July 2018 Moms

It's Labor Time!


Re: It's Labor Time!

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    Question, for anyone who has experienced back labor: what does that feel like? I always imagined it would be a crampy ache in the lower back that comes and goes like contractions. But for over an hour now I have this constant crampy ache in my upper back. Moving around and repositioning is not helping. This doesn’t sound like back labor does it? Ugh so uncomfortable trying to get work done. 
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    @MichelleAG05 7/17 would most likely be my induction date also (and my dads birthday). I think you’re right. I should just start planning off that.
    I feel like no matter how much early labor I have, this is never going to happen. 
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    I think if I go late I will get induced on the 13th or 14th. But I'm trying not to even consider that and thinking babe WILL come on his own!
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    @zande2016 It does not sound like it to me..at least for me back labor was a very sharp and intense pain in my lower back that lasts for however long the contraction is..it is not an achey soreness but rather *pain*. It might be different for everyone but it straight took my breath away. It was waaaaaaay worse then any of the normal period style contractions ever thought of being. I have quite a high pain tolerence and it took me out of the med free labor game quick! I’ve heard switching to an all fours to get pressure off the back helps or counterpressure with massage but I was hollering for an epidural before I could get that far. Good luck!!!
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    I wouldn’t imagine you’d have back labor in your upper back @zande2016
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    I'm excited for everyone having early labor signs! I wonder who is next!

    I'm still here with ZERO labor signs, still no idea what a BH even feels like. I will be 38 weeks this weekend so I'm trying not to stress about it.
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    Thanks @hillbillywife @BrittG13 I figured back labor would be much lower and more intense, this weird achy cramping just won’t let up though! Gonna soak in the tub again tonight. 
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    +1 for what @BrittG13 said about back labor. Felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife in the low back/pelvic region. Luckily for me I only had 3 of those back contractions. 
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    @runsomewhere we're in the same club. I'm ok with it until I hit 40 weeks. Then I'll want to move things along:)
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    Was in the hospital all night with contractions about 3 minutes apart lasting almost 2 minutes each. Wouldn't dialate past 3 cm so im home now. At this point i dont even know when i would head back since contractions are already so consistent :( Maybe Ill be meeting this little one soon!
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    @sm05-2 what an ordeal! Why did the midwife want you to dilate if you’re having a c section though? I hope things either calm down until Monday or labor becomes clearer - this limbo is no fun. 

    On a a side note, I keep seeing/hearing things about hospitals being super busy with babies coming right now and I’m getting nervous about the hospital being full when I go into labor! I’ve been told June is super busy but July slows down so I hope that’s true. (I just don’t want to get stuck with the room without a tub, or even worse, having to share!) 
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    @kissableviv I'm trying to be patient and remind myself that there is still lots of time. I feel fine so I'm in no real rush.

    What's stressing me out a bit is that this is identical to how I felt with my DD at this point. With that pregnancy I never had a single contraction till I was on pitocin for 12 hours AND had my water broken by my OB.

    I know that it's not a huge deal if I have the same experience again and that delivery was totally fine but I would love a much more natural process this time. 

    @sm05-2 good luck! Also, excuse my ignorance but why are they making you walk to dilate if you're having a scheduled CS?
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    sm05-2sm05-2 member
    @zande2016 and @runsomewhere, that’s a good question about dilation. The midwife said it would help determine more positively if I’m in labor. You’re both right that they wouldn’t want me to dilate too much, and in looking back at this afternoon, it does seem odd. 

    @runsomewhere crossing my fingers that you’ll get the more natural process you want!

    @zande2016 Interesting about what you heard about hospitals being busy now—I wonder if it has to do with July vacations? Maybe psychologically women want to get their babies out before then? Though I know that’s kind of a crazy idea in and of itself. 
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    @zande2016 @sm05-2 DH and I went on our hospital tour and the doula who was touring us also said that the hospital is most busy with babies in the summer!  Interesting!
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    Isn’t it a full moon today too? 
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    It could partly be the full moon, but also the hospital tour guide told us a lot of women who are teachers and have summers off try to have their babies in June. She also said 9 months after holidays like Christmas and valentines are big, but those don’t conincide with summer. When I was in L&D last Friday it was a madhouse. 
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    acunamatadaacunamatada member
    edited June 2018
    39 weeks today (actually 39 weeks this past Tuesday if I’m counting by my MW’s clock.. which at this point I am.) I’ve had zero labor signs in the past few days after a solid week of what felt like early labor. Soooooo frustrating! 
    I can’t wait for my appt tomorrow morning to see if I’ve made any progress and hopefully get a sweep. Bless you ladies who aren’t in a rush... I’m dying here!

    @zande2016 that’s interesting that they said July is slower than June, I would have thought there would be more babies with the heat. 

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    @zande2016 I had back labour with my twins. It felt like someone was ripping my spine out through my lower back. I was crawling across the bed trying to get away from the pain pre-epidural. 

    I’ve been having some mild cramping and lower back pain the last few days at night but nothing timeable or significant. A little bit I’d like to get her out before July 1 with residency change over happening but I don’t have much say lol. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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    nimmlenimmle member
    @comealongponds this is why I’m glad I won’t be at a teaching hospital. Lol
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    Another cervix check today and no progress :cry: she said at my next appointment on Tuesday we will start talking about induction. In the meantime I guess it’s time to ramp up my attempts to dilate and get my cervix ready. Sex sex sex and walking walking walking. She suggested accupuncture and a massage. Guess I have to try To find time and money for that. Starting to get really nervous and anxious about being induced. 
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    @zande2016 stimulate your nipples!! (I've heard it's extremely effective).
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    @canucklehead123 my H goes to town on them during sex. I think he knows that's gonna get shut down for a year once the baby comes and I'm breastfeeding so he's definitely been paying them a lot of attention. And I've been letting him in the hopes it'll help lol. I guess I could try pumping but I feel like that's something I'd try the night before going in for induction. Maybe I'll check with the midwife on that. 
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    I'm seeing my OB at 11. I want a cervix check but I don't know if he will do it since I'll be 38 weeks this weekend. I'd be shocked if anything was happening but I still want to know.
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    @zande2016 I get heartburn in my back, specifically at the same level as the bottom of my ribs in the front, but in my back. It sometimes even travels up between my shoulder blades. Maybe that's what you're feeling?
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    @TalesOfASocialIntrovert very possible! The heartburn is definitely still going strong. 
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    @zande2016 kind of jealous that you can still think about having sex. At 3cm now and still having important obligations between now and due date we are too scared to have sex and induce labor!

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
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    @runsomewhere - I was the same as you with my first - felt no contractions at all until they "suddenly hit" 2.5-3 minutes apart, even though the monitors showed I was having them before.  My docs suggested that I either have a high tolerance for pain, or just don't notice.  Since then I've paid closer attention and there are times when I think to myself "Oh, that's a weird position he's holding" or "That's uncomfortable, I need to move positions".  Turns out those are BH contractions. Maybe you're the same? Sharing in case it helps ease your mind. :)  Hopefully you do get a cervix check today if you decide that you want one!
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    @flockofmoosen3 I hope your baby stays in until you're ready! If I weren't facing induction - possibly a week from today - I would not be forcing myself to have all the sex. Don't get me wrong, I actually do enjoy it once it gets going, and I know after baby we will have a 6-8 week dry spell, but everything is so sore right now and I'm so exhausted. I'd be happy with like once a week haha. If you're missing sex though, I don't think occasional sex will put you into labor... Who knows though. These babies just do what they want it seems.
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    I got my cervix check today at my appointment. Nothing. Maybe a finger tip dilated. Oh well.
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    brookpbrookp member
    The end is so hard. I feel for you @zande2016
    I have a question, how do you know if you lose a piece of mucous plug or if it's just discharge? I pooped (tmi) and I looked in the toilet and saw a fairly small bit of mucous, it looked like light yellow rubber. Thoughts?

    I've been having BH contractions and some cramping that feels like I have to poop or period cramps
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    @brookp Idk that mucousy looking discharge is considered normal so I always count it as plug. I haven’t had any discharge like that until now. But maybe I’m thinking wrong? 
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    @brookp I’ve been losing it in pieces (in toilet and paper). Same thing happened with DS. Definitely a different consistency than discharge. 
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    I kind of agree my discharge is super watery if I had mucousy discharge I would assume plug.
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    brookpbrookp member
    @wildtot thanks! that's a good point. 
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    When I lost my MP it actually started as smaller pieces I would lose but mine was very distinct that's what it was. It was brown in color and stringy in appearance. The night my water broke I lost what had either regenerated or what was left of it in full but also mixed with bloody show. Not sure if it indicates labor is near since they can regenerate but FWIW I had been losing mine just the week prior to my water breaking when i lost the entire thing.
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    My partial mucous plug today was definitely what I would describe as a brown slug, and I remember losing some like it within days of labor with my previous two. Today I also had a little bit of bright red mucous right before the plug fell out. It was the first I have seen of it this pregnancy. 

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
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