June 2013 Moms

All Work and No Spam Makes Jack a Dull Boy

@ASmallWonder‌ @kdc2007‌

Happy halloween y'all
                                                              #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                   Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13

Re: All Work and No Spam Makes Jack a Dull Boy

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    I hope things look better soon, @subliminalrabbit‌.

    I had a scary couple hours last night. When I tried to get up from the floor after changing B's diaper (he's cooperativeish on the floor, but screams on the changing table) I got a really sharp pain in the right side of my ribs. I've had it before, but usually only after I've been lying on my chest for too long. It's okay if I don't move, and hurts the worst when I take a deep breath. I've never had it checked out because it usually resolves pretty quickly. Well, it was so bad last night that I basically couldn't even bear weight on my right side at all. I sat down and watched a parks & Rec with DH to wait it out and felt fine, but still couldn't stand up afterward. Then I lied down and iced it (and fell asleep) and it was totally fine. I'm sure I just strained a muscle or something, but now I'm super paranoid that it's going to happen at work or getting out of bed and I won't be able to work. Sub plans are SUCH a nightmare for me. I should probably just suck it up and let them watch a movie for an emergency plan, but I'm just not that kind of teacher.


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    What time do you all usually start trick or treating? I've never been with little kids so I'm used to starting later in the evening but I'll need to start earlier with G but not sure what time.
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    @babygsmommy so I'm gonna take a red-eye out of Cali next Thursday after I arrive on Wednesday, I don't think we will be able to hang, sorry!
                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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    WasNotWas said:

    @coliann31 we usually do 6 or 6:30, we are the first ones out but we get home in time for bed :)

    That's what I was thinking.
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    majwv8 said:

    What time do you all usually start trick or treating? I've never been with little kids so I'm used to starting later in the evening but I'll need to start earlier with G but not sure what time.

    Is there a certain time in your city? Ours is only from 6-8. 

    I never thought about that. Off to do some research!
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    I've had little kids at my door as early as 4pm, but usually the majority of the young ones start showing up around 5-5:30. We will probably go around that time, but we are just going to drive around to some of our friends houses, my mom's and a few of her friends who want to see M in her costume. We won't do any houses we don't know so I don't think its a huge deal if we are earlier than most
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    My pregnant next door neighbor just posting on our local young moms list serv that she is "planning to hibernate for the winter" and was looking for recommendations for grocery services that deliver. I wonder if everything is OK and want to offer her help if she needs, but I also don't want to be creepy/nosey. If I had any input about her actual question I would reply with that and add "by the way if you need help I could do some shopping for you" but I don't have any input about her actual question.

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    @mcbush that is such a great suggestions! Except we live in Canada and therefore miss out on much Amazon awesome..... :-<

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    Trick or treating is only from 6-7:30 here- yup-- limited to 90 minutes of fun.
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    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
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    megaroo64 said:

    Trick or treating is only from 6-7:30 here- yup-- limited to 90 minutes of fun.

    What is the point of the time limits? Other than you know time limits. Is someone ringing your doorbell at 5:30 or 7:45 that much trouble?
    I don't know why the cities around here do that- but they ALL do. Oh and trick or treating is on Thursday- not Friday. That was a huge debacle in our neighborhood- there was a vote to move it to Friday- caused A huge divide in the neighborhood... Trust me, you do not want my problems.
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    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
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    Wait, trick or treating NOT on Halloween?!

    Yup- it interfered with high school football- so basically all the communities around here moved it to Thursday. Might work out for us this year though- Thursday is supposed to be beautiful weather- and it is supposed to be really crappy out on Friday.
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    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
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    @mcbush Well check that out, apparently there is subscriber and save! Off to do more research... There is "amazon family" for 20% of diapers with Prime, but few people I know have Prime because amazon.ca isn't that amazing.

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    Since my street is 60%-75% religious Jews we get zero ToTers. I'm happy I don't need to worry about any of it.

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