March 2019 Moms

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Re: Introduce yourself here!

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    Yay! Congrats @auburnvelvet86! You will find lots of former TTGPers on this BMB! 
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    @auburnvelvet86 YAY!!! I was hoping you'd be with us. I was stalking TTGP all weekend looking for your post.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    @loveanddatadriven sure! Come on in!
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    @auburnvelvet86 - YAYAYAYAY! congrats, lady!
    Me: 38 DH: 41
    Married: 2016
    BFP #1 4/23/18, blighted ovum 5/29/18
    BFP#2 7/14/18, DS 4/5/19
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    navetenavete member
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    @emarcinek99 congrats! I also found out I was pregnant the day before my bday. You're absolutely right. It was a great bday present.
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    sejicasejica member
    @kaykaysea I know what you mean, I even asked my ob's office if he was supposed to come to the first one because it seemed so weird. He ended up coming to all my US appointments (7w, 20w, 40w, 41w) with our first, and it was only because he was mesmerized at that first video. Now that the novelty has worn off, we plan for him to stay home with dd this go round.
    BabyName Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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    Hello all. I am 36 years old, married, and have two beautiful princesses (3.5 and almost 2). Just found out we are expending our 3 baby! The regular due date calendars say I am due March 27, but when I did a newer calculator that takes into account my longer cycle length (33/34 days) it has my due date as April 2/3. So who knows. My first baby was born on her due date and my second was a week late. 
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    cdiddy81cdiddy81 member
    edited July 2018
    @shrub we also thought we we’re 2 and through until January when we decide to try until June. I called to schedule my bcp visit 1 day before the bfp! I’m glad to see several moms of 3+ on here as im a little nervous about about it!
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    lisee923 said:
    EDD is 3/22 based on last period.  This is my second pregnancy.  I have an almost 3.5 year old girl who was born 9.5 half weeks premature due to IUGR and preeclampsia.  We were casually not preventing and are still in a bit of a shock (found out this past Saturday).  I'll automatically be high risk and am hoping to go much further this pregnancy.  
    My daughter was born 11.5 weeks early due to blood clots in my umbilical cord causing IUGR. She is also 3.5. We can keep in touch this pregnancy as I’m also having the same fears as you, if you’d like! I don’t even have a due date yet as I found out super early but I’m thinking end of March, early April. How’s your daughter now? 
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    @delliott2017 & @catlady2015

    I had one discovered at 7 weeks too, it was pretty awful and I was a wreck with my rainbow baby. Hoping for healthy little ones for you this go around!
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    mayosmmayosm member
    Sounds like a lovely family! Your kids must be thrilled! 
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    mayosmmayosm member
    Hi @babycolima12!  We are also posted abroad!  It can be a little scary but it sounds like you will manage just fine! Let's keep in touch! 
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