00  2014-08-20 12.19.26
    Fell in Love: January 2003 
    Married: May 2006
    Baby Girl Born: April 2014
    If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: 
    I am here to live out loud!
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    Why do cats need a sitter?? :-/

    If they're like ours, it's cause they're needy as all fuck. Gotta change the litter, feed them, play with them, looooove them. I love my furries but they're attention whores. We can't go away for a night without them freaking out. Seriously. It's the worst.

    Yet I love them soooooo!
    September Siggy Challenge: Singing in the Shower


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    Had a snooze and woke up to my dog passed out, and one of the cats had worked her way under the sheets with me. Ha!

    @dani+california‌ I woke up the other morning to our dog freaking out because he had somehow worked his eye INSIDE our duvet cover and couldn't get out.

    I wondered there what on earth was wrong with your dog before I realized the typo.

    Bahahahahah whoops!! Not going to even change it since it was already two pages ago.


     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    KimC85 said:

    @SoulTermination‌ I would try a different brand. Brielle has had blowouts in Kirkland and Huggies, but pampers we have had zero issues with.

    Kirkland I can't stand. Every time she pooped it came out, massive shart or not, and I got peed on a couple times, too! Didn't even make it through one box. The employee DH asked about them said their brand is required to be the same standard as the best brand on the market. Bullshit, or the best brand isn't very good!

    We're almost done with our current box of diapers, thinking we'll try the Target ones next!

    A14 Siggy Challenge (November): Favorite Fall Smell
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    J&NLJ&NL member
    Hey, I'm sure plenty of people think shooting a deer in the heart with an bow and arrow is sick. We don't all have to agree. :) 
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    J&NLJ&NL member
    Hey, I'm sure plenty of people think shooting a deer in the heart with an bow and arrow is sick. We don't all have to agree. :) 
    Enh just let him cry it out, he'll be fine
    Yeah, he'll eventually just bleed out. NBD.
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    avidkeoavidkeo member
    edited July 2014
    Crying it out is apparently the new circumcision...there's our next UO debate! @avidkeo‌ I'm sorry you kinda got shat on for sharing your story, I was just curious about what I'd been reading this week. I hope you stick around for longer this time! Good seeing you back.
    Meh takes more than that to scare me away! love you comparing it to circumcision - I was tempted to compare it to vaccinations but think your analogy is better! 

    Edit to add: Did my story help you out at all? When I went back and re-read I realise I kinda went off topic and didn't really answer the questions you actually asked, but don't want to continue stirring the pot so am just leaving it now.
    Angel baby June 2013, DD born 22 April 2014, BFP 10 Sept 2015 - Due 22 May 2016
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    J&NLJ&NL member
    Duncan won't stop biting today. He's chewing the shit out of his binky and screaming currently, and I swear I feel a bump on the bottom right side that isn't in the left. I'm freaked out that he might be teething already. DS1 didn't get a tooth until 9 months - isn't this super early? Please let this just be a bad mood, I'm so sore from one day of chompiness!
    Liam is the same way. Drooling, hard gums, screams in pain, upset stomach.. the whole lovely shebang. I found this elixir called bye bye teething, hello sleep and it helps a lot. They also have a gum rub to pair with it and it's all holistic so no chemicals. Yayyy.  :D
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    @SoulTermination‌ I would definitely try different brands. We went through a huge gifted stash and hated every brand except for pampers. They just fit/contain better than huggies or target brand for Sullivan. I'm glad we had all the options though, so we could find that out! And yeah, expensive sucks buuut... Sometimes you do get what you pay for and if you can keep baby excrement off of you, that may be worth a few extra bucks for a while.
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    J&NLJ&NL member
    SoulTermination- Luvs worked the best for us. Never had any blowouts or leaks! They are also one of the cheapest so that was a plus. 
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    @NoLaLinz I had been meaning to tell you that DS wore the onesie you gave him for the Christmas onesie exchange for his 1 month pictures.  We have gotten so many compliments on that onesie! I'm sad that it hasn't fit him in awhile now.  It is now in a box to be used with the next baby.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    MC #1 January 2013
    DS born 4/06/14
    MC #2 August 2015
    CP November 2015
    MC#3 January 2016
    BFP 5/11/16  EDD 1/19/17
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    J&NLJ&NL member
    @Tferr soooo many hugs to you. Hang in there. How long is DH gone? Do you have help during the move? I'm assuming your military so if I were you, definitely use TMO! Good luck at the cardiology appt. 
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    Skipping a lot of posts. DD finally got to see a Rheumatologist today. Ordered more labs and a bone scan. She will also be seeing an infectious disease specialist. If we don't find any answers with these tests then we'll move on to more. They even mentioned the possibility of a bone marrow aspiration.....I really hope we start finding answers soon.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
                                ~Missed MC at 8 weeks. D&C at 12 weeks on 4/17/13~ 
       Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Hi RTT! The stupid bump app on my phone updated and wouldn't load A14. Loaded every other board but this one. Not much here except DD2 is now rolling both ways, and laughing! Plus we found out that DD1 needs a lot of speech therapy, and they think she NEEDS a school setting because she's only ever been at home with me and not socialized with other kids. The lady actually said she may be behind in social skills, so that hurt a little bit.

    Hope everybody else is doing well!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers 
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    TallaBTallaB member
    I'm sooo behind on RTT because I had to work all weekend. I'm probably the only person in the WORLD who can't bump at work :'(

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    J&NLJ&NL member
    @thomas930 i hope y'all get answers soon.
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    TallaBTallaB member
    jbug88 said:
    I'm sooo behind on RTT because I had to work all weekend. I'm probably the only person in the WORLD who can't bump at work :'(
    Not quite the world but maybe your state? If I remember correctly you are in healthcare? Me too and I can't do anything fun at work. :((
    Yes! We can commiserate together!!

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